Off Topic: Mike Catherwood Becomes First to Get Booted Off "Dancing With The Stars"
Filed Under (off topic,Others ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mike Catherwood, the DJ who made a homophobic joke about Adam Lambert in September of last year (2010), has been voted off the dancing competition show "Dancing with the Stars". He is the first person to be kicked off the show this season due to extremely low scores.
For those who aren't familiar with the incident from last September. CLICK HERE to learn about it.
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Well that idiot shouldn't have been on the show in the first place, but a little bit of justice is nice.
So long Catherwood.
LOOOOOOOOL!!!!! Serves him right.
Yeah, awesome news. The guy is a jack offense to jack asses...
Payback is a Bitch D-Bag! I'll get a good night sleep after this awesome news.
Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh.....revenge is sweet!..JAK
"You get what you give away"
Lizard eyes
Karma at work. :)
Mike Catheter.
don't care about this guy and don't care about chris brown performance.
I just don't watch ABC period.
Glad he's booted off! Boycotted DWTS ....not happy with ABC and not even slightly interested in listening to CB!
Gettin Better Every Day!!!! Good Riddance! Fired Again..............
Karma's a bitch.
What goes around comes around.
thanks....didn't watch...bit this was my wish
Might know he would be on CBS. Jerk!
This M. Catherwood is a toe sucker dropout son of a beast!! He should go to jail himself and learn to behave. I´m glad the Karma worked as @Cheril said.
Yea for Karma. I was hoping he was booted first. Adam will come out on top because of his kind nature. It may take awhile, but it will happen.
FYI Cheryl Burke complained backstage that she was against Chris Brown performing on Dancing With the Stars (she was previously in an abusive relationship). Also, the host, I forgot his name, also asked that he not be made to interview Brown. He at least got his wish but still had to introduce him. See ABC, even your own stars didn't want Brown there!!
TY Cheryl.....didn't watch because of Chris but glad Mike was voted off...another a-hole
- Hey Mike, «HASTA LA VISTA, BABY!!!»
Why don't you enjoy your free time visiting some of those prisions you said you know about? Hum???
Let's say, it's not the «paparazzi» you'll have to care about at all!!
- Meaw-bye! Meaw-byebye!
have no clue who he is so wasn't upset to see him go
anon 8:59, my first laugh of the day...well put!
Karma is a bitch! Maybe you need dancing lessons from Adam.
Hahahaha now there's karma for you, you asshole. :)
@ becca
When sweet Adam had that trouble with the paparazzo on some Miami beach, and it was said he could be sent to jail for «assault» (or something like that) this some of a bitch Mike Catherwood said (as a very very very bad joke) on his TV show/news that sweet Adam would «enjoy» some prisions he had heard about, meaning that being gay, sweet Adam would enjoy to be rapped by convict men. And soon after he was introduced to the «wrath of the glamberts» and his TV show was cancelled.
I did see him getting booted off. I know this is petty but I hope everyone makes fun of him. He is really bow-legged and can not dance.
Ha!Ha!Ha! Justice done!!!!!!
His body had no sense of rhythm. It is Dancing with the Stars not Hanging with the Stars.
So glad Mike got the boot! OFF Topic: I was bad and watched CB perform last night. Geez, he couldn't even lip-sync correctly and it was a totally auto-tuned performance. Don't they know how to sing anymore without all the hoop-lah??
My hope was that the creep would get booted-off first! Couldn't be happier about it! Just a thought - Adam on Dancing With The Stars - you know he would win with all his moves! Of course, our sweet Adam is too big of a superstar to be on that show! I would love to see him sing on DWTS. Having Chris Bleak perform is insanity. He should be in jail! nancdruuu2
the dog came back and bit him on the ass as mom would say. I really didn't know who he was, but he seemed like a big jerk.
@ nancdruuu2
Glad to see you back, I missed you! Where have you been?
Thanks Fan4fun! I had to do a stint in the hospital for surgery, but I'm feeling much better. I haven't been up to my usual comments unless something makes me really angry like Chris Bleak or that Castlewood creep - GGRRRRRRRR! I really did miss my Glamily! nancdruuu2
Nice job America. You got this one right :)
God I love Karma....she's the great equalizer!
I boycotted watching DWTS last night and after I heard CB (refuse to even type his name) was going to be on the Tuesday show, I decided not to even vote for anyone. It's a shame that ABC continually chooses to smack Adam's fans in the face. Hopefully, Karma will take care of ABC. We don't need any more CB's or MC's - we need to see Adam. ABC will continue to receive complaints from me and they will be my least watched channel. Time to start contacting their advertisers.
I am embarrassed at how happy this makes me! I thought I remembered him from last year. Insensitive jerk.
Good riddance to bad rubbish! The idiot got what he deserved. Too bad the same didn't happen to CB.
YAY! America!! Finally got it right ... payback is a B**** ... not taking any chances on my comment getting the boot for naughty language ... wish I could say what I'm thinking ... so HAPPY he was the FIRST to go!!! I don't watch the alphabet channel so I don't care who wins or loses as long as that JERK is gone!! Love 'n Light
DWTS wont be watched in my house again. Heard that the judges gave Brown a standing ovation? Thrilled to hear that Catherwood was voted off. At least one piece of good news from the show. With the exception of Tom Bergeron, the only negative comments I heard about Brown came from the women performers. What about the men? Where is their outrage? . . . Adamluv
Love DWTS, but didn't watch last night in protest of Chris Brown. Wasn't surprised about Mike Catherwood leaving, he was the male equivalent of Kate Gosslin--pushing a shopping cart around the dance floor. I am rooting for Kirsty Alley this year! Although Machio doing good!
Hahahaha what goes around comes around big moron mike!!! Made my day!! I love u adam lambert!!!
If you come back to this thread you can click on the link "Click Here" at the lower right hand side of the main post to see what the fuss was about, although @Fan4Fun summarized it quite well..No love lost between him and Adam's fans..
Karma at work funbunn40
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