Perez Hilton Chatting With.... Adam Lambert (Part 1)!
Filed Under (interview,video ) by Admin on Monday, February 14, 2011
Posted at : Monday, February 14, 2011
From Perez:
We recently sat down with Adam Lambert, arguably the most successful American Idol alumnus since Carrie Underwood, and we talked about EVERYTHING.
It was sassy!!!!
In part 1 of our exclusive two part sit-down, we chatted with Glambert about…
What he's being doing with his time off, his upcoming live DVD/album, his plan to release his song Aftermath to benefit The Trevor Project, what we can expect from his next album and more!
Plus, we also talked about his controversial debut album cover, which Perez didn't LOVE.

Source: Perez Hilton
We recently sat down with Adam Lambert, arguably the most successful American Idol alumnus since Carrie Underwood, and we talked about EVERYTHING.
It was sassy!!!!
In part 1 of our exclusive two part sit-down, we chatted with Glambert about…
What he's being doing with his time off, his upcoming live DVD/album, his plan to release his song Aftermath to benefit The Trevor Project, what we can expect from his next album and more!
Plus, we also talked about his controversial debut album cover, which Perez didn't LOVE.

Source: Perez Hilton
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I'm not up to date with these lastest, most recent threads, but I'm just gonna drop this here - Adam Lambert just shown on E's Fashion Police (Joan Rivers & crew) 10:25ish EST... pretty favorable overall. Joan went for the joke of course (twice, grrrrr) but the other 3 panelist actually spoke very favorably of Adam/Adam's presentation of himself for Grammy's last night. Maybe 24/7 admins will post a clip. Again, sorry for the OT/Off-thread post.
MGF - thanks for the heads up. Joan is really annoying though.
Okay well now I'm f*ckin pissed... E Fashion Police just had their segment on Men of the Grammy's basically... and now I'm realizing that AML wasn't included in that section, but rather earlier on in the show with the ladies. IDK - maybe you peeps that follow all this stuff closely can weigh in, maybe not a big deal... but I don't think - well maybe it wasn't intentional but I don't think it was unintentional on EFP's part... I gotta say, I'm so f*ckin pissed, and I'm so done w/ that damn cable channel and those wannabes
I saw that MGF... Kelly pointed out that "when he hit the Red carpet everybody was whispering Adam Lambert looks so Hot". You gotta give a pass to Joan Rivers, she is funny. I am sure Adam will get a kick out of her humor.
MGF, they only show worst dressed men. there is no best Dressed men category towards the end. that goes only for women. Don't get pissed. I think they did wonderful with Adam's coverage, they even showed the 360 glam cam and he looked R&R.
BTW, Adam was one of the best Dressed men on TV guide too. They all loved him, the 2 guys in the panel were going all gaga for him LOL.I think the man knows how to make heads turn and flail hehe
official Germany Sleep Walker cover..HOT!
@MGF Yes, I got it immediately, that they separate man/woman artists! However, after all I saw that there were two or three more girls and just 4 men. But let's get it this way. They like B.O.B. and Bruno Mars but nobody said that there were HOT HOT HOT! Adam was only artist they didn't critized at all! They said everything was hot and perfect.
By the way, hate Joan Rivers. To much bulling and homophobia! May be I just didn't feel good today and can't get Joan's humor
But ZZ - AML was NOT tagged as a best dressed, which is fine, I'm just saying to you that he was not mentioned/placed where he was just because he was included in a Best Dressed list, he was NOT included in a Best Dressed list, that was not a reason for his placement, which, again, is fine, that's not the point! In the "men's" section they talked about Bruno Mars looking Rat Pack and great, the men's section was NOT just entirely negative men... watch closely. But yes ZZ, I loved what Kelly, and actually the other 2 as well, said positively about AML (and I do give Joan a pass, it's more of a thing from the Producer's standpoint that is ticking me off). Maybe Joan's just mad cuz she tweeted to Adam after his Foxwoods show and he didn't respond... and then Adam was asked, on tape, about Joan by some DJ about Joan being truly glamorous or faux glamorous, something like that, some "game" type thing some DJ put AML on the spot with, and AML, staying true to form as always, answered w/ sort of an "eh...trying to be..." or something, long time ago now, I don't remember, except that I do remember :), and maybe Joan does too, LOL. But I'm not angry about Joan going for the joke... and hey listen, I am sooooooo not the conspiracy theorist type, lol, really... but something's bugging me about this... there was no reason for them not to put AML w/ the Men of the Grammy's section, so to speak. Well, whatevs, more and more peeps learn every day that AML makes the knees go weak of males and females at every turn, quite literally, and BB produces more of a sensual and sexual response from females (and males) than most men on the planet I'd venture to guess. BTW, I did see the TV Guide thing ZZ, was great. AML made a few Best Dressed lists in the blogosphere and twitterverse today. Rambling, tired, don't know if that all made sense :).
Hey you guys, this is actually a really good interview... so relax, like friends just having a chat. Hmmm Perez, keep your hand to yourself~~ please... ty. :) Sooo excited Adam is going start the ball rolling on his 2nd album... really can't wait‼ And Adam,~pssst, show me your fist again please... lol *♥it*
Btw, Perez don't ever show yourself wearing that outfit to Cojo or he will shred you to pcs... js coz I like you. :)
Didn't see your post before I posted again delilah5, didn't mean to slight you and only acknowledge ZZ. Thanks for your encouragement... cuz honestly, I'm still pissed. Gotta get my ass in bed I think :).
ps. again, sorry to take this thread so OT, my apologies
Notice the body language, Perez is way over to the middle of the couch, Adam is crammed up as close to his side as possible and that right arm over and protecting his crotch. lol
@9:26 PM I was going to comment on the body language myself. You can tell Adam really doesn't like Perez.
Great interview..the only issue with FYE album is every song was great..when it first came out someone asked me which song on it was my favorite ...I could not pick one cause all of them were for different reasons..Pick you up (Eber's favorite too) is a great song that , along with a couple others that need more other words the album was too this interview.
I think that was a great interview. Adam got to talk. I think that "I get photografed going to dinner with friend that then becomes my boyfriend" was aimed at Perez Adam/Taylor bs. He talked about the cover, that he wanted fame but first he wanted his own integrity so he took a risk. That was exactly how I thought he was thinking. Perhaps it was not the best choice knowing how people freaked out about that cover, but it was important to him. How exciting the next album will be. How I love this man!!
@MGF thank you for the OT. I´m pissed too.
can't wait for the next album . looking forward to hear Adam's beautiful him..
Eva: In addition to Taylor I think he was talking about the pics with Sauli too. Special friend does not = boyfriend.
sry but does he kiss all of his friends passionately ? ( offstage )
I thought that´s what makes special friend so special is that he´s a little more than the others.. but whaddoIkno
3:46 AM I haven't seen 1 pic of him actually kissing Sauli so I don't know what you're talking about. I did see a pic of him kissing some cute guy on the cheek in a bar looking very drunk. Adam says he likes to kiss boys and girls when he's drunk so that's meaningless anyway...Interesting how everyone assumes Sauli was the 'special friend' when it could have well been Kesha (our Paris Adventure tweet) or some other guy he picked up in Paris for all we know. We already know he made out with Kesha before and he's bi-curious. Just sayin.
4:04 I think Sauli is the man of the hour at the moment and he told Finish press he is going to be bring his t.v (blog or whatever) to the USA. Its supposed to be on the road type of thing. I expect to see more photos of these two in the next few months. I am sure the skyping is going crazy at the moment.
I would still prefer to see Adam with somebody else but what the hell I guess beauty if in the eye of the beholder.
Perez Hilton...what the fuck is he wearing? LOL
BTW, I don't like Perez at all...and I don't think Adam does either.
What the hell..... ? this thread is about an INTERVIEW... my first reaction was WOW...
!!**WHAT A GREAT INTERVIEW!! I LOVE THIS INTERVIEW.... I can't even wait to write that and I'm not even going to read what others have written yet... then I made the mistake and read..... WTF???
*This interview was GREAT, one of the BEST EVER ...honest, interesting, informative...and Perez really covered the Album cover WELL...AND gave Adam the chance to explain it.
Ok, I didn't like his whaco bathrobe looking outfit... but the interview was a TREAT.
For once THANK YOU Perez, awesome job...and Adam looked GREAT! Where's the next part!!!
I can't even WAIT for this 2nd Album!
@Cindy - I agree about this interview w/ Perez, good stuff, great stuff!
Yes indeed Cindy - Just watched again... and I regret taking the comments section off-topic at the beginning - and I hope everyone really listens to this interview, cuz it is very telling, in the best possible ways! Hope next part is as good.
@cindy & MGF I always said that Perez and Adam like together. This is a reason Adam invited Perez on his b-day.
I already made comment about Perez outfit. On last Drag Queen contest they had interview with one of designers. He designed this sweatshirt you can see on Perez. Anyway, everybody very excited about this sweatshirt and ask guy where they can buy this sh... It looks realy stupid. So, I think Perez just wanted to have fun and bought all outfit from this designer:)
Perez went on Ellen and said that he is cleaning up his act. The recent suicides resulting from bullying made him see that he was being a bully at times. So, Adam has been giving him a second chance, and Perez has been reaching out to Adam. From what I have read Perez was the person that leaked the kissing pictures of Adam while he was on American Idol. I think Perez is trying to right a wrong. Everyone deserves a second chance.
Kelly and the men LOVED Adam. Even "G" jumped in and paid Adam a compliment. Joan is there for the sarcasm. Basically, everyone on the panel thought he was "hot". Kelly's mom LOVED Adam on The Talk. I think they are really pro-Adam.
I think this is one of the best interviews with Adam in a long time because he could talk and explain things without being interupted and there was no questions about those freakin´ Idol judges. That´s a relief.
Perez has is very Pro-Adam these days. Even the bit about Taylor was good. Kept Adam in the news and people guessing about Sauli.
I thought the part where Adam says he's happy to be on the "respect yourself" bandwagon, especially such he's actually gay and then they say, well the girls are all bi and laugh. LOL
is Adam still pursuing Kesha? I thought he was over it along time ago! Adam is always going to be pursued by the female species, so he just better get use to it.
OMG, watched it again... not great... FABULOUS!!
One of Adam's best interviews ever from the heart about things that are so personal and meaningful to HIM....
*AFTERMATH!! A W E S O M E. Always loved that song, LOVED it live on tour, it really made sense when I heard his sensitive portrayal LIVE, and now even more so with this beautiful explanation of it. SOOO happy it's being used for the Trevor Project. So many of us said that would be the perfect song for "'It gets Better', well it's happening for the Trevor Project. Maybe that will be an even better result.. and now Adam's own heartfelt explanation of it. What a bonus. AWESOME!
@ MGF ;) Thumbs up.
I don't like Perez Hilton at all! But Icon tryied to bite him after I've commented in the other thread with this pic a couple of day ago that Perez in this outfit reminds me of my «Virginia's Ham» special recipe. Just add some honey, some cloves and... voila! Ready for the big oven!
PS: Hey, talking of my cat Icon wanting to bite Perez, it seems that Perez wants to bite OUR ICON, doesn't him? Yumyumyumy.... «It's SWEET, Adam!», he would say. (But I say: «He is not for you, Perez, forget it! Too much sand for your little truck!») Ha!
Everyone seemed to enjoy this interview, but I had trouble hearing what they were saying. Perez voice was louder, but when Adam answered, I could not hear it at all - like he was not even wearing a mic. I hope someone can adjust the sound. I'll come back tomorrow to see if I can hear it.
I loved FYE cover! I thought Adam looked beautiful! This was a good interview but I don't care for perez. Saw a lady in the store, & she was wearing a similar pink pj onesy. it's just a fashion phase they'll outgrow, right?
Yea, Adam better get used to his mostly female fanbase. He is a gorgeous MAN!
so can't wait for next album
@T2:27 PM
The sound was good on my computer. Perhaps you should try go to the "source" and watch it there. Again I must say, this was a great, fabulous interview. I would thank Perez if I could find the place to do that (he gets so much shit on his comment section so he might enjoy a nice thank you), but then I have to go to his comment section, that´s a horrible place for a sensitive soul.
I also thought Adam's voice was faint. Perez was loud, could barely hear Adam...and I watched it here, as well as "the source" (and part 2, also).
- Adam Fix
Just a comment on the sound..I used headphones to listen to it and it was fine..not to mention it wouldn't wake up my hubby...and have him say "are you still on the computer?...". So win/win.... ; )
Also, speaking of the "Aftermath" remix...Adam has said he doesn't have a single to promote right now, so will not be on Idol this season... Wellllllll....Why not "Aftermath" ... ??? And he could promote the "Trevor Project" at the same time. Don't know how that all works, but sounds like a good idea to me...
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