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James Durbin talks about the Adam Lambert Comparisons

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 4, 2011

Posted at : Friday, March 04, 2011

Skip to 1:50 into the video.

"I’m not Adam Lambert, I’m James Durbin. I don’t want to be Adam Lambert, I’m James Durbin. I’m never going to be Adam Lambert….because I’m James Durbin!

I don’t like the……I mean the comparisons are flattering….thanks a lot and I’m not exaggerating and I’m not being sarcastic, I do appreciate what people say but I don’t like how I keep getting compared to him."


Anonymous said...

This guy is so delusional LMFAO. And he needs to learn how to address issues and leave his deuchbaggery behind. Geez!

Anonymous said...

Hmm I ain't buyin


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

anon 9:04, his facial expression, he has turrets.


btw, anon#1 is ME, I forgot to initial my post :)

Anonymous said...

Don't like comparisons of any kind. Adam has the vocals, looks and personality. James is a good singer with rock/heavy metal concentration. Like Adam said, the rock scream is similar but they are different stylistically. Also, James doesn't want to be compared because he prob feels it means copycat. I didn't like the comparisons of Adam and Lady Gaga and I really don't like this comparison. Really, Adam is a unique, phenomenol talent but he is also hot, charming and exceptional. The media should stop comparing.

Anonymous said...

You know, this is terrible, but I think Durbin pretends that he is sick. This illness is not just about facial problems, but it is about speech, communication, brain ablity, and agressiveness. Yes, I got James agressiveness, but everything else doesn't seem right. Or Durbin use very strong drugs which keep him under control on the stage. Is it legal?
I don't trust this guy. He deff spends hours to copy Adam's moves, voice, even facial impression.
And after all he can't control his facial and lips movings and continue to bite his finger nails! I will not be suprise if Durbin will use black nail polish in his next performance. Except, how he is gonna bite these nails after the show!
This guy is fake!

Anonymous said...

Not sure how I feel about him. But watching him with a stern eye until I figure it out

Anonymous said...

I don't see why anyone would doubt the fact that he has a dysability of some kind. It seems genuine. What's the big deal. Why would anyone doubt it. I'm sure it has been investigated by the show whether it is real or not. He seems really straightforward. There is some ego here, but isn't it there with all of those contestants. After all, that's what it means to be a performer. No he isn't as intelligent or as seasoned as Adam. He is different. Adam said that. Moving along...

Anonymous said...

just leave the poor guy alone. There is probably much pressure on him now and it doesn't help when people call him a AL wannabe. He has his own style and admires Adam so let it go at that.He is not fake,please google the illnesses that he has, some comments on here are embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

I am so sick of hearing about how similar they are i don't see it the only thing i see is this guy don't seem very nice and kinda comes of as a jerk.

Rita said...

I would have to say if Durbin doesn't want to be compared to Adam, then he needs to stop vocalizing it himself. Durbin is the one who has mentioned the comparison twice if I recall correctly. I won't ever vote on AI again (my solemn promise after the voting controversy Season 8) .... but if I did vote, I wouldn't vote for Durbin. Lambert vs Durbin is like comparing glitter to glue.

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:54pm I don't think he is really poor guy. As a matter of fact few girls from my office voted for him because "He is so sick, poor thing and he works so hard to perform like Adam"! Seriously, this is the reason why these girls voted for Durbin!!!!

Anonymous said...

'I don't want to be Adam Lambert, blah blah blah...' Faker. He need to stop copy Adam then talk w media about his illness of the comparison. And even if he wants, he'll never be like Adam. Adam is a wonderful singer with a beautiful voice. And he is also a beautiful man, both outside and inside. I can't wait to 10 march, when Adam back to Idol and show that Dullbin who he is, and how he can't be imitated!!! I don't hate him at first but now, i just can't stand him anymore.


Anonymous said...

for those of you saying that this "is not how a autistic/turrets person acts" or thinks he's lying, please note that you have probably never been with one before. I for one who is living with someone dealing with autism/turrets can tell you that the way he acts is very so. the talking, the facial expressions, the actions, all of it.

you don't have to like the guy but I'm sure the last thing he wants to hear is that he's "faking sick", and I personally don't think he is copying Adam, but then again I don't compare things. When you compare things you'll never like anything. Adam = Adam, James = James. Let the two just live in the same world for christ's sake.

Anonymous said...

Ok so he can sing pretty good but he doesn't have the whole package -performance, dance, sensitivity, charisma, looks etc as Adam does -must I go on. Good singers alone don't make a star. This guy does not match up in star stakes. I hope he is not getting through just out of pity voting.

Anonymous said...

I just watched another interview with Durbin. He has same leather jacket like Adam had, except this jacket is brown, black gloves and back pocket scarf (again) And he continued to repeat that his doesn't want to be Adam Lambert.
I know everybody can have same leather jacket as Adam. This is very classy leather coat. But put all of these things together seems ridiculous.
What is next? I think before black nail polish Durbin with dye his hair!
I deff feel sorry for this guy. He is trying so hard, POOR BOY!

Anonymous said...

He's full of himself and his self-importance. Needs to learn humility. Not at all like Adam!

Anonymous said...

delilah5 - enough already with your cruel remarks. I'm not a big fan of Durbin and don't necessarily like the comparison to Adam. But, leave the poor guy alone, for heaven's sake! You don't know him and certainly don't know what his illnesses might cause him to do/say!

Anonymous said...

delilah5 I am glad your new obession is with James,at least you are giving that little Bieber kid a rest.

Dinah-mite said...

I must say it is QUITE disturbing to see such nasty comments about this guy... To go even as far as to say that he is "faking" a disability I find in VERY poor taste...

Yes, we all love Adam, but there are other people that DO exist!! And Adam has even tweeted about him saying its all good, so why the rudeness? Honestly I find this kind of thing troubling...
Adam is about the LOVE, not the HATE...

Peace Out

Anonymous said...

@ 10:17, I agree with you. As a nurse and with one nephew with Aspergers and one with autism I am very aware of the symptoms,limitations and how it affects communication and human behavior. The effects of his Tourettes Syndrome are very apparent and increases with stress and fatigue. He is not faking these facial tics and most likely needed his medication. With Aspergers, think of it as being wired differently. Please don't be quick to judge and label him as being arrogant. This is a medical disability and you have no idea what a struggle it is for them to communicate without being misunderstood and for them to understand and interpret what you are saying. Please just judge him on his singing and not make fun or put him down for 2 very real afflictions. I've seen first hand what bullying and mislabeling can do.It's painful for the family as well as the person. As he said, he wants to be a heavy metal performer,[ no competition for Adam]and be James Durbin, not Adam Lambert. There's room for each of them. He also may not be able to handle all that is required of him. With Aspergers they need things orderly and a schedule. It will be hard for him and if they need to make some minor adjustments, so be it. There have been other very talented performers in showbusiness for whom adjustments have been made. If he were blind or in a wheelchair you could easily see the disability. Because it isn't blatantly physically visible doesn't mean it doesn't exist. He will have to find his own way and he doesn't deserve to win because of sympathy or discounted because of a medical anomaly, just treated fairly according to his talent.I'm sure AI has determined that he does in fact have these medical problems and I hope people will be able to understand and be kind. It doesn't mean you have to vote for him. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@anon 10:33pm You are hilarious!!!
You know, if English woudn't be my second language, I could work with Perez ocasionally:) And I would write the articles against him when he will attack Adam:))))
I don't think I care about this Bieber kid a lot sence he was nominated as Villain of the Year and won the "Least Stylish" and "Worst Album of the Year" Awards on Unitied Kingdom NME (New Musical Express) Magazine Awards!!!!
@anon 10:32 pm Sorry, but each of us has some mental problems. Unfortunately my mental problem is that I can see fake or real behavior, talent, or even sickness(sometimes, don't want to be hard on anybodies fellings). And this is a curse, belive me!

Anonymous said...

I would just as soon not see anything Durbin on this blog, causes too many fan wars. This blog is starting to remind me of AO.

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40 Sorry, you are right and it is practically not possible to pretend any kind of sickness. Also, this is a big sin and God always punish people who are trying to pretend that they are sick.
Just confuse why this boy is trying to copy Adam and continue to repeat that he is not Adam Lambert? Why he doesn't want to be himself? If he is talented for real, the sky is limit and it doesn't matter if he is sick or not.

Anonymous said...

@anon 10:17

Please, everyone read her article. Adam has been very complimentary about his performance-read his tweet.
He has overcome enormous obstacles with very real illnesses. Have some human compassion for a very talented kid. Whether he can hold up under the pressure of this show and the music business is another matter. Time will tell.

HK fan said...

@ZZ and anon 10.17
Its tourettes, not turrets (unless you have a different word for it in the states in which case, apologies). And 10.17 (and delilah5), he is not 'sick' and does not have an 'illness', he has a disability. Being the mother of a disabled son, I have had to put up with 20 years of staring and comments from stangers so am not enjoying all these comments about James' disability, noone deserves that........However saying that, comments about talent, singing etc are fair game.So re the 'I don't want to be compared to Adam, I'm my own person thing' etc, well Sorry James but it was you who mentioned Adam several times in the audition rounds, it was you that sang an Adam song in the same way, the media have picked it up from you, so don't start complaining now. Yes you did put in a good performance this week on Idol, unfortunately its not just about the voice (which is good, but not as good as Adams), but about charisma, looks, personality, sexiness and humility, none of which I'm afraid are jumping out from you. But maybe you'll grow on me in the next few weeks...personally rooting for Stefano this year out of the boys, he's a cutie.

p.s. I am currently reading House Rules by Jodi Picoult, which although a novel will give you a pretty good look into the mind of someone with Aspergers.

Anonymous said...

If you read up about Autism and Aspergers, a milder form of Autism, and Tourette's Syndrome, your confusion about his behavior will hopefully be answered.

Anonymous said...

@HK Fan oops, I'm stupid, I spelled it wrong.

Anonymous said...

@HK Fan, please excuse the mistakes in my earlier post (Anon 10:17), I was so irritated with the fact that someone would accuse another person of faking something like that what I got some of my facts wrong. As being a sister of a person with the disability I know it is a very bumpy road.

Anonymous said...

hey james boy! U better dun worry bout the comparsion cause anything btw U and adam ain't same haha!! James must close his eyes as wide as possible this thursday so that find out who is our adam and who is himself!maybe find out his comparsion W adam is a HONOR!

Anonymous said...

Funnbunn40 I applaud you! Thanks for saying what you said above. I cannot believe some of the snarky comments here. It makes my blood boil. Some comments are very mean spirited. Let's keep the focus on Adam. We can certainly wish our favorite idols well no matter who they are. Heck, they made it from 120,000 people who auditioned. They obviously did something right.

Lastly, so what if James says something complimentary about Adam? As we have been saying all along, Adam is someone to look up to. Adam in our opinions is the best idol to ever come along. If James is a fan of Adam, why are we holding that against him? It's as simple as that. It makes me like him even more. Even Adam recognizes the differences after only watching him once. If you don't like James, don't vote for him. Good luck James. I wish you peace, happiness and success in your life with your wife and baby "Hunter".


Anonymous said...

I have a big brother, almost 60ys old, have the same facial tics like Durbin but less severe and never take any medication. He lives very simple life and only can communicate with close family members. Durbin must taken tonnes of medication in his life to achieve that. He has a very good voice and have my best wishes and I hope he has very good support around him, he needs it.
Well, I think Adam is in a different league and no one can take his place from me.

Newfie Duck said...

24/7 is always a good place to come for everything ABOUT ADAM and for the most part is A POSITIVE site and all bashing, etc. is usually left at the door. We should remind ourselves every now and again to remember that and just as we don't appreciate people spreading negativity about Adam so be it for us to be kinder to other artists also.

Kudos to James for being honest and stating that he doesn't care for comparisions. I'm not rooting for him but he does bring something to the table so we should just relax and enjoy as he'll be around for a while.

Anonymous said...

This is why so many AI kids get lost in the shuffle! They truly lack the “EQ” to become famous. Adam is the more recognizable brand –so you latch on. And you don't tell some of the voting fans, management, media and the like that they are wrong! And frankly, these kids that are one half of a struggling couple with small children are doubly challenged anyway. Except for Fantasia—where are the rest of them now?

Anonymous said...

Who is it that's making these silly comparisons? Who CARES? This whole stupid thing sounds like high school.

That is why I can't watch AI! It's not earth shattering or career making because this guy can scream. Big deal, move on.

Anonymous said...

Enough comparing Adam and James. They both have a rock scream and that's the only thing they have in common except that James wears a "tail" just as Adam does so there's copying at work there.

OT ... watched the 12 Top Boys last night and the 12 Top Girls earlier today and imho, the girls leave the guys behind the starting block. They are so good and the guys are ho hum. In fact, the only male American Idol contestant I've ever liked is ADAM!!!!

Anonymous said...

James is badass as Adam stated. He has moved beyond his disability to do something great...give us more great music. He is awesome and I hope he goes all the way!

Anonymous said...

I think it's great he can move past his disability and perform on one of the most popular shows on television, he's a pretty good singer and good for him. However, I too, am tired of the Adam comparisons and as someone else mentioned, I have only heard HIM make those comparisons. To me, there is no comparison. As Adam said, they both have the "rock scream" but that's where it ends. Period. Oh, and while I don't really care for James, it is pretty bad to accuse someone of "faking" an illness. Low blow people.

Anonymous said...

In regard to all AI contestants, not only Durbin, you must ask yourself are they marketable, can they sell records? It is not only about the vocal talent. Other traits to consider are charisma, humbleness, stage presence, self-confidence and just something special that will make that person a star. I think we all agree that Adam Lambert has those qualities and much more. Do any of the top 13 also possesses these traits? I think the producers are looking for that one individual who is the total package. I don't believe that Lee or Crystal had it from last season. Maybe this season's contestants will have a better chance to be successful in the music industry today.

suz said...

Bullying is bullying, whether it's against sexual orientation or a guy just trying to do something with his life.

Don't we admire Adam for all his positive qualities? I know I try to be like him in that way. Why should I be pissed if someone else wants to be like him, too? We all know there won't be another Adam so there's no reason to rag on this guy if he makes some of the same choices. We praise Adam for his charity in helping those less my mind, James qualifies as less fortunate.

I have worked for over 30 years with people who have all manner of mental and physical challenges and it's my opinion that James has a problem expressing himself except when he's on stage. What comes out of his mouth when he's speaking may not be what he's trying to express.

I don't know how many times I read "Elvis wannabe" when Adam was on Idol. We all knew it wasn't true. Why are you doing the same thing to James, now?

Anonymous said...

I think James is a lot smarter that people think. I think he "used" the Adam "stuff" in his auditions to get everyone's attention and now he'll have to work harder to show that he is a different performer if that is what he believes. (We know the differences.)

People with high functioning autism are usually very intelligent (and talented) but need a lot of planning and order to fuction and get their thoughts expressed.

I do like him but I wish he would marry his girlfriend already. The little kids are watching this family show.

Anonymous said...

@Anon March 5 6:25AM, who said "I do like him but I wish he would marry his girlfriend already. The little kids are watching this family show." Were you joking and/or being sarcastic? Sounds like a Bill Huckabee/Natalie Portman comment :). I do agree with what you said about high functioning autistic people, well said.

Anonymous said...

I'm saddened to read all this bashing and hate. Faker! copycat! Adam doesn't like hate, bullying or bashing. Would he approve? Adam had said that they are stylistically different. JAmes had said that he doesn't want the comparison. So mentioning Adam in the first place and singing A Change is Going to Come was stupid of him, but it doesn't mean that Adam fans should bash him.
So could people wait a second before spewing hate? No wonder glamberts have such a bad reputation.
Peace, Emmuzka

Anonymous said...

there is more than a voice that makes a star. I think it is confidence and great stage presence. I think Adam is sexy without even trying. A person can act sexy, but that is when it isn't appealing. I won't bash James, but he and his fellow contestants have to step it up if they want the same success as AL!

Anonymous said...

@Emmuzka, if you think Glamberts have a bad reputation, just go visit any one of Adam's Muse covers on YouTube. The Muse fans make Glamberts look angelic. I ain't bashing JD by saying this, but I just don't like him.

Anonymous said...

I think the contestants have to bring it week after week to win the interest of the audience. I think Adam did that and he can bring Rock back in a very big way. I do think it takes alot of courage to have a disability and not let it keep you from your dreams. The young man has taken a big step!

Anonymous said...

James, if you don't want to be compared to Adam Lambert(BTW, no one can compare to
Adam.), quit copying Adam Lambert.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

I agree that we should be gentler with James Durbin. He has a sickness and has huge hurdles to overcome. With that being said, I don't see why then he says that he doesn't want to be compared to Adam Lambert, yet he picks the same songs that AL sang. Since he auditioned 2 years ago, he must be very aware of Adam's journey. He needs his own identity, song choices, style, etc. Otherwise, the comparisons will continue. Adam was fresh and new because he was truly unique. It's human nature to compare.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the whole damn Adam/James thing going on around here. Don't understand why Glamberts has bad reputation by making our own statement. Are people expecting us to be generous all time and we have to fake our comments?
The most silly thing is there a a damn reality show called AI and here they are again manipulate the contestants back stories to stir thing up for high rating and I see people falling into the pits again. As Adam say, it's full circle and it will never stop. How sad is it.
But AI did one thing right : A platform for Adam.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read all of these, but I agree with suz, Dinah-mite and Newfie Duck + I have said on this site (probably too many times) that if we love Adam, and are inspired by him, it is partly for HOW he is.....he is gracious, kind and positive.

I want us to all be inspired to BE like Adam and spread his wonderful message of LOVE and POSITIVITY.

THAT would be the best compliment we could give to Adam in situations like this.

And it would make Adam's heart sing.


Anonymous said...

Sweetie- so true. Adam Lambert is the most kind and genuine person as well as talented and charismatic. We won't be able to find another Adam. As his fan I want to try to be more like him, meaning less judgmental and more positive and loving. He would want his fans to be kind. James is very different from Adam in many ways and we should leave it at that.

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert is all about inclusion, understanding, love and generosity. Why can't we, his fans, all be the same. People with Asperger usually cannot empathize and socialize with others. It's one of the symptoms. While this guy may come out as arrogant, he probably isn't at all. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes, with both Asperger and Tourette syndromes. There's space on this earth for many, many artists. Let's love Adam without putting others down (as long as they do the same :).

Anonymous said...

A bit more about Asperger syndrome:

Individuals with Asperger syndrome experience problems in (1) social interaction and (2) restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities.

These problems may include problems with eye contact, facial expressions, and social gestures; poor peer relationships; lack of spontaneous sharing with others; lack of social or emotional give-and-take; preoccupation with certain interests and subjects; inflexible routines or rituals; repetitive movements.

Anonymous said...

Are you effin kidding me??? No freakin comment!How dare I speak my opinion!!
"Freedom of expression, people. Freedom of expression!" hmm... I wonder who said that at one of his GNT shows? K

Anonymous said...

Funbunn4o many thanks for your excellent commentary and educational!

ladiesfirst said...

I love Adam, saw him perform at Gridlock NYE and his LA concerts I bought two "FYE" CD's and will buy his new release. I whish he had gone the way of Metal not glam, maybe he'll mix it up.
I loved what James Durbin had to say, I hope he gets the oportunity to sing Metal, I don't think he will but it's going to be fun watching!

Anonymous said...

After listening to jd sing, & listening to him here, He's so full of crap! His confidence exceeds his singing. He made it sound as if he was the rock god & people were comparing others to him. C'mon get a grip people, there was only one way to interpret this interview, & the headline of this thread, especially after he was the one who mentioned Adam's name first.
It seems to me he is already getting the media attention he was after, & btw, let's throw in his disability too, keep bringing it up jd, cause that's all it will ever be! MWAH! K

Anonymous said...

Oh, for God's sake, leave this kid alone. He is talented. Leave it at that and let him do his thing. Adam has made gracious comments about James' talent, and we should all show the same class that our beloved Adam does. Try walking in this poor kid's shoes. He's trying to have his own career. I'm sure he respects Adam's talent, but wants a chance to show what he can do.

Anonymous said...

Altho these judges are great at their musical careers they are not interesting judges. They never say anything other than, You have a really great voice, or I really liked you.
I used to be interested in what wacky thing Paula might do and what Simon was going to come up with.
This year is SO boring in the judging dept. The most interesting thing about them is what they are wearing.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:15 am you were right about freedom of expression as long as it's not below the belt....... It's not easy to have a disability and being bullied. For you Mr. Durbin, I hope that u get what u deserve and I'm so happy that our Adam is one of kind human being. He is a real model for this generation. I hope when he performs on Thurs. the contestants will get more push how to be a good artist like Adam. The control of his voice is really remarkable indeed.

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Lolita said...

"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery." JD is not my cup of tea, but who can blame the boy for wanting to imitate the most fascinating entertainer to come on the scene in a loooonnngg time? I wonder though, does he really give a hoot about Adam, or, was the similarity played up by Idol, not JD? In one of his statements during Hollywood week (I believe)he said something concerning the Adam scream along the lines of, "It is what they expect now." Who? The public or the PRODUCERS still wanting to capitalize on the Lambert magic?

In any event, the comparison got his foot in the door. Time will tell if he's got the goods to succeed. I just have an unsettled feeling that AI is using him and his disability for the controversy and the ratings it will bring. Would AI have even considered someone with his problems if he DIDN'T sound like Adam Lambert? Doubtful. They probably peed their pants in excitement when they realized they had a young, unemployed, father of a baby that needs diapers and milk, with a disability, and a rocker's wail like Adam Lambert. Buttons pushed. Ratings gold.

Hope I'm wrong and the kid at least gets some work to provide for his family.

Rebecca said...

i personally think he has talent all comparisons aside the boy can sing and i for one am behind him finding his success

Anonymous said...

@ mom from Toronto Yes Adam can really show them that you can't just have a good voice you need to also have voice control and technique. Also they will see what real stage presence ,confidence with humility and graciousness looks like. Adam is a great role model for the AI contestants, as well as the world!! So so excited for next Thursday !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Some of you need to stop acting like those immature TOKIO HOTEL fans who go around claiming Adam is copying Bill Kaulitz.

Anonymous said...

The arrogance of some the comments here is really quite depressing.

The two are singers from different genres and it is extremely arrogant to say "if he doesn't want to be compared to Adam he should stop singing like him."

You've essentially told someone to stop being who they are. If you look up videos of James Durbin BEFORE Adam, his style is the same then as it is now. You can't copy someone that didn't exist at the time you started singing.

Some of you really need to grow up.

Anonymous said...

This site is an Adam lambert site not a James Durbin blog.. So why don't we get back to our Adam and let James fend for himself.. Talent will win out. James is getting a lot of publicity for first I'm like Adam ,now I don't want comparisons. let Jame's fans start a blog.

I come here to read about Adam.

Anonymous said...

I think that James explained himself perfectly. He is flattered by the comparison but I like that he says he's a metal dude.
Adam would have liked his explanation.
Can't wait to see Adam on AI.
There is just no comparing anyone to ADAM!!!!

Anonymous said...

@ 8:03Am and Sweetie, so agree with you. The older I get, the more I realize what I don't know. Sometimes looking beneath the surface and educating yourself regarding a disabilty, homosexuality, etc. can alter your way of thinking. It's easy to criticize what's unfamiliar and different, but not always accurate. Life always isn't black and white, [like I thought at 16] but often gray. I can't blame anyone for going after their dreams and trying to better their lives. James will always have a difficult road to travel, but I do believe he has been given a talent and will find his place, maybe in heavy metal, which seems to be the place where his dreams lie. If we really listen to all opinions respectfully and not be caught up with being "right", we can all maybe come to a fair understanding. None of us are perfect, myself very much included and we may not always interpret or express ourselves the way it was meant. I'd rather give people the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes having a foreign language can also skew the meaning of intent. Think it's easier to give some leeway. Adam is the least judgemental of us all and the most generous to other artists, maybe beacause of his struggles and uninformed judgement of himself. SomethingI try to keep in mind. Delilah, I think you have a good heart, but think sometimes language intent gets in the way of interpretation. Thanks for your response. I know how devoted to Adam you are. funbunn40

Vera said...

Just cannot believe that I am reading those comments from Adam Lambert's fans!!!! It makes me SO SO sad! Adam, who promotes love and acceptance...and you, guys, who consider themselves his fans... You are so far away from each other!!!
I have a HUGE RESPECT for the kid who despite his disability managed to go so far in this competition and I hope he will be in the final tree! Good luck, James! You are great!

Anonymous said...

James Durban is a fake and a sleeze and TMZ has the footage to prove it. I hope his career goes nowhere!

Josh said...

@March 5, 2011 12:17 PM

I hate how he is trying to milk his pathetic sob story like a Gokey as well BUT...

You better hope his career goes somewhere otherwise we get to keep paying into James and his wife's welfare fund as he will no doubt continue to milk the system if he is not getting money from his music.

Anonymous said...

The only people that are milking his sob sorry are the producers of AI. Drama makes for good television.

Some of the comments here are horrendous.

Anonymous said...

Also (same person as 12:37), how do you possibly see yourselves any different than the ravenous vultures who tried to drag Adam's name through the dirt because he was gay during AI.

Anonymous said...

i love adam. . . but guys come on. i am sure that there is someone out there who dresses similar to adam and has the vocals as him. They are different in their stage presence and personality, but looks wise i would say similar. i mean this just may be who James is. Why should he have to change himself and be something he is not? He is not as charming as Adam but give the guy a break

Anonymous said...

See Slezack thread above, linking to videos. See 3rd video discussing James Durbin. You will see James invoking the Adam comparison himself, hooking a tail to back of belt, then launching into a Change is Gonna Come (to prove he could out do Adam?).

I repeat: James, if you don't want to be compared to Adam Lambert, quit copying Adam Lambert. As Adam would say, be who you are. But, you have no right to complain about the comparisons if you invoked them yourself. You wanted a reaction and you got one. Can't have it both ways.

Kentucky Fan

Anonymous said...

You know, I am giving James the benefit of the doubt because I do think he's talented. What bothers me is my hubby and some other friends say he looks like Adam. I say WTF, Adam is gorgeous there is absolutely no comparison in the way they look. That bothers me more than people sayin they sound alike. Jeez I was so mad. Are they Blind?

Josh said...

@March 5, 2011 12:37 PM

So producers 'forced' him to cry and tell his various sob stories to the cameras or did he chose to do it on his own in a Gokey give me pity votes way???

It's the latter and it's all an act!

The real James Durbin can be found here:

He is trash and with a few years he will have 5 kids with different mothers and he will be in rehab...FACT!

Anonymous said...

I am intrigued by the comments that start out "I love Adam, but..." They show me that you don't love Adam as much as you think you do. You'd really like to point out what you think are his flaws and are afraid to do so on this site due to the rancor you would incur.

Anonymous said...

om mani padme hum

Anonymous said...


One interview doesn't define a person, a lifetime defines a person. Your comments are nothing but bigoted. Everybody has their moments, and the teenage years are a string of moments where teens wear personas to discover who they are. Defining a person by that one year they tried out goth or punk or metal when they were 19 is just absurd.

JamesDurbinFan said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

I don´t think James Durbin needs fans like you. No one needs fans like you.

Anonymous said...

James says now that he doesn't want comparisons to Adam - when he is the one who originally brought up at his first audition. Give me a break.

Anonymous said...


I don't think it's wise to call anyone a retard when you can't even spell old English word originally meaning "to plow".


Anonymous said...


I have decided I love you and will consider you a member of my family from this day forth!....JAK

Anonymous said...

Some of you need to take a cue from Adam and open your hearts to other hopefuls coming up in the music field, just as you opened your hearts to a newcomer in Season 8. I'm surprised that Adam hasn't tweeted something scolding his "fans" about this, the way he has in the past. I really can't imagine that a kid with two autistic strikes against him who has put himself and his talent out there every step of the way should get so much vitriol as is coming from this site. Adam likes James Durbin and would be ashamed if he read some of the things posted here. James didn't start the comparisons, and I think he was honest in addressing them. He wants to be who he is. And yes, he does the rock scream, the same way countless rockers before him AND before Adam have done, and he dresses like countless other rockers have done for years. Adam obviously took on some of what he had seen and heard before too. BFD. Too bad Adam doesn't drop by this site so that he can see the kind of people he has as followers. I wish James the best, the same way I wished that for Adam. I hope all their dreams come true because there's room in the world for both.

Anonymous said...

@ Jak
I adore you! Ha!Ha!Ha!

Janelle said...

James Durbin and his fans are douchebags

Anonymous said...

Good on you JAK @ 3:04pm. I love your style.


Anonymous said...

2008, long before Season 8 happened.

Anonymous said...

National Anthem, acapella, and he didn't forget any of the words either.

Dinah-mite said...

Thanks for posting that link to National Anthem! He did a GREAT job and was himself.

Maybe this will silence the RUDE comments for a moment...

Adam is probably shaking his head, feeling disappointed with nasty fans. Too bad some people don't take a lesson from Adam- It's about the LOVE, remember??

Anonymous said...

Did anybody watch video with Michael Slezak? He made few comments about Adam, James, and Glmaberts:)
This is very interesting interview!

HK fan said...

Sometimes I really don't get the comments on this site. So because Adam tweeted that basically 'he thought the guy did better than in the auditions' (he hasn't said he likes him, just that he sang well), we all have to agree that yes he's great, and absolutely cannot say anything against him, because the guy has a disability so it wouldn't be fair. Seems somewhat patronising to me, to treat him differently to any of the other contestants because he has Aspergers, yes that makes him behave differently in certain situations, but it doesn't affect his singing. If we don't like his stage persona, singing voice, charisma etc then we are perfectly in the right to say so.
As to why do we keep comparing them - we -as in the fans- don't,(I haven't read one fan comment that has said they are at all alike) Its James that brought it up several times,on TV for millions to see, which was then picked up by the media, he then picked a song that Adam sung, with pretty much the same arrangement, it seems a bit much for him to now turn round and say don't compare us.
Once again I'll bring up the fact that its a singing competition, he went on there knowing he would be judged and criticised by the public, along with the praise from his fans, thats the whole point of the show. We don't all have to like the same people, and we don't all have to love someone or something just because Adam tweets about it.

Anonymous said...

I saw that TMZ footage of JD. Is he faking his illness to AI? If he does then AI could be criticized for having a liar contestant!? I heard he started having a charity so AI fans can donate money to his family!? Now he is comparing himself to Adam a lot and I don't like it at all.

Anonymous said...

Right on, HK fan!!! That's all I'm saying. I truly hope that JD's name will not appear again on this blog. When there are differing opinions about someone who won't affect Adam's life or career, it doesn't belong here.

Bing said...

If i may, first of all, i wish to thank all the posters who were kind enough to share their knowledge and firsthand experiences re the 2 medical disabilities of James. It somehow does help clear the air of negativity in this thread. I admire this boy for it takes a lot of courage to join AI despite his adversity, knowing that he will be subjected to all sorts of scrutiny and vulnerability. I would like to extend to him the extra consideration and understanding now that i am more aware of his conditions. However, when it comes to his singing ability, i will have to set that aside. That is why i agree with @HK fan in many ways.

Moreover, i just can't blame the posters here who believe that re the comparison with Adam, that it was in fact James who started it all, thus their highly opinionated but not rude comments. We are all wired differently with our individual uniqueness that's why we are all entitled to our own opinions. I guess what is important is that after considering that James actually has difficulties expressing himself due to his mild autism, some of us may have a change of heart in judging his character. I myself was guilty of being taken aback by his demeanor but now i understand him more.

If this comparison to Adam is a just marketing ploy to create a buzz about AIS10, then i'd say it has achieved it's objective. Whatever comes out from the mouth of James will be sensationalized in order to keep people talking and it is very showbiz. It may get into our nerves but what the heck, free publicity for Adam is also in the works.

Adam is a rare gem who is so special to all of us and that will never change anymore. Adam is so unique that he has to be cloned if they want another Adam. James on the other hand will be special in his own way to his fans. I'm so glad that he reiterated that he wants to be himself and not be a copycat of anyone for that matter. That is the right thing to do which shall give him credibility and eventually earn him the respect of those in the know. I would like to believe him at this point.

Based on his last performance, i'd say that he was very entertaining in singing a song that fits him well and he was having a blast on the stage.

I know that Adam feels great that he gets to inspire people to pursue their dreams. So good luck to all the top 13 aspirants and please please give us a good show. The elimination of Lauren T. and Kendra is such a big disappointment to me, another injustice done to these two extremely talented women. I'm praying that they get signed by a recording company soon.

Again thanks so much to all the informative posts :)

@HH - hola mi amiga. Me gusta leer sus comentarios. Amor y luz para :D

Anonymous said...

Adams goal is to inspire young people to pursue their dreams and "don't let anybody tear you down".

I wrote a little ditty too-goes to the tune of Send In The Clowns:

Send in the bullies. Where are the bullies? Don't bother...they're here.

glitzylady said...

I've been having a hard time reading this thread and some previous ones re James Durbin, and trying to decide what to think. While he did create some controversy when he compared himself to Adam (not a good idea...), he obviously is a great admirer of Adam. He will be under the microscope from here on out. The voice comparisons have been made by many in the media as well, and probably blown out of proportion to reality, just because of his singing style, and his rock wails..and not just by James Durbin himself. I won't comment on his choice of words previous to this, but I will give him the benefit of the doubt and let him show us what he can do in his own right. He does have talent and I think ultimately he will succeed (or not..) on his own merits if he sticks to what he knows best, and avoids anything previously associated with Adam in his future performances. His choice of "A Change Is Gonna Come" was REALLY unfortunate, given that it is almost "Adam's song" in the eyes and ears of many Idol followers and Adam Lambert fans, including me, although in reality he can sing whatever he chooses I suppose. I would rather hope the voice coaches would steer him away from anything Adam has put his magic touch on. Perhaps that song has meaning for him as well, based on his difficulties with Asperger's and Turette's. He has undoubtedly felt the sting of discrimination and misunderstanding during his life, and it will just become worse with his turn in the spotlight. I have family members with Autism, one with Asperger's , and I know that life is rough for those with this syndrome. People with Asperger's can be bright, talented, contributing members of society if they can find their place in the world, with the help and understanding of those around them. [Anyone who has seen the HBO movie "Temple Grandin" or is familiar with her story will know what someone with Asperger's can do with their life if the right niche is found, in spite of the challenges of the syndrome...if not familiar with her story, look her up.] I am happy for James, that he has earned himself a place in the top 13 this season. What happens from here is really up to him and the voters. And for those who are concerned about him winning the "sympathy vote", I don't think that will be much of a factor, based on what I have been reading here. Obviously some will like him, some won't, but time will tell how far he makes it in this competition. I thought he did a great job with the Judas Priest song he did last week. American Idol knows what a spectacular singer and extremely popular previous Idol contestant Adam is, and I would assume they won't discourage the comparisons and mentions of Adam's name. Gets people to watch the show. Again, controversy sells. And as so many have said, Adam isn't about giving others a hard time, he gave James some props, so I would prefer to give James a chance to prove himself. Sounds like he has perhaps realized that comparing himself to Adam is not the best thing to do, so guessing that we've heard the last of it from him (maybe...) but I bet we will continue to hear it from the media. And by the way, I am not advocating James, as he is not the one who I would currently vote for to win..too early in the competition...But I think he deserves a chance to be heard, just like the rest of the Top 13. Cutting him no "slack" performance-wise at this point..he has to perform well or off he goes, just like everyone else.

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady, I think that was a great wrap-up of this topic.

Unfortunately, James really did kind of ride in on trying to be like Adam, which was terribly unfortunate, because as the Idol judges have pointed out time and again, if you're gonna mimic someone who's put their stamp on a song, you'd better nail it. Which, of course, he didn't.

But really, it is the media (and the Idol producers) who keep trying to find "the new Adam Lambert" each season; they're trying to recapture lightning in a bottle, and have the show be that exciting again.

IMHO, the only person this season who captures Adam's electricity perfectly is the Master himself... Steven Tyler!!

That said, I'll probably be rooting for Casey Abrams; a kid with amazing musicality and (thank goodness) his OWN, very distinct style.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:15 Well, yah, Steven IS the MAN. I'm not even going to tell you how long I have loved him and his band. What a character. As for James, if you listen to him earlier on YouTube, I think you'd have to say the kid has big talent. I don't think HE compared himself to Adam; I heard him say others told him that. I think he's his own person in every way and is not channeling Adam but himself when he sings. I don't know who I want to win since I can barely keep their names straight. I wish we had had more time to hear them before they dropped it to the top ten.

Anonymous said...

It seems like nobody watched the Michael Slezak show where he talks about JD and Adam. You can see small part of interview with JD where he said that he "screamed" or "sung" the song like Adam Lambert. Few days after this JD said that he is not Adam Lambert, and after all he sung "A Change Is Gonna Come"! (with Avatar tail:) I didn't make comment. Sezak brought my attention to this detail of JD outfit:)LOL
I read most of these articles. I relised that I didn't understand that JD doesn't have illness, he has disability. And in the same time I read small part of interview with him where he said that he loves to write the songs about having sex with different women.
Sorry, don't get it

Anonymous said...

After all, where are Eva and Fan4fun&Icon?! I wanna know what are they thinking about this Adam vrs JD poor disable boy situation.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Glitzylady - I had heard about Temple Grandin, but didn't know her name! I remember my aunt telling me about this fascinating story on NPR about a woman who could "get inside the head of cattle about to be slaughtered" (to put it in simple terms) and came up with more humane and ethical treatment for them! Wow. I'm super impressed with her vast education. Right on!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has known a person with Tourette's can see that this guy is not faking. I admire him for following his dream and exposing himself to all the ignorant people out there who will judge him solely on his disabilities. He is probably on meds to control the tics, but too much medication might subdue him too much. He is bright and talented and deserves to be judged on the basis of his talent and performances. There will continue to be people who are bigoted against anyone different. In that way, he and Adam can be compared.

Anonymous said...

He def is sick. and he def is trying to get sypathy votes period. whoever says different is ignorant to the facts and probably votes for him.

faithtrustandglitter said...

I understand how he doesn't like being compared to Adam, and how he wants to be more metal. But seriously, did u see what he wore tonight on idol? (4/20) It was Adam-Like in a lot of ways (my opinion, just sayin) except it needed a little more glitter. I like James, he's a good singer, but if he wants to be his own person, he has to make himself and stop trying to look like other poeple.

Anonymous said...

Both Adam L and James D are screaming suckers, their singing talent is null.

Anonymous said...

Any of you fucks ever listened to Rob Halford? Ronnie James Dio? Robert Plant? Those guys were the first to popularize singing in the high register, WAY before Lambert. So whoever is saying that Durbin is trying to be Lambert, I advise you to shut the fuck up and go listen to 80's rock/metal.

Anonymous said...

Amen, to the last post! I agree. AL was not the first.

Anonymous said...

Wow, there are some here that are slow to pick up on James' having TWO health issues that he's been dealing with since birth. One of which is Turrets syndrome, people with this have involuntary facial muscle contractions, in some cases, no with James, people with this utter curse words they did not intend to say. It is incredible to me that even if I hadn't told anything this that they are still so cruel as to mention it, really? Common. This thread has some people making a mockery of the Adam Lambert fan base. James is an incredible talent, doing his "own" thing and handles himself very well when asked questions, didn't go anywhere near the hyper offended road a lot here went on.... Complimented Adam. I like him a lot and he has class too, awesome.