Adam Lambert Album re-enters Aria Physical Album Chart (Australia) at #48 After Single Release
Filed Under (album news,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Sunday, March 6, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, March 06, 2011
Good timing! Adam Lambert's new single "Sleepwalker" debuted last night in Australian radio and this week, Adam's album "For Your Entertainment" re-enters the album chart top 50!

Source: Aria Charts
Thanks to Adam Lambert News Network and Hoopla Magnet!

Source: Aria Charts
Thanks to Adam Lambert News Network and Hoopla Magnet!
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Yay Aussies! funbunn40
Practically Perfect Profile!!!!!!!JAK
What a handsome boy ayaayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!Indeed
Can't wait to see and hear your voice this coming Thurs....................................
No one will touch the television except for me that night ha!ha!ha! bet yahhhhhhhhh
Toronto fan base, Canada
Is that Lane in the background...lucky girl
OT...Adam seems to be getting alot of awards
even in countries he hasn't performed...maybe his PR peeps should arrange some kind of schedule where he can PU there awards and give an interview to thank them....keep him in the public eye.....
That is quite a feat for the FYE cd to re enter at #48 after quite some time. See what another single can do? Well we just have to wait for his next CD. On the bright side Thursday night on AI is going to the greatest night ever. Adam's voice is going to blow everyone away and make people who aren't as familiar with his music take notice!
I guess the Sleepwalker single in Australia is straight from the FYE album.It's good that the album is doing well again in Oz,but the live version of Sleepwalker is much better than the album version..too bad they couldn't have that version from the GNT( maybe they'll play the live version next mo-from the GNT/CD/DVD( if it's being released there,too)Soaked sounds better on the FYE album than Sleepwalker does.I hope the next album will have several singles that show off Adam's vocals better than some on FYE..not many artists sound better live than on their CD's,but Adam sure does!!
Adam said his next album will be all about the vocals foremost and less produced, so I think that will be awesome. He has more time now to do what he really wants to put into the next album.I agree Adam sounds better live which can't be said for too many singers. He also mesmerizes when he performs!
@ 12:51 and 12:58, don't worry, Sleepwalker is never going to be released in the US.
I can't wait till Thursday night. Sarcastic but Practically Perfect Husband will be out of town so I will sit in comfy splendor in his chair and "take it all in" all alone, no one to disturb my concentration while I record the sweet boy.
I have had to open up another VHS tape, there's no room left on my two other (6 hour) tapes. And they're ALL ADAM.
It's healthy to have a hobby in one's old age......JAK
Loved your remark JAK...not only healthy, but essential to one's mental health. Unfortunately, being an Adam addict affects my blood pressure--it's either too high or too low depending on what's going on at any given time. LOL
Would someone PLEASE explain to me the logic behind the single releases? I'm sure they have good reasons for releasing Sleepwalker only in certain countries, but what about a song like Fever? I heard US radio stations won't play it, but then if it's true, make a video and release it in the rest of the world. It's sure to make top 10 and even #1 in lots of countries, and sell plenty of more albums, isn't it?
The Dark Side
I'm not so sure about my mental health I have a lot of people telling me I'm NUTS.....that started about 2 years ago......JAK
Just tell the radio stations that GaGa wrote Fever, they'll play it.
If sanity means not adoring Adam Lambert, then I dont want to be sane. Can I get an amen, sista? Adamluv
Woohooo!! Back on the chart where it belongs!!!
Hope it goes Wwaaaaay UP the chart where it REALLY belongs!!
Nniiiiiice... See how a new release can infuse new interest and new life??? RCA!!! WAKE UP!!!
Do it in the USA!
Way to go Aussies! Thanks so much for the unconditional support that you have been giving ADAM!
There are so many other great songs in FYE worthy of being released as a single and i really hope that RCA would reconsider while we are all waiting for the next album. I also wonder what is the logic behind their decision not to do so. Maybe someone in the know can enlighten us.
Lots and lots of AMEN to you @Adamluv :)
@JAK - ditto on the perfect profile and this is one of my favorite looks :)
Personally I don't see any logic in their management of Adam's career in the U.S. His singles pop up over the globe, while we only got a very few and no one "pushing".????????
Do we have anyone in the recording industry in our midst who could venture an informed opinion? JAK
JAK I would like to know too. We could guess all we want, but an informed opinion would be great . Is it that a video is so necessary in the U.S.and with Adam working on his next CD there is no time? Of course I am so excited to hear that Adam's singles are going all over the world,so great, but can't help but feel upset and a bit envious.
So, so thrilled that the FYE album has reappeared in Australia's Physical Album Chart and that was from last week's sales and, as I understand, Sleepwalker hadn't been released at that stage so let's hope Sleepwalker charts well and the FYE album rises higher in the charts. I am sooooo nervous for Adam because I want Sleepwalker to do so well here. Guess I've got to have a little faith. As long as it receives a lot of radio play, things should be good.
Mega thanks to Byron Cooke for promoting Sleepwalker. As we all know, he's a big fan of Adam and his music. He even interviewed Adam's Dad at one of the final LA concerts.
I just wish all Adam's singles could be released worldwide instead of only in a few countries. Perhaps it will be different when Adam's next album is released .... fingers crossed that will happen.
^P.S. Gorgeous photo of Adam. :-)
I'm not in the recording industry, but I have recently begun suspectng that RCA, with their mega years of experience, is wanting Adam to be long term famous like Michael Jackson - instead of short term famous like Alanis Morissette. I remember Adam being so thrilled to have FYE compared to Jagged Little Pill, and I wished they would release that many singles. But Alanis got overwhelmed with her intense fame + everybody got tired of her too.
I also read Michael Jackson's Moonwalk autobiography where he said you need to be considered rare - like seeing a fawn makes you gasp because you rarely see them - to be long lasting in this industry. He purposely waited 5 years between most albums for that reason.
Thinking about that makes this easier. I certainly want Adam to be long term as much as possible.
Not that I know anything about the recording industry..but I recall reading something awhile back from RCA Ed, who posts comments from time to time on Adam Official (and I think it was reported here on this blog too). It seems to me he said that they would not be releasing any more tracks from the album because they want Adam's next official release to be Number One Hit material and they were not convinced any of the songs from FYE could do that here in the US, at least when he gave that statement. So in other words, they are waiting for the new album and new music. I don't know if that explains it at all, but that's what I remember as being given as a reason, and that was last fall, I think...They want him to be BIG with the next one, and not one that does just "okay". Still wish they'd release one more tho, and as so many said, use the vid from the Glam Nation DVD, but what do I know?!. At this point, I guess I just have to trust their judgement. Bummer... Maybe they will release one of the new songs from the new album really early??? Hoping!!! Have heard rumors of an "Adam Lambert song" video shoot set for June in Louisiana, but that may be pure rumor, and nothing more...and may have nothing to do with Adam. But again...hoping!
Agree with both what sweetie and Glitzlady said.WWFM only went up to #10 on the billboard charts and that was after he sang it on AI. It should have been #1 IMO.Then IIHY never climbed into the top 10, I don't think. So I do believe RCA wants Adam to have a #1 hit next go around and be around for a long time. It is great how these 2 songs charted really high in other countries and I think that is why other countries are getting more singles. Have to be patient I guess and hope they know what they are doing and just what an incredible talent Adam is!
In a few years, it might to be difficult for Adam to decide which songs to put in his 'hits' album. Mental health doing a flip out. Phone lines went down and had to make an appt to have telephone co fix this. I got an emergency appt. and am only waiting a week for someone to come. Thankfully, internet on newer line and working, so is cell phone. A Freaking week!!!
I'm trying to be patient but at 75 I get a little anxious...will I be here for next album.
Fate is trying to GET me. Last night ALL our security alarms went off SQWAK SQWAK SQWAK very very loud, couldn't get them to shut off....called company on one line while receiving a cell phone call from fire department and then land line went out and personal alarm box was asking "Are you all right? Do you need an ambulance?
12 minutes of screeching before blessed quiet. I was expecting a sheriff's car to arrive at any moment, but everything swttled down,??????????????????????I have no idea what happened, but the hullaballou darn near killed me!.......JAK
Of course I mean settled down...JAK
Oh jeez, JAK!! Glad that's over with!! Take care of yourself.
- Adam Fix
My husband got offered a job today in OZ, maybe we should go if it means hearing Adam on the radio!!
HK fan
HK fan
I've heard of worse reasons for moving...JAK
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