Michael Slezak Mentions Adam Lambert In New 'Idol' Review
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Saturday, March 5, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, March 05, 2011

CLICK HERE to watch the video!
Check out Michael Slezak's Idoloonies videos at the bottom of the website. Adam is mentioned in the 3rd video.
Fast forward to around 5:31 when Michael starts talking about James Durbin.
Thanks ZZ for the tip!
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Haha Michael is a Glambert (:
Durbin got School'd again!
I agree with Slezak haha.
I think Durbin is alright though. But I wish he would create his own persona.
I love the Glamberts = Daleks joke :)
We aren't so bad...well maybe when it comes to defending Adam, I guess we get a little fierce. Adam definitely showed some class by tweeting about James, which softened the outrage over A Change is Gona Come.
well Adam seems to like James....at least on twitter. i think the he will be at least interesting..
Yup, don't mess with us Glamberts ha ha we are on it and as adam says we know more about him than he does himself he he . love belinda dolittle- she's cool. That was good that James set the record straight and is NOT tryin to be like Adam, we'll see.
Melinda Doolittle, with an "M", and yes, she is really incredible
you will see how the true loyal fans will react about this issue. Fierce, Fierce indeed ha!ha!ha! but we also have the understanding why some of the new ones want to be like Adam.
Adams capability is out of this world. He is very unique in every way.....
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Just spent an interesting couple of hours reading the article and watching the videos and reading the comments.I also pressed the link and follow Michael on twitter now.
I am anon3:41pm and forgot to add how much I enjoyed seeing Melinda and I already follow her on twitter.
I put all of Melinda's performances on Idol on a cd which I enjoy frequently, especially My Funny Valentine. I'm glad she seems successful....JAK
You got it JAK!!
I LOVE Melinda Doolittle, talk about pipes!!! Her version of My funny Valentine was incredible...
(another case of SHE should have won. IMHO, I will ALWAYS believe the winner that year was chosen for her beauty and more marketability... The winner was lovely, and a nice voice, but Melinda could sing circles around her.
Anyway... this clip with the robots was hilarious. Yup Melinda's right too.
Sorry JD.. sad story and ok voice, but don't even think you can compare that screeching with the incredible soaring hi notes of the impeccable Adam.... not no way, not no how...
I´m voting for Melinda and Adam on faxo (AI of the month). She needs to get past Bucky Covington. There´s a lot of spamming about Bucky and bo Bice. I hate spamming. That is really a waste of space.
Melinda Dolittle! She was so shy on American Idol. She is amazing. What a great personality.
WOW i'm so thrilled that a few of my 24/7 Glamily are giving Melinda Doolittle some love as well. I've been mentioning her ever since i joined this wonderful site. She was actually the reason why i got furious with AI and did promise myself not to ever watch that show again until Adam came along. RESISTANCE WAS FUTILE! LOL coz i've been like a broken record saying that Melinda and Adam are great song stylists. I guess her experience being a back-up singer was very useful. I commend her for her artistic integrity and pure musicality.
In the Philippines, many great vocalists who aren't that blessed with the looks don't succeed here as well. One classic example is Charisse Pempenco who had to upload herself in YT just to get noticed. She needed to make it in the US before she gets some attention in her own country. Many more had to perform abroad and they are doing very well but sadly not here. So what else is new. Btw, Elliot Yamin is another favorite of mine because i like the texture to his voice and he sings cool jazz.
Anyway, for this season 2 early favorites of mine are Jacob Lusk and Pia Tuscano but i have yet to see if they can both sustain my interest in them. Hubby will definitely watch AI and when i'm home, i have no choice but to watch it with him. And as i've said before i get a kick out seeing our dearest Adam in the opening credits.
I couldn't watch the video of Michael S. ;-(
I can't stop laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL LOL LOL
THIS IS HILARIOUS! Just trying don't be too loud because my neighbours will call emergency!!!!!
Love all comments, love Melinda. She is amazing.
@The Dark Side, yes, we are not so bad:) May be sometimes, as yesterday and day before, and, probably, tomorrow:) Sorry, just talking about myself:) Actually, I don't have to feel so sorry. I just got excuse on this video!!!!!
Okay, I'll stop to be such a sarcastic about JD. As less, I will try.
Love your comment, Cindy.
Love you, Adam! You are the best!
I just saw this footage video of JD on TMZ. Is he faking his illness?
Oh jeez, how'd Michael Slezak get his hands on that old home movie of me (I was the gold robot with the big, blue eye)? No wonder I couldn't find it around the house! Thought I'd just misplaced it. Yep, that's me in a don't-mess-with-my-Adam induced tizzy, all right! I spit blue sparks when I'm mad!
That was hilarious. :)
- Adam Fix
Oh my god, JD was a glam rocker..
lol Adam fix
@anon 1:15AM Glam Rocker with Avatar tail!!!!
I show this interview to my husband and he coudn't stop laughing
I know I shouldn't apologize for how I truly feel, but I am sorry for putting down another artist(JD, he still sucks in my book). But I feel that after watching Adam for a whole AIS8, & putting so much energy into him, you hear him, you see him, you feel him, & learn that he has had to struggle(with that incredible instrumental voice)in the business, & to finally see Adam get the recognition he truthfully deserves, I would just hate it if anyone took all the starpower away from him. He deserves better! He has earned his huge spot in this world! Give credit where it's due, & Adam Lambert is way beyond giving just credit. He deserves the world! His spirit soars beyond anyone in the music or show biz.
I don't care about any other artist or actor, Adam Lambert in my book, is the ONE & ONLY International/American Idol FOR ME!!! K
OMG!!! I hadn't watched it all the way to the very end!!! The end was GREAT!!! OMG seeing Adam, take him to school indeed.. the MASTER... and yoda?... perfect. LOLOL, awesome.
@ ADAM FIX... girlfriend... you ARE a certified riot...lol
@Cindy I didn't watch it till the end also!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why did you do this to me? I can't stop to laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaugh!!!!!
Now my husband will call emergency not my neibourgh!!!
I think we have to made Michael Slezak and Melinda Doolittle the Honorary Members of Glamberts Family! BRAVOOOOOO!!
I'm still laughing at the person who thinks someone else is going to "steal" Adam's star power from him. Good God. Have you bothered to notice how many music stars there are out there??? Some aren't even talented, and they are at the top of the heap now, way, way above Adam. (i.e. Ke$ha, for one). There's room for tons of people in music because there are tons of different tastes in music fans. What if someone had felt that way when Adam was coming into prominence and didn't want Adam stealing someone's star power. I can't believe there are such narrow minded so called "fans." If you by now know anything about Adam, you would know that he promotes and embraces ALL musicians.
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