How 16 Rockers Came Out of the Closet
Filed Under (rollingstone ) by Admin on Monday, February 7, 2011
Posted at : Monday, February 07, 2011

3. Adam Lambert
The theatrical, glam-rock American Idol runner-up seemed like a shoo-in to win Season Eight, which would have made him the first show's first gay winner. But Lambert came in second, and didn't come out until after the finale aired. "I don't think it should be a surprise for anyone to hear I'm gay," he said in a Rolling Stone cover story. Lovesick female members of the Glambert Fan Club were devastated, but pledged their support in spite of the news.
In 2009, Lambert's sexually charged America Music Awards performance featured him kissing a male bassist and simulating oral sex with a male dancer, which earned him the ire of the Parents Television Council. "My goal was not to piss people off, it was to promote freedom of expression and artistic freedom," he told Rolling Stone. The outspoken pop star recently debuted on the Billboard 200 chart at Number Four for "Whataya Want From Me," off the 2011 Grammy Nominees CD.
Source: Rolling Stone
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I wasn't 'devastated' when he came out.
I can still finger my pussy thinking about him!
How long before we can have an article about Adam without mentioned the AMAs?
Not sure who the other fifteen rockers are??? Treasure my copy of RS with Adam. About time to do another one--hey he sells magazines.
Devastated......Gimme a break...I didn't even think about him being gay or straight...all I ever thought about was WHAT A FANTASTIC VOICE.
Don't care!!!!!
Oh and BTW....the AMA performance ICONIC
LOVED IT after all you guys are still talking about it....
Nope. Was never devastated. I knew he was gay when those pictures leaked. And I knew then that he was going to lose American Idol.
But I also 'predict' Adam will become of the biggest stars in music history.
wasn't devastated
OT What a steamy cover yikes <3 luv it
Jen to much information
I was shocked when I found out he was gay.My son-in- law and daughter couldn't wait to show me the internet pictures. lol My shock lasted about 1 hour and then business as usual.
The Dark Side, at the end of the article click source: Rolling Stone and you can read who the other rockers are.
Nope I wasn't devastated either!
I've still never seen this RS, would love to actually read the article.
HK fan
That cover is on my desktop. It´s a fantastic picture. I work with photos and this one is nearly perfect. I can see why they covered his nipple (photoshop). It made the image better (even though we love to see his nipples). Everything is staged perfectly; the tie over his throat, the angles of his arms, the line from his right shoulder(from viewers point) to his left leg, the green text and the snake, the butterfly. And Adams eyes!! No wonder this was the most sold issue of RS.
Was I shocked when i realised he was gay? No! When the makeup and nail polish came on, my boyfried and I smiled and said: I don´t think this rock star loves girls, but boy can he sing?!
Oh for the love of god! He didn't COME OUT! He was already out! How many times do we, and Adam, have to say that??
He might be gay, but I still think he could make it hot with some chick!
anon 1:42 YEP!!!!
anon 1:42 he would probably finger one as well. oops! did I just say that?! teeheehee
I guess I'm in the minority here. As I watched the AMA's I was so eager for him to do a smashing performance to cement his talent with more than just the Idol fans.
At the first "crotch" grab I started saying "no,
no no, please don't do that." I was sure the repercussions would sink him with the mainstream ever so slightly homophobes,and it did.
His talent and a few interviews showing his terrific personality helped a lot in the weeks that followed but some fans deserted and stayed gone. I think it slowed down his album sales and almost killed For Your could have been a bigger hit.
I wasn't offended by the performance just fearful. He has a glorious voice and now that the whole world has heard it, there's no way he won't be successful. I hope I hope!
@JAK, until I saw your words '"I wasnt offended . . .just fearful", I never realized that was how I felt as well. Thank you for putting into words my feelings about the "fear" and anxiety that came over me upon seeing the performance. Oh, and welcome to this great site!
Devasteted? NO WAY!
Surprised? Of course not!
Shocked? Never
Offended? You are kidding me, right?
Fearful? Not quite...
As a matter of fact sweet Adam just gives me faith and happiness, he fills me up of pleasure with all his talents and choices!
@ Jen 1:42PM
I'm pretty sure you are RACHEL. Your information was given several months ago here, in this site and I remember at that time we told you it was unnecessary. It is still unnecessary, believe me!
Adam is totally in a league of his own, I Love him for his unbelievable talent,great looks, courage,generosity and fabulous charisma.. What more could I want as a fan.
He had me at" Tracks of my Tears" and I have followed him since then .
RS just doesn't get Adam or his women fans.Maybe if they covered him since that first and only cover and interview they would learn how fine this man is and why so many of us are with him on this wild ride called stardom.
It does not matter to me one bit that Adam is gay. When I watched AI each week, all that I cared about was his voice, his amazing performances, and, of course, the way he looked, so different for each show. He is a dynamic performer both musically and visually. His personal life is his own business and he can choose to reveal as much or as little of it as he wants to. Adam Lambert is the best vocal talent in the music industry today and he is well on his way to superstardom.
Adam Lambert is more than his sexuality as any of his fans can tell you. He is an impressive vocal talent,yes, in a league of his own. His music stirs your soul and his audience connection is pure electricity. He is one charismatic, articulate, stylish, edgy,talented performer. When you take off the nail polish, the eye makeup, the glitter, he is a human being with a wonderful heart and a message of love, understanding, acceptance and respect. This is what matters to me, not the fact that he just happens to be gay.
I wasn't "devastated" or shocked or dismayed to learn he is gay..saw those pics, and said "Oh.." But ya know: "As if...." . Just more concerned that Adam would have a tougher time, which he did...but still did quite well obviously! And yes, I will join those who admit they were fearful after the AMA "situation". Actually I was terrified for him for about a week afterward..literally lost sleep and watched and waited to see what would happen in the "Aftermath". That's when I knew for certain I was a hopelessly smitten fan..I couldn't run away, and have supported him as much as I can since then, like so many others. His talent, heart and soul are too big to abandon him when he was "down"..And the reality is that his being gay does not even slightly diminish his appeal to women, at least those of us who know sexy when we see it. Beautiful in every respect. And yes, "Sexy is Sexy"....
Seriously? WTF are these people talking about? the guy was never in...and was I devaststed? NOPE! I was actually inspired by his free spirit and admired him for being brave enough to face hypcrites and stand for his beliefs. THe guy is not only a talent. He is actually a hero to a lot of kids. It just kills me to see RS are back stabbers. DOn;t forget his issue was the highest seller in 2009 you Morons.
RS had a sexiest-men-on-the-cover list and, believe it or not, Adam was NOT on that list. That says it all. They don´t "get him" at all and they don´t understand women.
They don't understand women I think is the part of the deal. Most women are knocked out by the thought of there being A Man who is the whole deal, Smart, Funny, Humble, Honest, Erudite, Authentic, who is a great Humanitarian and who is Sexy because he believes in himself and who has a voice that makes all your pain go away and believe there is a better world out there.
He is Gay? Well that makes the whole thing even more intriguing, straight man should be paying some serious attention to what attracts women of all ages to Adam. This would be a good time to turn it up a notch...
Lizard Eyes
RS has recently had articles on concert tours. They mention the successes and those that had to be cancelled. They never mentioned Adam's phenomenal 'sold out' Glamnation Tours (worldwide). In a Dec. issue, they listed the top 50 singles of 2010 -- no mention of Adam. I wrote to them asking for their criteria for selecting these 50 singles and why no WDUWFM?
No surprise -- they never replied. So unfair to Adam!
@Jen, yepperee!!!lol
Well, I was hoping he wasn't for the hopes of who'd be the beautiful goddess would be for this sexy rockgod!! But hey, he seemed to be as straight as any other straight man, just a rockstar dude!
Never did get my RS mag signed after being at two concerts,AI tour & GNT,SOMEDAY!! Adam will sign it!!
Nothing matters now, the man with the voice!!!'re a pig!
@JAK- You said it perfectly. Fearful was also How I felt.
Absolutely DITTO @ glitzylady!
As explanation for my fear when Adam occasionally mis-steps (and he does, no matter how much we love him) I think its because I added him to my WORRY LIST as soon as I became enchanted with first sight and song.
Like my handsome,6'4" gorgeous 23 year old straight grandson, I want him to be loved and from afar I "hover" over both of them.....they are both special young men.
I know that I could be considered slightly nutty but I feel right at home in this site! JAK
To me, Adam is the most attractive and sexiest singer in my long lists of CD I collected over the years. I know he is gay when I discovered him on the internet and now he is the only one that I would ever follow, his talent and charm is too much to let pass.
I really enjoyed reading your comments people, thanks.
Sexy is sexy
AML is so much more anyway
I hope you didn´t miss the Erotica fan video that now has slipped down the rabbit hole.
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