Twitter Updates! "Great Day To Be Born"
Filed Under (Sauli Koskinen,twitter ) by Admin on Monday, March 28, 2011
Posted at : Monday, March 28, 2011
For those who didn't understand Adam's tweet: Today is Sauli Koskinen's birthday. It is also Lady Gaga's birthday.

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Sauli's back YEAH!!!!!
Adam must be at a Lady Gaga concert because the Scissor Sisters open up for her.
I bet Adam and Sauli are together tonight at the concert.
maybe Sauli is getting footage for his program. His viewers will really find that interesting.
Looking for Sauli. Where is Sauli? SAULIIII!
Terrence's tweet:
ItsSpencerT Terrance D. Spencer
Going to see gaga with my bestie @adamlambert!!
4 hours ago Favorite Undo Retweet Reply
First video arriving to concert with Sauli
Sauli is back.
And Katri was there too.
Sauli, Katri and Terrance with Adam. :)
Nice birthday huh!
Thanks for the video.Those camera flashes!Pictures will be coming.
How beautiful tweet from Adam to Sauli!
And Adam is always gentleman. See beginning the video. Happy birthday SAULI :)
Girl from Finland
Adam looks like he may have suffered a hangover this morning. He still looks good, but I can remember my eyes looking kinda dull, in my hayday time. Adam did hit his head on the Ceiling at GaGa party. It says he put a hole in ceiling.
Glad Sauli made it safe and sound. They will have a little time off, then go to work. I hope Katri likes it here.
Anon 1:52 AM Loved your interpretation! In that video of Adam and three others getting into the GAGA concert, Adam looked strange to me. Your explanation is tops - hangover or did hit his head at the ceiling the night before! LOL!!!
Youtube link is NOT working for me !!!!
next time, give a better link which is really working.
Thanks for the link.
if the link does not work for you type it at the top at you tube and it will come up!!!!! !!!!! I hope they had an awesome nite!!!!!!!!!!
check this out-- found photos of them walking in on just jared page----enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!
that pic still makes me smile great post
So many birthday parties that Adam must be tired and I think Sauli still had the winter boots on. It's still snow in Finland.
The pictures of Adam,Sauli & Katri arriving at Gagas concert are on twitter.Story about Gagas bithday party too where Adam literally did hit the roof.
It always amazes me how much you people interpret in pictures and now a very quick silent video with camera flashes so you can hardly see anything. "Adam looked strange to me". HOW? He looked great!
"He suffers from hangover". Perhaps he did if this was after that party (or is it before), but I can´t see that in this short video. He looks like he always looks, calm and sweet.
But finally we got an explanation to the "Adam blew a hole in the roof". It wasn´t his singing, it was his dancing.
Good thing Adam is hard headed lol He is pretty tall, next time he should check out the height of the ceiling! Sure he had a blast at all these parties that he is getting invited too. Sauli is back just in time for his birthday and the Gaga concert.
Oooh Adam is going to see Gaga! The Scissor Sisters are her opening act...I went to see her in Dallas! Adam will have a GREAT time; she puts on a SHOW
Thanks for the Great Tweet Adam. Yesterday, March 28th was my birthday, too. No, no, really... please hold your applause.... LMAO...
I noted Adam was smiling slightly but also looked annoyed by the paps ( there was HELLA lot of them, flashing lights all around them, so no wonder... )he almost run through the crowd, then noticed he was missing something..his BF. He stopped there waiting for him, looking impatient but then melting to a heartfelt smile..<3
Sauli and Katri looked kinda " normal" ( less giddy obviously ) , Terrance looked terrified.
And yes, Sauli was wearing most horrible pair of boots ever, but maybe Adam will " accidentally " toss them away, so we can get on with our lifes.. :-)
This photo always makes my heart smile, just two young men having a fun day at a theme park. :)
None of the controversary or gossip seems to be spoiling their day. I wonder if more carefree days are in their future. I would imagine that all the "messy" part of fame will intrude on their lives more and more. That's a shame..JAK
LOL... Thank you Bing... *Mwuah*
About Saulis terrible boots. When they made last Tutka-show here in Finland Katri says to Sauli that he must leave some space from his suitcase for her dresses. Maybe Saulis better boots left here in Finland :)
Girl from Finland
My heart melt when I look Sauli's eyes and I want to kiss his lips. Oops, sorry Adam!
I love the pic where Sauli looks like a schoolboy gotten caught of doing something bad and Adam like his teacher.. ( having a grip on his leathercoat ) ;-) <3
More Sauli/Adam pics:
So sweet of Adam to tweet about Sauli's birthday (and GaGa's birthday too!). He's such a gentleman.
In the article which I read it was "Adam Lambert got a little over-excited and bashed on the ceiling during the dancing" . Also, they mentioned GaGa's mum who was overwhelm also and continue to repeat "Stephani"-GaGa real name all the time:)
It sounds like it was fun. Just on think is confusing me. How tall suposed to be this ceiling, if Adam could bash his head on the ceiling?LOL
He was dancing on the table of cource.
Boots, Kissing, Gaga, Smiles, Head Banging,Life is Good!
Lizard Eyes
Did Adam kiss Sauli at Gaga's concert last night? Just ask and waiting for a picture.
@Eva,Just little detail. If Adam was dancing on the table, how come he bashed his head on the ceiling and didn't break the table?!!!!!LOL
OMG, this is so much fun for me gurls! Now I have to go back to work:)
"Boots, Kissing, Gaga, Smiles, Head Banging,Life is Good!
Lizard Eyes "
<3 Can I quote you ? :-)
Adam was at Jake Shears (of the scissor sisters) party celebrating Jakes new book. Adam also went to another party for Fergies BD. I don't think his head hit the ceiling , it was his voice. I think Jake pulled him up on stage to sing.Kate Hudsen and Fergie were with him.At the Gaga concert Adam was wearing boots too.As well has his expensive cut up jeans.
@LP I just didn't understand. Why are you takling about Adam's boots:)?
I don't think they mentioned boots in any of these articles about two parties. Actually, Adam wasn't attend Fergie's BD party.
There two parties. In the honor of Jake's new book. I think this party was more formal.
And on the next day they celebrated GaGa's brithday, which deff can't be formal:)
Mia, yes of course!
Lizard Eyes
Pictures, please pictures. Want some pictures. OH YEAH! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAULI!!!
Gaga's birthday party was at a Mexican restaurant (La Cita) which she had rented out for the night. Maybe it was a small intimate place and the ceilings were low. Whatever, Adam took the center of attention away from Gaga - at least for awhile.
You have no idea How they ( Adam & Sauli ) are making so happy.. :)
I so Love You, Sauli & Adam, with all my heart ♥
As long as They´re happy, I feel like I am in heaven :)
@anon: 2:33
Gagas party story is wild.Its on my Twitter but I am such a novice I don't know how to get the article to you. Its also in the Mirror,maybe google it. Do you know how to get it here.
There are also Pitures of Adam & Sauli & Katri leaving Gagas concert.
If anyone is on Twitter, I'll tell you where the videos & other pictures are. Help!
After Jake Sheres party, that whole group went to Gagas birtday party at La Cita, and Adam was dancing and literally hit the ceiling.
First Adam went to book party for Jake Shears of Scissor Sisters. Our 24/7 headline said it was for Fergie. That ended around 11:00PM. Jake and Adam went to GaGa's party, where if you read Mirror, it says Adam was on bar and pumping fist while dancing, and put hole in ceiling.
After seeing pictures of Adam for GaGa concert his eyes were red, and he looked like he had partied hardy. Could not see them in short video. I guess I made hangover comment to soon.
It could have been no sleep, I just didn't think he looked all wide eyed and bushy-tailed, as he usually does. After two parties, and guest arriving, don't think I would have looked my best either. As I said earlier he still looked good. Hope this helps peeps wanting to know what Adam did first, second etc. I followed tweets and reporter info, that's how I knew.
He made it on the page with all the A listers!!!
@LBS It would be fun if you could do it! I am on twitter, but I also don't have any idea how to get any articles or pictures.
The article about GaGa's wild B-day was on the internet in the morning. But this article was removed for some reason! May be it is for good:)
@LBS Thank you for the link!!!!! This is one for the best pictures on that party. I am so happy for Adam!
I don't imagine that Adam got very much sleep with Sauli just arriving! He and Sauli make such a cute couple! Maybe Adam's FB fanclub site will have a link to that article. Hope Adam's lush locks cushioned the blow. He had to hit that ceiling pretty hard to put a hole in it. That must have been some party! Wish I could have been there! funbunn40
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