Please Send Your Thoughts, Energy, and Prayers to Japan!
Filed Under (twitter ) by Admin on Friday, March 11, 2011
Posted at : Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan has been hit with an 8.9 earthquake.
Please donate to Red Cross disaster relief efforts. Around the world, you can go to or text “Red Cross” to 90999. If you text in, $10 will be automatically charged to your phone bill as a donation.
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It's so sad....I heard about it last night...
the images are mind boggling. It is like everything in a whirlpool and moving very fast. I can't imagine the horror this people felt. I hope everyone will be able to rise above it and get their lives back in order. Love and determination will see them through it. much love
swaying buildings and destruction all around. I can't comprehend it. I wouldn't want to be going through any of this and I hope Japan can rise above it. Scary!!!
Japan, please be safe!
Sending positive energy. Will donate appropriately what I can.
OT, and don't mean to be insensitive, but this is an Adam Lambert fan-site, so please request Billboard Aftermath Remix to local radio stations, especially the Kiss affiliates (which you can probably do online and won't have to deal w/ phonecalling). It is important, very, to request respectfully once a day. Stations may never play it, but it is still important for them to know there is interest out there, and potential increased listener-ship if htey play Lambert.
Will go now to investigate donating to Japan aide efforts
i have a wedding to attend next month in tokyo, don't know if it'll be postponed or not (a little bit worry to go). i remember not long time ago a japanese lady told me she never dare to stay in tokyo for long, since they all know there'll be a big earthquake recently,similar disaster happened 100 years ago.
tsunami is even more horrible than the earthquake. i heard a train is missing, similar as what happened to sri lanka in 2005 tsunami, big wave swallowed a coastal train, killed more 1000 people.
pray for everybody safe and sound.
Is Malaysia affected by this ? God help those people in Japan! This sucks!!!
Listened to Adam again, I cried , he was fantastic!!!! K
Adam is always thinking of others. An earthquake is a terrible disaster. A person is definitely reminded of what is important in this life. Thank you Adam for your important role of putting others first. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Japan.
Prayers and positive energy, courageous and optimistic for the people
Japan and all countries are at risk.
Was watching film of the Tsunami last night, me and my hubby just sat there in stunned silence watching imaged of people in their cars trying to outrun the water and being engulfed.
Thoughts and prayers to everyone in Japan.
Are there more natural disasters happening or is it just that film coverage makes it seem so?
In the last 10 years it seems there are more and more, hardly a week goes by without tornado or flashflooding or hurricane, forest fire, landslide, sinkholes and the incessant sneak attacks of earthquakes.
It's a scary world. It seems we are praying for one part or more of our globe daily. Money can help and I'm always willing to give but no amount of money can fix the human heart damage.
So so sad.............................JAK
It's really sad to see those debris everywhere. I'm at peace when I received a message from my cousin who lives in Tokyo that they are okay for now. Let's pray for those who are affected right now. More power to Japanese people and you will get up again after this disaster.
Mom from Toronto, Canada
The world becomes smaller when a disaster such as this occurs. So many,so frequently. All in Japan are in my thoughts and prayers as well as any other countries that may be affected. It reminds me of how precious life is and how quickly one can lose everything. The Japanese are resilient people and somehow they will persevere, but I am saddened by their losses. funbunn40
My prayers and thought go out to Japan our alias on this earth. Such a beautiful people and culture. My heart is heavy for them. I will never complain again as I watch their world tumble around them tears came to my eyes. I felt helpless and sadness over came me.
Adam we share your hearfelt thoughts.
I live in Tokyo. I'm safe but Japan needs your energy.
Glamberts save the world.
@ anon 8:35 SO glad you are ok. I watched this most of last night with my jaw and heart dropping. Got up and checked the news 1st thing this morning. Heartsick at the damage that could be seen when daylight hit. The tsunami hit the coast here in Oregon about 60 miles from me this morning, damaging some local ports, but nothing like poor Japan.
My thoughts and prayer to you, Japan.
I experienced a strange and silly and thought provoking sensation as I watched the devastation of the newest earthquake.
I'm sure it's because I spent so many years as a kindergarten teacher. As I watched I found myself humming "It's a Small World".
It is a small world when "The People In Your Neighborhood" are hurting.
Japan, New Zealand, Egypt, Libya and on and on.
Everywhere people are hurting for all kinds of reasons, and when we see our world from photos from the space station we are all in the same neighborhood.
It's after midnight again in my small world so Good Night Moon, Good Night Chair, Good Night people everywhere!................JAK
I'm glad to hear you're safe!! I hope everyone else in Japan are safe as well. Sending so many positive thoughts over there.
I'm a Japanese Glambert living in the US.
Last night my heart was full because of Adam's brilliant performance on AI.
Tonight my heart is broken because of the disaster in my home country for which I can do nothing but pray. Fortunately my family in Tokyo are all safe but I still can't hold back tears whenever I see the apocalyptic devastation on TV. However your thoughtful comments I read here made me feel better. Thank you so much guys! I'm also grateful to Adam for caring about people in Japan. I met many many lovely Japanese fans at GNT shows in Tokyo last October. I hope they are all safe now and we will reunite at next Adam's tour in Japan. Thanks again!
I'm sort of a big I-am-my-brother's-keeper type person, and it's nice to see a music artist use his influence for awareness, good on 'ya Adam. It won't be much unfortunately, but I'll donate what I can.
My child said to me that he was going to speak at the student council meeting on Tuesday and suggest that they do a school fundraiser to help aid in the disaster relief efforts... so that made me feel like - although I can't always afford to give big amounts of money when/where necessary... I can always always afford and give energy towards raising children who grow to be caring individuals, and that's helpful to I guess.
that should be "too" with two o's, not "to" :), MGF
Please don't fret about grammar rules, it took me forever to type perfect comments, I kept going back to "fix" things. In the meantime the flow of topic had moved on.
Now my motto is let a dangling participle dangle, let a run-on sentence run and begin as many sentences as you wish with prepositions.
It's such a feeling of freedom!......JAK
@ MGF 6:41 AM
First of all, I am so glad to see you back here again, posting your always thoughtful words, grammatically correct or not!! LOL! Its what you say, not how you say it!
And yes, raising children to be caring individuals who are concerned about others is what really matters. Obviously your children have learned much from you. And yes, I so appreciate Adam's generosity in using his name and fame to draw attention to the needs of others, such as Charity Water and the victims of these terrible natural disasters. The Japanese earthquake and tsunami news just keeps getting worse by the minute. I can't even begin to imagine what it is like to be there right now.
Keep an eye on that boy he's off to a good start. My grandson used to work mornings on weekends when he was a schoolboy serving breakfasts at a shelter.
Now he's still a schoolboy, full time college student, full time Disney employee and on 2 nights a week off he and his girlfriend volunteer at Give a Child the World and take terminally ill children thru DisneyWorld or "sit" with them so their parents can have a worry free date night.
Children learn by example....Good Job! MGF
Again, I (kind of) hope that you’ve all moved on to newer threads, except maybe for JAK to whom I’d say: I do believe the Earth is scratching it/her/him..self. We’ve become too much of a strain to our planet. However, I don’t think New Zealand, Japan and so on are more... human-infested than the rest of the world. (Btw, I LOVE and RESPECT Japanese people for the way they listened to Soaked at the GNT shows... and for several other unnamed here reasons!) I’m expecting for the rest of us to be rubbed out (rather soon) by fire, water or any conversion of our own habitats, more or less similar to what we’ve done with other species.
I do feel for all those who suffer now, don’t you think otherwise! The nuclear threat over Japan, after all that, is totally unfair! I was a child when Chernobyl disaster happened and I remember taking iodine... I stopped for several years... Well, there is no cure for what mankind does to itself, I guess. I’d take a quick death over an insidious one any day. The Japanese experienced the aftermath of... let’s say, WWII already. Hello, the Winged Ones! No more lessons are necessary! What the Hell is wrong with the...Heaven?! Are they all dozing their asses off up there?
Ok, I bet I’ll mess up the tenses, prepositions a.s.o. and inflame the ‘it’s-only-about-Adam’ ..Berts that still linger here, but what the heck, it won’t be the first or the last time, I’ll tell you anyway. I know some ..Berts love ‘fiction’. It’s not that kind of fiction though.. Then, I’ll stay low for a while, if my fingers let me. :-)
...Last night I had a dream or rather a beginning of a dream as an alarm woke me up before the main event happened (or so I thought)... I found myself in the same, let’s say, ‘room’ with Satan and God. The first one had just entered the ‘set’ in the form of a tall woman and I immediately knew who ‘she’ was and prepared myself for the confrontation. (No one else there knew about ‘her’). God, instead, had been with me all along in the form of a child that I had been taking care of without being aware of who he really was. Only when the woman from Hell made her appearance I first saw the heavenly blue eyes of that child and my heart almost exploded from the surprise and happiness of it. Strangely enough, I was expecting and prepared for ‘that woman’ and wasn’t afraid of ‘her’ (it felt like I’d known and fought ‘her’ before), but I didn’t expected for God to be there with me and I was overwhelmed with that realization. Right away, He took over the fight against the Dark one. It was breathtaking, believe me...And I woke up with my heart still pumping out of my chest. Draw your own moral of my dream, if you like, ignore this screed, or even rant back. I, for one, am eager to go back on dreaming about having God (in flesh!) on my side when I’m fighting the Dark(High)ness, in any of ITS forms! I wish for you all to feel, even in your dreams, that kind of happiness and bless. It’s funny what a ‘believer’ I am in my dreams! The awake Me is much more...well, you know me by now... :-)
HA! Self-analysis over the Internet! I guess I’m saving money or rather my friends’ time. Just one of the Internet’s perks! Sorry about that! Or not!
(Btw, I’ve avoided answering the question about the ‘soundtrack song for my life’... Ever since I first heard it, it’s been Biffy Clyro’s ‘God&Satan’. Imagine that!)
@HeartAdam4Ever: I worked at the nuthouse for a while. There must be some truth in the saying “it takes one to treat one”, don’t you think? Upon my leaving, I told my coworkers to save a bed for me as I might be back one day... on the other side of it. I’m afraid the ‘proximity’ of the ..Berts shortens the path to that bed. The Log Lady is the only one still unaccounted for in the glamworld! At least, I haven’t heard of her yet. But we do have a talking cat here! :-) Plus, no one is safe from an induced delusional disorder! (Glam)Folie à plusieurs! :-))
@JAK: I’d love the scent of leather and ‘printed paper’, but, as strange as it might sound right now, I don’t read fairy tales anymore :-(
I’ll put my mind to sleep now. To all of you: Stay above the waves! Be safe and strong! Just love life!
@GLb, I say - author away... as there is always this little thing called the scroll down function, and of course - free will...
so I can choose to stop and read, as I did, and others can choose to pass on by... another one of those perks of the internet... in the midst of all those downsides to the internet
These fairy tales are NOT for children. In fact they are more like your dream. Fairy tales were originally called Household Tales and were told around the fireplace after the children were asleep. No people told stories to scare the sh-- out of each other in the dark old days of "Once upon a time, long long ago....."
After many centuries of laundering some of the old tales were sanitized.....The Big Bad Wolf...
no longer has blood dripping from his fangs as he tears Grandma to shreds. Thank God!...JAK
Thanks Glitzylady & JAK
When the Tchernobyl reactor exploded, radiation came to us in Finland. We situate so close. There is still after 25 years time radioactive pollution in our soil. Quite terrifying really.
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