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ClevverMusic: Adam Lambert Returning to American Idol?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, March 5, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, March 05, 2011

Thanks to IreneRose for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Slezak just cracks me up...check out the Idoloonies videos at the bottom. Adam is mentioned in the 3rd video.


Anonymous said...

wow, talk about good exposure! woohoo

Anonymous said...

Thanks for link, ZZ! Slezak cracks me up too! Love seeing Adam get some notice! @Fan4fun, Where are you and Icon?Missing our Diamond Girl! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

She should have also mentioned that aftermath is on his acoustic CD cannot wait to see him on idol. All this exposure is awesome yeah!!!

Anonymous said...

I also wonder where is the creative Fun4fun? is still celebrated with Icon, the upcoming presentation ADAM IDOL?
A cordial greeting. Peace and Love to you.

Anonymous said...

Why do the homophobes and deliusional Glamberts only approve the Acoustic Aftermath?

Anonymous said...

@11:50 AM Say What?!

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

There are homophobes among Glamberts, we know that.

The Dark Side said...

Have to echo the Say What??? Hey have you been having some of what Charlies is having? IGNORE!!!

Anonymous said...

Take One, Take Two..

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:50 am and 12:26 pm

WHAT are you talking about?????
Does this make sense to ANYONE???????????JAK

Anonymous said...

JD fans come in this site to spew unnecessary comments, I doubt they are Adam fans. Saw Someone claimed as Adam Big fan in JD Vid commenting with reference to this site. Geeazzz, some people just can't take criticism . Ignore them.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:50 say what. Just wanting to help sales of anything Adam puts out and I have gay people in my family. Love them, no homophobe here. Be careful what you say one of us could have a gay child.

Anonymous said...

@ Dark side... lol

Anonymous said...

Have always loved Aftermath on the FYE cd, and love the acoustic version too...don't get your comment

HK fan

Anonymous said...

remember don't feed the trolls

Cheril said...

Aftermath is a beautiful song anyway it is played. Adam's voice just adds to the beauty of the melody and lyrics. Fast, slow or whatever...a beautiful song with a beautiful message for everyone who has been put down in any way.

Anonymous said...


Drunk blogging is just as bad as tweeting drunk.

Senceless remark

Bing said...

It seems that our Diamond Boy is getting a ton of exposure with his March 10 performance in AIS10 and this is all free publicity for Adam. AFTERMATH is an empowering song which deserves to be promoted this way as well as some other songs in FYE like SLEEPWALKER, FEVER, PUU & CLYG.

@Fan4fun and Icon, i really hope you two are just fine and would be posting soon. You are dearly missed by the 24/7 Glamily and we need you back as in ASAP :D Love to both of you.

Anonymous said...

Why is Clevver spelt with 2 v's, doesn't seem very clever to me..

Hk fan

Bing said...

LOL @HK fan, hello and kind regards :D

Anonymous said...

Yes - starting to worry about fan4fun...! Her enthusiasm for Adam cannot be contained, so it's odd she's been silent for this long! fan4fun, give us a word...are you ok?

- Adam Fix

Bing said...

Hi @Adam Fix, i remember leaving a post for you in an ooooold thread LOL, Feb.23/Adam Wants To Learn More About His Fans. Not that it's so important but i just hope you saw it :)

The anticipation before that glorious day is killing me grrr!

Sending positive thoughts to Fan4fun!

Anonymous said...

fan4fun left a long post on the dressing room week 2 pic thread.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for Thursday night to see Adam on AI performing the acoustic version of AFTERMATH. The ratings should go through the roof. Adam should also gain a lot more fans after hearing this song and his beautiful voice. And it is so nice to hear that Adam is putting his celebrity and talent with proceeds from this song towards a worthwhile cause. Just look what he did for Charity:Water on his birthday. It was such a great fundraiser that Justin Bieber stole the idea for his birthday too. Come original JB; there are so many other charities and causes and ideas you and your people could have come up with. I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery in this case. Anyway, AI contestants will watch one special performance Thursday night so be ready to be blown away.

Anonymous said...

@7:53 lol I thought that about JB copying Adam's water charity and he has a nail polish line too. He doesn't even wear nail polish! But really who wouldn't want to be like Adam so it is flattering. Thursday on AI the stage is going to be an adam concert and everyone's jaws will drop when they hear his beautiful pure voice!!!