Adam Lambert featured in "American Idol by the numbers" People magazine
Filed Under (magazine scans ) by Admin on Monday, March 28, 2011
Posted at : Monday, March 28, 2011
In the new issue of PEOPLE magazine, they featured Adam Lambert in their "American Idol by the numbers" page. Not sure why PEOPLE magazine decided on resurrecting the AMA controversy. (Probably because of the Chris Brown controversy) But they could have used the numbers for Adam's sold out 'Glam Nation Tour', or the 'Water Charity', Album Sales, etc.


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The AMAs...OMG, will this ever end?
i don't know why people's magazine became anti lambert. this is so unfair. AMA is history and should be forgotten.
Was just going to post this link..and suggest that mentioning his SOLD OUT GNT shows might have been nicer..[...shakes head...] ......I have more to say, but gotta run for now...
Oh look, they mention the 1500 people who complained. They are getting famous now.
They only put that on there because they couldn't fit the number of people who are IN LOVE with Adam Lambert and his music!!! HELL YEA!!!!
You mean Adam's fans caused Chris Brown to explode, trash a room, break a window, frighten ABC employees and rip his shirt off in anger (or to be sure tats were photographed) and rush out into a NYC street?????
MAN OH MAN ARE WE POWERFUL OR WHAT? We are practicing mind control. Can you guess what I'm thinking right now?.......JAK
Where's Sauli?
Can not believe they can not leave the AMA thing alone. How about posting how much Adam raised for charity water or how many twitter followers he already has or how many sold out gnt shows. No guess the AMA's are more news worthy. What a bunch of crap!
No but it is Adam fans that started using Adam's name to fight there own personal battle with ABC. Also I am sure Chris Brown fans feel the same way Adam fans did when everyone was attacking him not that I think what Chris Brown did was right but its still the same and they are defending him like we defended Adam so why are we turning this into an Adam vs Chris thing instead of a Chris vs ABC thing. If people have a problem with Chris Brown that has nothing to do with Adam stop involving him.
American media really suck big time on this !!!
Gah. Got my People today. The AMA's will never end for Adam. Chris Brown needs to take some lessons from our boy. He must have responded to literally 1,000 interview questions about it. He's always polite.
Okay, now they've made me mad. One blistering snail mail to People Magazine and an will make ME feel better. I'd tell'em to cancel my membership except I did that five years ago when it finally sank into my brain that I'd never heard of ninety nine per cent of the STARS they had in the magazine.
Hasn't Adam served his time for his crime? Couldn't they come up with one positive thing he's done? This just a pile of merde!
By the way I don't see this as an Adam vs Chris
thing, they have no beef against each other. My anger is directed at People Magazine for going for the easy slur against Adam....JAK
Guys just remember where is Adam right now??????
He is on the top and no one can deny that anymore.
Let's just focus on his success and future legacy in Music Industry.....
ABC is a bully and look what happened bad karma paid them a visit.......
Lots of love for Adam......
We will prevail at the end people....
Just be positive and take a deep breath.....
Mom from Toronto, Canada
1500 complaints seems somewhat laughable when you think about the number of people watching.
I agree with Mom from T...bad karma paid a visit. Adam is growing everyday in popularity regardless of those who have tried to keep him done.
Let's focus on the positive. Great album sales, lots of hits worldwide, sold out tour AND love in his life. :)
I think People magazine had this article done and ready to go to press before the CB incident. It just adds fuel to the fire though. It is not Adam vs Chris. It is Chris Brown's violence and ABC's acceptance of that. Mom from Toronto Adam is on top right now and we want him to stay there. Just when a lot of people are forgetting the AMA this stupid magazine brings it up again. I don't want Adam to ever have to struggle again because his talent is once in a lifetime. We will prevail because Adam is all about love.
What are you guys complaining about? It's publicity. Adam is gay. He kisses and has sex with men. I think it's great they showed this. It's about time that the American public sees a little gay love since studies show anywhere from 10-20% of men are gay or bi-sexual. Can't have accurate number because many won't acknowledge. We must get use to seeing men and women kissing, hugging, holding hands--anything a heterosexual couple does.
Just to make my point, I grew up in the 50's (yes, I'm a senior--no doubt about it). Where I lived, the Afro-Americans would step off the sidewalk if a white person walked by and lowered their heads. Segregation was is its full glory with separate fountains, restrooms, public transportation, schools. If a black man spoke to a white woman or visa versa, it was totally unacceptable. I was in Atlanta in the 1970's, and many restaurants were not serving blacks. Plus I could not sit and talk in public to my black co-workers.
Now look at the world!!! You don't think at all when seeing a mixed race couple, and the races are becoming blended. I worked for a public agency, and all you saw were white faces in charge, all of them men. The world is slowing changing for the best. Don't hide the issue. Glorify it! One of the many reasons I love Adam is him being so open, honest and proud.
You know, I usually like People magazine, but I found this page to be frustrating. I am almost at a loss for kind or patient words. But I have some other ones. The other mention, other than Adam's, that didn't need to be there (IMO), was the number re how many had been arrested. That might well have been right out of some much sleazier rag, like the National Inquirer or TMZ. Not amused. Adam has done so many positive things, both before and since then, that I am disappointed in this. Some might say, well at least he got a mention (true..), but unless they follow it up with "the rest of the story", about what he has been doing since then": his charities, his very successful tour, his GNT DVD/CD, etc....I may have to post a comment (a nice and constructive one of course, so as not to come across as a "BSC" Glambert).
I am not sure this has anything to do with the Chris Brown thing either. Hard to tell. I still believe the publicity that Chris Brown has generated could draw (and has already done so) some secondary (and hopefully positive) attention to the hypocritical attitude shown by ABC in how they have handled the two separate and different situations, and might, if presented correctly, bring about some positive attention for Adam as a result, but I definitely don't think this, as it was presented, is helpful at all. And I have to say, I'm actually a fan of the KISS.. but not of the fallout afterward. Kind of a two-edged sword. It got him worldwide attention, gained some fans, and unfortunately lost him some fans. It is what it is. Hoping that Adam will eventually be known for his beautiful voice, his kind and generous soul, in addition to being proud of who he is. I just would like to see more even-handed and fair journalism, which focuses on something other than the "1500 complaints about his racy performance at the 2009 American Music Awards". He is SO much more than that.
It's funny how people react differently. When I saw these pics almost a year and a half ago, I got interested and bought the FYE album. It wasn't only the kiss that got me interested, but rather a combination of things that I won't start to explain now. The Adommy kiss on tour was different and I never really liked that fan service.
It just made me cry:(
OT - Adam just tweeted "Great day to be born :-)" -- must be he's thinking of Sauli 'cuz today is his b-day. Sweet ---
It's Gaga's birthday too..
I hate it when people try to box Adam, he is who he is, GAY. And this AMA performance didn't make Adam looks bad, instead it exposed how our society is so crude and discriminating. It showed how shallow and hypocrites ABC and their affiliates are, it showed how there is clear double standards, it showed how Homosexuals are supressed by our society. Adam did Nothing wrong on this performance, the song itself was sexy so he acted that way. Who the fuck cares what others think, he is the artist, he'll interpret his art which ever way he want. Geez people!
@anon 6:09 I didn't understand your comment!
anon March 28, 2011 6:09 PM
I just love you! YOu so fuckin Right!!!
This is soo lame and soooo old...why oh why couldn't they say Adam Lambert's "number" was... raised $300,000 for clean water!!!??!!
truly don't think this is so bad. I think it's meant to point out the ridic of it & the complaints, I really do.
Hey ZZ & 6:09, I'm feelin' you, and I'm always happy to read you ZZ, but let's play nice
Sometimes Adams's fans fan the fires and Adam has to pay the price.
This is the first time I have been totally frustrated with some of the folks who say they love Adam, but started this comparison with Chris Brown. Adam didn't deserve this,He's moved on!! The fans who started a petition comparing ABC's treatment of Adam to Chris ,just revived the whole AMA performance and ABC's reaction again. Do I think ABC was correct or fair in their treatment of Adam, Hell NO,do I think some of the fans who continue their fight with ABC is right again, Hell NO ! The AMAs were almost two years ago & Adam has moved on to a Great career and international success. Can we the fans move on with him?
It is not about the number of complaint, it is about the way People put around this figure. Good verses evil, very homophobic, that what I see from it. I don't know if I am right, may be I am oversensitive. Yeah, time to move on. Adam deserves more than this.
I'd say in this moment in time the LAST thing on Adam's mind is LAME BC!!!!I think this is SO YESTERDAY to bring that up...
But, look at the bright side-- GRAMMY NOMINATED ADAM LAMBERT!!! Yup, that is his new intro.
Not bad, eh kids???
Let's just wish Adam a happy evening and just keep on LUVING him.
He is enjoying the LAST LAUGH, without even batting a BEAUTIFUL eye!!
To quote the Glittery One:
"It is Karmic and Korrect".
Party on Garth...
Yes everyone MUST move on. Adam is probably not the least bit upset about this. Know we all love hims so much and become very protective, but as they say shit happens. The music industry and anyone in the public eye has to deal with stupidity and unflattering press. Adam has always handled it with integrity, so must we.
After posting this above, I see there is another one directly above it, @Anon 5:49 PM. I agree with what is said, that it is about time (and past time really) that America gets with the program. I would like nothing more than to see gay relationships to be seen and celebrated. No argument from me at all. However, I still think this brief mention about the 1500 complaints doesn't accomplish much, unless it can perhaps HOPEFULLY draw attention to the overreaction of ABC towards Adam performance and the double standard that seems to permeate our society. If it opens up that conversation, then I'm all for it. If it was simply presented again to remind people that others were shocked and complained about Adam's racy performance, then I just get irritated again. Not angry, just irritated. Its so much bigger than that. Maybe seeing this picture will help facilitate conversation, maybe not.Its in a gossip magazine after all. Give Adam a chance to let America see what a decent and generous man he is, not to mention talented. I am truly hoping that People or some other reputable magazine will do an interview that allows Adam to speak as well. I don't understand why he is almost invisible in print media in the US. Adam did nothing that others have not already done, but by women.
Okay I learn I know what the Administrator does......removes offensive comments.....that's very nice, but it kind of leaves my rant hanging out there making no sense at all. Could you make it disappear too? JAK
Nobody is trying to connect the Chris Brown incident to Adam Lambert. The AMA incident is just salient again because Chris Brown has stirred up controversy with the same network.
Glitzylady.. I understand what you are saying,but on the other hand, we the fans, shouldn't use Adam as a battering ram for equal rights. He is doing a great deal to help gay rights and Chris and Adam's stories are very different. ABC is in it for profit and all this publicity will only garner them more viewers and more profit. We seriously have to think of what's best for Adam. Is it good for Adam to be bringing the AMAS and ABC's behavior up time and time again? Do some of really think we're going to make ABC value moral integrity over money? Again ,if we are true fans of Adam , shouldn't we value all the success he's had and look to the future rather than to the past.Good Karma will win out in the end.
Is this perhaps a Carrie Underwood ad?
Look at it this way,other than Carrie Underwoods achievement, there isn't another thing on that page that Adam would want to do, but Kiss That Boy! ;)
What a pile of C..p!
Make that 1501, get a room Adam!
Wouldn't be GREAT if Adam's fan club,Adam Lambert 24/7 removed this post.. why should we as fans stoke the fires. This magazine never has much good to say about Adam. do we have to perpetuate their BS!!! Please remove this...
It is my birthday too! I'm gonna pretend that Adam was speaking to me.
I thought Sauli's birthday was 3-27???
@Anon 7:13 PM
Oh boy......I am feeling really confused right now..I would never "use Adam as a battering ram" for civil rights and if that's what you got out of my comment then I am truly horrified. What I was hoping to convey is this: I am tired of the AMA's being brought up every time someone talks about Adam. Period. It makes me cringe. It makes me cry inside. I makes me want to "scream out". Because I know that so many out there only identify him with that ONE performance and all they could see was "raunchy". Others loved it. I was not offended by this performance but was terrified of the reaction that would come after it. I lost sleep. Because he is so talented and I was afraid his career was damaged. I obviously did not make myself very clear. If you think I don't know that Chris's and Adam's stories are very different, then you don't "know" me at all, but then why would you??. I understand that ABC could give a s*** about anything other than ratings and money. I also understand that a bunch of strident fans will do no good to change their minds and could cause more problems.. I also understand that we don't want to associate Adam with Chris in anyone's minds. The media does that.. I'm not signing the petition about banning Chris Brown from ABC or anywhere else, and I don't really care if he is on DWTS. ABC can and will do what they please. Because they will. The media has dredged all of this up again, and so if they MUST do that, and if THEY want to compare the treatment of Adam with the treatment of Chris Brown, then I can only have perhaps just the faintest hope that something good might come of it and it might dawn on a few people that maybe ABC acted hastily and for no good reason with the cancellations of Adam's performances..As I said, it is what it is, and its history. Please understand that I agree with what you say, and am baffled that you would think I might believe otherwise. And I also think you misunderstood what I was saying when I said I would like to see Adam in an interview. here and there.The last thing I would want to see or hear Adam talk about is the AMA's..Its been talked to death..What I want to see is him talking about his Tour, his music, his charity work, and just let him charm the pants...err...socks off of America. And to continue to be proud of who he is. Maybe this is TMI (yep..for sure..) but you really sort of surprised me with your comment, and the last thing I would ever want to do is anything that might hurt Adam in any way. I'm off my soap box now..Sorry..
Example 1501 is the mentality of what we are up against. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. We welcome your thougts, maybe if you stick around you will be enlightened, if you can understand the vocabulary.
To think this whole brooha started with a letter from mJ to the New York Post last Friday about the double standard . Adam and the AMA's were frequently mentioned. If she has a problem with Chris Brown, she needs to address that without bringing Adam into it. The timing of that letter during the first week's sales of GNT Live is irresponsible.
America feeds on FREAKIN' negativity I guess. Come on 24/7 - just take down the whole thing. He deserves one place where he is celebrated wholly for the beautiful, decent, talented man he is. You could have just skipped this trumped up piece of crap!!
I'm so sorry ,I guess I misunderstood you. I'm just so anxious to stop all this hype and feel so sorry that Adam is put into this thing with Chris..
Sorry if I offended you in any way.. I can see that you are a wonderful fan of Adams..
Yes can someone please email this site and get this article taken down.. agree with you 8:09
Adam should have been mentioned as the best singer EVER from the show with the other 106 listed as MIA. yep yep
I agree wholeheartedly with what you have said.I ranted about it on another site & I'm through.
Only time will tell.We didn't drag Adams name into this,& I don't know where it got started, but it's out there now & hopefully people will see the light & it won't harm his career.
was this an insult towards Adam? I think a bunch of people should send in complaints for that stupid article and go past the number of AMA complaints.
@ZZ and anon 6:09pm Okay,so you prefare if I would write a long comment about all that I think about all of this sh...., bad carma, that they pull this picture and 1500 complaines again!!! Yes, it would about me! Do you know why? Because my comment would start from frase "I told you......" Then everybody will call me troll, tell me that I can be Adam's fan, etc!
But I just didn't want to make any comments. I am very sad. Because nobody in Music Industry works as hard as Adam. But they will pull this story again and again.
Also, as far as I am from different country, may be I express my feelings different way.
maybe the next article they will mention the 1500 and so copies of their magazine that didn't SALE. shakes head and points finger***
Ok, it's done. Let's forget it and stop over-reacting. The more we rant, the more this junk stays in the public eye. I'm tired of it myself and certainly don't think that anything we're saying helps Adam at all. He's probably eager for it to go away. I did a rant myself a while back, but I'm over it! Focus on the positive, as Adam says!
Sometime this site posts negative stuff about Adam from other sites... Come on 24/7 why help People Magazine.. please take this down ,you're not being positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@anon 8:10 PM.
No problem, I just wanted to be sure I was being clear, and apparently I wasn't doing a very good job..No offense taken. I truly respect Adam as a talented singer, entertainer, and above all, a decent human being, and have since the very beginning of his Idol journey, the first few seconds actually. I am like everyone else here (well, ALMOST everyone..I see a few posts tonight that have been removed and a couple of others that probably will be...) in that I am frustrated that there are those who would think of him otherwise. We don't always agree on the fine points here, but all want him to succeed and be recognized positively, and to present his music in his own way. The media negativity from time to time simply perpetuates this skewed vision of Adam that they seem to want to continue to show. Hence the frustration and the hope that will eventually change. (((O))) (hug..) I feel better now.... : )
@glitzylady Darling, this is a great comment. And I am absolutely agree with all that you wrote.
Aslo, you gave me idea that I had to use word "frustrated" instead of "crying" or "sad". Probably after this I woudln't get the comment "suck it up"
However,I hope I never will have any reason to use these words.
JAK, I wrote the first comment that was removed but I was so mad I can't remember what I said so I can't really help with your hanging thing.It was sort of fun having a comment removed though, usually I make a comment and I don't think anyone reads
Why can't people quit being so rude, and I am not talking about the article - which is also rude. If someone is saying they are sad about it, leave them be.
Adam's fans should be kinder. I for one will not buy People or Star. They both are negative when it comes to Adam. And ABC is acting shameful like many rude
comments in this post. Delilah5, I feel the same way you do. People, quit being hateful...yes, hateful. Watch your words and if you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing. On the positive side, thanks to those with constructive, thoughtful and smart comments regarding Adam's success.
9:06 - I think your comment was removed because it was offensive to Adam? I heard the admins only remove comments that are offensive to Adam or Adam fans....
I read your comment and I think it said something about "It was all Adam's fans' fault?". Maybe the admin mistook you for the "Chris Brown" fans that trolled this site today.
@anon 9:10 Thank you, for your comment,dear.
Also, as far as I am on positive side (believe me, much more than I used to be) I didn't want to make any comments, except that this publication made me sad.
I just made a comment on "AfterElton" post that I am sure that Adam is doing great. I think a lot of his fans even didn't read all of these articles about CB or open "People" on page 150:)
This site needs to really consider more carefully what to post. This isn't anything that needed to be seen. This is old stuff that is not relevant, positive or interesting. It is just a dumb story that has a negative effect.
no censorship please. Just because something makes someone uncomfortable or may cast a bad light on Adam, we need to hear/read it and deal with it. Adam does. Don't dwell on things. Go out and buy a GN DVD and gift it. I did that today, and it made me feel so good. I plan to buy a couple more for my friends who like Adam but never attended concert and certainly are not as fanatical as I am. Walmart has them for $14.99 or something like that. Not bad for a DVD.
On another subject, I had one of my posts removed under this topic. I must admit that it was borderline rude, and perhaps I didn't understand what the writer was trying to say. I shouldn't have made the one line statement. Now I thought it was mild, but I guess someone's feelings could have been hurt. I'll try to be more careful in the future.
This was on PEOPLE MAGAZINE - which means this is relevant...
I'm glad 24/7 posted this. PEOPLE magazine is EXPOSED for being anti-Adam.
I will stop subscribing to this magazine.
Good for you 9:39. Seems the only way to get through to people is through their wallets. Things never change.
just cannot focus on his music, can they?!!!
this is the level of the editors of People Magazine:( - professionals in scandals!
There was a light shown on the unfairness of what happened to Adam by major news outlets. That's a great thing. If People Magazine wants to focus on 2009 news then hey, they are not current and not worth my money. I want current news. Adam raised $293,000 for charity, he had a sold out tour here and abroad and kept adding dates, where other singers were cancelling dates. He was the first alumni asked back to sing this year. He was nominated for a Grammy. His cd went on to sell a million cds worldwide...many newsworthy items.
I've heard for ratings (from an ABC insider) and Showbiz Tonight that Chris Brown and Rhianna may do an interview together with Robin Roberts. Rumors - who knows if it is true. If it is, the ABC source said that it is for ratings and that ABC has played all of this up for ratings (as if we didn't know)but I think it would be a cheap shot at a very serious problem. Sorry, ABC I'm not in the group of people that care to see that interview. ABC apparently thinks we are all gawkers that have no brains.
I agree, it is old news, but I can't understand why you still react so strongly. You are as sensitive as the ABC.
It was just on Showbiz Tonight again. A woman called in & said I agree Adam should not have been kicked off of other shows & Chris should not have gotten so angry about something that happened 2 yrs ago. Sorry I didn't get every word
but that was the gist of it.
I disagree with censorship on this site, unless it's overly offensive language directed at another poster or a cruel, personal attack. If there is a negative article about Adam in an interview, video, magazine, etc. I don't want to be kept in a bubble. I want to know what's going on in other places and what people are thinking. "Forwarned is forarmed" and positive, respectful comments can be made on other sites. I'm not meaning abusive ones that will hurt Adam, furthering the notion that we're all crazy bat sh*t fans. I didn't sign the twitpetition going around, as I think enough has been bandied about regarding the double standard and too much well intentioned defense of Adam can backfire. It's about Chris and Abc at this point.I did comment on the NY Times article when it first came out and I was disgusted with ABC and still am, but I think it's time to put it to rest. I'm sure they're well aware of what we and others think and it's become old news at this point. At times i've thought that Adam hadn't been asked to appear on some shows because they didn't want to deal with his fans and all of the disruptions with jammed phone lines, crashed web sites, etc. For awhile there were funbunn40
hey i dont think its that bad because everybody knows about the AMAS but yeah kind of old.its been 2 years.
Just as I expected, you can't even take any criticism about Adam here. Beings you removed my post. Have fun in your ever growing fragile bubble, (POP) Adam and your fans will never grow in that respect. Go to your safe place Adam, and let your fans do your fighting for ya, because it seems you can't defend yourself. If your gonna carry the fight to other sources, best be sure others will be by to voice their opinions as well. It doesn't bother me that the man is gay, it's the raunchiness and total disrespect for my beliefs, keep it in the bedroom, or risk losing it all!! Not to mention you have to explain to kids why that man is acting like that, you don't wanna know the responses I assure you, and that's out of the mouth of kids too. When they do come to see you, it's to hear ya sing, not to see you have simulated sex with another man in public. I've heard lots of stories of people walking out early because of it. Gene Simmons told Adam to keep his mouth shut, and Adam claims that he doesn't represent the gay community? but it looks like Adam is representing it alright. Sounds like spirit of discord if ya ask me. You have no respect for my views here, so why should I respect yours. Don't force your beliefs on me and I won't force mine on you. You fans need to accept the fact that many people don't like this type of public display. Wondering how long before this comment gets removed.
I can't imagine Adam on DWTS. I'd like to see him dance the lambada though, with a guy maybe. I've tried to dance lambada when it was popular by Kaoma. It wasn't easy, because the guy's knee is between your thighs. :D
I can't believe Rhianna would appear with Chris Brown....I think they just want to use her to make Chris and ABC look good.....
TO Anon @2:15...have you watched how the female singers preform...J. Jackson, Madonna,B Spears, Lady G ....did you watch the whole AMA show...I can't believe that anyone who watched the whole show thought that Adam was out of line.
Adam doesn't have to represent the gay community...he lives it.....why don't you go after the girlfriend beater who wrecked ABC's window..Oh you think that is alright....
I don't like the woman beater either, or any of the other names ya tossed out, so I guess my best bet is to let you folks have your fun, because entertainment today is going to hell in a hen basket. Must be the dark ages of this Ara!!
@2:15..Adam was the last act at about 10:50...people were probably leaving because they wanted to get to their cars or didn't want to hear an AI performer.....boy...they missed an iconic performance!!!!
Was I the only one that thought it was great that Showbizz Tonight showed the kiss twice and did not blurr it? Adam kissed Tommy almost on every show to make a point. What point do you think he wanted to make?
At an award show on MTV two men kissed in the audience for the camera, as if they were making a point.
On Pink and Katy Perry´s videos there are man-on-man kisses.
Charlie Sheen kisses Kimmel on the Kimmel Show.
There guys kissing on Glee.
Do you think all of this would have happened if Adam Lambert hadn´t broken down the door?
There are people that never will except him how many outsold shows he has or how many millions he raises for charity. He´s a sinner and the devil, no matter what. (@2:15 PM)
This AMA performance made people talk. He didn´t commit a crime, he made male homosexuality visible. But even now 1 1/2 year later I feel that many of his fans are ashamed of him and want this performance hidden and forgotten and never talked about ever again.
I won´t speculate what Adam thinks, but I don´t think he regrets it or feels ashamed.
Peoples Magazines agenda is to sell mags, and racy performances sells more than charity work, simple as that.
Numbers numbers!! Who cares! Adam is more popular in the world than any of those other five. And it´s unfair to bring that AMA kiss to that. They seem to love Carrie Underwood and raise her up with that million sale figure. She may be all right but I don´t know her music at all. I´m pretty sure Adam is known nearly in every corner of the globe. And will be more in the future too!!!
It's all about the freedom to choose...there are enough entertainters out there...You have the right to choose who you like...I choose not to watch Dancing with the Stars tonight because of ABC and I will be calling in to ABC because I have a choice.
@March 29, 2011 2:15 AM
I don´t know if the right place to criticise Adam Lambert is an Adam Lambert fan site. But I have noticed that Adam haters are as passionate as fans. They seek him up on YouTube, blogs and even fan sites just to tell us that he is a "faggot" sometimes even a "faggert", that he is fat and ugly an gross.
I have never felt the urge to visit Justin Biebers fan site to let his fans know what I think of him. Why would I?
You don´t mind that he´s gay? Oh, really? You have trouble explaining to kids about his actions? Why?
"Adam is gay. Gays like boys and kisses boys, and it is ok". See how simple that is.
Kids are not born homophobes, they are taught by their parents. It´s the parents that panic over the AMA performance, not the kids, who probably wouldn´t know what went on. Kids are open minded if parents keep their fears and prejudice from them. To see small children carry signs like "God hate fags" outside a GNT venue is truly sad and makes me loose hope for a second that it´s really getting better.
PS: About Gene Simmons. He has bragged over and over again about how many thousands of women he had sex with, so I don´t think he is in any position to tell Adam to keep his sexuality to himself. Gene Simmons is bitter because he was outsanged by Adam at the AI finale and he can´t get over it.
You got that right Eva........I'm getting goose bumps just thinking of when he sang "Beth"
Adam has the voice to just be a singer and make a living at it...the fact that he is sooo much more and I just can't explain that (you Glamberts know what I'm talking about)is why I love him......he makes my heart full...
Love and Light
Thank´s Eva for your good points!!
Nobody keeps his/hers sexuality in the beedroom nowadays. It is very public. Kate Perry, Madonna, Lady Gaga etc. Plus that one lady (do not remember her name) who recently had a real FAKE PENIS on the stage. She asked one man from the audience to make lap dance session with her. That lady shook her pink penis is front of the audience. I think it was quite gross!
Adam´s "fake penis" is a glittering and beautiful darkblue microphone. You can´t compare it to that pink one. And Adam does everything in style!
Oh, Ronnie what shows are you watching? Never heard of that Fake Penis Lady. No outrage at all over that one? Wonder why.
Good points Eva. 2:15 is a very dangerous thing to me, because 2:15 is well spoken, well written... but still so very misguided. I tend to give up on people like 2:15, and move on to growing and evolving along with people who are open to the fact that we all bleed the same color... if I thought 2:15 would listen with an open mind, I'd write a long post as to what's wrong with 2:15's arguments. To 2:15 I say, post here all you want, offer your opinion, but my opinion is that you'd do well to open your mind and heart to the good things in pop culture around you, of which there are actually many, that's just my pov
It is too bad that with his talented Voice the AMA's are what get heralded by the media.
Adam isn't the same person that he was then and it would have been nice to have acknowledged how far he has come and some of his positive accomplishments of late. I think he deserves better and the media has to move on from this debacle and give him a chance to stand for something else.
It certainly wasn´t a porn thing or anything. Honest. My God. It was an music artist from the USA. I try to find it... Anyway the main thing was that what Adam does it is with style!
Now I found the "Fake Penis Lady". She is Nicki Minaj and she gave a show about on 16.3.2011. So where is the fuss about that?!?
@March 29, 2011 5:04 AM
I´m all with you. That was my point that there is no point in trying to convince 2:15 to open his mind. He wants his mind closed, he wants his beliefs protected and not shattered. So by denying the AMA and calling it a "debacle", trying to hide it under the rug is like putting Adam back in the closet to make him acceptable to 2:15. That´s futile. To 2:15 Adam Lambert is a gay sinner and he will never accept him.
Gossip mags will put out this image of Adam as long as it is concidered outrageous,(and outrageous sells) but as we can see times are changing and soon 2:15 will be a dinosaur.
People Magazine borders on being a trashy piece of grocery store check out tabloid. In this issue, they hopped on the gravy train with those who would come unglued if they couldn't compartmentalize certain groups of people into their stagnant believe system. The article they did last year with the side by side, extraordinarily beautiful pictures of Adam, probably drew ugly criticism at the suggestion that he is an amazing human being. I know I lashed out last night - sorry - it is just so depressing....over and over and over and......
Not every GNT show was with style :-). Some were quite racy (hand in pants, the mic blow job, the pot smoking) and a lot of peeps on this site were upset. The doom and gloom comments were endless (that was at that time I left the site for a while).
Some of the nice ladies here, however, tried to explain live rock performances vs live television. What Nicki Minaj, Adam Lambert and many other performers did was "Live Rock Performing" and there ANYTHING can happen and noone should be upset!
@Anon March 29, 2011 5:18 AM
Regarding your statement "Adam isn't the same person that he was then..."
I realize you're trying to be supportive, I really do, but there is a lot wrong with that statement of yours IMHO? Do you understand that? And anyway, how do you (we, any of us, me too, know?). There was NOTHING wrong with the person Adam was on that night, btw
Adam really need fans fully support him no matter what he does (legally), sometimes I feel it good that AMA happen and a whole bunch of tight ass fans are gone. Those who stay behind with half open minded need to be educated to accept him. It just pain headache to see how messy the fanbase act.
@March 29, 2011 6:43 AM
I agree 100%. It hurts me to see how so many well meaning and supportive fans just don´t accept the gay Adam. I have said this so many times before, so I won´t go there again. He was a great person then and he is a great person now,
@Eva i'm having a blast reading your great posts that i can rest now and not bother to add anything else since you've said them all. I have a meeting at 7:00AM so i need to rest now. But i know that i will be leaving this thread in very good hands LOL. You go girl and i totally agree with your good points as @Ronnie has already acknowledged them :)
Thank you sweetheart! I don´t know what came over me. Slow day at work. I got into a posting frenzy and couldn´t stop myself. :-)
This People Mag feature of Adam is overly negative, I agree. If this is their way of removing the stigma around that infamous AMA performance and giving him 'publicity' its not the right approach imho. Adam has said in countless interviews that he has moved on and wants everyone else to do so because its really not as big of a deal as it was made out to be.
Simply put this ONE PERFORMANCE should not be the focus of his career and they are perpetuating a stereotype by continuing to showcase it. He has made his mark on the music industry through other much greater achievements. If they don't want to recognize that well then that just makes them look like ignorant.
I truly think the best option here is to ignore them. I'm not saying that we should forgo expressing our opinions on this matter as it is relevant and clearly a double standard but complaining to them isn't going to do anyone any good imho.
Hit them where it hurts the most: in sales.
Don't buy the magazine or go to their site and leave comments. All they care about is the hits while we on the other hand care about Adam and his career.
Just sayin.
Adam is a mixture of sweet and sexy. He is absolutely in line with other concerts. People that object should look at other concerts and they would see that. Every news event written, and on tv, sided with Adam being treated unfairly...that is the tide turning positively (as it should)so, the silverlining in the Chris Brown incident is that it brought out the injustice of Adam being banned by ABC. I'm thrilled that collectively people are moving on...and will call out the ban as wrong at this point. Progress. It is a great thing.
Most people love Adam for his music and his general personality. His mission seems to be making a decent living by entertaining and performing. It must be very difficult to not only do that but to follow the agenda some people have set up for him. I think people have forgotten the problems he had with "Out" magazine. His behavior was supposed to fall in line with their view of being gay. I see this same problem right in this thread. If people want to be gay activists they need to get out there and be seen doing the activities they promote. Don't always rely on Adam to represent you, represent yourselves.
Eva 6:37. Ok the pot smoking in front of Amsterdam kids was not very stylish. Adam is no saint but a heck good human anyway. Thanks Eva for your beautiful realism! Ronnie
People the best way to help Adam and put these TV stations at his feet is to buy his CDs, DVDs and more! Than more he sell more power he will have in the music industry!
Cancelled People today. That is all I am going to say. I thought it was mean and out of line to bring up the only questionble thing he has ever done since leaving Idol. I wrote them a letter to tell them why in a respectable way. If you believe it was wrong too you need to make your voice be heard too.
Adam wasn't the only person who had "negative" things mentioned in that 2 piece spread on the Idols. They cut into Diana deGarmo, and several others,as well.
I look at it this way, they didn't just focus on positive topics, but also negative. As much as the whole AMA thing was hard for Adam and for us fans, it just plain sucks that it won't go away.
But, it won't. EVER. It is part of Adam's career history : forever. What is more telling to me is how he is embraced by TPTB, that he is working with really big star makers on his second album, that he is now part of A List parties, etc.
This also should be a lesson for *sssholes like Chris Brown. In how to handle media pressure when literally every single interview asks about the hardest moment of your career over and over and over again.
I'm not canceling my People. I love that magazine. I'm afraid that too much Glambert trashing of every media outlet will come back negatively on Adam eventually. If every publication gets deluged by Glamberts, they will stop putting his name in print.
Focus on the positive,please, his name and picture were in people magazine. They had hundreds of Idols to choose from, and chose Adam,LIGHTEN UP.
That article didn't mention how many Idols have starred on Broadway. How many were married while on the show, how many were parents, etc.
It focused on "newsy" things. And the AMA's were "newsy".
We need to get over it. Adam has.
I tink Mils has many good points... especially the one about being careful as to how many publications (and the like) Glamberts deluge w/ rants. I know the reasons why we "deluge", I understand, I promise you that I do, but Mils' point is also a very good one. Just food for thought.
@Glitzylady & Eva thank you so much for your remarks.
@Ronnie & others: Numbers DO matter for proper perspective so I am going to add some:
Around 1400 people (People says 1500) complained To ABC about Adam out of (are you ready?) 14.5 MILLION. Even at 1500 this means less than 1 100th of 1 percent complained! Complaints filed against Adam at FCC were bogus (From 10 PM Adult material can indeed be aired) & organized by an anti-gay group. Somebody said that ABC gets more complaints about DWTS on a weekly basis due to skimpy costumes.
More Stats: ABC shamelessly exploited Adam & his performance ahead of time to include that night all the way up to it to bring in ratings--which he did, up about 2 MILLION from 2008.
More stats: Ratings for the 2010 AMA's (without Adam) dropped 3.5 MILLION from 09. The only demographic increased (others were decreased) was the 7-12 year old age bracket!!!!!
@2:15 AM Keep your FAMILY FRIENDLY to yourself!!!! You are the one with kids, turn OFF the TV if you do not like it. Avoid adult concerts if you get all frazzled. I do not want Adam or my own entertainment determined by you or watered down to family friendly. Do you realize how ultra-conservative the USA has become since Bush years? SICK OF IT. You would really be sickened to know that the move Cabaret won 8 Academy Awards. Leave us alone.
I LOVED Adam's AMA performance except for his fall which I'm sure was traumatizing to him judging by his face at the end. One of the most thrilling things I ever saw on TV.
Kentucky Fan
P.S. Does anybody know if that was Brooke positioned at the edge of the stage that stopped Adam's Ninja Roll? He rolled up to or up against one of the dancers who looks like her. He could have been horribly hurt had he fallen off that stage.
Kentucky Fan
P.S. YouTube video of AMA performance at 800,000.
@Kentucky Fan
You are the greatest! I think I´ve said it before.
By the way, I think he handled the fall with grace. Most people thought it was part of the show.
@Eva - I think I love you! Thanks for your insightful remarks. @Kentucky Fan - thank you also! I dont need to say anything since you both said it all and so beautifully. @Eva, your line by line response to anon:2;15 was! . . . . Adamluv
Thank you so much. You are so kind. I wish I had brother Neils writing skills. His line by line response to Ms Noonan about Adams AMA performance was the best. My language is not as rich as his for obvious reasons but I try my best to make myself understood.
Mils at 12:10pm I hope everyone reads and rereads your comment.
@ Anon. 8:39PM (right above)
I sure did it! Great points, indeed.
@ Mils 12:10PM.
Thank you for your comment. God bless your vision of real things behind false appearances.
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