Scoops From EOnline's Aimee Curran
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Thursday, March 10, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, March 10, 2011

From EOnline's Aimee Curran:
We've heard the buzz that James Durbin is this season's Adam Lambert, we've seen Glambert fans attack the comparison, and we've read what Adam and James have had to say about each other in the press, but what really happened when they came face-to-face on the stage of American Idol at Thursday night's elimination show?
From our seat behind the judges table we saw the official meet-and-greet that had Lambert fans scooping their jaws up off the ground:
All eyes were glued to Lambert as he made time to hug every contestant and had an especially long and chummy interaction with James. It seemed the two hit it off. There were no dirty looks or cold shoulders. In fact, pictures were taken, smiles exchanged and hugs shared. Adam's fans seemed surprised, and their insta-bond makes us think Adam may be over his Pia Toscana fandom (he gushed over her via Twitter after Wednesday's performance) and is now on the James Express.
As sweet as it was to see James and Adam play nice, our favorite Adam moment was watching the fan fave be completely starstruck meeting Steven Tyler.
The first words out of Lambert's mouth (accompanied with bulging eyes and legitimate look of awe), "Wow, it's an honor to meet you."
Then it was on to air kisses with Jennifer and a bro-down with Randy Jackson, who we spied popping multiple Altoids breath mints.
Source: EOnline
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What? Who expected Adam to be nasty to James Durbin?? No true fan! Of course he was friendly and gracious. This is news? That's why we love Adam - he always takes the high road! C'mon...this ain't news...we coulda told you it would be like this!
- Adam Fix :)
OT...Terrible 8.9 earthquake in Japan![Honshue?] Tsunami alerts and warnings for Pacific coast. Hope Adam's many Japanese fans are safe and prayers go out to all in Japan. Hope Hawaii, Phillapines, etc. will be spared. Many of Adam's fans there also. Still thinking of NZ's people and aftermath. So many disasters. Glad Adam is back in US, but California is also vulnerable with the San Andreas Fault. This really puts life in perspective. funbunn40
Adam is everything an Idol should be. I'm not surprised that he greeted and gave all a hug, especially James Durbin. Adam is the most generous and big hearted man. He understands the stress they are all under, especially when it's an elimination round. So glad there were Glamberts there to show him love! Happy that Adam was able to meet Steven Tyler and see JLo. Randy has always shown Adam support. Think he met JLo for the first time at the Grammys. He looked great. Kinda missed a little guyliner tho'. He was smart to be understated, focusing on the lyrics and intent of the song, which was most important. He is so naturally handsome. It was a treat to see him this way. The glam was great and fun for the GNT, but good now to focus on where the magic really is..inside. Adam sounded a little strained on the high notes, maybe because he hasn't been singing as much lately. He's always good, but for some reason seemed a little better on the GNT. This was such a treat to see him lon Idol again. Wish Ricky Minor and vocal coach had been there for Adam to see again. They all thought Adam was such a pro and he is so well liked. There's no one that will ever come close for me, but have to admit , thought J.Durbin did a great job Wed. with the Paul McCartny song. Pia is still my fave, tho. funbunn40
I think AL sounded like he had a bit of a cold and he sounded this way on ryan's show. That said still sounded superb and just love the way he continues to mix up a song. He is some mesmerising to watch over and over again. I liken him to having the elvis presley x factor in this way.
that is terrible funnbunn40. Pray all Adam's fans are safe from harm and others too.I can still see their smiling faces. Very glad Adam back in US and hope Ca. is not in danger.
Adam and James hugged? Not surprising, after all, they're both glam rockers. :)
A pic of Adam at rehearsal:
Our principal at the school where I work announced yesterday morning that one of our Kindergardeners is the couzin of Stefano. I also mentioned in a previous thread that another older couzin of Stefano is a friend of my son's (they are in high school). Also, my husband's parents bought their instruments from Stefano's Dad's music shop here when they lived here years ago. Just some fun stuff I thought I'd share! (Thia and James also live not far.)
love the picture you choose
Adam is a charming and gracious man . A true professional I wonder if he would consider being on X Factor as judge or ,even better, as Host He would be so great talking to and introducing the contestants . I know his presence on that show would insure tons of viewers . And the world wide exposure each week certainly wouldnt hurt
I doubt Adam would take any stationary job offer, he wants to spread his wings and fly. He has lost time to make up. His early career was sort of in a safe bubble with a set of supporting friends but not much growth. He's not a young 20 year old, he's an almost 30 year old man who wants to make his mark in as many fields as possible.
He'd like an acting role, perhaps a product endorsement (with that sense of style, maybe a fashion house) and he wants a bigger and better funded world tour....after next
album is a Top Ten hit.
And a personal life to keep his heart happy.
Go boy with our blessings.........JAK
Aww, Adam is so wonderful. Wish I could have been there to see him mingling with the contestants. His heart must have been so star struck to meet Steven Tyler. He's always spoke so highly of him and I remember him calling Steven "the man" on Idol just before he sang an amazing rendition of "Cryin". I Just love our Adam and I hope he had a good time last night. It was soooooo nice to see him performing live for us again.
It was great to see Adam perform on AI last night. He looked so handsome without the glitz and glitter of the GNT. Did a nice job on AFTERNATH with its message as the focus. And who wouldn't expect Adam to meet all the contestants and take that picture with Durbin. He remembers what it is like to be in that same position two years ago. I understand that Diddy just walked off and didn't meet any of the contestants. He was a total waste of time. Maybe Adam will make a few other tv appearances to perform AFTERMATH; I hope so. Otherwise, I guess he will be working on music for his new album and just enjoying life.
Didn't Adam look terrific on AI last night. For me, less is better with the makeup and the glitter. It's great for his stage performances on tour, but I love that clean, healthy look for Adam the best. He did a good job on AFTERMATH, although he seemed a little strained in parts. Overall, I just enjoyed watching him and then the banter back and forth with Ryan and then JLO.
Adam is a Prince. I'd wouldn't expect anything but graciousness from him. He looked SO handsome and sounded beautiful. I'm loving the new hair, jeans, T-shirt and jacket look. Not that I didn't love his costumes for GNT...but this look is better for TV imo.
It's like a sorbet as a palate cleanser after a rich meal. GNT was so rich, we needed the classic look for a while. He can put some glitter in his pocket if he misses it! ;)
Hey fans. I read and posted to some 24/7 threads until fairly late last night... but I have NO IDEA what's been said or what's going on in this site this morning - so I just want to put that out there in case what I'm about to say is terribly redundant - which is that - there is actually quite a few supportive and positive articles and blurbs out there in the blogosphere this morning about AML's apearance last night! I went through a bunch of them this morning (oh so early!! lol, before Real Life, damn you Adam Lambert :)). This E Online one was among what I read early this morning, and it was snarky - that's their thing, same as it ever was... whatevs. But yeah, if you just general google Adam Lambert - there's quite a few pieces and blurbs in the blogosphere that are good/positive - and some are easy to comment on, without having to sign up or log in; I commented briefly (but not OTT and overly passionately) on a few articles myself, on sites that it was quick and easy to do so. So just FYI for anyone who might care, good news IMHO.
MGF, or other great 24/7 friends, can you recommend articles to read so i can go directly to them? I am at work and cannot really surf google to look for them.People walking around, boss etc. Thank you.
Okay, a little OT maybe, but I just listened to the performance again this morning, after a few times last night (1st time this morning, so a little seperation from the adrenalin and excitement of last night) and I simply listened to it via an AOL music blog article, and hell, Lambert was great... a lot of us, including me, made too much of one or two (like ONE) opening notes that needed some warming up. Now go buy that damn track at AdamOfficial if you haven't already people.
here's article:
Here is a link to a really nice article from the Hollywood Reporter about Adam's AI performance, his new album, The Trevor Project....etc.
And another link to an article (short) which includes a nice video interview..from Entertainment Weekly Online. Talks about why he chose to be involved with The Trevor Project, Aftermath, new album..etc.
Aimee's opinions about Adam and Justin are just silly girl gossip. This sort of stuff gets annoying. Period.
Back to «sweet[Adam] real life» after 4 horrible hours into «Hell's Kitchen» (hey Glambrits fellows, Thanks God Today «should not be» Friday!) L0L.
@ Adam Fix: you couldn't be more right, fellow. Right?
@ Funbunn40: Re.Japan... I'm so sorry, what a tragedy! Let's buy and light up more white candles... they always work, mainly yours, worked even for Ping Pong... he's back!!! (Icon will tell you all, aunts and uncles, when the opportunity comes)... And, hey! I didn't find sweet Adam «strained» on high notes, I found him just fantastic, as always, maybe a bit more!.. and those boyish eyebrows back, WOW!!! Sexotic Singing Bird's beauty was looking so cleeeeeaaan! After shower, maybe? I could SMELL him!
@ daydreamin: Small country! Small world? Anyway, thanks for sharing!
@ JAK: Yes! Yes! Yes! Sexotic Singing Bird wants (and he WILL) fly high and higher, the highest flight ever!!! And Icon, my Icon junior (sweet Adam is my Icon senior)) asked me this morning: «Mommy, if my grandma jak thinks I'm deaf how could I HEAR and love so much the high notes that sweet Adam showed off «live» last night??? Were them SOOOO high????? I heard them here in Azores! We are far from LA, aren't we?»
@ Anon. 6:34AM: I like your comment but gotta make some correction: 1) sweet Adam is not a Prince, he is a KING!!! (well, he's the charming prince of our dreams, or our Tooth Fairy, or whatever we've love so much since our childhood, he's just our child/teen dream come true!); 2) He is THE NEXT RICH MEAL after the «sorbet as a palate cleanser after a rich meal». LOL!
@ MGF (Mass Glam Fan): Do not forget it, neighbour... I love you! And Icon love you too! Soooo much! Now, go back to your «CIA» real life.
I don't know who posted comment/article anon 8:28, but I agree with you that those first couple of notes needed some warming up and it did start out a bit shyly almost-very quietly and then it ramped up into what I would expect from our Glitter Boy. Who knows? He probably meant for it to happen that way and thats great cause Adam always seems to know what he is doing.
After watching again, all the judges did clap after Adam sang, but I was mystified why Steve Tyler stood up and clapped for the other performer what's his face and not Adam. The other performer seemed to act as if he was "somethin special". I DO NOT LIKE HIS MUSIC, but that is just me.
I wish Adam had more time to explain the link to his remix. I could tell he was feeling rushed but tried to say what he could about the reason for the remix. Drat is all I can say! Drat to Ryan for not allowing Adam to fully speak to the issue. It would only have taken like 10 more seconds!
Thanks for article link...will go there now.
Fan4Fun, I love your happy, upbeat, positive posts here! You always make me and Icon! That is wonderful that you got Ping Pong back! I am anxiously awaiting your detective story about how that all happened! I also agree that there were no off high notes last night IMO.
Thanks Glitzylady for all those links! Will get to them after work.
JAK you too are a breath of fresh air with your all of your wonderful years of accumulated knowledge and your honestly "with class"! I find I really look forward to your posts (as well as so many others!)
Love to you ALL!
Thanks to all who posted links to articles. Please keep them coming if you find others. Love to read them when I take mini-breaks at work.
@pg, here are some other good ones I read this morning:
Just want to add some info re the Steven Tyler thing: A good friend of mine attended the Idol taping, and she said ST and all of the judges greeted Adam VERY warmly. Trying to imagine what ST was thinking, just by looking at the feed we see from TV doesn't tell the whole story..My friend also said that Adam was just SO nice to everyone after his performance, hugged all of the Idol contestants, and was his beautiful sweet self. She also said Diddy **didn't** talk to anyone after his performance and just stalked off the stage..not so much as a backward look or greeting to anyone. I prefer to think that Steven Tyler was just really studying Adam very closely while he was listening to him. I don't think we should assume that he was being negative at all. Adam's performance was stunning as usual and I'm quite sure everyone there, including Steven Tyler, thought so too.
Adam; it was so great seeing you on AI. It was like Season 8 returning. Please return to TV soon, at least once a week. America needs your voice, and your warm personality, and your beauty inside and out. I love your interviews; they are so uplifting, and I can't wait for your new album, even though I love your 1st one and play it at least twice a day. Adam you are a special person and thank-you for being you.
I didn't pay any attention to Diddy, but it just occurred to me that he could be Puff Daddy, Sean Diddy Combs. He frequently changed his names. Is this the same Diddy? I have heard Ryan say he had platinum records, but really didn't look at his face, as I wasn't interested in rap and the name didn't compute...@Daydreamin, Thanks for sharing the "small world" neighborhood news. Always fun to hear personal stories and connections! Thanks all for the links. ..@Fan4fun So glad Ping Pong is back! Candle burned out about an hour ago. Was going to get another one! I bet Icon is rubbing all over his best friend! Good news on a day of such loss with the earthquake. funbunn40
An apology is due and I'm ready to make it. I was upset about the judges last night. I realize now there was film I did not see that was "friendlier".
Mostly I got a few choice words from my Faith Hill look-alike daughter today! (No credit to me she looks like her dad). She's studied Aerosmith like we all study Adam. While her particular interest is the guitarist Joe Perry, she breathes his name with reverence, she assures me that what I assumed was a disinterested look on Tyler's face was instead his "intently listening face". Okay, I'll buy that.
She should know she's been going to his concerts since the 70's. If he plays anywhere in Florida she's there dancing in the MOSH pit, blonde ponytail bouncing. Last time it cost her $400 a ticket each...her complacent husband goes just to watch her dance!
So I apologize and will not be so quick to judge a judge in the future.........JAK
Here's another link:
GREAT article
Adam Fix you are my hero of realism. You have a way of putting things that assure all of us how to get real. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I 2nd them I just don't say it as well as you so I will just simple 2nd them.
Adam looked great, sang great. He's such a nice man. Just so proud to be a fan. What else can I say. Oh, I liked his look sans eyeliner. It makes him look younger, and what's wrong with that. He is so obviously in love. Just so happy Sauli is in his life. He deserves to find someone special.
Awww, Anon. 3/11, 7:31pm - gosh, thanks. I try. :) Actually, I just say whatever pops in my head and sometimes go back to read it and think "I put that in print?? Oh well!"
- Adam Fix
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