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Fan Montage : "Adam Lambert....Erotica"

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 6, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, February 06, 2011

Featuring hot clips of Adam on stage!

Thanks Eva for the tip!


Anonymous said...

You post this on Sunday afternoon! Get your mind out of the gutter, this is definitely a Friday and Saturday night video. right click, save. I'll admit any day is a good day for Adam Erotica.

Fan4fun said...

@ Eva

Come on girl, be nice to me, I just got home from my church!
Oh, sweet dancing sin!!! UNF! Time to bed now (literally).

Anonymous said...

This is too sexy.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to take a breath watching all those sexy moves, his eyes and lips. What a treat for a Sunday afternoon.

Rebecca said...

what a great post

Anonymous said...

WOW! This one blew me away! Powerful words for such a man with a powerful voice!
Can you imagine being in his presence, & knowing you are there with the man, the voice, all that energy into one human being? I know his friends don't look at him like we do, but they will(I mean,Adam himself doesn't realise how powerful he is & will be).

Anonymous said...

AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TO EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ADAM, what are you doing to us????????????? We are so the lucky ones to be in on the ground floor of his shooting star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful video!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i didn't want that to ever end

Adamluv said...

Just got back from taking a cold shower after viewing that video and listening to that song!OMG! Is he for real???????

Anonymous said...

@Eva Thank you, dear. This is very hot! Now I have to find some sleep pill:)
@Fan4fun You are very very very FUNNY!!!
Love you girls.

Anonymous said...

Adam should make a sexy movie and we never get out of the house alive!! He!He!

Anonymous said...


What a flexible body!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good actor or he's probably had great sex sometimes..

Anonymous said...

He is coming with the clouds
And every eye will see him
Everyone who pierced him
And all the tribes of the earth will wail on account of him

Anonymous said...

Oh dear... HOT!

Anonymous said...

Adam is an animal!! If I had to choose what kind of animal Adam would be, a wolf. Wolves, always have that look in their eyes, they can stare you down, they can stare down any other animal. & that's what Adam can do. Remeber he had one on his backdrop screen.

Anonymous said...

correction , excuse me, Remember, he had a pic of a wolf on his screen.

Anonymous said...

I'm quite certain I shouldn't watch these clips. I do have high blood pressure. I also have no will power.

If I die...I die.


Anonymous said...

I love the way, after an extremely erotic performance, Adam will just shrug his shoulders, give his audience that sweet, sexy smile - as if to say, Is that what you wanted ??

ADAMLUV said...

JAK! YOU ARE FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY! Thanks for the laugh!

Anonymous said...


I assure you I am DEAD serious!


Anonymous said...

JAK - ha, ha - I call that "Death by Adam"! We are all walking zombies leaving comments on this site, so - WELCOME to our world! We've all died many times over. :)

- Adam Fix