Bonnie McKee tweets about working with Adam Lambert in the studio
Filed Under (album news,twitter ) by Admin on Thursday, March 24, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, March 24, 2011
Bonnie McKee, who has enjoyed success writing international hit singles for Katy Perry ("California Gurls" and "Teenage Dream"), Taio Cruz ("Dynamite") as well as Britney Spears ("Hold It Against Me"), tweeted that she's working with Adam Lambert! She also compliments Adam's voice enthusiastically!

Check out her performance on Jimmy Kimmel.

Check out her performance on Jimmy Kimmel.
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dripping with talent and from her tweet a good sense of humor too.
Everyone will bow down to the voice of Adam Lambert. We as his devoted fans already know what his amazing voice can do and hopefully with his second album the whole world will know.
Did he say she was only 19?? Wow!! Love her pink hair. :) I will be honest - I didn't 100% love her style of singing, but totally admire her talent.
- Adam Fix
I forgot to mention this earlier from Adam's manager, Lane and the Adam fansite:
Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 12:44 PM By: Lane
Hi all!
Now that Adam is currently working on his new album, we have been busy thinking up some good ideas and creations for exclusive fan club merchandise that is ONLY available to be purchased through the fan club. You will be able to stand out amongst the rest!
We are still working on it, so stay tuned, but i would also love to hear any items or ideas that you all would like to see! We will have a variety of items, but since these are for you, WHAT DO YOU WANT? Let me know and we will be sure to take it all into consideration! xoxo
Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 12:44 PM By: Lane
Adam's tweets from yesterday and today:
* Timeline
* Favorites
Adam Lambert
adamlambert Adam Lambert
@lyndseyparker we didn't get to use in-ears until the finale. Hearing oneself is harder than you think...
4 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
Adam Lambert
adamlambert Adam Lambert
@BonnieMcKeee I wanna steal bonnie's leggings.
23 Mar Favorite Retweet Reply
Adam Lambert
adamlambert Adam Lambert
@BonnieMcKeee #hotbitch
23 Mar Favorite Retweet Reply
Getting kinky w/ Adam? LOL.. wouldn't we all like that! This girl has some sense of humor :)
Now the rest of the world´s still not Adam fans will join us!! Adam´s voice will melt their hearts surely!!
OT There is a very good article from the New York Post by MJ Santilli. It is about abc not cancelling Chris Brown for violence on the set of GMA. He couldn't believe Adam was cancelled for a kiss, but said it was because he wasn't famous yet. They know Chris Brown will bring ratings. So violence gets rewarded but a guy on guy kiss is like a crime. This is outrageous by ABC. Anyone know how we can let our complaints be known?
Off the subject - did we know Brooke got engaged?
The song above is gorgeous. And she sounded fantastic. I am very excited to see what she and Adam do together. She wrote both Firework and Dynamite. Wow.
The author mentioned above is MJ Santilli. SHE is the founder of MJsBigBlog. A very popular site that I frequent a lot. She is part of a "think tank" of bloggers including Cantiello and Slezak, who get together about Idol and other subjects.
She recently had a thread devoted to the Chris Brown issue. Very interesting. A lot of people felt that Brown should have been cancelled. And Had Adam on in his place. I sent a few e-mails to tell them that not canceling Brown is tantamount to condoning street thug behavior.
I absolutely agree with the comment above about Chris Brown's antics in the GMA dressing room. You could tell he was "pissed" off during the interview and this was his reaction. He needs more anger management. Now, GMA and ABC should invite Adam back to perform. At least there is vocal talent there. It could be the acoustic version of AFTERMATH and Adam could talk about the donations to the Trevor Project and also work on his new album. This is early morning tv and I am sure he will be charming, articulate, and self-confident as he always is during interviews. Chris Brown couldn't even speak intelligently; he just kept on putting his hand and mike in front of his face and acting very egotistical. If they invite him, they are being very hypocritical.If they are giving CB another chance, then Adam certainly deserves one also.
After hearing GMA and Robin Roberts herself invite Chris Brown back, I will NEVER watch GMA again! It's all about ratings. There is no integrity involved. Shame on you Robin Roberts!
I guess anyone can be bought.
I think ABC is afraid, very afraid of Chis Brown.He has alot of deep seated problems and needs intense psychiatric intervention.Those anger management classes were for the tip of the iceberg.He is a young guy and I hope someone can help him before he hurts himself or another person again. I wish him well.
Heard about CB GMA incident on the internet. Absolutely, don't want this kind of violent being praised on National TV network. It probably mislead lots of young people nowadays. Hope he never come to Canada. All we need is Love for today's world. But I hope he is getting the right help and yet he is so young.
I like her singing, but i don't care about this type of music so much. It's dozen stuff. All american female singers have the same kind of songs nowadays. Where's the originality.
She wrote a song for Kelly Clarkson also. I saw her on the internet, she was sexy.
Chris Brown will be on DWTS. They are not going to cancel him. He hasn't learned anything yet, after being dis'ed by fans.
I don't get ABC. Adam did nothing wrong.
I think she is a very talented song writer and knows how to write "hits" i.e. Firework, Dynamite etc. Those are biggies in the pop world. I don't care so much for her style of singing though. I find it a little boring and not very melodic. I'm dying to know what she's writing for Adam, though!
Re: the New York Post article Chris Brown and the GMA fiasco.....I cannot understand ABC's attitude toward him. How is it he is not being punished for his dangerous out of control behavior? Is it ratings only? They have no integrity at all! I'm glad the article points out how unfairly Adam was treated for "guy on guy kiss" and clearly states that since CB is being given a second chance so, certainly, should Adam Lambert. Since that infamous moment on AMA's, there have been many other instances of gay kissing on TV as we all know. I was floored when I saw (on ABC) some soap opera segment with 2 gay guys in bed making out! Don't get me wrong, I didn't react because of the making out but because ABC was airing it!!! What Adam did during a singing performance paled against this partially nude gay make out scene. Why hasn't ABC made amends with Adam yet? I'd love to know the truth behind all of this. Anyone?
A little bit more edge is not bad. Didn't Adam like Taylor Momsens Make Me Wanna Die..
That Kimmel video is not recent - she's not 19 years old. According to a few articles/bios I've been reading - with conflicting DOB's - she was born on either Jan. 20, 1984 or 1985. Therefore, she just turned 26 or 27.
Dear 24/7 Administrator. Off topic, but a possible tip? Just saw fabulous fan-made YouTube video by jaimechanter called Adam Lambert and Tommy Joe Ratliff at Adam's 29th Birthday. It has photos of 2 of the most beautiful men you have ever seen set to an incredible piece of music called Waltz by Fiona Apple.
I love it when people capture the sophistication of Adam's beauty and talent. (Adam IS the most beautiful human being I have ever seen.) Tommy's beauty, too, in this case. I apologize I do not know how to link it to here.
Kentucky Fan
That fan vid of Adam and Tommy was bizarre..
You saw it!
Anon @ 8:32, I don't think the infamous moment on the AMA's was just the kiss. But, it was a long time ago and I wish they would get over it.
I don't understand why everybody upset about Chris Brown! He is big celebrity and always will be forgiven (okay, almost always)for his disscussing behavior!
Adam just started his celebrity carrier and this guy/guy kiss created the big problems for his future. And it is gonna be in his portfolio forever. And if Adam didn't have this "episod" on AMA, he could do it now anywhere and nobody would care, including ABC! Because Adam would bring then a LOOOOOOOT of MONEY!
I know, I wrote it again, somebody called me troll. But this is the truth. And we have to agree with it. Believe me, Brown's "terrible" behavior will be forgiven and forgotten very soon. But this is a reality. Sandra Bullock had girl/girl kiss on one of the bigest award events! Did you hear about this few weeks later? No, nobody didn't pay attention on this kiss! And Adam was not and he still isn't such a big celebrity! But would and can kiss whoever he want now!
Again, call me troll, I already got it few times, but I will never change my opinion on this mistake Adam made AMA. And this truth always will make me very sad (not even upset) and I always get tears and I remember this "accident".
Ladies, you know how much I love Adam. But to somebody's fan doesn't mean to forget reality of US Music Industry or TV's shows market.
P.S. Sorry, probably I made many mistakes in my post. But English is not my first language and I don't have chance to correct them. Because I wrote this comment from work
People always forgive if someone has a drug problem and I bet Chris Brown has.
I haven't watched GMA since way before the ABC ban on Adam. Robin R. and Sam What's His Name treated Adam in a snotty way when he and Chris and David C. performed for GMA during the Summer Idol tour. Adam's performance of Starlight was stupendous but they were so skittish whenever he was being interviewed .... afraid he would say something inapro!! RR "stupidly" asked him if performing on GMA was different from being on tour and, being the adorable little devil he is, he said, "well, no one is throwing underwear". OMG - Robin jumped in front of him, took over the mic and said, "this is a family show" and that was it, they never asked him another thing and Sam WHN, kept clearly misprouncing his name. I have not watched GMA since and was not surprised at their idiotic reaction to the AMA's. Chris Brown was way of of line, as he often seems to be, but I'm not surprised at his irritation at the likes of Robin R. Personally, I think the less we make a comparison between Adam's treatment and the likes of Chris Brown the better. Just don't watch GMA. They are NOT the highest rated morning show and if they had not picked up George Stephanopolis when DS left, they would be even lower rated. As much as I am tempted to rant and rave at times, I have decided that Adam himself is speaking exquisitely about his character right now and we should "let it be". Sometimes we just come across as crazy, mommified absurd people and it does more harm than good.
Thank you for my weekly soapbox platform. I love Adam just as much as anyone. I want to be part of the extraordinary support and not part of the problem.
@aNON 10;28 - I dont believe Brown has a drug problem at all but he's simply a violent punk who gets off on violence! And the bottom line is, as we've seen forever with Charlie Sheen, if you can make money for the company, show, etc. you get a pass on your behavior. I stopped watching GMA after their inexcusable treatment towards Adam. I guess they dont want to lose all the Brown fans out there, but I for one, dont want to support a show that Brown fans watch!!!!!. . . . Adamluv
Oops! The Kris in line 2 is spelled with a "K" - you know the AI winner - (funny, I can't .... quite....remember the last name .... oh, Yah, Kris Allen).
@Coloforadam, was posting at the same time so didnt see your post. Didnt know about their threatment of Adam after AI. Thanks for the info. you gave and also thanks to all the posters that give us info. we might have missed.. . . . Adamluv
I never watched GMA and deff will not gonna do it. I don't like to watch this kind of shows.
And I hate to watch news more than hour per day. They make me very upset. But I have more than enough problems in my life.
I posted my comment after I read your articles ladies and this article in New York Post.
Yah, it was subtle but I thought evident. Maybe my "new fandom" was on high alert but I thought, at the very least, that they paid far less attention to Adam, even though his performance was so beautiful, he was professionally attired while the other two were in jeans and flannel shirts ...AND, the audience, which was panned very briefly, was predominately splattered with Adam Love placards. The treatment of he and Kris on the Today show at about the same time was vastly different. They were showcased for their individual style and interviewed professionally and respectfully.
Here's the link for the NY Post article mentioned above. I also posted it in the "IIHY mentioned on Argentinian TV" thread..
Personally, I think money and fame speak....but I also am thinking if we saw Adam kiss a guy on TV now, it wouldn't be quite such a deal..just my opinion...
I don't really think that Chris Brown fans are up that early to watch GMA or even care about the show. They probably heard he would be a guest and might have tuned in or come to the studio for that. It seems that we as a society accept all kinds of inappropriate behavior and language today . Then we glorify it and keep on rewarding that person . Sets a good example for our young kinds, doesn't it? This Chris Brown is their idol? ABC needs to give Adam Lambert a second chance if they intend to do so for CB. At least Adam won't be rude, angry or violent. And he is so talented with the best voice in the music business today. Adam has changed a great deal since that AMA performance and I am sure his appearance on a morning show would be wonderful. If GMA wants to improve its ratings, maybe having Adam on for a guest appearance might just do it for them. Check back to the vids from the CBS Early Morning Show when Adam was on right after GMA cancelled him. He looked gorgeous and did a great interview even answering questions from the fans. His mom was also there with him. I am sure Adam would bring that same dignity and self-confidence to GMA if he were to appear there.
Don't be so sad, I'm sure Adam's AMA's kiss gained him a lot of fans worldwide (me being one of them). The American media will come around. In fact, some American TV hosts were quick to show their support (like Ellen and Jay Leno). And in the rest of the countries, as you probably know, nobody's that excited about it.
Cassie (from Israel).
ps. May I ask where you're from?
I watched AI, but I didn't pay attention to Adam more than to the other contestans. Then I saw the tabloid headlines in my country that said someone had kissed his band member at the AMAs and Americans were shocked. Adam looked so good in the pics. I had to get his album and here we are.. :)
@Cassie(from Israel) I am from Russia. We moved in US few years ago.
I am sad because I am sure Adam deserves much more than he has for today. I know he will have much more appriciation very soon. But Adam could have right now.
Michael Jackson was accused of sexual acts with under age boys. But the US and world handled it and went forward. (I never thought he did anything with those kids, except maybe a hug or kiss). So he was accused of a serious crime. I don't want to believe that Adam's bold oral sex act in the AMA would ruin his chances in the music business. (I read delilah5's opinion with respect). Adam is so proud of himself as gay. He is a sexual young man and he wanted to bring exciting entertainment to the audience. He had watched Michael Jackson grab his balls on stage. He had watched Madonna all over her male dancers. He assumed the world would be ready for his gay act. Adam said that the reaction was dual morality. I agree so! Sanni
I discovered Adam on the AMA in youtube because of the buzz, and I am also fascinated about his story and talent and also end up here with you all. He gained lots of international fans because of that kiss.
@Anon 12:18
Yeah! Don't you just love it when someone shocks the puritan Americans? And which country are you from?
I know how you feel. Well, we just need patience. I'm sure 2nd album is a charm...
You're not a troll you are a fan expressing your opinion. That's allowed and in my case even encouraged. If we all agreed all the time there would be no spice in life. We just need (occasionally) to remember not to "hate" on each other.
IMO I liked the girl and the song, I even liked the "wobble" in her voice. I hope she and Adam make some good music together.
Now.......I did not like the AMA performance from beginning to end. But I still liked Adam and moved on.....if only everyone would. JAK
I'm anon 12:18 and I'm Finnish. Tabloids or should I say the evening papers told how things went and mentioned the Parents Television Council and that 1500 complained. They also mentioned the kiss between Madonna and Britney. I didn't remember what was in the articles, so I had to dig them up :D
What it comes to immorality... In the 1970's someone suddenly noticed that Donald Duck did not have trousers. That poor duck was bad example for kids. Nearly pornography! Finland made a fool of itself infront of the whole world. Mother told me that hilarious story resently. Sanni
Sanni, I remember that storm in a tea cup in the 70's. It was like an urban legend, because nobody knew where it had started. Think about the Moomin characters now, they're basically naked. xD
@Anon 12:18 Finnish! Well well, your country is very near and dear to the glamberts these days! Maybe you could tell us some more about the adorable Sauli? ;)
Like her voice. Wonder if they are singing together on the new album. I would like a duet or two. BTW, I stopped watching GMA when they pulled Adam off and had not watched since. This is just more BS.
Thanks for your posts coloforadam (feelin' you as usual :)) - I didn't know all that.
@Cassie & Sanni - I'm really enjoying reading your posts. I've been reading here @ 24/7 a long time... sometimes I'm on-site alot, sometimes very little (kind of like Adamluv, PRS & Adam Fix :) - hey there glamsistas, lol)... and I just wanted to tell you I'm enjoying your posts.
@Cassie, WOW! That is my local newspaper (regarding the link to Brooke's wedding info)! I don't know if you saw it on an old twitter post :
brookesauce75 Brooke Wendle
I never really understood why brides go crazy, until NOW! Come on, who has the inside track on outdoor wedding venues in northern cal?
13 Feb Favorite Retweet Reply
Thanks for finding this!
To our Finnish friends:
Isn't Sauli here yet?????
Katri said they would be at AI & watch carefully for them.
Dililah, you are not a troll but you are definitely damaging to Adam's image.Just my opinion.
@MGF - Thanks for saying that! It really makes me feel good.
@Daydreamin - I didn't see it, I don't follow Brooke on twitter. Usually it's you who always finds everything! But I guess it's harder when it's right under your nose :)
people who don't beleive in freedom of expression are idiots that's all...
I don't have to elaborate my statement anymore!!!
I beleive in KARMA and Adam keeps heading to the top hey!hey! Just an angel he!he!
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Bonnie McKee tweets again:
Super inspired!! @Adamlambert is my muse ;)
Adam answers:
@BonnieMcKeee flattery will get you EVERYWHERE
Another tweet from Bonnie McKee with an interesting link about Target:
God when is Target gonna realize their best customers are gay?
WTF Stop sucking so I don't have to boycott you
Thank you MFG! Sanni
Bonnie McKee did not write Firework, but she did co-write Teenage Dream and California Gurls with Katy Perry + Hold it Against Me for Britney Spears. She co-wrote all of those (and Taio Cruz' Dynamite) with Dr. Luke and Max Martin. So this is exciting! I hope it means a #1 for Adam.
@Glitzylady, I meant to tell you, way back, thank you for telling us about the RCA comment that they were waiting to release another single until they had a #1 for Adam. THAT, finally, made sense of their actions. Again, you amaze me with all this info I hadn't seen/heard before! Kudos!
You are so good at info gathering, could you find out where KW disappears to----that he can't stay in touch????????? I've added him to my worry list.....JAK
OT...@JAK I think KW is traveling with his seemingly very busy job and enjoying whatever free time he has with his handsome,"Lost" look alike partner. Not as much free time as we retirees have! I miss his input too and it's time for another bedtime story! Hi KW's mom if you're visiting! I was going to Target to get a few more GNT DVD/CDs, but will regroup, maybe call all local Targets, Walmarts and Best Buys requesting Adam's DVD funbunn40
Wow, beautiful voice, beatiful song. I think her and Adam are going to make beautiful music together : )
oooops...I just changed the size of this page and saw all that same info I typed in my comment was already here - it had been hidden underneath one of those banner ads before.
Apologies for the repetition!
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