American Idol's Paul McDonald Performs "Tracks of My Tears"
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Thursday, March 24, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, March 24, 2011
For Motown week on American Idol this week, one of the contestants performed "Tracks of My Tears".
What do you think?
zap2it wants to know who you think performed the song better. Adam or Paul?
CLICK HERE to vote!

Thanks Daydreamin for the tip!
What do you think?
zap2it wants to know who you think performed the song better. Adam or Paul?
CLICK HERE to vote!

Thanks Daydreamin for the tip!
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im sorry but paul really fucked this song up adam did wayyyyyy better!!!!!!
There IS no comparison!,,,,,,,,JAK
TIP: Hey, listen up AI S10 contestants or future contestants, DO NOT sing the songs that Adam Lambert already sang on AI unless you can give it justice or exceed Adam's performance (doubt it) then don't bother cuz it will be your down fall - JS You will be compared & will never be good enough for us Glamberts, cuz we're USED to & spoiled by perfection & excellence. The end.
@@@ Hey Glamily in «Paradise»
Please anyone tell me (and please don't you judge me bad!) but why the glamhell, listening to this guy, do I feel like I was only 14 years old, feeling like «I Don't Wanna Dance» and just [so deeply] thinking of Johnny Rivers? Forgive me again guys but, anyway, where the glamhell has he been, I mean, is he even still alive? Sorry, sorry, sorry again, I didn't mean to upset anybody, I loved Johnny Rivers so much at that time but TODAY I just have no time to google him out. Fucking «Hell's Kitchen» is calling me out and loud.
Paul almost made this a happy song! He must be bummed now, Adam's version was waay better.
Oh...!!! Of course I've voted sweet Adam my favorite, INDEED!!! And Icon has voted him too.
Personally, I don't understand why Paul McDonald even made the top 24, much less the top 13. The difference between Adam and Paul singing Tracks of My Tears is profoundly different, like drinking from the fountain of youth or nectar from the gods (Adam) vs. unflushed toilet water (Paul)! Paul should be voted off for even selecting the same song which he did horribly even if there was no Adam comoparison. He is this year's Sanjaya in my book. If the competition were titled American Pearly Whites, then Paul would be in top form. However, in this singing competition, he is beyond overrated and by singing a song that Adam covered would only be to his detriment. Puleeze, bitch!
no comparison to adam in my book. not even close dude.
Totally off topic:
Sweet article about Adam being the #1 most attractive guy who wears eyeliner:
This song reminds you of Johnny Rivers cause he had an almost Adam sound alike version of TEARS in the 60s......everybody google it and see, while you're there give a listen to his 60s
cool SECRET AGENT MAN and groove to DO YOU WANNA DANCE........Oldies but Goodies!
......slow dancing RULED! 21st century kids don't know what they're missing!..
Johnny was very popular, lots of hits, he's still around I think.........JAK
I don't understand the attraction to Paul McDonald. I generally like unique voices but his just does nothing for me.
There is no one like Adam and there never will be. His version of Tracks Of My Tears blows me away every time I hear it--and I play it a lot.
I kind of feel sorry for Paul. He's got a certain charm and I am sure he is trying his best, as are the other contestants. There has to be so much pressure every week.
I do think Scotty will win.
I LOVE Paul and the sound of his voice. I also LOVE Adam. They are obviously (DUH) entirely different, and they cannot be compared. Once again, someone is trying to incite Adam fans. Wrong!!! Let's not do this, please.
Paul reminds me of Bob Dylan and a little Richard Harris. His sound is unique and interesting. No, he doesn't have the classically trained exquisite Adam voice, but I believe he can still carve out a nice career. I would go see him, and I would buy his CD. That's my measurement. The only other one that fits my criteria from this year is Jacob Lusk. His emotion/voice are breathtaking. None of the girls thus far would get my dough or attention. That could change.
Stefano is also excellent, and all of the girls can sing. Pia has a tremendous voice, but she bores me. Hopefully, I'll see something new. It's fun to watch the kids develop. I would love to hear a ballad from James. I want to hear his voice more. I like his wailing, but I want to see what else is there. I'm sure it is.
Just my opinion.
This Paul guy has a unique voice. But I don't think he can sing in tune when compare to Adam's flawless version. Anybody who has their ears trained can tell the differences right away. It is a singing competition. But I find him has a cartoon flavor, may do well singing and dancing in a comedy show.
You can't compare the two performances because they were interpreted in different genres. It's more a matter of taste than talent.
I'm getting really sick of hearing "there's no comparison." Adam isn't the only talented artist in existence. It is starting to sound preachy where are rational thought is thrown out the window.
Initially, AI was looking for the next Beiber. That's why they lowered the age to 15. Seems like they are looking for the next Adam Lambert. I dare Pia to do an acoustic performance on Idol. To me so far Pia is the best but I want her to be vibrant or do an acoustic. Then, everyone can say she is really good. She has been standing and waving her arms this whole time and she hasn't changed a bit. Also, last week on AI group performance of Born to be wild/Born this way JD sang a little part of Born to be wild and he sucked big time. Don't understand why people compare him to Adam. Didn't they hear him sing Change Is Gonna Come? He is no where close to Adam. I dare him to do acoustic as well. I'm sure he'll suck big time. The only big money maker IMO for AI is Scotty. I'm not a big fan of country at all. But if I was a producer I would sign him up right away. There is a special tone to his voice and also country genre is huge in U.S. I'm not voting though for anyone. Just watch AI to be entertained. Mostly by Steven Tyler.
To stay on this topic I forgot to add to my above comments about Paul. I don't think he's that great. His performance of TOMT shouldn't even be compared to Adam's. It was that bad. I want guys to get voted off tonight. Either Paul or Casey. Love Stephano's voice. But he didn't connect with his performance. He just sang Hello. Hope he won't get voted off.
Casey and Jacob are the most talented people on the show. 1:35-- just because you don't like him, I think there are millions (yes, millions) who do. Paul might get voted off because people don't get him, and the sound system on TV stinks. Spend a couple bucks and buy some of the music on itunes and play it through good speakers.
1:09--love your comment. Adam is trying to get us to expand our horizons all the time by referring to other great artists. Yet, some Adam fans are so narrow in their focus, they can't appreciate good music by other talented people.
I totally dig Paul! As has been mentioned on an earlier thread, I think Paul has said that he basically never watched Idol, perhaps he would have chosen differently had he known some history. I liked what he did with it, but no comparison should be made, and not necessary anyway. Just my POV, to each his own. I'm only watching because my kids want to be able to discuss it all together... no huge interest personally. Man oh man, I have always been resistant to jumping on that "Adam-broke-Idol" bandwagon, but dang man, he did for me, I gotta admit it. But many thanks to AI for giving us Kelly Clarkson and Adam Lambert (and a few others too :)).
I don't think Idol was looking for the next Bieber. They simply adknowledged that pop music purchase power is dominated by teens. Justin, Selena, Milie are doing pretty good, and there are other youngsters out there. Relatively speaking, Adam is old. I really see Adam takin a very different direction. He has already said he will focus on the voice and not have his music overproduced. He's caught between the pop world and the adult listening world--if anyone can cover both, he can.
...and who knows, maybe Paul wasn't crazy but rather crazy like a fox... cause now there's a whole lot of his name being mentioned today, and not all bad. But like 1:52 said, I don't know if the AI demographic/voting-block will get or like Paul, I guess we shall soon see.
I liked Paul's performance. Not my favourite singer, but hey, I'm not a fan of Bryan Adams either. I tried to watch Adam singing Track of My Tears, just recently, but I couldn't. The style he has, especially the hair.. It's just not the real Adam.
I appreciate good music by other talented people only when they can sing well live. If they can't deliever well live, they are bad singers. All itune artists sound good , a lot are done in control studio condition. Just check the boys group singing Born to be wild on Youtube, "speechless" as I say. Well I am a music lover, hope I have a right to wave my opinion , Paul does not sing well live at all.
It really isn't fair to compare, as they are totally different performers. Adam is a well trained experienced artist that doesn't just sing a song. He gives the lyrics thought, interpreting them with meaning and emotion. Adam has also been blessed with a unique range, power,and ability to impeccably phrase a song. Paul has an interesting, Rod Stewart quality to his voice, but seems more interested in the musicality than the lyrics, which I don't believe was the focus of what Smokey Robinson wanted to convey. A few on the other site liked Paul's more upbeat version, but I think Adam sang it in a more soulful way, focusing on the deep meaning of the lyrics, giving the song substance. These contestants are trying their best. Adam is just one of those once in a lifetime great talents that overshadows all that come after him. He is indeed special, one of a kind and in a league of his own, putting his own stamp on his music and I think will change the industry for the better. I laugh every time I hear the word glam mentioned in the media, as I don't recall that word being bantered about before Adam came on the scene. More and more I see Adam being emulated in fashion by other artists. Some may have been done in the past, but Adam has made the old new with a glam edge and flair. He is the whole package and then some! funbunn40
Now that I think again Paul's voice resembles Rod Steward's raspy voice. Did Paul sing Maggie May on Idol? I kinda like Rod Steward's Maggie May.
Oh sorry, it's Rod Stewart not Steward. It's a long time since I've listened his music.. :)
Yes, 2:22, he did do Maggie May--I think ;) Memory not that great. I like the soft sound at times. I don't like being yelled at--different sounds for different times. It's all good.
I actually think Idol has some decent talent this season. I think Pia is the complete package, but need to see what she can do with an upbeat song. I think Lauren has a great voice and see her as a Kelly Clarkson or Carrie Underwood type. Thia seems a more suited to Broadway than mainstream and Naima has a great look and vibe. She's colorful and interesting and just needs some polishing and seasoning IMHO.I think James Durbin has what it takes to be a metal rocker and I think he can really sing. He's raw and I can see him fronting a rock band in time. I liked Jacob the best the first week, but the oversinginging is getting a little monotonous now for me. Casey has an interesting personality, but I don't really see him winning, as well as Haley. Think it's a matter of taste and style. They all have talent. Scotty will also do well in Country music with that low register. I can also see him do a Bill Medley song on Idol, getting away from Country. I still associate that stage and theme music with Adam, he was such an influence and I miss seeing him there, even tho' he is on to bigger and better things. funbunn40
I didn't understand the judges at all last night. According to them everyone was "exceptional." So, who is going home tonight? Will the judges use their "save" since everyone is so good? The only one I'm really enjoying is Steven Tyler - he's a hoot.
Everyone says that Paul has a unique voice. I agree - I think he would do well as a muppet!
I'm sorry but I don't think Paul can sing at all. An article said that "if you can buy into Paul's unique voice"....well I can't. He seems like a nice guy with a great smile, but singing is not his thing. I think he'd do well on a children's show playing guitar and dancing. On radio?? Heck no. Nothing I'm going to listen to anyway.
"zap2it wants to know who you think performed the song better. Adam or Paul? "
Went over to vote and think it's so funny since they ask the question and then give the answer!!!!!!! - "it's obvious that it's Adam." Dont think I've ever seen that done on a poll vote before. Think it's very amusing. To me it was 2 different versions of the same song but I do prefer Adams version. Surprise surprise??? Adamluv
I thought Paul did OK last night, (although no where in adams league, but I quite enjoyed it),some of his words are weird though, and he definitely masturbated as opposed to masqueraded! My 22 yr old watched his performance 2 weeks ago and she really liked him and said you can tell he's an Indie singer from the way he moves, she likes quirky, non mainstream singers.
I don't have a favourite so don't mind who wins. Stefano is cute, but oversings. Naima has good stage presence but I think has one of the weakest voices of them all, kinda like her though. Haven't heard Casey sing yet, he just growls everything - and that beard has gotta go...Pia, great voice but so boring, Scotty sings the same song every week, and I don't like how he holds his mike and always has his head to one side. Thia, beautiful and at least she tried to go up temp last night. Hayley, actually really like her voice, Jacob, thought he was better last night, and seems like a really nice guy, but just don't like the way he looks when he sings. Lauren is good, although not my thing, and she seems to be toning down the childlike personality. James I think will make it at least to top 3, maybe even win. This week was much better than last week. But there is nobody there that I would follow or buy music from.
Don't think Paul should have touched that song. Adam killed that song. Seems like AI is brushing Adam alot on Idol. Songs he covered and moves he made. That is a compliment. Adam changed the show. This year is a tribute to that. Adam is in another league and always was. Like Paula said Adam should have been picked up and had albums years earlier. He is Iconic already.
@Urethra_F___Franklin - SOOOO nice to see you live & kicking!!!
Zap2it - what a ridiculous question!
GGD Gal (trying not to be bitchy, love & acceptance, love & acceptance, love & accept...)
GGD Gal thanks. im always shocked when people are happy to see me in here. lol
I don't really count as a viewer for AI (and to be honest, for me it’s like visiting the place where my friend came from), but from what I've seen by now, I think the judging panel needs an ass-kicker, a Simon-like character, be he biased and full of himself or not. None of them fits the profile. Cold showers strengthen the immune system and, boy, don't the contestants need ‘immunity’ in order to be successful on this path? They all seem great, they're all good singers, but maybe too ‘consistent’ with their own.. thing. Consistency is boring, too overrated. I’d only be interested in someone who leaves me "confused...and sort of happy". Oh, wait, I know One! I think I fell into a Ring of Fire more than a year ago. Sort of Cryin’ inside as the damn thing still smolders and it seems there are No Boundaries for that burning (Whole Lotta) Love...And I enjoy(ed) ‘Play That Funky Music’ better than ‘The Tracks of My Tears’... and ‘Born to Be Wild’ better than ‘If I Can’t Have You’... and ‘Mad World’ and ‘A Change Is Gonna Come’ better than ‘Black or White’... and all of them better than ‘Satisfaction’... And I might be ‘Feeling Good’ at any time of the day. It was definitely not a ‘Slow Ride’. A musical roller coaster! That was the best (Internet-mediated) TV ride of my entire life!
Then, the FYE album... it might have been overproduced, but far from being boring. As for the GNT, once the new DVD released, it will stay as the endless state of craziness.
I’ll stick around for the Act II. The sophomore endeavor. Sophomore... Such a beautiful, wisdom-filled word you have there!
I had been guilty of ignoring other singers not because of my unreasonable loyalty to Adam nor any form of zealotry. Maybe there is something wrong with my ears that's why i just couldn't appreciate other singers of late anymore. I am guilty of always imagining how better it would sound if Adam was the one singing whatever, yes i'm guilty of that. Adam spoiled me to no end. However, i'm still capable of giving credit where it is due. And as the old adage goes, to each his own.
So when i have nothing nice to say, i will rather keep things to myself. I didn't say a word while we were watching Paul last night. But it was hubby who said that if you've heard Adam's interpretation of that song two years ago, that was the best version so far. Emily and i just smiled at each other. And after Paul finished, hubby said not bad at all. It was not my favorite cover but i guess hubby was right, not bad at all.
Ditto @MGF & @funbunn40 there is no need to compare :)
@adamluv i'm so glad to see you posting again :)
@Glb you said it perfectly :)
@Urethra_Franklin please count me in coz i do enjoy your posts as well, believe me i do :)
Scotty looks like the sweet goofy looking kid that would always save you a seat on the school bus......I always liked those sweet boys. NOSY
I saw rod stewart 1st row many years ago, I don't think Paul has the best vocals by a long shot- but he is adorable and unique and that's good enough for me with this autotuned- stero-type lip-syncing world of music we have today I will welcome anything different! BTW- there will be lots of talk about the outcvome of idol tonight, mark my words. My husband said he's never watching again because they change the rules in mid-stream. You'll hear what I'm talking about tommorrow I'm sure!
Paul has a nice set of eyes. Adam has a nice set of pipes and nice gyrating hips! The Glam Pelvis! Elvis the Pelvis has passed the torch and it is now officially The Glam Pelvis! megaSarcasTICA^-^*~~~~~~~
why 11 Idols on tour this time? is it to sale more tickets? I think alot of people will enjoy Pia and Jacob. Both strong singers! Thia is in the running for the crown. She's so good for a young girl. Paul is unique and has a Rod Stewart vibe that I like. Casey is very different. Adam is better than all of them put together!
I really think Adam should appear on Rolling Stone in his black leather outfit with the Elvis hair and shades! I picture this in my mind and I'm getting hot! Lee Cherry should bring it to life with his great photography skills. Let's do this!
1:27 Didn't they hear Adam sing Born to be Wild while dancing like a maniac?!!! I agree, seems like they are waxing nostalgic for Adam. He is the one who broke the show. There will never be another Adam. First somebody TRIES to sing A Change is Gonna Come AFTER he compares HIMSELF to Adam. And, this dude tries to sing Tracks of My Tears? Adam gets the song and sang it like he'd lived it. Even the author of this song, Smokey Robinson, gave Adam a standing ovation. What are they thinking?!!!
I don't watch the show but happened to see tail end of it last night. Did an AI director ask them to try to move around and dance while they sang? Something else to not do--Adam makes singing and dancing look effortless. It is not and these kids are having trouble doing both. Adam had a head start over 20 years ago learning how to do this. 2nd nature to him now. Yep. I guess being theatrical isn't so bad after all.
Kentucky Fan
HK Paul did what? O__O LOL.
3:10 PM Yes, great recommendation. Would put him on the fast track for Grammy performer next year :)
Kentucky Fan
ZZZZZZZZZZZ --- oh, what?? -- is he done singing!? Guess I sort of dozed off. Sorry, dude with the whitest-bleached-teeth I've ever seen! What was your name again...? ;)
- Adam Fix
Enough already of the AI comparisons! Time to move on in the eyes of The master himself! Will ADAM ever be set free from the constant AI, long and drawn out comments! Time to give the new contestants a break and time to realize AI was a stepping stone for exposure for ADAM to head towards International fame...that he was already destined for!
Ok, well, I agree that Paul in my opinion did not do it well, but apparently others like it and that is fine. I hope Pia does something very different next time.
Here is that tweet from BC Jean (the bleach blond that took a pic with Adam and the redhead)(it was from the 14th of March)
BCJean BC Jean
Just had a great session w/@adamlambert :-) now getting gas @ a Mobil next to the 101fwy & there's a chicken hanging out- random but cute
14 Mar Favorite Retweet Reply
@kentucky fan
relisten to Paul, where he says masquerading, it definitely sounds like masturbating!!! followed closely by a witch choo (with you)
@lb. saw what happens tonight on MJ's, 9can never wait till the result show). Sounds like it was a good show, wouldn't have minded Casey going, haven't liked anything he's done since the top 24.
Won't be able to watch the results show this week thoug as off to the HK Rugby 7's in a couple of hours, 3 long days of rugby, crap food and copious amounts of alcohol....(not me though as I don't drink).
So might not be able to post much for a couple of days.
Paul's OTT white teeth are a real turn-off. Maybe he had his teeth whitened to appear on AI but they look soooo deliberately whitened.
Not keen on his voice either. He doesn't sound unique; he sounds like Rod Stewart whom I can take or leave, depending on what he's singing.
Furthermore, why do contestants sing songs that have been done before? Motown offers a lot more songs than the ones chosen by these contestants. I wonder if James will sing WLL in rock week ....... aaaaggggghhhhh! I hope not! Only 1 singer does justice to this song apart from LZ AND WE ALL KNOW WHO THAT IS!!!! I think I'll listen to Adam's superb version again right now! :D
HK fan, my hubby and I looked over at each other right after Paul sang "witch choo" and we just laughed at that! I was thinking for sure that the judges wouldn't like his performance and mention the unclear lyric singing. I'm glad you mentioned it!
I also don't get the mass appeal for Casey. Why was he saved again? All he has done since the beginning was screech out songs. TO ME he sounds similar to Taylor Hicks in a way. And hows that career goin for him???
Funnbun40, just wanted to mention how much I love and agree with so much of what you say and so much of the time but you say it so much better than I!!
A good song choice is important. I'm watching Finnish Idols and a girl is singing Black Velvet by Alannah Myles. Awesome classic, the judges loved it.
Had to go to Ytube & watch ADAM's version of TOMT to cleanse my ears after I heard Paul sing it ... not comparing ... THAT would be LUDICROUS!! Paul & Haley ruined TWO of MY fave Motown songs ... so disappointed in Haley tonight easpecially after the beautiful rendition she did of BLUE couple weeks ago. JACOB & PIA are my faves ... boring to some but NOT to me ... I AGREE with ADAM ... they are the TWO BEST!!!
That was SO sad - I had to get out my season 8 DVD and Lamberfy myself for a good hour to get that awful rendition out of my head. Adam has really ruined AI for anyone else. Maybe they should never have let him on the show to begin with when they saw how stupifyingly talented he was.....(but I'm sure glad they did!!) I just keep remembering cute little Paula mumblingly under her breath after his audition, "he's the best we've seen in all the all the seasons". Quick, turn off the mic!!
@GLb Mar24, 5:55PM - good to see you back, was going to send a shout out tomorrow asking where are you!
Wish I had your wit & witticism...
GGD Gal, still waiting for my GNT DVD (and the endless state of craziness, lol)...
Don't watch ai, but thank you ai for allowing Adam to perform on your stage.
imo, if ai wants to make money, let scotty win, he's the country singer right?, the US loves country music! MWAH!! K
@GGD Gal
Nice feeling to be missed. Thank you.
I'm (almost) always around, in my 24/7 corner, sipping my daily Glamffeine, just not engaging in conversations as much. I'm like 65% listener, 20% talker and 15% traveler within my own thoughts...and life. BUT, as you know, I do suffer from verbosity attacks from time to time! However, I (try to) stop talking when I surprise myself enjoying to much my own (smart or stupid, nice or malicious)ideas (vanity might be good for celebrities..or not, but it can be deadly for nobodies like me)... And it's no secret that I enjoy (so much) making fun of the ..Berts! :-))
@GLb - good to know you're around, hope I didn't disturb you during your traveling within your own thoughts part (15%), :)
Consistency is boring, I agree. So is lack of diversity.
Keep them verbosity attacks coming!
Yep, more stupid rediculous polls. Seriously, my fellow Adam Lambert Fans, please, let's just ignore this idioc rediculous excuse for attention. Go away stupid, rediculous, pointless, possibly harmful and definately lame ass polls constanly trying to get our attention. We don't give a flying f***!
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