Afterelton's Top 50 Gay Celebrity Ranking
Filed Under (news ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Afterelton's voting competition has ended and it seems like Adam Lambert has made the list! He made it to the #2 spot! The winner went to GLEE's Chris Colfer. (Chris has said many times during interviews that he LOVES Adam and his music.)
2. Adam Lambert

Afterelton's bio of Adam below:
"Adam Lambert (January 29, 1982 - age 29) was the runner up on the eighth season of American Idol. He came out officially in an interview with Rolling Stone soon after the competition ended. He released his debut album, For Your Entertainment in late 2009 and embarked on a worldwide tour to support it. He is currently at work on a second studio album."
1. Chris Colfer

Source: Afterelton
Thanks Adamluv for the tip!
2. Adam Lambert

Afterelton's bio of Adam below:
"Adam Lambert (January 29, 1982 - age 29) was the runner up on the eighth season of American Idol. He came out officially in an interview with Rolling Stone soon after the competition ended. He released his debut album, For Your Entertainment in late 2009 and embarked on a worldwide tour to support it. He is currently at work on a second studio album."
1. Chris Colfer

Source: Afterelton
Thanks Adamluv for the tip!
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Congrats to Chris and Adam! They both admire each other.
Picture this commotion; Adam kissing Chris on Glee! OMG! I just heard a window crashing in the distance!!!!
I thought this was a done deal weeks ago?
Do you guys watch "Glee"? I haven't been able to come here very much so has anyone made a comment in earlier threads about the kiss shared by Kurt (Chris Colfer) and Blaine (Darren Driss) on the show? I LOVE THOSE GUYS - especially Darren Criss, I have to admit. Cuuuuuute! Plays the gay guy to perfection for a straight man.
Anyway, so how does this relate to Adam? well for one, I would love to see Adam on Glee, acting and performing with my favorite gays students.
And two, well let's see... Adam was vilified for that infamous kiss on AMA and since then:
1. Javier Bardem & Josh Brolin locked lips during the oscars
2. Kurt and Blaine kissed on Glee
3. Charlie Sheen planted one on Jimmy Kimmel during the latter's show just the other night.
HA HA HA HA. Adam must be laughing his gorgeous derriere off (et moi aussi;-)
Sorry it is Darren CRISS and not Driss! Typed too fast. This is what happens when you are in lus--- I mean love. ;-)
definitely my two favorite guys..yummy
Yay! For Adam AND for Chris! Nobody better to beat Adam at something and still make me happy. And I didn't know that Chris had repeatedly stated that he loves Adam and his music, so that makes me even happier.
@Parisiangirl, yes there was a tiny discussion about Blaine and Chris last week (not as much as I thought there would be, but many Adam-fan Gleeks have been preoccupied with real life lately).
I love Kurt and Darren too, and am so impressed at how the show has set up their relationship, the issues covered already, and the kiss itself. My heart is STILL buoyant and happy about that.
I can't help but feel Adam paved the way, at least in part, for this situation being portrayed (and so beautifully) on such a popular show.
And I am proud to be living in a time where my fondest wishes for equality for all are finally coming true, bit by bit. Teens growing up now are sooooo lucky.
I would love to see Adam make a guest appearance on GLEE. It seems to be the show that so many performers want to be on. If he had a scene with Chris Colfer that would be great( and I don't meaning kissing either!). I am sure the writers can come up with some believable plot line to bring Adam as himself into the story...I have a few ideas as a former teacher of high school students. It's nothing crazy or unrealistic, but would work well into the series I think. Oh, well, I can dream about it, can't I?
I'm starting to think that the universe has something about Adam that he always seems to come in 2nd. LOL
Hey, did you hear, 2 is the new 1!
Does the number 2 mean anything astrologically anybody know?
Sweetie, I live in Northern California and my 17 year old son said there are gays at school and nobody cares any more. I found that heartwarming!
One school, one city, one State, one Nation, one a time!
@daydreamin, that is good to hear!!!!! Very heartwarming as you said. Also wanna thank you for inquiring about me last week. Very kind.....Adamluv
OT but more good news - The Obama administration yesterday called on the United Nation Human Rights Council to fight discrimination against gays and lesbians around the world. Believe that is the first time the US government has done this. YAY!!!!!!! Adamluv
Not a Glee watcher, but congrats to Chris. Adam always tops my list. BTW very sad day today as one of movies biggest stars Elizabeth Taylor, has left us. She will never be replaced.
Your comment brought tears to my eyes, (in my old age I'm becoming weepy at anything that touches my heart) I hoped I would live long enough to see equality for gays and lesbians, and I almost have. There is still a way to go.
During the last presidential election I called my grandson (out of town in college) and said "come home this week, you have to vote!!!"
It was done in my Grandma means business voice so he showed up and voted. He and I stayed up and watched a black man become the president and I cried (again).
He said "why does this mean so much to you?"
So we sat up for hours with me telling him about the world I lived my first 20 years in....SIGNS EVERYWHERE ! On restaurant doors NO Colored Allowed, on water fountains No Colored Allowed, in movie theaters Colored in balcony only, etc. The moment that sticks in my mind is myself and a fellow five year old dancing outside a bathroom door in Walgreens....we both NEEDED to go. My mother and I could go in, but she couldn't and when we came out she stood there in a puddle. You don't forget things like that, not even after 70 years.
So when I see the Westboro Hate Congregation with their despicable SIGNS blaming Gays for practically every evil in the world, I don't want to cry......I want to take their sign away and WHACK them....hard! JAK
JAK, if you were to write an autobiography, I would go out , find that book, buy it, & read it. Long & slow, cuz every detail of your life is as beautiful as the next. I think that's how we should all look at our own lives, huh? Love all your stories of life. MWAH!! K
Saddened to hear of Elizabeth's passing, she was the same age as my mother who just turned 79. Now she was an icon! MWAH!! K
I have written my's 2 volumes. Volume I - 1935 to 1957 and
Volume II - 1958 to 1988. It's for my children.
Also wrote genealogy of my side of the family back to 1740 on maternal side and ll20 on paternal side. Haven't been able to write info on husbands side, none of them are interested or else they all suffer from amnesia.
I recommend journal be kept by your tv viewing's amazing how many memories you can record during boring commercials.
That was the gift I gave my grandson at graduation. I journaled his life from the noon he was born till the noon he graduated from high school. By the way it wasn't wasn't all worshipful....lots of scolding too!
I recommend searching family trees and shaking them can be illuminating....I shook out Davy Crockett and King Henry VIIIs 6th wife (she was lucky she outlived him) and a Confederate
Kentucky horsethief!....You never know!...JAK
Am not a Glee fan and i don't have any idea who is Chris.
JAK - I too cried when President Obama won the election and when he was inagurated. These were two of the most important times in our history. Now, however, I am crying almost daily over what this man and his administration have done and will continue to do to America in the next two years. God help us all if he is re-elcted in 2011. JMK
Let's agree that we two won't talk politics I'm for giving him a chance....I don't trust the alternative.
Peace and Love we'll talk about our boy Adam!!!
yes we talk about our boy-adam lambert no politics here besides this country is disarray black man not very good run this country u know it we know it. im tired of all this disarray country.lots of jobless. he should try to use clintonomics.maybe adma lambert be the enxt presidnet of the united states-so helpful-humanitarian and kid.
I love hearing that many of the younger generation don't find being gay a " big deal" anymore. It is so encouraging...however last Monday I had a very sad day. Some of you know that I teach out of my home. Some of my students are homeschooled. This 8th grader told me he wanted me to look over a letter he was writing to President Obama before he turned it in to his home/group teacher. Well, I know that the parents were pretty right wing and so I knew he would probably be concerned about the president being a socialist etc. I decided I was going to put on my " I am checking for grammar and syntax hat". That was until I came to the last paragraph that began like this:
Also, I think your desire to have gays serve openly in the military and your leftist idea that they should marry is absurd.
I stopped and looked at the student. I said, (his name), I can't finish this last paragraph because the first sentence has made me so sad, I can't do it. He asked why, and I told him that many of my close relatives are gay, that they were born that way, and I loved them dearly..and I truly believe they deserve their civil rights like any American. He said, 'Well, this is mostly my dad's opinion". When he left, he turned around and said, ' I am sorry I made you sad today."
I see him tomorrow. Wish me luck. I hope I put a chink in the beliefs he is getting at home. We shall see. Thanks for letting me get this is a lot cheaper than therapy. Long live this Glamily....and welcome back Adamluv.
Watched Idol tonight..gee, everyone seemed to dress up, use props, connect with the audience.. hmmm I wonder where they got that idea?lol Just one suggestion to the one who tried to sing Track of my Tears....should have left a few more years go by. We remember a really memorable rendition, right ?
JAK: You don't trust the alternative to what? Joblesness, high gasoline prices, high food prices, foreclosures, war on three fronts, higher taxes? The man has been given his chance...he's taken too many costly vacations at your expense. Hope and change has evolved into hype and cringe. I love Adam. WO
Help me out here JAK, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen", kinda thing here with President Obama.
I am very proud of President Obama, first all, second, if no one likes his decisions , well get yo asses up there & make the right decisions. or is there such a thing.
I will applaud any man or woman for standing strong to lead acountry, yea, he probably has people running him, but to put your family out there,in front of the world, it takes a lot for one man to try his best no matter what he decides for our country.
I can lead well, but I'm a better follower.
JAK - You take up more time on this blog (some of it funny, some not so much) with your meanderings about your family, past life, etc., and the only one allowed to choose the subject is you?
"Let's agree that we two won't talk politics"
"we'll talk about our boy Adam!!!"
Just who is "we"? Is that the Royal WE or the Editorial WE? I find it objectionable be told by you what I can "talk" about.
Perhaps, if you read back what I responded to, you will see it was you who brought up telling your grandson who he should vote for. I wouldn't dream of telling any member of my family how to vote. It is their choice, not mine. Just how long we will have that freedom is anybody's guess. JMK
The story about your student made me both sad and happy. I am proud of you for gently explaining about your family to this young boy..I think it is so important that this young man is made aware that people he knows have gay children, brothers, sisters, and friends who they love very much.
Adamluv, it is good to her from you again! And great news from the Obama administration!
JAK, what a wonderful hearing your stories from so long ago. It is wonderful, the gift of memories you have given your grandson. I had always wanted to do that but never did.
lmb- keep on keepin on. That's all it takes is to put in that little 'chink". Hopefully next time he'll think about the effects on others before just taking the position of his parents and accepting their beliefs without much thought.
I agree that we shouldn't talk politics cause some seem to forget that there was that huge mess left behind by another...I'll leave it at that.
@lmb, I can only imagine your sadness after reading those disheartening words. I respect the way you handled it. I have a step grandson whose grandmother is very right wing in her beliefs and my grandson and I have had discussions where I've encouraged him to look at all sides of life without any disrespect to his grandmother. I think I've softened some of the misconceptions, especially concerning gay issues and misinformation. Sometimes minds can be opened, one at a time. It's difficult when you have to walk a fine line between teaching what is logical and being faced with parents predjudices. Children are the real victims of these prejudices. This is such a judgemental and ignorant, world at times with the most righteous being the most hateful and cruel. The ones complaining and criticizing the loudest usually have the least insight and knowledge. You are making a positive difference and the children are fortunate to have you as a teacher....@ Daydreamin, so glad to hear what your 17yr old hads to say. I think things in some places are getting better. I love watching Glee and these issues would never be portrayed on tv 10 yrs ago as they have been lately. Chris Colfer is so talented and brings truthfulness to his part. They all are exceptionally talented and the music is so well done.
If you want to talk politics go to Eber Lamberts Twitter@milestougeaux!He loves it.
Yes, there has been a great deal of uproar over the Glee kiss. Jimmy Kimmmel brought up male kissing again tonite. He's kissed on the show several times,but gets no flack because he's a comedian & not gay,but he's trying to make a point and he's on ABC. SNL, old news, nobody cares.Brothers & Sisters...on on.
Adam wasn't the first and won't be the last.If the whole performance was done less aggressively,
it would have gone relatively unnoticed.
I just happened to catch a few videos on FUSE the other day. Talk about same sex's all over these vids. Rihanna and Gaga are really over the top in their latest. Can't any of these young singers do a vid without S&M, partial nudity, hands all over themselves,etc. It's not about the music anymore, the lyrics; it's just auto-tuning, dancing, ridiculous meaningless scenarios and no substance. It could just be that I am of an older generation and just don't get it. Then don't criticize Adam Lambert for something everyone else seems to be doing. At least he has the vocal talent that puts him in a league of his own and both his GNT DVD and his acoustic sessions prove that.
You are right 6:27! Adam is so talented and a great artist that his kisses etc are entertainment much more than an effort to shock people.
Congratulations to Chris. Chris and ADAM both work 'on the same team' and are changing and educating the world everyday in such a positive, loving and beautiful way!
@adamluv Glad to hear the US are starting to catch up with the rest of the world. Great news and about bloody time!
Yesterday Adam was on Finnish tv performing on Idols 2011. Finally! I jumped in my sofa with Ida! Adam was such a cutie!! I love him sooo! Sanni
Thanks for the support here. It really helps. I got my GNT DVD yesterday and so this morning I had Adam all to myself on the big screen. Loved it! I am now ready for the day.
OK RCA...when do you send him out to promote this? Without hardly ANY promotion other than fan sites, and that half-baked blurb in RS, it is a top seller on amazon...PLEASE send him out there people! There's more promotion for Chris Brown and he got the same 3 star rating as our GENUINE rock star.
Peace, love and rainbows to you all!
RE Chris Brown: He needs more anger management classes. I saw him on GMA and you could tell he was "pissed" about the questions Robin Roberts was asking him. Then he just stormed off the stage at the end. What happened in that dressing room, no one really knows and no one will tell. CB gave some kind of ridiculous explanation and quasi apology this morning to the GMA people. What a joke. Yet they want him back to perform. How about giving Adam Lambert the same chance on ABC???? He could perform the acoustic version of AFTERMATH and talk about the donations to the Trevor project from it. I am certain his performance would be appropriate for early morning tv. I am tired of the drug using, foul language spewing, women abusing performers getting all this publicity and coverage in the media and being rewarded for it. Let's promote Adam Lambert, the best vocal talent in music today.
anon@11:24 Yes! ABC Wake up! Robin, Adam will be a funny, kind, edgy (in the best way) interview. Please go for it.
@daydreamin, thank you so much for telling me that!
Happy sigh,
It was a "we don't see eye to eye WE"
If YOU read back you will see that I did not tell my grandson WHO to vote for.
Our family is split right down the middle politically we have lively discussions, but we don't fight. We do it the right way..we vote!
You are right, I do talk too much, so I'm gonna give it a rest......the stage is all yours! JAK
@imb, that story was both very sad yet there's a glimmer of hope with your ability to present this boy with a different outlook on things. That's what being an educator should be! Your students are so very fortunate to have a teacher like you! And thanks for the welcome back! @daydreamin - too. Adamluv. . .
Don't rest too long JAK I like your stage. Your grandson is one lucky boy. Is his Mom the one who woke you up from your nap? JM
Congratulations Adam! :D
Can we please discuss ADAM only on his 24/7 News site.
Not a Glee fan but I'd certainly watch the show if Adam were in it. :)
Don´t leave the stage. I leave this show if you do. You make me smile every day. You are the coolest granny on this planet, mushrooms and all, and I love you dearly.
Chris deserved it this year with his portrayal of Kurt. He is such a fantastic actor and has given a lot of exposure to the gay male community recently. He won a Golden Globe for his performance.
It is also FANTASTIC that Adam ranked so high!
If you haven't been watching glee you should all watch! At least season 2 :).
What happened to Adam & the GLAAD AWARDS this year. Have they completely ignored him?????
@Parisiangirl, where are you? I'd love to hear your thoughts in response to our answers.
And I agree with anon @ 8:05. Glee is the best thing to happen to teens AND TV in general in decades, IMHO. 19 Emmy nominations says a lot about the quality of this show. (I'd recommend starting at the beginning though, even though it takes a couple of episodes to get good.)
(TV snob)Sweetie
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