Adam Lambert Confirms He Is Working on New Songs!
Filed Under (sleepwalker,twitter ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Adam tweeted a few minutes ago he is indeed working with Ryan Tedder for his second album. Adam has previously mentioned in interviews that he plans to release a new album around Spring 2011.

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Yay, tapping my fingers in anticipation!
Cannot wait..still playing FYE non-stop in my car, but will be ready for the new stuff.
Be inspired and give us an epic album.
Take your time baby, enjoy, and please....have fun!
A great collaboration of two very talented singers. Love that they are working together and can not wait for the album. I know it seems sooo long. But got to be patient cause it's gonna be epic! Love how Adam keeps us informed so hopefully he will tel us who else he is collaborating with.
I hope so sweet boy. You couldn't find a better go to guy. Could he please write you a "Come Home" of your very own? It's a heart tugging weeper, I love it.
Work hard, play nice and head back to LA with a satchel full of hits. Stay warm.
I second the whole "Come Home" for Adam. Well, another fierce song like Sleepwalker wouldn't be too shabby either! Mils.
Can't wait to listen to what these guys come up with. Hopefully it will be just as good as Sleepwalker. Speaking of Sleepwalker, I hear it's a trending topic on Twitter!!! :)
Adam has won a Hungarian Grammy. Congrats!
wow congrats on that Hungarian Grammy Adam.
The title of this article is, Adam working on new songs. I like Adam's tweet better, he is writing HITS with Ryan Tedder.
I think he said around Fall 2011...spring might be lil´ too optimistic :-)
I prefer he takes his time and does it right. Like love, inspiration can come along whenever it feels like it.
The success of the second album will be so important for Adam.
Agree about Come Home. When I first saw Adam on Idol, I googled him and found the Upright Cafe songs - I was hooked from then on! There is such an emotion that is very present and honest that goes along with the voice. Plus being really good looking didn't hurt either!
With all this "Come Home" talk I just had to watch that vid from the Upright Cabaret again for the maybe 20th time. Adam is just so wonderful! And that's with the sound not even being that great on the recording. Sometimes it's difficult to see him being brought to tears at the end.
Just love him and so looking forward to the new CD.
yay can't wait
So looking forward to the new cd and hoping that this time around it will bring him a Grammy that he so deserved for the first album. Hope he is so inspired working with Tedder that nothing but HITS will come from the two of them.
they need to quit giving all the Grammy awards to Beyonce and give someone else a chance. I think she has about 18 right now. There is so many artists that are great at what they do, but have got Grammy snubbed. Adam needs to write with some of the best in the business and really make the second album stellar.
I'm afraid it's going to take more than a stellar album.....I think it's going to take a change of heart in this country. There's a kind of hex on him.
I don't understand why Adam "coming out" at the beginning of his recording career seemed to harm him and yet the artists who lied for years,Clay Aiken, Lance Bass, George Michaels, Ricky Martinez, etc. are praised for their new found courage and honesty.?????
Does any of this make sense or do I have too much time on my hands and dream up conspiracys?
If so, I plead senility.......JAK
@JAK, couldnt agree more with what you wrote. If radio stations wont play his music and stores wont carry his CDs and shows wont have him on and his management wont promote him . . . . . . . it doesnt matter how good his music is! And also agree about the celebrities you mentioned and their new found courage and honesty yet Adam, honest from the get go, doesnt get much praise if any for his courage? Unfair and very bizarre.......Adam luv
Okay now that I've brought it up, we know AMA performance did some damage and as it was happening I wondered as the GNT tour progressed his actions went from naughty to raunchy. And even more so in Europe, those videos were seen here and while they delighted his true fans they might have reinforced the very large number who find him unacceptable entertainment.
We know he behaves on talk shows and his late night performances were always proper, but could the raunchy stuff be holding him back.
We have become an almost Puritanical country.
I'm worried for him......with his talent he should be a nationwide name not Beiber!
It's the grandmother in me wanting to protect him. I know he's stubborn and won't be "managed" but he could be hurting himself.
Adamluv and JAK -- 100% right on! I am soo sick and tired that the AMA performance is Adam's archilles heel as well. ENOUGH ALREADY!!
Bruno Mars gets arrested for cocaine but no repercussions result -- acceptable?? Absolutely NOT!
Adam has learned ALOT these past couple years. He is chipping away one brick at a time and will break down the double standard wall that exists in this music industry and culture -- just by being Adam!
Look at what he has accomplished in such a short period of time!! Maylasia - did not cancel his concert in the face of bigotry and bias like some artists do and WON this battle because of the love for his fans!
He received accolades for this.
It gets better campaign -- what a resounding message he gave -- encouragement to be responsible for your life and ignore the negativity and focus on the good.
Sold out Glam Nation tour worldwide -- while other artists had to cancel dates due to low ticket purchase.
A grammy nomination is a HUGE deal! The TV industry got a wake up call. Adam is highly respected by his peers.
2011 will be a stellar achivement year for Adam. I believe this will be a turning point for him. He just needs to take his time with this new CD and pour his heart and soul into it.
He has paid his dues, made no apologies, remained steadfast in who he is and his beliefs. Being true to oneself WINS every time. It just takes time!
Bravo Adam!!
OMG @Eva that is an awesome news. I'm soooooo thrilled for our Diamond Boy. CONGRATULATIONS ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT!
Just enjoy the process Adam for i know in my heart that you have enough inspiration to create lots of wonderful music again. Patience is a virtue so i will behave while waiting for the next album haha.
I was thinking JAK, when I saw Adam perform FYE during his Opening Medley (on vid-earlier thread, IMO, Adam didn't give the same energy to singing FYE as he did on the amas. It wasn't the same. & you know what? I don't think I can see FYE performed any other way. FYE is definitely a theatrical song, there's a storyline there, & when I thought he did it all out of character, & thinking about it really hard, I don't think that song can be performed any other way. You know Adam is theatrical, let's not forget the theater is instilled in Adam forever, no matter what. That's what separates Adam from the rest of the original R&B, soul, rap, country, pop, rock, classic genres.
I want the world to know who Adam Lambert is because he is an undeniably freak of nature that is so beautiful in all his ways. Adam is a phenom!!
What happened when we all first met Adam coming out to AI? We fell in love!!! MWAH!K
ps.That is a phenomenal act of nature in itself, never have been thru this before with any other performer!! Have you? btw, I love Adam's raunchiness, do you hear him curse too? & I love you too,& all my fellow Glamberts! I enjoy your postings as well. a double MWAH to JAK!!! K
@HeartAdam4Ever Yes everything you said I was going to. I know we all love him so much and it hurts us when it seems tougher for Adam than others. But truly he has accomplished a great deal and has so many passionate fans and is gaining more. I think his second album will be what really does it for him and the U.S. will not be able to ignore his talent. We don't want Adam to be a flash in the pan like Beiber will be. Adam will be around for a very long time and I believe that with all my heart.' You get back what you give away' and Adam has given us so much already!
I will wait patiently for Adam's next album! I would like to see him win all awards for the next album. OMG! Adam is nearing his one millionth follower on twitter!!! YEA!!!!MWAH!K
I believe he said that the new album would come out in the fall of 2011, not spring..
Would have been nice though, I can't wait!
Adam has all the talent needed to be successful, but I don't think he did himself any favors by giving all of the those raunchy performances - these are easily seen by anyone anytime. I know he has a point to make but sometimes I think he was "shooting himself in the foot". Better to first become well-established, then gradually start to introduce something controversial. People already loved his voice and his looks, he might have been better just working with those for awhile..
It's perfectly news!!!!
I don't have any time for gay celebs who come out only because they have children. :-(
On a much brighter note, Adam is working on his new album NOW!! Blissful music to my ears. :D
Adam is a total success story,let's not forget how far he's come in the last couple of years..:He has Made so much from His album,FYE.. let me count the ways .. CD over 800,000 sold in US.way over a million sold worldwide,two hit singles in the millions,4 videos counting Movie.
GNT world Tour, with fans all over the world,Acoustic cd, TV gigs,magazine covers worldwide,Now A DVD of GNT coming out.He is mentioned everywhere in the news ,on TV,on new IDOL ,singers being compared to him.He's not Beiber , a teen idol,Adam's a grown up who sings grown up songs. If Adam can do all this with his first album which was made in less than3 months while touring with AI ,can you just imagine what he can do now.Oh by the by he has well over a million fans on face book and now has 900,000 fans on twitter.. Our BB is doing great and will continue to knock them dead all over the world. We as his fans will be cheering him on and supporting him the whole way.
@HeartAdam4Ever - i really want to thank you for your very insightful post. Thanks for reminding us about the great accomplishments of Adam in so short a time despite the unfriendly environment where he thrives.
It is comforting enough that he gets recognized internationally which i believe is solid proof of his immense talent and genuine artistry. Adam is unconditionally embraced by the global fans and the strong message being sent to the US music industry is that indeed, his star will continue to shine no matter what. I also agree that the Grammy nomination was a huge nod.
A lot of people have no idea that Adam is no ordinary and regular singer but is also a performance artist who can never sing like a robot. He is always full of emotions who interprets songs passionately. And Adam will have more integrity being true to form. But it is up to him should he decide to tone it down since he is so versatile and is creative enough to adjust when it is wiser to do so. I will have no problem with that.
Do what is best for you Adam and your career as long as no artistry will be sacrificed. Personally, i still hope that you will never surrender your artistic freedom just for flimsy reasons because that would hurt me a lot. I LOVE YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT!
Good luck on your second album our Diamond boy :)
@Anon March 3 at 4:48AM - just saw your very informative post and i also want to thank you for believing in him and staying positive. Let us all be together in this journey :)
Love thru Adam,
Had it not been due to the fact that ADAM is so open & honest about not only his sexuality but who he is as a performer & not afraid to be himself ... I wonder how many of the openly GAY celebs we are hearing about today would have had the GUTS to declare themselves. It seems to me that this topic has only opened up more in the past two years since ADAM has brought this subject OUT into the open by not being afraid to TALK about it OPENLY & HONESTLY & has encouraged others to do the same! ... Hope you NEVER change ADAM!! LOVE all your performances ... America needs to catch up with the rest of the world ... JMO
Bing - I think you are my sister from another mister -- love your posts too !! Where do you hail from?? I think at one point I read you were from another country outside of the USA??
LOL @HeartAdam4Ever oh how i wish we are! You are one of my favorites here and i always look forward to what you have to say. I cherish my 24/7 glamily and the way we celebrate our diversities here while gushing over our dearest Adam.
I am a Filipina who hasn't left the Philippines to migrate nor work in another country. I started posting here just before the MANILA GNT last 10-10-10 (i was there) when i saw that 24/7 is a safe place for somebody like me who has never ever followed any artist that is why i don't have the slightest idea how it is to be a fan! I have no regrets joining 24/7 because it has been a continuous learning experience for me here. The way Adam has connected people from all over the world through his brand of music is truly phenomenal. And the positive energy he gives is undeniably inspirational.
HeartAdam4Ever thanks for the shout out and for your many wonderful posts too. Adam came into my life when i needed him most and i've never been happier. I will forever be grateful to AI for giving Adam the platform he needed then. The same gratitude goes to 24/7 for being the best site for the most loving and dedicated fans of Adam.
Hope you get to read this HeartAdam4Ever :)
Love thru Adam,
Bing -- yep came back tonight hoping you had read my post to you -- I do not always jump backwards thru threads on 24/7 -- but this was one of those exceptions!
Phillipines is where you hail from -- how cool is that!! Well, I reside in Arizona USA -- you know that backward country that can't seem to come to grips with equality and equal rights for all -- but I digress.
Adam has brought joy into soo many lives - his music touches us all deeply. His charisma and drop dead gorgeous looks ain't bad either -- gotta love it!
I find it amazing how 24/7 has connected the 4 corners of the world here. So sista -- brace yourself -- this wild ride with Adam will last for infinity -- cuz this is Adam's vision and dream!!
Keep Smiling!!
I have been an Adam Lambert fan from his first appearance on AI. I think he is the most talented performer in the music industry today. Those of us who are devoted fans accept his sexuality and the fact that he is not afraid to be himself. However, I wonder if the pictures we see of Adam at drag clubs or surrounded by men without shirts or kissing Tommy during the GNT might hurt his chances to be the super rock star that he should be. Someone said he has gone from naughty to raunchy during some of his songs on tour and to a degree I find that to be true. Obviously he knows how to perform in front of an audience on a tv show because of his experience on the AMA show. He is the total package with charisma, self-confidence, and intelligence, but he might be just a bit over the top for those still not convinced of his true talent. I certainly hope not and that these comments I have posted do not offend the Adam Lambert fans, since I am one, but I do think about some of the negativity it does raise.
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