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Adam Lambert mentioned in Jodi Picoult's new book "Sing You Home"

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, March 7, 2011

Posted at : Monday, March 07, 2011



adamluv said...

24/7, you guys are really up-to-date! Was just going to mention this on an OT post and here it is! Current pop culture!!!!!! And Adam could charm anyone at a dinner party!!!! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Adam in print in something that will LAST. Personally I had to give up reading Picoult, her stories were so unrelentingly SAD. I would find myself depressed for days.

She is a good writer and I hope that the books I've missed picked up a little in mood.....JAK

Anonymous said...

I love her books. She's one of the best selling authors in the US.

Hk fan said...

I'm just reading one of her books at the moment, House Rules. Might have to try this one next.

Anonymous said...

OT- Ellen Paige is trending because Adam's tweet


The Dark Side said...

Will to read a review of his book. She is not my favorite author for the reasons stated above. Maybe will try her again.

adamluv said...

OT speaking of books. Did Adam some time ago recommend The Hunger Games? I remember it being mentioned on this site but not sure of the details? Loved it so much that I just finished the 2nd book, Catching Fire, and will start the 3rd and final one in the series called Mockingbird. Fabulous read!!!!!! Sorry for being so OT! Adamluv

Anonymous said...

The author Jodi Picoult tweeted this in response to a fan: @jodipicoult @Mira_Rs @adamlambert He is amazingly talented!
In response to:@
Mira_Rs @jodipicoult Thanks for writing @adamlambert name in your novel

Anonymous said...

No Jodi, you've referenced the wrong Lambert.

I would give up my Social Security check if I could be present at a dinner table with Jesse Helms and NEIL Lambert or better yet, Neil and Eber. Hide the knives and forks!

Sadly Jesse has passed on to his just reward or punishment?????????????.....JAK

Jan Campbell RN, CPT said...

I have also included Adam in my newly released book Open Heart, Your Life Your Choice, which is now avail on amazon. Adam is included in the chapter 'Having a Dream' pg 165. I wrote about him before he came off of Idol, as an international super star, selling out venues around the world. So awesome that this came true.
He is in the same chapter as Michael Phelps and Obama. All three had big dreams that they were able to realize.
Check me out on twitter @jlcfit.