"Sleepwalker" is #1 in The Voice from Bulgaria
Filed Under (charts,sleepwalker,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Thursday, March 24, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Voice is a music channel in Bulgaria that airs music videos. Adam Lambert's "Sleepwalker" (Live) is #1 this week!

Source: The Voice

Source: The Voice
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# 1 in Bulgaria! Another country heard from! Go Adam!! funbunn40
@funbunn40, exactly what I was going to say!!! Good news from across the atlantic! BTW, thanks for asking about me last week. Appreciate that!. . . . Adamluv
Is the whole world going to move him up to #1 before the United States does?
Maybe writing and singing Voodoo hexed him, NOSY
Go Adam! Вперед!
OT.Post positive comments on youtube videos of Glam Nation Live there are a lot of haters it's annoying.
It's great that they show the video from the Glam Nation Live dvd. The Voice channels could do the same in other countries as well.
Congrats, Bulgaria!
Out of all GNT songs & performances I'm never gonna be able to pick just ONE favorite...However, I do have a SOFT SPOT for SLEEPWALKER...Immaculate, perfect & powerful vocals, such passion & fire from within, that coat (remember that "heavenly" pic, where Adam seems to "descend from heaven"!), his gestures, the visible pain (but you don't want me...), Monte's brilliant solos (so many variations!)...Just PERFECT!!!
Beautiful Bulgaria-fine taste.
WoW! What happen to Adam's vevo Glam nation live youtube video, it has half million hits in few day? People are watching. Hope some of them will buy the DVD. Sleepwalker is my favorite in the CD, the live version just unbelievable.
Another great global news, congrats ADAM! Bulgaria your rock!
Been under the weather for quite a while now so i got to watch TV more. I was delighted to learn that in UMAGANG KAY GANDA (A BEAUTIFUL MORNING), a very popular early morning show in Manila, there is a portion where IIHY intro was used. So i asked my helper about it and she said that the show has been using that for a long time now, so that made me feel soooooo good :)
And that brought back memories of the 10-10-10 Manila GNT where i couldn't believe my eyes at first. I was so nervous that it will just be a small crowd since there was no buzz about the concert that fell on a saturday, in a venue that wasn't that accessible and promo was really minimal. But to my surprise, it was the other way around, a remarkable turnout of young ones and that says it all. He may not be in our charts right now because competition in our music industry is really tough, but at least i witnessed myself that Manila loves our Diamond Boy!
@Bing, sorry to hear that you havent been well. Hope everything is fine now. And thanks for the shout out a couple of weeks ago about my absence. Love hearing that Adams songs are being featured in radio and TV spots. All good news!.. . . Adamluv
Way to go Adam! Bulgaria's got it right! I can't stop listening to GNT Live, I mean all day long! I've just played Sleepwalker 5 times on repeat in the car 'cause I'm overwhelmed with amazement and awe when I hear Adam's soaring and emotional vocals. I just can't get enough. I'm on my way to Barnes and Nobles to buy more sets for gifting.
Wow even Bulgaria! Awesome, but jealous that we did not get Sleepwalker in this country. Adam is taking over the world one country at a time.
I've always loved Sleepwalker and of course Down the Rabbit Hole.
Alice in Lambertland
Bing, my desire that you feel better.
I send you this link, such as medicine, you see it every 8:00 hours for a day and will prompt relief. Greetings
@adamluv yes i feel a lot better now and i can visit 24/7 again. Highly appreciate your post :) I don't normally watch those tv programs and it was so exciting to hear Adam's IIHY in a segment of that show. And over lunch, Emily said that my second son once told her to just turn on the tv and tune in to MTV early in the morning while she is preparing breakfast since they usually play Adam's songs. So that is another great news hahaha! My second son has always been that supportive to us teehee. Thanks again @adamluv and so glad to see you posting again. Hope all is well with you too. My warmest regards :D
@HH i noticed that you had been sharing many links to Adam's most beautiful performances and i did enjoy watching them over and over specially the AI shows. Thanks so much for your kind words @HH and also for this link. You are right i can just listen to this all day. Mis mas cordiales saludos a usted mi amiga :D
Love thru Adam, Bing
@ Bing, So sorry you haven't been feeling well and am glad you're feeling better. Adam is the best medicine and can transport you to another realm, as I'm sure you already know! I knew you had been busy with displaced children and thought that was taking much of your time. I hope all is going well with them also. You have such a beautiful, kind spirit...@ HH Just watched your much appreciated links to Bing and loved going back to revisit the soul stirring Upright Caberet videos again. So beautiful....@ Adamluv, You definitely were missed and we're glad you're back in great form!! funbunn40
Yeah! The song is great! No wonder my heavyrocker friend liked it as well.
@Bing get well soon! Adam´s voice surely is the best cure as a voice theraphy!!
Yee! Haa! Well done, Bulgaria! :D
Sleepwalker should be released as a single to the WORLD!!! :D
Thank you for the Dust In The Wind. Now I have to go through this day with a melted heart, ´cause that smile in the beginning just....oh, dear, what a smile!
Bing, so sorry you´re not feeling well. My best whishes for you and hope you recover soon.
@funbunn40 thanks so much for the kind thoughts and for all your most inspired posts. And it also feels great that our 24/7 glamily is growing each day. It just warms my heart. Thanks again funbunn40
@Ronnie i haven't had the chance to reply to you in an old thread. Thanks for that informative post with a background about yourself. If it isn't so obvious yet, you got all the ladies here really excited LOL! We rarely get the male POV so we need you here badly tee hee. At times you may find us getting a little bit crazy hahaha, hope we won't scare you Ronnie. You'll get used to it LOL. Looking forward to seeing you more often in this wonderful site. Thanks for the well wishes too.
The GNL dvd seems to be well available here in Europe. No need to order it from AO or Amazon. Let's buy it from the local stores in our countries and maybe we can even see it charting.
Awww @Eva thanks so much for the concern. This is what i love about our little 24/7 glamily. The camaraderie here is truly special, one thing i would always cherish for the rest of my life.
You guys certainly know how to cheer up any member who feels down. Love you guys :D
@Funbunn40, Dont know about your "in great form" comment (LOL) but I'll accept it and say thank you!. . . . Adamluv
Don't let me out of his dream. I want to be in Adam's dream forever!!!!!!!
Bulgaria you are our sister country. Guess they are using the GNT video as a single. Way to go!
@Bing March 24 10:55PM - always did like how you sign off w/ "Love thru Adam, Bing" :)
@Bing - sad to hear you haven't been well! You have brought so much SUNSHINE to this site, love reading your posts! Please remember to take time for yourself (out of your busy schedule), I truly hope you are feeling better!
GGD Gal, sending you a warm virtual hug, :)
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