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Adam Lambert Compliments 'American Idol' Contestants

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, March 30, 2011





Anonymous said...

oh come on adam they all did pretty good tonight.

Anonymous said...

Well Adam (sweetie)

I agree with 2 out of 3. Casey and Haley have good voices and entertaining style and appealing personalities, I'd like to see them again.

Pia has an outstanding voice and zilch style, originality or performing skill-----so far. She's like a pretty wind-up doll.

Maybe next week she'll DO SOMETHING! She keeps promising week Pia surprise me!

There, have I alienated everyone? Obviously I'm not judge material.......JAK

Anonymous said...

The first contestant I have genuinely LOVED since Adam is Scotty McCreery. How's that for diverse taste! I have zero doubt we will hear about Scotty for many years to is the case with Adam. Two awesome singers! Scotty may get booted sooner than he should because he's not just country, he's old country, but many people love that style. Apparently not Adam who is (like all of us) entitled to his opinions. Frankly, the singers this year as a whole are doing exceptionally well.

Anonymous said...

Funny, I love Adam's singing and his performing, but I often don't agree with his judgment of performers or what's a great song. In this case, I enjoy talent and this is a talented bunch. I'd celebrate a wider group than Adam. But I also am getting pretty bored with Pia. She could take a lesson from Adam and Casey and change it up a bit more.

Anonymous said...

Casey and Haley are my two favorites and have been my top two all along. I love everything Casey does and Haley has a killer voice. I want to hear some down and dirty blues from her...something that's all gritty and nasty that just grinds...a duet with the two of them would be awesome.

Anonymous said...

Amy Wallen's (Eber's "long term partner") description of Adam:


Hk fan said...

Haven't watched this week yet. But have to disagree with Adam about Casey, have really gone off him since HW, he just growls, and doesn't sing, although he seems funs. Can't see him as a recording artist, and he needs a makeover, I like Hayley, but she seems very unpopular on blog sites. Pia has a great voice but is so boring. Can't see her as a pop star either, although I'm sure there's a big market out there for a strong ballad singer ala Celine etc. Scotty, he's good but not my cup of tea. Don't get why the judges never pick him up on the fact that he sings the same song in the same way every week, but always have a go at Pia for singing ballads. James needs to concentrate on his singing more and leave out the antics, he always does the same each week too. Thia has a good voice but very bland but at least tries to change things up. Naima is the weakest female vocal but at least she is entertaining. Quite like Paul, even though he's a bit weird but wouldn't buy his records, actually at the moment wouldn't buy any of them. Jacob pulls too many weird faces when he sings, and over sings too much. Think Stefano is really cute, and has a good voice, but doesn't know how to perform yet. Think Lauren will go pretty far.
Don't know who will be voted off this week.

Anonymous said...

There are lot of big voices this year idol, I watch it because I know Adam watch it. I like Casey and Haley tonight, Pia is getting too boring same old ballad every week, many people can sing like her, nothing special anymore. I must be spoiled by Adam' s style, he simply the best among them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link! It´s always nice to see how much love and support Adam gets from his friends and family. I also admire Adam for not taking the easy way out but stay true to who he is, the first single FYE, the campy album cover and of course the whole Glam Nation Tour. Must love that man.


Anonymous said...

Dear Adam,

I only watched AI when you appeared on the show.

My daughter watch it and she said Casey IS INTERESTING to watch for this season.

Well , I wish all good luck that's all.

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Personally I don't care for Casey with his growling, although last night much better. Pia has the best voice but needs to move and act young and current. Lose the ballad next week. Haley, not crazy about her growl either but she can sing. I really love Scotty. He has some stage presence and will make it in country, win or not. Last night James was bad with the over the top antics. Why don't they tell him to change it up and sit on a stool and do a ballad.
No one really excited me since Adam. I watch out of curiosity, and we'll see what happens.

Anonymous said...

I like Naima,James,Haley,Lauren(singing only don't talk). To each his own....Adam was incomparable and David Cook and Fantasia are amazing from previous seasons. Adam changes his mind almost every week like most of us.

Rita said...

I am watching AI this year and Lauren is the only consistent contestant in my opinion. I am still not voting, never will again, no matter how much Ryan begs America to vote. In the meantime, Jennifer is getting goosebumps, Steven feels like everyone is great and Randy gets overly excited, trying to drum up enthusiasm. I am very excited to eventually see Simon on the XFactor.

Anonymous said...

I haven't watched this week yet, but truth be told I find myself fast forwarding through most of it. Adam has spoiled me, actually I almost didn't watch season 8, glad I did, was getting bored with the show.
I agree with HK fan I find Naima very entertaining although her vocals aren't strong, I also like Haley, I can't seem to get into Casey, don't understand what everyone sees in him, and Pia is just so boring yes she can sing but honestly there are many kids out there that can stand there and sing just as good if not better than her. JMO.
Irene Rose

Anonymous said...

The middle part of your comment was so funny Rita, and so true - what a bunch of salesmen those 4 are being for the season, huh?! LOL.

Not sure - but I think that pic at the top of the trhead is a pic of a former AI contestant Haley - something like Haley Scardano or something like that??... Simon liked her legs (which were slammin' indeed if I do recall, lol)


HK fan said...

Just watched this weeks, and I will admit Casey was much better, he looks much younger with his trimmed hair and beard, he'd probably look his age if he shaves it completely. I thought they all did pretty well tonight, although to be honest out of the girls I'd rather Pia went, she's just doesn't seem to have any life in her. After watching it, still have no idea who will go.

Anonymous said...

Only entertainer this year on AI is James. He's fun, exciting, and a great singer. Will definitely buy his album. Adam usually chooses female singers, don't get it. I have to agree with many that Pia is the most boring. Hope Adam's new album is more rock. I really like what Tommy, Isaac, and Ravi are doing. Want to see Adam, Tommy, and Isaac rock. Tommy should be on lead guitar cause he's awesome.

Anonymous said...

James to me is just mediocre and can only seem to do rock with the scream. When he can sit on a stool and sing a ballad I will change my mind. His antics are getting ridiculous and Simon surely would have called it indulgent rubbish. I know he has a disability but he comes off too cocky. Wish the producers would tell him to tone it down. At the end when he went on his knees and into the back bend I was thinking did he watch Adam on tour or what. Sorry this is just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

No faves. Pia has a great voice - love her ballads - but none of the contestants make my heart sing.

Haven't watched this week's show yet - Elton's songs being trashed.

Can't vote because I live outside the U.S. but wouldn't vote regardless.

I am soooooooooo looking forward to the X Factor U.S. and some REAL judging by Simon - he is sooooooooo MISSED on AI.

Anonymous said...

Think that pic at top of thread is Haley Scarnato from Season 6

not this season's Haley Reinhart



Anonymous said...

I am so disappointed about the judges too, same old style every week. They are suppose to be music icons, bring the gut out , it's their job. Miss Simon too even though I think he is too cruel sometimes. I like Naima style only she has to back up with 100x vocal strength. Casey and Haley is OK and the rest can go home.
People should check out what a world class band players sound like, open your horizon, just saying. :)

Anonymous said...

OT: I have posted this gushing object before, but if anyone missed it, have a look at mr Übercutness! This will make your heart warm and full.
Funny detail: Adam has make up on only one eye.


Anonymous said...

Please keep requesting Billboard Aftermath Remix, which is the version "made available" for radio apparently, to your local radio stations, especially Kiss station affiliates. We can not control if they play it, probably won't, but we can control our own expression and ability to register with stations our desire to hear it. And also, take a few minutes every other day or so to request WWFM and IIHY to your local stations that you know played it, if even only a little, when those 2 songs were at their peaks! In most cases, it's very quick and easy to email and text requests in, without having to deal w/ the phoning in crap.

Anonymous said...

I already posted long article about AI yesterday. Absolutely agree with Adam about Pia and Casey. But I am not big fan of Haley.
@anon 5:53 am. Deff disability is not excuse for screaming, jumping on piano, and running around the stage.
But judges love him absolutely! Randy suprises my every time when he talks about James.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I still love Stefano, and Jacob is amazing. Casey was much better this week, and Pia, I agree is a bore. Would someone just tell James to please stop? He is an embarrassment. Exciting? No. Great singer? No. Charisma? No. Pulls off the rock star garb and attitude? No. Someone pleasse tell him to stop.

Anonymous said...

Find myself always comparing the performances to how Adam would sing them, and Adam always comes out on top. I know that's not fair, but I can't help it. The judges are too over-board gushy nice. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

I think they all did really well last night except Naimo, going to be an upset tonight somewhere. I wasn't likin haley but I thought she did the best last night and back in the game for sure. Lauren's great. But still, best talent in two years, but nobody has that IT factor- nobody. I knew from the 1st second with adam he had it.


Anonymous said...

I really don't care for Pia. I find her cookie-cutter, and extremely boring. She sounds like every other ballad singer, *snore*

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert set the bar so high on season 8 of AI, that I can't stop comparing the contestants to his versatile and powerful performances. I agree with comments about the judges. Sometimes I wonder if we are listening to the same person on stage. Everything is just "beautiful" to Steven, Randy is the same old, same old with "dude" "dog", "listen", "I don't know, I'm just sayin' ". And JLo seems to interrupt all the time. This season the peformers seem overproduced, too glamorous and maybe self-indulgent. Would I buy any of their albums in the future; I don't think so. Scotty has a great voice for one so young and should head straight to Nashville where he will be very successful. As for a winner this season, I have no idea and frankly don't really care. There are some interesting voices out there, but the final question is: are they marketable, can they sell records? It's not only about the talent.

Anonymous said...

OFF TOPIC: If there are any U.K. fans here does anyone know what happened to that poor poor circus elephant Annie that was abused so horribly (caught on video?) Couldn't even come here last night was so upset. Sorry, to be a bummer but I thought there might be alot of U.K. fans here that know more about this.

Anonymous said...

Remember is to live, and if the reason is the voice of ADAM, is the glory!

You saw it!


Anonymous said...

I'm not a country fan at all. I have never bought any country music ever in my life time. But if I was a music producer I would sign Scotty right on the spot. He has a special unique tone to his voice. Yes, he sings old country but it's big in U.S. Last night, his performance was original and he owned it. Country radios can play it and people will love it. As far as other Idols, Haley definitely performed well. Casey did well but still should have gone home last week. Pia sounds great but I am tired of her ballads week after week. She should do an up tempo otherwise she will end of at bottom 3. James should do a ballad. Media compares him to Adam (far fetch, no way) but we haven't seen his other colors. At least Adam did couple of ballads in his season. I don't get the comparison whatsoever. He is just good t.v. filling. That's all!

Anonymous said...

Scotty is making me like country!! He will make it big in country music no doubt about it. If Pia comes out of her shell and ballad rut and gives a couple up tempo killer performances she will remain in contention. She needs to bring diversity and personality - work the stage and the audience ALOT More.

Casey got a wake up call. He truly has alot of skills - he needs to focus on the RIGHT songs that showcase his instrument talents and vocal talents.

Haley had a strong moment last night. But not sure how long she will stay in this competition.

Anonymous said...

I think Paul has a great set of teeth. He needs a Crest commercial! Pia and Thia have beautiful voices. it still isn't entertaining enough for me.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with Anon 7:45 re: James. His performance last night was ridiculous and yes, someone needs to tell him to just STOP. He's had some good moments but will lose votes if he keeps this up. Where is the polish and professionalism of an Adam???

Anonymous said...

top three for me with singing were, Jacob, James and thia.bottom three, Stefano, casey and Paul. Naima is not the best singer but I can see her going far with her personality and I want her to stay awhile longer.Love the show this year I wonder how the ratings are doing.Don't forget to pick up your GN lIVE cd/dvd if you haven't already.

glitzylady said...

Off Topic:
Apparently Perez Hilton was on the radio today and talked about Adam's "hole in the ceiling" situation at Lady Gaga's party. I don't think Adam will be particularly happy with what he said either..I think Perez just went back to the dark side again. True or not, he isn't much of a friend. No doubt we'll be hearing more about it on the gossip shows.

Anonymous said...

Adam set the bar so high on season 8 of American Idol - he is the consummate performer !!! Adam sings in a league all his own - just amazing !!! For me - American Idol is boring !!! They desperately need Adam to mentor the contestants!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I heard that too. Bad, bad Perez, I thought they are friend. Probably take a while to see the true color from his snaky comment against Adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to be on that panel of judges. There's a quick million.
Nope! Don't watch AI, Adam was found , nuff said.
I liked Simon, he told it like it was. Criticism is what the show lacks, even Adam appreciated it coming from Simon. MWAH!! K

Anonymous said...

Pia is brain dead.How many times does everyone have to tell her what to do & she does nothing about it.She could win this thing if she ups her game.
Jacob will go to Broadway
Scottie to Nashville
Naima- will sing in a bar on some beach
James,James,James-so many rock guys out there I don't know how far he will get when this is over.
Casey -will be an interesting ride to watch
Thia Megia -don't ever change your name-beautiful voice -will record-sure better than a lot of the young ones out there,but they are Adams friends so I won't mention their names.
Stefano-So cute-lacks the confidence & swagger &
his voice is forgettable
The rest are gonners-Top 3 Pia,James & Jacob so far.


Anonymous said...

I think this is the interview, and he didnt mention Adam

glitzylady said...

@ Anon 10:44 AM
That is from two days ago...Tuesday..His latest comments are from today..

Anonymous said...

I had hard time last night calling votes for Jacob. Either getting busy signal or it wouldn't go through. Reminded me of Adam's finale night when his votes wouldn't go through as well. I think he might go home tonight. They don't want him. I wasn't able to get one vote in for Jacob.

Anonymous said...

One person that really took negative advise of Simon and ran with it, is Jennifer Hudson. She was so much slammed by Simon if you watch her Idol performances on Idol. From looks, outfits, and voice. She took Simon's advises to the heart and worked really hard. Got lucky to have a screen act with Beyonce and win an Oscar. Ofcourse the sad incident of his mom and nephew put her under the radar more. Improvement in her looks and voice made her a mega star. Most of the Idols after their season they go on do their own things and forget the comments they heard on the show. But if you take Idol as an A&R which Hudson did you take all the comments you heard on the show and work hard until you make it big. Fantasia did a total opposite and she is going through her downward spiral of success.

Anonymous said...

anon 11:36 AM I hope you are wrong, maybe there were so many voting for him it jammed the lines. Now I am worried for him. I want wild man James to stay too.

glitzylady said... it is..I sort of hate to post this..but someone will, and we're going to hear about since I just saw this on twitter, here it is. Sounds like Adam was "partying hearty"...I still think Perez is a creep. But I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of giving him any hits on his website is what it is. Adam is Adam and that's why we find him so fascinating!

Anonymous said...

Wrong Haley in the above picture. That is a picture of a Haley who was on a previous season.

Anonymous said...

So, Jake took Adam to Gaga's birthday party. I've never liked him.

The Dark Side said...

Only watched one week. Think they do have plenty of diversification this year, but nothing that holds me glued to the TV each week. The judges give me a tooth ache with all the sweetness and light. Where is Simon, even a touch of Simon would help. So Perez is on Adam's back again. Maybe cause he didn't go to Perez' BD party. So what if Adam had a rock star moment at Gaga's party. It's not like it was a tea party from all accounts. Is there a backstory here? Perez not invited to Gaga's BD? Don't fret Perez, I wasn't invited either.

Anonymous said...

Heard the Perez story, are we suppose to believe what he said about Adam? He hit new low bottom on humanity. Hate him and he should be out of sight forever.

Anonymous said...

I listened to Perez story too. Even the radio guy didn't believe him. He said why after three days you're telling this? Then, at the end he said to Perez I gotta party more with gay friends. Seacrest on his radio morning shows doesn't even let Perez to talk about his bullshits. Perez is an ass and his known for this here in L.A. He made up the story because of Adam's tweet. Perez is a bullshitter and no one should pay attention of what he says.

Anonymous said...

What a f***ing douche bag! Now I´m angry! Was that creep at the party? Who invited him? Why does Adam concider him a friend?


Anonymous said...

I had a fun morning..very prim sister in law was visiting and since she doesn't like to talk!!! (if she didn't have 2 kids I'd swear she wasn't female) I had to entertain her.

Honest---the devil made me do it---I said "Gail, you like music, would you like to see a season of Am Idol I have on tape?" It was all Adam from audition thru Kiss. She kept clutching her chest and saying "oh my" I was having so much fun watching her reaction.

At the end she asked "is that the homosexual young man I read about?" I was expecting a slam of some sort (she's sort of semi-Amish) but the joke was on me......She said "he's wonderfully talented and quite sensual!!!!!"

Not quite Glambert status, but a possible convert!

......Another one bites the dust!.....JAK

Anonymous said...

the voting could be fixed. don't vote and don't care. I did watch Adam on Idol and lost interest after his season.

Anonymous said...

Hey JAK! I have also watched that All Adam on AI and I recognise the chest clutching. I also tend to get rosy cheeks and swetty palms.
You did a good job.
I tried something similar with one of my friends visiting. She sat by the computer playing some silly game, and I put the GNL on. When it came to Sleepwalker I saw her make a move like she had a chill down her spine, and she looked at the TV. She likes Adam, but is kind of non obsessed. Now she had to admit that it was beautiful. I will work on her more.


Adamluv said...

"he's wonderfully talented and quite SENSUAL" - that he is, that he is! Nothing like a convert! @JAK - very amusing. Thanks for this cute story. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

How far will Durbin go? I like him but he is over the top for me. It seems like he is doing what he is doing and it does not come across naturally. I thought Casey was killer and original. Scotty too is original. What is not to like about Scotty right? I always like talent who at first no one sees like Adam. At first he was to theatrical(remember those comments)according to many. Then he changed it up and swang from one type of music to another with little or no effort. I think Pia has a great voice and is classy looking. Lauren reminds me of Kelly Pickler whom I also liked alot 'cause she was fun and herself. I hate to admit it but I haven't voted for anyone yet. I like Stephano; but he is not ready yet he has alot of growing to do...however does have the pipes. Jacob is a bit odd for me not sure what to think except he is consistant with being well inconsistant. I will give Haley props on singing Betty and the Jets. Her best performance yet; she is sassy and wants this bad. It is the other message she sends out that may kill her votes with the girls. Women are the ones who vote so these girls have to appeal to us girls I think. Not to many guys vote unless they work for AT&T(LOL)I had to get my dig in!
As for the Perez drama. That is what is MO is drama....take it with a grain of salt. I did not like his implications that Adam was doing something other than drinking. That was just unfair. I truly believe he is an idiot, everyone knows it and he shows it period. I am sure Adam will take care of it. Actually what Perez said was slanderes and he should was his mouth!

Anonymous said...

I just listened to the Perez story. I don't even know what to say. What is wrong with that man?

Anonymous said...


That is the best story! HA! A new convert...clutching her chest. Love it!

Anonymous said...

@anon 8.10
haven't read the story, but did catch a glimpse of headline to say that it had found a new home at Longleat safari park.

HK fan

Anonymous said...

back after the show, thia and naima gone. I will miss Naima but at least she'll be on the tour.

Anonymous said...

Paul and his beautiful teeth have survived another week. Casey might take it.

Anonymous said...

HK and Irene Rose you summed up your idol picks pretty much dead on to how I feel too. Don't get Casey at all. To me, for you (oh, sorry, I was having a Randy moment), all I hear is screaming and I don't like songs with just screaming. I was pleased to hear him just sing last night, but it was just ok IMO.

@JAK...I too have a friend who was surprised when I confessed my obsession with Adam. She said she liked him a lot until the AMA performance. We talked for awhile about it and I explained how that all went down. Then I asked her if she would like to borrow my new Acoustic CD. She took it and now it has been a week! I am going to continue working on her too!

Yay to Adam, only 40,000 more twitter followers to make a million!

Anon 8:50, you make me laugh..."Paul and his beautiful teeth..." !!


Anonymous said...

Here we go -

@12:52 am, @4:30 am, @ 8:44 am, @ 9:07 am, @10:36 am, @ 2:54 pm

I love what you said about Scotty. He had me the first note out of his mouth at his audition. Been so long in the music business since a voice like that has been heard and I didn't like country but I do now. He probably won't win, but he will have a huge success in cw music and at the Grand Ole Opry. Will buy every one of his records. He's a doll. I like how gentlemanly he is towards the girls and he's soooooo young. Good parenting always shows through.

Screw Perez Hilton!

Anonymous said...

Now James Durbin has reached Swedish press. Not even Adam and his party crashing did that. James obviously made some joke about Michael Jacksons "Pepsi accident" and now the Jackson Family are outraged. I didn´t hear anyone of you raging.


HK fan said...

I saw what JD said last night, wasn't outraged at all, just thought it was funny that he mentioned Pepsi when Idol is sponsored by Coke!

Anonymous said...

Sorry kiddo it didn't work out for Haley for a reason and James Durbin should of won the whole thing!!! James was a million times better than any of the others you picked for sure. Seems to me you might be a little jealous that James could pass you up one day. Snap out of it! Unbelievable!!

Anonymous said...

I love Pia ToscanomShe is pretty and sexy.I love her voice.