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"For Your Entertainment" Surpasses 800,000 Copies, 'Glam Nation Live' Sales

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, March 4, 2011

Posted at : Friday, March 04, 2011

According to RCAEd from Adamofficial, Adam Lambert's debut album "For Your Entertainment" sold 1,828 copies last week to a total of 800,999! It has officially surpassed 800k in the U.S. alone! In addition, the "Glam Nation Live" CD/DVD has had over 6,500 pre-orders to date.

If you haven't pre-ordered it yet, you can pre-order it at

Or CLICK HERE to purchase it on iTunes!

Source: Adamofficial


The Dark Side said...

Adam has thousands of fans. How come only 6,500 copies of GNT pre-ordered. WTF??? Can't speak for others, but I certainly want a memento of this awesome tour. It's not ever going to be the same again--things change and so will Adam's tours change. Watching on You Tube is nice, but not the same. Sorry didn't mean it to sound like a lecture...just expressing some disappointment.

Anonymous said...

The Dark Side - Music DVD concerts usually don't sell that much. I think selling over 10,000 copies is considered a hit. I remember hearing about Ricky Martin during his peak and I think one of his DVD sold around 50,000 total. And that is the time when he was peaking.

Also, maybe people are waiting to buy in the stores?

Anonymous said...

@ the dark side-- I was thinking the exact same thing as you, WTF- I want this DVD even more than the CD ( I already have) I thought pre-sale orders would be at 50,000 by now. maybe I'm totally out of loop on this one. I hope they really promote this in stores.

Anonymous said...

my 2 friends and sister are waiting for it to hits the stores.I preorder the hard copy and preorder one from iTunes. So looking forward to them.

Anonymous said...

I pre ordered the DVD from Adam official but it is better to pre order from Amazon. It gets charted there. This morning it was #65, now #68, and yesterday 70,but there is a green upward arrow. If it gets ordered on Amazon it will of course go higher. I saw it on the top 100 chart on i tunes two days ago, but not since. So if you have ordered a copy get another one, that is what I will do and gift it. Then of course get one more in the stores.I will do whatever it takes to support Adam and his music.

Anonymous said...

Are the 6500 pre-orders only from Adam Official? If so, many ordered from Amazon - like me - plus I ordered one from AO. I'm sure ALL the Glamberts will buy one one way or the other and the sales will ultimately be big! Am so excited about Adam being on AI next week, singing Aftermath acoustically. Should make some Adam-doubters become believers in his incredible voice and talent!

LIVA said...

I ordered it on Amazon. I can't wait till it comes.

adam luv said...

surprised also at that very low number ???????? Adamluv

The Dark Side said...

Happy to know I am not the only one to think this is a low ridiculous number. Am happy that FYE is still selling after 15 months. Maybe another appearance will help sales. Just a thought, but with so much free on You Tube...there is no way artists aren't getting screwed these days.

Anonymous said...

Also surprised at these numbers also. Adam has so many followers that if everyone ordered a copy these numbers would rock. Come on everyone that hasn't ordered yet, go to Amazon.

Anonymous said...

I ordered.....honest! JAK

Anonymous said...

RCA Ed must be talking about DVD AO presale only. It's sold on Amazon for less and Barnes&Noble has really good deal on presale, 40% off. And many people are waiting for DVD to hit the stores so they don't have to pay for shipment. Is this pre-sale number for US only?
And how did Ed come out with Acoustic EP sales to be 12,000+?? I know it was over 20,000 in December.

Anonymous said...

I ordered from AO and will wait for it to be in stores to buy for my daughter, I'm also surprised at the low number???
I can't imagine any of Adams fans not wanting a copy or two of his Glam Nation Tour.

Anonymous said...

Just checked Amazon and the dvd dropped from#65 yesterday to #73 just now. It used to have an upward arrow but now a downward arrow, so it's losing momentum already? I don't get it. The acoustic cd should have done better.

Anonymous said...

Well after Adam appears on Idol next week with about 25,000,000 U.S. viewers plus the rest of the world.. Adam's sales IMO will soar.I can't wait to see him, to hear him on TV.

Anonymous said...

There are so many pre-order sites ... how can they be sure of pre-order sales yet? I agree that S&H charges are holding back on pre-order sales ... also pre-orders are basically at the fan sites because of the perks included ... so we really can't tell until the CD/DVD GNT is actually released in stores .... hope it goes 'through the roof'!!!


Anonymous said...

@Anon 3:49
GN DVD on Amazon is moving up and down constantly. Not to worry about momentum.

Anonymous said...

Only 6,500????

What's up with that Glamberts!?!?!

HK fan said...

I haven't ordered one yet, was waiting to see if I can walk into HMV and buy it. Also haven't managed to order the acoustic ep yet, tried once after I joined AO but it didn't I can't remember my password as I never go on there. I am sure that there are many overseas fans that get pissed off about Adams stuff only being available online at certain sites and have trouble ordering them.....or maybe I'm the only technophobe on here?

Anonymous said...

I'm not a technophobe, but I don't like to buy... actually, to pay online. I don't do it unless there is no other way. I have no problem with ordering online, then paying and picking the products up at the store. I do like (uncrowded) stores and I love bookstores... the smell of books and records and (preferably, wood) shelves... Don't care if it's so last century! Moreover, I hate to pay for shipment more than for the item itself (like 2-3 times more when ordering overseas!).
My best friend living now in US has been 'warned'... Glam Nation Live is 'coming soon' at Best Buy! It's on their website. Why should I 'pre-order' something that will be 'available everywhere’ soon enough?

Anonymous said...


You'd like my house, it's very close to being a bookstore or library. Bookcases, sometimes more than one, in every room......EVERY room! Bathroom reading material consists of books of quotations and poetry (short time reading).

I collect Fairy Tale books from almost every continent...the old leather bound gold embossed ones with glorious illustrations. (In case you don't know I was a kindergarten director/teacher) We are a reading family...daughter complained at Christmas "Hey, what happened???? I only got 13 books this year, last year I got 21!"

To quote Thomas Jefferson "I cannot live without books."

Now------about paying online, that made me nervous so I took out an additional credit card with a tiny credit line $300. I use it only for ordering from Adam's fansite. Makes me feel more secure. I'm a bit paranoid!.....JAK