Yahoo OMG! Ranks Top Ten Most Attractive Guyliner-Wearing Celebrities
Filed Under (Others ) by Admin on Thursday, March 24, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, March 24, 2011
Not surprising that they chose Adam Lambert as their #1!

1. Adam Lambert
Everyone has his or her own opinion of who the king of guyliner really is, but Adam Lambert is undoubtedly one of the champions of the great eyeliner movement. He certainly wasn't the first to wear it, and he definitely won't be the last, but oh what an impression he's made.
The top 10 ranking:
1. Adam Lambert
2. Brandon Flowers
3. Pete Wentz
4. Johnny Depp
5. Dave Navarro
6. Billy Joe Armstrong
7. Jared Leto
8. The Madden Brothers
9. Russell Brand
10. Steven Tyler
Source: OMG Yahoo

1. Adam Lambert
Everyone has his or her own opinion of who the king of guyliner really is, but Adam Lambert is undoubtedly one of the champions of the great eyeliner movement. He certainly wasn't the first to wear it, and he definitely won't be the last, but oh what an impression he's made.
The top 10 ranking:
1. Adam Lambert
2. Brandon Flowers
3. Pete Wentz
4. Johnny Depp
5. Dave Navarro
6. Billy Joe Armstrong
7. Jared Leto
8. The Madden Brothers
9. Russell Brand
10. Steven Tyler
Source: OMG Yahoo
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Glad to hear that Adam came in first place for something. If he sees this I am sure he will just laugh and laugh. It is such an honor to be voted best eyeliner guy. LOL LOL LOL
The ranking makes sense....Not only Adam but the others are good too.
My list has Adam ranking in the top 9 spots. He'd have all ten except I like Dave Navarro's look.
Adam is #1 in anything that he does! They forgot Bret Michaels, another long time guyliner wearer. funbunn 40
Looks lots better on him than on me. Love the GNT DVD Adam. It rocks!
Love This
Michael Monroe should be on that list right after Adam...He's been wearing guyliner since late 70's early 80's and is still lookin smoking hot and fabulous!!! Check the photo, first one from way back (w Sebastian Bach!), second from 2010
Glam Rock Fan
You know, it's so interesting when people give Adam grief about his makeup. He is the ONLY gay man on this list.
I adore men that guy line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes, Michael Monroe was so pretty. Hanoi Rocks's style inspired Guns and Roses. They have admitted it. In Europe rockers wear eyeliner and it's no big deal, it's part of the rock culture. I think it used to be like that in the US too. I don't know what happened..
This just another instance of life not being fair. My eyes are same shape and color as Adam's. Even have the little black line dipping down from the pupil. I wear make up and pay special attention to my eye liner. How come I'm not as pretty? And never will be! Nancy
Fabulous list! And Adam as #1! Love guys with eyeliner...... and know there's a lot more guys that they could have listed. Cutie pie Tommy Joe comes to mind. He'd be #2 for me and Dave N. #3. . . . . Adamluv
Where is that guy Adam "copies"? What´s his name? Yes! Bill Kaulitz.
Love that pic of Adam...yes he ROCKS the guyliner....Johnny Depp too!
Look into my eyes baby eyes!!!!!LMFHO!
Adam #1 guyliner guy got the last laugh this time!!!
Change of subject. Is this the nite Sauli & Katri
are attending American Idol???
There's no man that can pull of the smeared guyliner like the Glam God himself!
Everyone get in line to buy the #1 selling make-up line in the country Adamize! Remember, you heard it hear first.
OOOH- So our bb finally won one lol Nice to see my second favorite guy (Johnny deppe there) he's going to be in 3D (Yahhoo) on May 17th with his pirates of the carribean movie(another dream come true) Just imagine rock god in 3 D OMG. Life would not be the same for me
Very clever, LBS!
Need a copyright & royalties now.
Adam Lambert eyeliner caller "Glamoureyezz"! the zz bring a little pizzazz. whataya want from me blue, whole lotta black, pick u up gray, Fever with glitter, soaked in silver would all be potential names and colors.
It shoud be nice if they will make guyliner commercial! Adam, you are perfect!
Glam God Gold would be a great color for liner. just a suggestion.
Adam close up in a mirror putting on black eyeliner in a commercial. my computer screen is showing a heat warning.
BILL KAULITZ should be on the list. Are people totally blind?
I know I can be very annoying when I talk about Freddie, but how it was possible to forget about him and David Bowie?!
I know that for some reason, Freddie's name doesn't mention in US very often, but David Bowie? They started to use guyline siece late 60's!
Or maybe they out of competition. Rolling Stone published the article that Adam and GaGa Mercury's music stepchildren few months ago. I think this is very delecate situation to compete with your own stepfather!!!!
some Voodoo Purple would look good on the eyes. it should come in a liquid form. KMA###
Adam's hair looks fuzzy in this picture. :) Love a man in smeared's what my husband was wearing when we first met (he was 18) - YOWWWW!!
- Adam Fix
Go to OMG YAHOO source and at end of eyeliner list is 10 most handsome idols. They list Adam as #6. I didn't agree with all on the list. Of course I think Adam should be higher, higher, higher on the list. Do you agree?
I like Adam in the eyeliner, just not when he makes it looks like he has two black eyes. Just my opinion.
Adam #6 out of the 10 most handsome Idols? I think he's the handsomest man in the universe! He has the most perfect profile, magnificent eyes, nose, mouth, ears, hair,teeth, smile! He's also a photographers dream. funbunn40
anon 7:52, very clever. You should tweet those ideas to Adam!
Did you look at the list? Not only does Adam have everything you said, but a fantastic body, set on a tall frame. He would be a dream as a model too. Man has it all.
PULEEZE, she rates Casey James#3, then Kris Allen#2, and Matt Giraud #1?
Casey James...seriously????
Johnny Depp 4# and Adam #1!!! Those two are my absolute favourites. I am straight (at least I consider myself so) but those two men make me quite dizzy... Jared Leto 7# is quite nice too. But I agree, Adam is definely the best one of them all! My eylinering is not to be compared to his...
Anon. March 25, 2011 12:49 AM
Oh, I agree except for Casey James and I don't usually like blonds. The others .... a big NAH!!!
Lee DeWyze ahead of Adam ... LOL!!
I wonder what all those dudes would look like in guyliner .... ROFL!!!!!
Totally agree with you about Johnny Depp and Adam. My favs too.
That other list I don´t understand. Matt Giraud #1??? Well, it must be just one persons taste, and you can´t argue with that.
I think it's a good list. Some of the names were not familiar to me at first, because I'm not american.
I love Adam´s beautiful eyes! They are terrific with or without makeup.
With liner, without liner.....they should have a top 10 ten list of most alluring, come-here-baby... eyes. Adam would be number 1-15 - NO competition!!
I love when you all get carried away with silliness, it makes my heart FULL! Make up names were on a roll.....and very clever, they reminded me of our Super Moon day. Just fun, no one being "snarky". I'd never heard that word until I believe NOSY used it. So expressive, it's become a favorite of mine.
Thanks for the fun page........JAK
about that 'best looking' list under the guyliner list... WHAAAT?? This woman has no taste.. LEE??? Dopey, blah, asleep looking Lee---in FRONT of Adam???? She can't be serious. Adam is not only the most talented but THE best looking guy to ever walk on that stage... Where the hell is Ace Young? Josh Graicin was great looking.
Maybe this is a best looking list if you're drunk? MO WAY... Some of those guys wouldn't have even MADE my list... yuk.
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