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Adam Lambert: Donate to Japan!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, March 13, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, March 13, 2011


Anonymous said...

I just read that some in the US think Japan deserved this. I hope there aren't any of those in the fandom.

Anonymous said...

Well those people who think Japan deserved this , what's coming back to them will be worse, pure stupidity, ignorance, & just hate!
It's just devastating! GOD! I will pray there is hope for the people of Japan, OH GOD!
Japan, we are thinking of you!! K

Anonymous said...

that's hatred period!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can't do anything for those people who is still ignorant in this world. If you can donate just please do and don't forget to pray for those who lost their love ones.

I'm still lucky because of my relatives are okay after the horrific scene that day...........

Love u Japan..........

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

None. It's like saying people deserved AIDS because they were gay.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure there are haters everywhere. Let's all focus on the positive, yeah?

I donated to Japan. I'm glad Adam tweeted about this. he's so kind hearted.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen anything but support and sorrow for the people of Japan. My family, neighbors and friends have all been glued to the news, have donated and are heartsick over this tragedy. Anyone who would say such a thing needs prayers for their sick,demented, ignorant souls. They are in the same vat of hate as the Westboro Baptist cult, and must be envious, unhappy, illogical people. This is just unbelievable. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@anon 10:16am I can't believe that somebody even can think about this. Lord punish people who ignore their brothers and sisters in such a tragedy like happened in Japan.

Anonymous said...

The quotes from people who do not have the best wishes for Japan are in the extreme minority and don't deserve time or space on this site

Anonymous said...


Saw your post and will reply on another page this page is too sad and solemn.

As I've gotten older I've become more weepy and the film from Japan is heartbreaking every time I turn on TV I automatically click on newschannel
and cry all over again.

Now I'm worrying about that nuclear reactor there will be aftershocks for quite awhile..JAK

Anonymous said...


Do you suppose the Westboro Haters are celebrating this as God's punishment for the gays in Japan?

Don't you know there a people of the Baptist denomination who cringe at every mention of those imbeciles?

It's a mad mad world,,,,,,,,,,,,,JAK

lily said...

to the japanese people, you all are in my prayers. i love your country and enjoyed my visit, enjoyed your warmness and hospitality. be brave, the whole world is with you.

Anonymous said...

To get our minds on somethings else for awhile: watch Celebrity Apprentice tonight and root for Meatloaf who is a huge Adam fan.

glitzylady said...

@JAK 2:31 PM
Of course, and why I posted my message on the previous page..

Thank you Adam for continuing to lend your name and support to the efforts being made to help the people of Japan.

Regarding the negativity being directed toward Japan: There are always those vocal few who try to somehow involve God and his/her punishment of whatever people are innocently involved in some tragic event. They are ignorant zealots wanting attention given to their own sick and/or misplaced beliefs and should be ignored. The overwhelming majority of people and organizations in the world are sending thoughts, prayers, money, and people to Japan, and that is what is important.

Fan4fun said...

@ funbunn40
You know I am a believer, an open minded Baptist one, as well as you know you are a half of my north star. I owe you so much... and just feel you should know that I asked my church to donate to Japan and they did it, and that all our prayers today were for the amazing Japanese people and for our brit fellow Chezza Sherbert's beloved dad. I feel sooooo good! Of course sweet Adam had a finger pointing out for me (for us) the right way to go...

Fan4fun said...

@ Glitzylady
Hey fellow, please remember: YOU are the other half of my north star!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:16, I agree wholeheartedly with glitzylady 5:36. I could not have said it better. I do not know a single soul who is not very worried about the people of Japan and those nuclear reactors and the thought of parents giving their children iodine pills!! It is gut-renching to say the least. It is NOT what America believes, just a few loud mouthed in your face idiots who are getting the attention of the media because of their stupidity. That's all we need here in America, is more incorrect negative criticism based on a tiny minority-NOT! My Aunt and couzin are Japanese and there family appears to be safe though they have quite a story. They are from Tokyo. They are a wonderful people.


glitzylady said...

@Fan4fun 6:24 PM
Thank you...right back at you! I just want you to know that I and many others are SO aware that the Westboro Family cult are "Baptist" in name only, I suppose to try to give themselves some credibility (NOT!!). Other Baptist churches have nothing to do with them and I'm sure wish they would disappear. I'm so glad your church donated to the Japanese people. It is so wonderful that you also included Chezza-Sherbert's father in your prayers. Another one of the positive things that our admiration for Adam has done, to bring us all together from many parts of the world (Azores, England, the US..the three of us, and so many more) , and has introduced us to friends we didn't know we had until this past year. It's a very small world these days, isn't it?? Adam has such a good heart, one of the many reasons we are fans..for sure!

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin I am so happy that your family members were saved.
I wish I could help much more than making some small donation. Continue to pray for all of these people who have such a terrible time right now.

Anonymous said...

To Everyone

I don't know how many cities, states and countries are represented on this page, but I'm so touched by all I've read, I promised myself I would get to bed before I have just one thing to say.....GROUP HUG.....JAK

Anonymous said...

@ Fan4fun, Thanksagain for your kind words. GL said what I was about to post. Clearly the Westboro Cult is not recognized by the Baptist Church or any church, which is why I've always called them a cult. I know the Japanese people will feel the love, energy and prayers from you, your church and so many of us worldwide that want to provide comfort and care and also Chezza's Dad and any on this site that is going thru' a difficult time. I don't know if Westboro said anything about Japan, as someone else on this site actually read the negative posts, but I was using them as an example of spewing illogical hate and spreading ill will. They are in the minority and are irrevelant. Goodness always prevails..funbunn40

Bing said...

I was raised as a Roman Catholic and the GOD i know represents love, understanding, forgiveness and mercy. I highly appreciate the fact that when it comes to disasters like these, millions of people around the world can forget about our differences in religious beliefs and focus on what can be done to alleviate the horrible conditions of the victims. And those who think otherwise should just be ignored for they must belong to that tiny group of extremely demented self-righteous people. Anybody who is in his right frame of mind will never wish for that to happen even to his worst enemies. SENDING LOVE AND LIGHT TO THE JAPAN!

@K - thanks so much for the nod in an old thread which has about 200+ comments LOL! One thing that connects all of us in 24/7 is our indisputable love for Adam. It is also funny how we all vary in expressing how much we all feel for him. How much we all care not only for his career but also for his personal welfare. If only all of us could be surrogate mothers to Adam LOL! Isn't it amazing how much this charismatic man is cherished by his most passionate and incredible fans! I've had the pleasure of reading your many inspired comments since you've joined our 24/7 glamily. Thanks also for loving Adam the way you do. Let us continue giving him our unconditional
admiration and support together :)

@Mom from Toronto Canada and @daydreamin - so good to hear that your relatives are safe in Japan. Will continue our prayers and novenas for all of them.

Anonymous said...

Lots of love and prayers to Japanese people and fans!!! You are in our thoughts and hearts!!!
Sanni from Finland

Anonymous said...

Unamos todas nuestras oraciones, para que se transformen en energía positivas, consoladoras amorosas, valientes y optimistas y que por la Acción Divina, lleguen a cada uno de los habitantes de estas lejanas tierras del Japón y sirvan de consuelo y de fuerza Física y Espiritual para seguir adelante, superando está situación tan adversa.

Bing said...

@HH i may not fully understand what you are saying but i thank you for your positive thoughts and compassion. That is exactly what the world needs now with the recent catastrophes and uprisings in the middle east.

I always look forward to the translations of Fan4fun and get to enjoy reading your wonderful comments @HH. Thanks again and kind regards my friend. You stay well :)

Anonymous said...

The devastation is just mind numbing...I heard 10,000 people estimated dead, this morning on the news! I cannot even comprehend. To the people of Japan - I am so devestated by this enormous tragedy and the ensuing loss of life and destruction! Awful.

- Adam Fix

HH (March 14, 12:00PM) said...

«Let's unite our prayers to turn them into positive, consoling and loving, brave and optimist energies, and [hope that] through the Divine Acction they may reach everyone who inhabit the far lands of Japan and [that] they may fit as consolation and physical and spiritual strength for them to go on, to surpass such an adverse situation. HH»

translated by Fun4fun (here you go, @Bing)

Anonymous said...

@ HH, YES! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I just donated $1000.00 for those in need. Please join me in Adam's request.

Anonymous said...

Thank you HH! Japan is in my heart and prayers all day long. Sanni

Unknown said...

How much did he donate??

Bing said...

AMEN to your post about Japan @HH.