Gorgeous Photo of The Day: Adam Lambert Flexing Arm
Filed Under (American Idol,pictures ) by Admin on Monday, March 21, 2011
Posted at : Monday, March 21, 2011
This was apparently taken from the 'American Idol Season 8' Tour.

Thanks to Glitzylady for the tip!

Thanks to Glitzylady for the tip!
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OMG!!! You would MELT in his arms!! What a hunk of male muscle!!
His shoulders and arms are to die for!! Sauli is sure one lucky guy!!
Adam is the ultimate DREAM!!
Is that another layer under the vest - a tank top maybe? We could have done without that, surely it must have been too hot haha
He looks quite..........hmmmmmmmmmm.....what is that word I'm searching for..........quite......HEALTHY!!!!!!!!That's the first thought that came to my mind.....HONEST!
Actually that JSK should be JAK......my fingers were sweaty they slipped........Honest!
P.S. I think that's a chastity belt under the vest
Who wouldn't get sweaty looking at pictures of Adam lol
this was at the AI show in Cleveland and I was sitting in the front row. The minute he saw me he flexed and gave me that Elvis look. OK,I'm a liar.
Rude Boy: The piercing eyes, the clenched fist, the curled lip, the fierce stance. Makes fans weak and detractors weep, they should look so fierce while killing us with his song.
Man-o-man. Isn't he a sight to behold? Better yet a sight to be held. Fantastic picture. This is what dreams are made of.
Oh my!!!! There HE IS, now holding all my fantasies! The romantic ones with his left hand, the graphic ones with his right! Oh, yeah...
Jeeeeeesus Mary Holy!!! Nearly spit my morning coffee out. What a masculine God we have here in front of us!! I love the pic!! I love it!!! GRRRRR Kiss kiss pusi pusi!!!
I think the song "Killing Me Softly" applies here...
really like this picture - for all the reasons everyone else has stated...
Just got back from a shopping trip to HMV, now have the Glamnation live cd/dvd in my hands...(see RCA how easy that was for us 'foreigners' to just walk into the shop and pick up the CD, and it cost less than it would cost me to ship the acoustic live EP out here),have been listening to the cd in the car on the way home. so good, brings back lots of wonderful memories...
Have a big pile of ironing to do, maybe I'll the DVD up in my bedroom whilst doing it (the ironing that is..) will give me an incentive. Trouble is I'll probably end up burning myself as I won't be able to take my eyes off the TV as opposed to looking where I;m putting the iron!!
Just downloaded the Glam Nation Live DVD/CD from iTunes...couldn't wait for my "pre-ordered" (ahem..) one to get here..Here's the link:
http://itun.es/i6D3gR #iTunes
And oh, yes..its fabulous!!!!
Oh, yes....again....LOVE that picture.. Couldn't resist "sharing"! ; )
Dancer's NoH8 pics:
he is so fierce..so masculine..so wonderful to listen to and look at..wow
You are the funniest lady I know. You made my day AGAIN! And you are so right. He really looks healthy.
Damn hes gorgeous...damn.
My writing is kinda slow now since I´m wiping saliva off with my other hand.
I know I´m not alone when I say that should be illegal already.. I could just..lick his bicep..just 4 a sec..
I apologise the 4:06 comment.
That was inappropriate :-)
I can assure you Adam is primarily ultratalented artist to me, and after that comes the unbelievablehotsexgod-thingy.... but still time to time he makes me forget about my manners completely.....*drool*
The other half of the JetskiingSexBastards is having his BDay at 28th, so if you feel like it, drop by to send your gongrats :
WOW....yep just WOW i'm totally speechless
Drop dead gorgeous hunk of a man! Does he have any idea what he does to us!!!
I hate it when I can't bring up the links to pics....
Adam UnfBert, It´s you again isn´t it ?
You appeal on our filthiest sides and we love you for it ;-) ( amongst many other things )
never never ever change <3
Keep voting for Adam on Magnet Magazine for which cd are we most wanting to hear. Yellowcard is about 300 votes ahead but moving up fast this morning. Take a few minutes to vote as hard as it is to leave this picture.
This article says Adam could reach MJ status. A funny thing is that Adams fans, that´s us folks, are famous too. Perhaps not as many as Gagas but much much more passionate. It´s quantity against quality.
Just listened to Glam nation Tour DVD ..run, don't walk to your nearest store,,to amazon or to ITunes to buy a copy.. you might want to buy two copies ,it's that GREAT. Adam is at his best vocally and that makes this a classic or Epic performance. This is the best concert DVD I have ever seen!
Glamnation CD/DVD TV add in NZ.
I wish they would make this effort of promoting him in my country. But no, that will not happen.
The Glamnation DVD is incredible!! Have watched mine twice now. If you buy it on i tunes it will get on the charts as it should. Get an extra at the store. This DVD will be a rare treasure!!!
Eva I thought Adam was really popular in New Zealand. I know all his songs were really high on your charts more so than the U.S. Or are you in another country and saying that New Zealand had the add not yours?
Good Morning all..please help.. vote at
magnetmagazine.com..under poll....Adam is 2nd, you can hit refresh and keep voting....we need more voters to win this one!!!...thanks!
I´m in Sweden and Adam is not promoted here at all. Only hard core fans knew he was here in november, no adds, no posters, nothing. The reviews of the show were terrible. They only knew he was an American Idol and gay and never mentioned his voice. I don´t think they even were at the show but judged him from what
they "knew". He has been played on the radio though. WWFM was the most played song last summer so it´s not all bad.
@2011 6:10 AM
If you read the comments on magnetmagazine.com you get the impression that Adam could NOT win this. The Yellowcard fans use "voting software" and as soon as Adams votes come close the Yellowcard gets 2000 votes in a minute. It´s funny that no one else is getting any votes, just these two.
OFF Topic- This is interesting!
Anonymous March 22, 2011 6:31 AM
Thanks for the link but it won't let me open it. :(
Glamnation DVD on sale now was mentioned on the popular Elvis Duran show this morning on Y100! YAY!
@2011 6:31 AM
The link won´t open. But I think it´s the same article I posted a bit further up.
Yes, he is a HUNK! BTW, despite all the hand-wringing by us fans, I understand that Adam did fine in many of those Flecking poll categories. He doesn't have to win in all of them to show that his fans are out there voting! I'm happy that he did so well. No reason for us to go into mourning. Also, as for Sweden and their non-fans. Oh, well. They don't know what they're missing. I think some people are snooty and think it's uncool to like a competition show person. They think they're just so hip or something, and they ignore the talent. Their loss. I predict they'll come around eventually.
@6:51 AM
Yes you are so right. Music snobs, the worst kind. One of the reviewers stated that Adam had "American Idol" written on his forhead. What a load of crap! The GNT was so far from American Idol you can get. I think they are afraid to loose credibility if they like someone from a talent show. It´s so sad. But that morone is going to eat his words soon enough.
I hope the release of GNC DVD will push Adam to a higher level of success around the world. He should deserve more than what is getting now. As a fan, I request his songs through my local radio and more people can discover this mega talent.
goodness! mEgASaRcAsTICA ^-^*~~~~~~~~
that's his battery pack under his vest (for his mic). just got my dvd/cd from tour. it was in the store. it was much cheaper than ordering on line. just saying.
@ Eva... (7:03)
You GO girl!!
Wow, Really on the Yellow-card poll thing???? Seriously??? Damn I kept up with it (& some others I'm sure) pretty well for an hour or so last night ...
Caught him UP... and took the lead 3 times before I HAD to give up & get on with real life.
Damn, voting software?? Jeeez, I feel so out of the loop...
And I kept thinking... (WTF)... Yellowcard HAS this many devoted fans??? Freakin' never even heard of them before Adam....
Gotta run
This picture works better than morning coffeefor me! And deff much much much better than my wheat bread toast;) I think even if I would have tiramisu for breakfast Adam photo looks more delicious any way:)
I don´t know if this "voting software" is true. The Yellowcard fans of course denies it, but it seems strange. Last night Adam was ahead and now he´s 2000 votes behind. I had never heard of Yellowcard either.
ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 How about a plug for Adam's DVD that just hit the market today, The GLam Nation Tour.. come on guys ..get on it!!
Adam is def a keeper! I've always loved his shoulders.
I'm really kinda bummed here in OK, cuz I can't find Adam's GNT dvd anywhere, I'm pissed! I guess that's to be expected in small city/town areas here in OK.
I'll give Oklahoma another 24 hours to get their act together. Just cannot wait, ya'all are driving me crazy with how good the dvd is & how incredible Adam's voice is.
@JAK, we are Adam's protectors of peace & love.
I've always believed it was Magic, that brought Adam & us, the fans, together. Everything happens for a reason! MWAH!! K
Please call or text or tweet or email your local radio stations (with the appropriate formats obviously) to request Billboard Aftermath Remix... so important people.
Regarding requesting - did 24/7 have this up, Adam's tweet:
Request The Aftermath Remix on your local radio stations all! :)
less than 5 seconds ago via Twitter for iPhone
I haven't read through all threads, so pardon my redundancy if so. MGF
I got my GNT CD/DVD yesterday late afternoon....I watched the DVD twice last nite. I sat there mesmerized with a huge grin on my face the whole time. I am so proud of Adam, the band, the dancers, well the whole crew! They did an awesome job on this. Huge TY's to RCA 19 for putting it together for us. I can't find enough superlatives in my vocabulary to praise Adam. He is so unbelievably talented, gorgeous, sexy, charismatic, sweet, lovable, charming, clever and so hardworking. We are so so lucky to have him in our lives! I only ordered 2 GNT sets (one from AO & Amazon). Now I see I must order more for gifting and in case I wear out either the DVD or CD. The CD is going in my car. His soaring vocals just take me to a higher place and I listen in wonderment. What a cherished memory is the Glam Nation Tour! Don't miss out on this one folks!
Regarding the anti-talent show snobs: If Adam was doing exactly the same thing in exactly the same way but had NOT come from Idol, would they be saying the same things about him? I don't think so. It's such a stupid, ignorant stigma.
I'm confused...how could Google quote me...where?
And what was I spouting off about this time? JAK
I amend my previous statement....EXTREMELY HEALTHY!......JAK
I also have a secret stash...Rolling Stone mag. with some terrific photo shoots pics. I copied on my new printer...just learned how to do that.
Deep dark secret will only be found after my death, I'm sure it will give family s good laugh.
MWAH!! K you can buy in from itunes or Amazon I'm sure...go for it!
Cindy, I too can't figure out the Yellowcard fandome! I never heard of them until Longeneau left Adam to go back to them....hmmmm I know I am out of the loop musically for the most part except for Adam and some of his favs have now become my fav (Pink!)
JAK, are you stashing your magazines under your mattress??? You have me laughing here at work...kids in my library are wondering what is wrong with me!! I keep telling them to please be quiet in the library and here I am...
"Aftermath" was launched as gay anthem. It wasn't a great idea. Don't think they will play it on radiostaions
I'm grateful you think I'm funny...here's why.
56 years ago when a friend was setting my husband and I up on our first date, she told him "you'll like her, she's tall and slim and dark haired and pretty and funny."
Well I'm still tall and funny....2 out of 3 isn't so bad! JAK
My Adam stash is completely safe. I keep it in the filing cabinet with my ever growing files of the poetry I write on a daily basis. That works perfectly!........JAK
@anonymous @10:22AM
Wasn't Gaga's 'Born This Way' launched as a gay anthem too? It's everywhere on the radio!!
OMG - there are a million sexy pictures of Sir Gorgeous One but he is never sexier than on stage. It all comes together - hips, bi-ceps, thighs, butt, eyes, hair - and it all moves so deliciously!! Thanks for today's infusion of Adagasm!!
JAK, someday you shall have to write a poem about Adam and his rise to stardom or his relationship with his fans and send it to his fanclub. If it was less that 140 characters it can could be tweeted, but that is so short.
Great looking fella, yeah! Can´t complain.
I could faint in your arms!! I love you Adam!!
Every now and then I come to this page and watch Adam´s lovely pic! I even took a photo of it with my mobile. So I can watch it everywhere! He is so cute, so boyish!!
I remember the first fan video I saw was Adam Lambert - What Happens At The Party by kcinkcity. Sanni, go and check it out on YT, if you haven't seen it, it's really good ;D
Cool, You look 100000000000000000% hot! Nice :D
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