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Fan Made "Aftermath" Music Video

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, March 6, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, March 06, 2011


Anonymous said...

This is excellent, well done. The message is being spread!

Anonymous said...

I just want to hug that little guy forever. Sad thing is,so many kids feel this way. An excellent video, hope Adam gets to see it.

Eliabeth from Canada

Anonymous said...

The little kid looks like my 10yr old grandson, may it more poignant.

adam luv said...

Very moving - beautiful little boy. The future has to get better with people like Adam JUST BEING THEMSELVES and leading by example. Adamluv

Anonymous said...

your lil brother did great and so did you. glad the message of this song is getting out there.

Anonymous said...

I love the subtle touch to it. Not overdone. Excellent job!

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing this several months ago, very touching.

Anonymous said...

I have a very painful lump in my throat.

I'll have to call My Little Boy (23 and 6'5") and remind him that I love him.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Well done! Is this the start of a film/acting career?

Anonymous said...

Loved it! Very touching.

Rebecca said...

what an awesome video

Anonymous said...

Very effective video and very touching. It definitely gets the message across. Very well done.

Anonymous said...

cute :) ITA w anon 3:23 p.m.

Anonymous said...

JAK and went to his doctor for examination and treatment of your throat?
Take care of yourself please! allowed only positive thoughts, one is to think of the wonderful presentation ADAM IDOL! other than his treatment will work well and last a long spoon of love from ADAM to heal soon.
Peace, Love and Health to you.

Anonymous said...

Now that was one of life's beautiful moments , a strong bond of love shared between brothers.
My husband has 4 younger brothers, & no matter what their relationship is today, he will always have a special bond with each one of them.
This fan vid touched my heart, & it goes out to all, brothers & sisters. K

Anonymous said...

This a sad note but it may remind you all to verbally appreciate your brothers (and sisters) while you have them.

I lost my brother to brain cancer 6 months ago, he was 61. My husband is leaving town tomorrow to visit his 68 year old brother who has been diagnosed with dementia. They want to re-live and laugh over old times while his brother still knows who he is.

Life can be so hard and of course also glorious, my brothers first grandchild was born a month ago and has his bright blue eyes!

Anonymous said...

@JAK hope your O.K. the glamily is here with you. keep us informed.


Anonymous said...


Thank you for the kind words......a note about our family. We have a warped sense of humor. When we got the call about my brother in law's diagnosis, he came on the phone and said "JAK" just remember if the next time I see you, I hit on you, just remember it's my condition----one free pass!"

We're all crazy in a nice makes the hurting more bearable..........JAK

Anonymous said...

@ JAK Youe family seems so much like my family. We often use our warped sense of humour in the face of adversity. My mother suffered with dementia, but she lived, [still an attractive woman] to be 92. In her 80s she thought she was in her 40s and had a big crush on the keyboard player that entertained at the assisted living home. She also had the attention of a very fine gentleman in his 80s that was very enamored of her, but she thought he was too old for her and flirted outrageously until all memory was lost.Our family has had our share of laughs and blessings which helped us thru' the difficult times. We indeed are a caring bunch on this site and hope for the best for your family. Quality time with loved ones are our greatest gifts and the memorie they give us. funbunn40

Anonymous said...


I wouldn't trade my memories for a pirate's chest of gold. I've been blessed since the day I was born..................JAK