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More Sales Figures From RCA Ed

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Source: Adamholic


Anonymous said...

Maybe I'm just dumb but these figures don't "compute" in my brain. Is there anyway we fans can just simply find out how successful financially Adam's tour and cd and album sales have been?????? I'm talking in terms of gross profit?....................Nosy

Anonymous said...

Personal Post to glitzylady,lmb and funbunn40

Sorry, this probably won't make sense to most of you...but I'll make it quick...just scroll past.

Davy Crockett saga con't. When the TV frenzy was at it's height, the I've Got a Secret show contacted my uncle to be their mystery guest since he was Davy's great great grandson. He refused and refused, finally talked his sister into doing it instead. His reason? He said "I'm an old man, 6'1" only weigh about 135 pounds, don't look nothing like that handsome Fess Parker actor, I don't want the kids watchin to be disappointed!" I loved him for that....JAK
THE END and now back to Adam........

Anonymous said...

It seems that just over 4,000 downloads of the aftermath remix is low. Ryan Seacrest should have told viewers to got Adam Official to buy it. Hopefully when it goes on itunes the numbers will go up. Adam has so many followers on twitter so many more people should have bought it and contributed to the Trevor project. Such a great cause.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how this works, some songs are listed twice, hmm, what's it all mean?

Anonymous said...

The 5 songs repeated at the top are from the EP the rest are from FYE, the remix is listed separately, the FYE album is also listed before all the songs.

Anonymous said...

Hope more Aftermath will be downloaded for the Trevor project, but I'm sure the horiffic disasters in Japan are taking priority, as they should. It's 20 degrees in northern Japan and snowing.I can't imagine the depth of suffering and despair. It's really occupying my thoughts with the nuclear reactors threatening more devastation. Everything else doesn't seem very important right now.. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Agree with above. Figures do seem low for Aftermath. Don't think it was explained well enough. Sure Adam fans know, but does anyone else?

Anonymous said...

It is too bad Adam couldn't have given his website a plug so that people would know where they could by the Remix. And while they're at it, FYE too! I really thought for sure there would be A LOT more CD sales but as you said funbunn40, with everything going on, minds are on Japan.

I just was watching the news and it is so utterly heartbreaking. I just sat in silence for awhile by myself just saying a few desperate prayers for all those in the wake of this disaster. My nephew is there on the USS Ronald Reagan helping to get emergency supplies to the people of Japan. He is the first born of the generation after me. Thankfully he is communicating with us on facebook. The wonders of technology that wasn't available not so very long ago. I was just thinking in my moments of silence that it's that technology -the Nuclear Reactors, that is making the terrible earthquake and tseunami into something so much more devastating. Sure makes you think about the dangers of technology that you don't think about until it's too late. Sorry, I got off on a tangent.


Anonymous said...

I do not know why the Trevor Project is not selling it on their website. You should not have to be a memeber of his fan club to buy something. I cann't find it there either. Why is this so hard to buy the CD? I want to buy it to contribute to the Trevor project but do not know how. Any information anyone?

Anonymous said...

@daydreamin, my prayers of love are with you & your family, & your nephew. God bless the people of Japan, & to all the rescuers who are in the area.
Positive numbers for Adam all the way, they'll just go higher from here.

Anonymous said...

to Anon 4:31
You don't have to be a member of fanclub to buy his product. Just visit ( and
click "store" or "order" and selet product and click "buy" & "checkout". Then, fill the blank and follow the procedure.

Anonymous said...

I ordered my EP Dec 21st and they emailed me say they shipped it and I still don't get it.Does everyone has this problem?I live in Malaysia.3 months sound ridiculous :(

Anonymous said...

@4:31, ditto to 5:49, it's really very easy to download it... do it do it do it :)

Anonymous said...

WWFM is the biggest song of his career so far. He should be doing well on it alone. He has the voice and stage presence, so I don't see him having any problems in the business.

Anonymous said...

I don't think we have to complain and be upset about "Aftermath" remix sale amount.
Because, had you ever pay attention how many donations have been mad on
I don't mean $amount, I am talking about how many times money were donated. How about slightly over 7,000!
Also, I want to download "Aftermath" remix twice, and I coudn't do it for some reason. So, I will try again. Don't worry, I am sure Adam will collect big donation for Trevor Project. I don't think there is a due date. And some of people probably even doesn't have any idea about defference between remix and accoustic version!
I am sure, as soon as they agree to sell Aftermath on itune, results will become much better

Anonymous said...

I made a mistake again. I had to write"how many donations been MADE..."
I don't know what is going with me.

Anonymous said...

Adam needs another personal appearance SOMEWHERE soon to explain how the Aftermath Remix can be purchased. People with a renewed interest in him get frustrated trying to find it.

I've ordered several now for teens in my neighborhood who have asked me to......JAK

Anonymous said...

@Funbunn I agree with you 100%. I heard somewhere there is talk of a music telethon like they did years ago. Some artists are talking about this- kind-of like a jerry lewis telethon or we are the world. That is needed right now and I wish all these celebrities would do something like this. We all know adam would be in on this also. Just a thought!


Adamsluvjnes said...

Peeps, please let us stop complaining that "Aftermath" should have sold more, Adam should have said this, Ryan Seacrest should have mention this or that, Wow!! Can't we just be glad for what was sold? I am so greatful for Adam and for all the peeps who are buying Aftermath and the others. I love you, Adam!! And here is wishing for more successes in your life, and may some of them spill over onto me!! Ummmm!! Love you to pieces!!!

Anonymous said...

MWAHH!!! K Thank you so much for your prayers! Yes, the people of Japan need them badly for sure.

Brownie-great idea! I hope Adam does it! Would that be great to have the spotlight shine on him and have him blow everyone else out of the water with his part of the vocals?!!! I can really imagine it happening! (Crosses fingers...)

Anonymous said...

to Anon.6:00AM from Malaysia,
It sounds lost somwhere in the process of delivery. You can contact sony by clicking "contact us" at musicstore(where is It's on the bottomline.