Adam Lambert Tweets About Burlesque
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Saturday, March 5, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, March 05, 2011
Adam tweeted about the Christina Aguilera movie "Burlesque". He said he liked it. He praises Christina, Cher, Cam etc.

Trailer for the movie here:

Trailer for the movie here:
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I love 'Burlesque'! Bought the DVD. I agree with Adam - of course :) - that Christina sings her face off! Loved his comment about Cam - Ha! I too thought Cam was 'fun to look at'. Adam has good taste in good looking men, since after all he's one too!
Didn't see it yet but it does look like fun.
Aww... nice of Adam to support Christina and say some kind words. She seems to be having a tough time right now. Unfortunately this movie seemed to be the turning point that stressed the camel's back. =(
She's got such a beautiful voice... hope she snaps out of her funk... Could his dream of a duet with her become a reality, and set her back on the right track???
Is BoundtoChristina trending on twitter?
In general I'm against guns, but would love to have that GLITTER GUN shown in this Trailer, ha-ha!
Still find small GLITTER SPARKLES here and there in my home after attending GNT concert last NOVEMBER (believe me I have cleaned the house many times since then)...and this always makes me smile!
Hope Adam gets to sing with Christina someday!
adam asked cristina about sing together seems like cristina ignored adam lambert suggestion sing duet together dont trust her-shes a bet selfish.
Christina did a duet with Ricky Martin called Nobody Wants To Be Lonely. It's pretty good, I like Ricky Martin, but I think Christina sings over a little bit like she usually does and I think she'd sing over Adam too.
Actually, Adam is right, the scene where she sings "Bound to You" is one of my favorites in the movie - she is STUNNING BOTH VOCALLY AND VISUALLy there. Bravo Christina!(If you haven't seen the movie and want to hear her sing the song, you can find it on youtube, definitely worth your time checking it out.)
I mean I wonder if Adam likes if she would sing over his lyrics, because she probably would. Christina has her own trademark singing style.
I doubt that Christina has the best team spirit.
Since this is a fairly short comment page at present I'd like to say something.
I read eagerly the posts of those of you who have been present to see and experience Adam in person. I haven't and never will. Can't walk far enough nor stand long enough. Can't take the screaming, nor the lasers and flashing lights...they would quickly trigger a enjoy the excitement thru your remarks,you lucky people.....JAK
JAK...I am in the same boat with you, I would love to see Adam in concert. Not only that I have to be careful what I say if anything about Adam to my family. They do not understand me liking a singer who is gay. Fortunitly I live alone, so I can play his music. My kids are all grown up and married.I am a big fan of Adam.He has a lovely voice.
Ricky Martin did also a duet with Swedish singer Meja (Come To Me). Have to say I liked their duet much better than the one with Christina.
Ooops, the Ricky Martin and Meja duet is called Private Emotion not Come To Me. Anyway, I wish Christina won't respond to Adam's requests for them singing together. :D
Awww JAK and LP, well I am glad you found Adam's glamily here. I really wish you could attend at least part of a concert. Or better yet, a PRIVATE concert! Then we would be the uber jealous ones!
JAK, we are all so fortunate to have at least found this site and youtube, twitter etc. so that we were all able to live vicariously through all the others who posted such terrific video's for all of us during the entire Glam Nation Tour and on a daily basis. When someone gets wind of an Adam siting or a new video, we see it within minutes or hours. And to think of all the things we have learned here! We are now all PHD's in Adam Lambert!
LP, it is so sad how some characterize someone's talent first by their sexual preference isn't it?
Christina has a big voice but her singing technique just doesn't appeal to me, particular when she sing from a lower register and then jump to high note. It is not smooth at all, does not sound nice to me. Adam is a much better trained singer than her. He likes her so much, probably let her sing the whole song if they ever duet. Ha!Ha!
I'm all for the PRIVATE CONCERT it ties in with my fantasy of "borrowing" him long enough to have him make me an ALL ROCK cd (it will have to include Sweet Child of Mine)....And another cd of Broadway Show tunes.
And then....and then....and then, oh just music of every type!........JAK
I heard that Christina did respond to Adam about a duet( before she was known to be having marital problems) She was supposed to have said that she'd love to sing w/him..She needs to get some therapy &/or rehab now,but maybe someday that can still record that duet.I don't really think she'd sing over Adam( & I think he'd say something if she tried to)If it could be worked out,it could be very special.( but not @ this time)
When people complain about sexual preferences it is always suprises me.Does it mean that they would ignore to see "Mona Lisa" smile because Da Vinci was gay? Or if they would find that "Swan Lake" and "Nutcracker" were written by gay composer they will change the channel or turn of TV on Christmas!
Historically a lot of art geniuses were and are gays. Some of them had to hide, some of them didn't have this problem because nobody cared about sexuality in Greece or Italy or France!
Aww.. JAK
So sorry you can't attend... but lucky we live in an age where you can find like minds here and experience thru our sharing, and all the wonderful videos available on line. =)
There is nothing like hearing Adam's voice live... I was amazed, trully. WOW!! How is it POSSIBLE he actually sounds BETTER than his recordings??? or TV?? That's unreal.
I've done tons of concerts and usually it's great if the singer sounds ALMOST as goodas the cd. I've found MOST of the country singers do have BETTER/pure voices and aren't drowned out by technology like many of the average pop stars are, so most country voices sound almost the same as the recording.
(Just my opinion, but off the top of my head, I'd say other stars out there that probably sound AS good as their cds are Muse, Christina & Pink... anyone feel free to rebut...just throwin it out there but that's my thought. =)
Adam, is in a class all by himself. There is a richness that just just FILLS ALL the senses, not just hearing... you can FEEL it in your stomach... Anyone who's been... does that make any sense??? Plus he's so damn exciting and beautiful with such stage presence and command you just can't take your eyes off him...
I think pretty much any of us who have been lucky enough to experience Adam live all have a special "first time" story we've shared, a few with real comical results... Of note myself and --->ADAM FIX (you reading girlfriend? lol) got a few chuckles here.
Anyway, you keep coming here and we'll keep sharing... =)
**To any who have Not seen it, there's quite a nice little video on youtube of Adam ASKING... and Christina RESPONDING to his request to do a duet,---
She purrs something like... "Oh ADAM!!!! anytime, whatever you want!!!
She had her OWN Bionic album released and videos from it, as well as the Burlesque movie which kept her pretty busy I imagine, and he was on time that he's gearing up for his 2nd album??? They can create some time...?
THRILLED so far he's working with Ryan Tedder... WOOHOOO, can't wait!
Christina will not over shadow Adams voice for sure. They are both powerful with control and in my opinion it's not easy to over powered like Adams amazing voice. It's gonna be interesting to hear someday eh!
Someday, Adam Lambert will make the most sensational musical movie ever!It's out there....
waiting for him. Streisand & FUNNY GIRL, Bette
Midler & THE ROSE, Adam Lambert & --- - -----.
It's in the stars I tell ya!
And I haven't even been to Burning Man.
Wa happened to my blog - it's a mess.
OT..@JAK and LP, I do wish you could have the live Adam experience, but the videos and interviews capture him so well and Suz 526 is a Godsend. The closeups are there for us to see, when we can't get close enough to see his features in concert. The videos get all of the best parts of him to enjoy and this 24/7 site is the best place for all of us to share all that is Adam.I've already told my kids that if I am in a coma and on my way out of this world, I want them to play his cds, as hearing is the last to go and Adam's voice will transport me to planet Fierce with his heavenly voice...funbunn40
Thanks so much 24/7.
WOW! Looks like a fantastic movie which I must see at the cinema before it disappears into the bowels of a DVD outlet.
I would love to see a duet with Christina if she would sing without so many riffs that lose the melody of a beautiful song.It seems so self serving and too much. Her song and video, "You Lost Me" is beautifully and poignantly done and shows her true talent.I love the beauty of a true, long held note instead of overdone going up and down the scale gratuitously. Adam does it just right, not too much and not too little, still keeping a melody recognizable. She is a great talent. funbunn40
They've been advertising this film a lot in HK, I'd love to see it, will probably end up waiting for the DVD though like I usually do.
Like cher, my favourite film of hers was Mask.
As far as Christina singing over Adam, I don't think anybody has the power to outsing him if he chooses to unleash all he's got!
Christina is a great singer. I bought her cd Bionic and although songs like "You Lost Me" are beautiful others seemed to miss the mark. Sadly, her personal life appears to be spiraling out of control a little. New baby and now a divorce = traumatic times.
In truth, the right duet song for Adam and Christina allowing them each to SHINE and not over sing the vocals would be just the winning ticket!
Adam is really wanting this duet to happen but the timing needs to be right.
Adam is such a true romantic. Bound to You is a beautiful love ballad. The movie is great -- I have seen it twice now!!
Don't miss it -- Cher also sings a powerful song in the middle of the movie - wish she had sung that at the Grammy's!!
BB just keep working on the new CD!!
People-the guy with all those sound contraptions will shut her up.
Cindy - wow, what a memory!
JAK and LP - here's the link to the very first time I saw Adam in person (here in Seattle, last August). He totally blew my brain right outta my head, and I, consequently, had diarrhea-of-the-mouth, gushing on about seeing him perform (sorry)! I'm sure you'll get a laugh out of this. :)
- Adam Fix
Christina has talent but she has to make some changes with her vocals. I feel sorry for her because she had a baby, returned to the stage and GaGa changed the game! No one wanted to buy tickets to see Christina in concert.
All of her vocal riffs aren't working for her now. And seriously, why doesn't she call on Adam and take him up on his invitation for a duet? It could only help her imo. Maybe she thinks her star is too big but I don't see much twinkle in her star at this point.
not a Christina fan, but I hear the movie was good! Cher is a pretty good actress and has done great work in the past.
Adam Fix, thanks for the link to Seattle! I have to admit to my fellow Glamberts, I have not seen every show/vids. & I think I know why, because now, I can enjoy them just as much as if I had already seen them a dozen times.
Like I said before, I think Adam should've been nominated for his GNT WLL LIVE! Each time Adam performed WLL, he made it more colorful & sexy!
Adam's WLL is my absolute favorite, he just blows my mind away with it every time. This Seattle WLL, was absolutely awesome!
Can see Adam duet with CA it should be interesing,. The thing about when Adam sings, he just doesn't sing, he talks to us. Adam is an unbelieveable performer. Can't wait to see him on AI!K
Adam Fix...............Wooooooo Hooooooo !
JAK here......Just looked up link (and watched all the vids again) read every word of every comment posted. Now I feel like I experienced a concert myself.......cept for the sweat.
Well, actually I was feeling a little warm during WLL!
Do you work in the journalism field????Perhaps a on-the-spot reporter? You made it live for me. You and the other starstruck commenters. Many thanks.
Though for a moment or two I gave some thought that perhaps you, in your spare time, might be the incognito author of paperback bodice-ripper novels!
He looked fantastic, loved the hair, wish they'd filmed the DVD from Seattle.
Love to you and all my fellow Adamaniacs....JAK
Thanks Adam Fix. It was nice to remember how it all felt to be feet away from our Rock god.
Cindy, I had forgotten about that vid where Adam asked Christina to sing a duet. I found it, watched it and am posting it here for anyone else interested:
Thanks Cindy!
Are we making the comments about this movie or just the duet Adam Lambert and Chrisitna?
Just watched the movie and gonna buy it and gonna buy the soundtrack! Never happen with me before. I mean i bought many DVD but I never bought the soundtracks.
But Adam made a comment about the "Bursleque" as a cute flick with. And then he made compliment to Christina adn Sher.
Adam, baby, what is happen with you?! This is the big show with fantastic cast!
I will buy this movie because of the CAST and SHER and Christina.
THIS IS AMAZING!!!!! Chrisitina neither than Sher couldn't make such a perfect show without this cast.
And this is not just a cute movie. This is show which deserves to be nominated.
@Adam Fix, @JAK, and @Cindy
Aw gosh, just re-read all of the Seattle Sodo thread...seems like yesterday! Such a great time...wishing right now we had it all to look forward to again..and I suppose we will...about a year from now : ) And the good thing, is, @Adam Fix and I finally got to meet...but in LA for the final Glam Nation show in LA at Club Nokia!! We both live in the Seattle area but had to go all the way to LA to finally meet each other...the power of Adam!
@glitzylady Do you know what is happen with fan4funn & Icon?
No, I don't know what is happening with Fan4fun and Icon, but sure wish I did know! We are really missing them aren't we, and I think we are getting a little concerned..Hope we hear from them VERY soon. Maybe they are having a computer problem, and hoping its nothing more serious than that..
Watched Burlesque on PPV & it's so entertaining!
Christina never sang or looked better. Cher too,always wonderful. The guys are all adorable.
Fun movie****
@glitzylady and delilah5
fan4fun did send a long post about 3 days or so ago on the dressing room week 2 pics.
HK fan
@ Daydreamin... you're welcome, you're such a good researcher. Thanks for finding and posting it for us.
@ Adam Fix & Glitzylady... WAHHHH.... I'm over here on the east coast... I'm so happy you 2 got to meet but BUMMED I couldn't play too! =(
Adam fix..... gotta go look for more of that concert on youtube,,, I wanna see that moment during the opening when his KNEE came crashing into your
Fun thinking about those threads again... My personal reaction to the first time I layed my OWN eyes on that incredible specimen LIVE in front of me still makes me chuckle... OMG.....!! lol
Dang, I want more!!! =D
@HK fan
Thanks for the info re Fan4fun...I've been out of town and just jumping in quickly here and there..will go back and read her post!
Hi JAK (in case you come back here) - no, I'm not a journalist (but what a nice compliment...that's how I'm taking it...ha, ha!) - I'm actually in the fashion/retail biz. I just blither on and on when I get excited. And guess who makes me more exited than anything? Thaaaaaaat's right - our boy!
Cindy - ha, ha!
Glitzy, tell me the next time you'll be in LA, so I can fly down and we can meet up again! ;)
- Adam Fix
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