Adam Lambert talks 'Idol' etc on Twitter
Filed Under (American Idol,Others,twitter ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Adam talks about the new season of American Idol

He also laughed at PINK's tweet about Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

He also laughed at PINK's tweet about Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

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OMG, Pink is so funny! And perceptive too!
I'm not feeling the new Idol contestants. where's the originality? they sound like other singers on radio. I see where Adam is coming from. They won't measure up to what Adam brought to the show! He brought originality and incredible stage presence. This season has alot of work to do!
Tried to watch Idol but sorry, guys, it's just not happening. Even without sound, the guys seem like dweebs. Sorry to be rude. No one in Adam's league at all. Good tweet from Adam, being his usual honest yet diplomatic self..
Could Adam's comment about being 'original' on Idol have to do with J. Durbin copying Adam?? Me thinks ... yes.
Adam is a natural performer and it comes out of him without much effort. The contestants look like they are trying so hard to impress. I think being a performer is a gift, you either got it or you don't. The high notes this season are being FORCED!
he is giving a hint to J. Durbin. I agree!
anon 7:35 and 7:51...Me thinks NOT. I think he is talking about Originality: song arrangement and making the songs fit them. Adam is too modest to point James like that.
I watched AI tonight and out of the 12, 5 guys have good, not forced voices. Not been a fan of country music, but Scotty's voice could send me to Nashville. Reminds me of Bill what's his name from the Righteous Brothers.
Durbin pushed it too far on the first night, I think.
I don't know who Adam is talking about, but he is saying that the singers should be more original and not acting like other artists. Bring their own personality to the stage and perform. They seem a little camera shy! Adam played the cameras and made the people at home feel his energy. Adam has the most charisma of any idol contestant past or present.
I believe Adam's tweet was actually before James came on to sing so perhaps he was referring to songs like O.M.G.
I'm anxious to see what the girls bring to the Idol stage. I bet Adam will be pulling for the females this season. Adam will be honest and give his opinion throughout this season.
Great voices this season, but Adam is right, not much original going on. It takes more than a good voice. Those are plentiful.
I agree that Adam is simply saying ' be original' to any and all of the contestants -- perhaps a wee bit more to Durbin. Adam has said that every time he's been asked what new Idol contestants should do - they should be original, true to themselves and be unique. Adam had that combination down perfectly from the beginning!
In trying to sound unique,these contestants are sooo trying to follow in Adam's size infinity footsteps with the high notes. Casey at the end did what Adam often did after singing the glory note, ending the song in a mellow tone. Have to say, tho' that James Durbin did sound better tonight than last week. Guess it should be a compliment for Adam to be emulated, but I find it annoying. Maybe because Adam did all the creative strategizing and work. He can't be duplicated in my eyes. I realize these contestants are all hopeful and want to do whatever they think will get them the final prize. Realistically I think I just miss seeing Adam on Idol and am just pouting. Like Pavlov's dogs, I hear the theme music and expect to see our rockgod. So depressing..I'll have to go with the girls this season. Pink is a trip! Like her a lot! funbunn40
J. Durbin doesn't have Adam's humility. When the judges all told him he was good tonight he was like "ya, I was, wasn't I. All you people out there notice me? I was really good. I can even do the right arm straight up fist pump when I finish. Did you see that too?"
I thought James did a fantastic job and so did that bushy red head and the guy that sang the Rod Stewart song.Sorry it takes me 1/2 season to know their names. Oh, I liked the country singer too. Can't wait to hear the girls tomorrow.
I kinda hope Adam tweeted this before the end of the show because I think that some of the contestants were actually very original!
Brett Loewenstein (sp?) and Casey Abrams were particularly atypical and had their own sound, don't you think? Adam said he only starts watching from the top 12. Has he seen Casey's previous appearances? I think the guy is great. I just hope he doesn't get too full of himself and becomes obnoxious. (That's one thing we can say about Adam: he was/is never obnoxious.) Brett and James Durbin have to be careful as well not to push too far in that direction. I like Durbin. He didn't scream senselessly as he did before and I like hearing me some good Judas Priest. A bit of rock'n' roll is always welcome, why not.
I am looking forward to the next shows. Yay! So much fun! And Adam's watching too!
For the second year on the roll AI is trying to find second Adam Lambert. Like I said once, we are not looking for next American Idol any more. We're trying to find next Adam Lambert now! I love it. I think it sounds FANTASTIC!!!!! Instead of AI live show we will have AL live show and Adam has to be one of the judges:)
Last year Kara told some of the contestants "Yes, you did it like Adam did last year"!
This year nobody even needs to make this comment. Oh, yeh, JD, you did it exacatly like Adam. Just don't scream, learn how to move, and express your emotions without angree management therapy!
The bad part of the story is that poor, little, sick boy just wants to be second Adam Lambert. Poor little (or not too little) thing:(
Give me a break, ladies. JD never will be Adam. Unfortunately for him he is trying to be second Adam Lambert and even mentioned it in of his interviews!
What does this mean? He doesn't have any personality. Also, JD wanna be Danny with sad story of his life. He wanna be Kris, as a nice perfect famliy man.
Didn't you paid attention on these little details. I don't feel sorry for him because his illness. If he want to be next AI he has to have big talent and high personality. Which he doesn't have.
Poor American Idol... still trying to pretend that it wasn't broken by Adam Lambert
I have said this so many times that Adam Lambert set the bar so high during season 8 of AI, that all the performers since then cannot in any way match his impressive vocal talent. Remember last season with Lee and Crystal?? Don't hear much about them at all since they recorded their first albums. Adam is one of a kind with his stage presence, charisma, confidence and vocal perfection. I cannot watch the show without comparing the performers to Adam and screaming doesn't make you another Adam. The songs performed by the men tonight were too much like the artists who sing them. Where is the originality and changing it up as Randy often points out. I think Scotty will make it in Nashville and needs to go there for his career. Just have to wait and see the women on Wednesday and what happens there. I know the producers are looking for the next big recording artist, but I don't know if they will find it this season or any time in future shows. I agree that Idol was broken by Adam Lambert and it will never be the same again.
Well, AI will never be the same for us because we can't imagine the show without Adam, but millions of other viewers do not share our passion for him and don't relate everything to him the way we do, ha ha.
I think AI is still fun, and I still get excited watching these young kids trying to make it, even if, as Funbunn40 said, I miss Adam and feel the void when I don't hear his name at all during the show. But it is a little mean to put down these young hopefuls this year. Everyone is always emulating someone, as all have heroes and idols they look up to, whether it be Adam Lambert, Bruno Mars or Luther Vandross. All songs, all notes and all melodies have been sung one day by someone else, so we are bound to notice similarities. Let's just enjoy the show and try to be a bit impartial towards those kids. They are not taking anything away from Adam's formidable talent with their performances anyway. I wish them luck. Especially that little red head Brett, he is very unusual. I don't see him as the Idol, but I hope he goes far in the competition. He is entertaining. Him, Casey, Paul McDonald, James and that strange Clint boy who also gave a good rendition of Stevie Wonder's Superstition tonight.
I agree 1000% with ADAM. Esp Tom Macdonald and James Durbin. Tom is a copycat of Rod STeward just like karaoke and way I can see he tried hard but no way that he can copycat our genius unique superstar...dream on James ! That is so embarrassing to watch him. Seriously! Btw, JLo and Stevens are so sweet, they tried to be easy and encouraging. I am sure they will be more honest time to time. I have the feeling they want to give the contestants more chance and let the viewers decide.
You have to make the song fit you, not you fitting into the song! Adam made each cover of songs, his own! That's originality! It will be impossible to find another Adam Lambert, cuz there isn't anyone like him. Yea , she will be another pop or r&b singer, or he will be another country singer. I certainly don't need that. I want to hear originality. They aren't getting IT, cuz they don't have IT!
Don't know what to make of Adam's tweet to Pink. I liked her, but when you give a gift(WWFM) to someone like Adam Lambert, you should not try to take it back. That's his song, & in my book, WWFM will always be his!! MWAH!! K
Well I'm glad Adam is watching AI...somehow it makes me feel connected to him knowing he's watching the same thing I'm watching LOL! Adam is so intelligent and such a good judge of what talent is that I'd go along with whatever he says. It's possible he was talking in generalities regarding bringing vocals that are more original because it's not like Adam to point the finger at anyone.
I thought JD did better tonight than other nights but it's so obvious he's trying to be just like Adam (don't the judges know that?)I'm sure JD will get a lot of votes but not mine. Casey Abrams will get my vote because he is really unique and brings so much emotion to his performance.He's def got talent so he's my fav guy for now. Can't help myself, I miss Adam on AI so much. Adam brought excitement, charisma, charm, sexy everything to AI. It just isn't the same without him.Don't think it ever can be that way again.
Anon 8:08 pm
Bill What's His Name of the Righteous Brothers is Bill Medley his partner was Bobby Hatfield.
Anon 9:14
Yes, Scotty should head for Nashville. If he makes it into the final 12 he might get that chance with a little exposure.
TO one is going to be the complete package that Adam was. Good looks, great voice. self confidence and years of experience on stage.
We will have to realize lightning rarely strikes twice in the same place.
Adam had every move and note worked out in his head before he opened his mouth. He is a director, sound and lighting and costumer as well as a singer.
Those are hard python boots to fill!
About James Durbin: I'm sure Adam won't mind. There aren't many previous years contestants that aren referred in new seasons (Carrie, and Kelly come to mind). It's a good thing that the general audience is reminded of Adam, even when he's not there!
OMG i watch and re-watch Amerin Idol again and again tonite , i could not believe they are all karaoke, except Scott...but i am not into country song much...not my type... The rest of the candidates...Talking to AI candidates: "oh please...make your own original ! Did you see guys candidates, you should learn to be yourself just like our superstar ADAM ! Stevens and JLo are so kind to you all, but i am sure..just for the first few prepared to be chopped off by the audiences/viewvers !"
No I don't think Adam's tweet was about J. Durban. There were two that definitely were Karaoke. They were so bad I don't recall their names. One is the guy who sang Usher's OMG song and the other guy who sang Burno Mars' Just The Way You Are song. Total Karaoke. These judges are too soft with these contestants. AI should have that vocal coach from hell as a fourth judge to honestly tell them what they should do with her bad ass attitude. LOL!!! That will be a good show!
But as far as originality, I think Scotty and Jacob are original but they are not my cup of tea. Let's see what the girls are gonna do tomorrow!
I though the band was overpowering was all you could hear on most of the contestants and it was awful. I think they played loud so we couldn't hear the singing....please was hard to watch..Paul is my favorite..hope he gets better..
I have only watched all of season 8 (make that obsessed) with only snippets of a couple of other seasons of AI. I tuned in last night and I have to agree with Adam, these are very diff. singers from the typical AI contestants. I wanted to see the most talked about Durban....and I can see him fronting a rock band some day but he "ain't" no Adam in my book. There isn't another Adam, he is an original-only-one on the planet!
The new judges were so much better than Simon. I just never liked him or his hubris. I'm still not a fan of Randy. His lack of vocabulary, etc. bothers me and at times he seems disrespectful to the contestants. JLO and Steven are both more solid than anyone who has judged before imo.
I think Adam was saying that they are original.That Pink is a character,love her more and more.
More twats from Adam on AI:
"Ok caught up on idol: Jacob Lusk-- Werk it the fuck out sister! I'm so excited to hear u sing every week!!"
9 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
"Durbin sounded badass tonight! Lot more control! And while we both have a rock scream I think we're pretty different stylistically."
7 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
I have to say that the singers comng up on this screen this seasons really have voices to think about. I wouldn't underestimate Paul McDonald--he is highly professional and he knows what he is doing. He has an interesting voice and he is very smart. He's pretty unique.
Yeah, but anyway, none of them hold a candle to Adam, fact is.
One thing that some of these contestants need to learn, is humility. James Durbin sounded better last night,but the way he behaves, like yeah I'm so great ,is very annoying! A few others seemed to have that same attitude. Adam knew he had talent, but was always so humble even when Simon gave him a standing ovation for Mad World.I like Scotty, a great voice for country and he seems nice. Jacob can really sing R and B kind of like Fantasia. I liked Adam's comment on Jacob but don't really agree James sounded that badass. Stylistically they are real different. Cannot imagine James sitting on a stool singing Tracks of my Tears.I think the judges are being too soft on a lot of the singers. The guy who sang Bruno Mars was so kareoke, yet Randy loved him. In the past it was all about making the song their own, not just singing it.
I agree with a previous comment about the band. At times it was so loud that it overpowered the performer and I sat there cringing because the band just drowned out the singer. Then you have the backup singers come in and they also are much too loud. What's with all the screaming, trying to reach those high notes and just over the top performances. It seems the men are trying too hard to be something they are not...original, different, unique. Maybe it's all been done before so how can someone come on the show and be different anymore?? I guess you have to look for other traits along with the talent to make up the entire package for the next American Idol. Let's see how the ladies do tonight.
Jacob Lusk has a great voice and is a contender for the AI crown this season. They need a WOW moment to get the audience more interested. I think the ladies are strong, but need to deliver a great performance.
Haven't got to watching past initial auditions yet,seen nothing to motivate me thus far. Who knows maybe I'll get into it as the show goes on? Agree it's probably Adam's diplomatic way of telling young mr D to get a life/voice of his own.;)
Once again, Adam is diplomatic -- "Durbin sounded badass tonight! Lot more control! And while we both have a rock scream I think we're pretty different stylistically." Yes, VERY different stylistically! Adam HAS style ... nuance, control, charisma, etc., etc. But I will agree that Durbin sounded better. I wonder tho if Durbin could ever sing a ballad like Adam, or is he a one-trick pony?
I am totally agree with Adam's tweets on idol, he always give very positive feedback. Durbin carried out a outstanding performance last night to most viewers , the song is catchy upbeat,and he really has a very nice voice to rock. I do admire people with ability to sing like Durbin but I only fall in love with one, only one Adam lambert the first time I have my eyes on him and I know it.
I don't know why people have to be mean, sometimes near bullies. This kid Durbin may have Adam's scream, but they don't sound alike. Adam is technically trained, his voice is amazing. But stop attacking Durbin, he's not gonna copy Adam's style or music. Durbin will go more rock I think. And obviously will need more training.
Some glamberts need to grow up, leave behing their hateful tweets and embrace other people. Their "copycat" comments are so annoying, it's like some Tokio Hotel fans that accuse Adam of being a Bill Kaulitz copycat. Not good.
Anyway, found this video of Durbin and I don't think he sounds like Adam:
First, I don't think Adam was speaking about any contestant(s) in particular, that's so not his style (I can't recall him putting another vocalist down). IMO, he was simply stating what most of us have been saying since last season, give us originality, creativity, style and great vocals. After seeing last night's show... I definitely think Scotty's an original (and I'm not a huge country fan). I have to be honest, James Durbin actually did pretty well last night. However, in terms of likability, not so well, everything about him screams arrogance. I think he got the memo that AI is looking for the non-gay copy of Adam. Too bad he didn't read the fine print which says "There ain't no such animal, so just be yourself."
At any rate, I think this season's hopefuls are head and shoulders above last season. Can't wait to see how the Ladies handle things tonight.
@7:54 thanks for that link, that was a completely different side to JD. No one will ever replace Adam, but I'm really liking JD also. No- they are not alike.
You guys please don't hate this year 'Idol'. I know it's boring without our adam but at least it doesn't have something like this:
Ps: I don't know if any of you have seen it. And i don't know if you can watch it in your country, either. But have fun.
Just watched my video of Idol from last night. Lots of GOOD voices from the guys, but I'm NOT a Durbin fan. He has little vocal control or nuance. He's just trying too hard and I think he'll flame out soon. Just because he wears a bandana and gels up his hair, doesn't mean much to me. BUT the judges keep giving him high marks and the young girls will think he's cute and will vote for him no matter what I think. I'd like to see a few of the other guys advance instead. None of them give me goosebumps like Adam did, EVERY TIME HE CAME ON STAGE!
Thank you anon 7:54 for the link. Sorry to say I didn't finish the vid cuz I thought Durbin was just... boring. Actually, when Adam says they are different stylistic, I can hear it , but I also hear a richness in Adam's voice compared to durbin's.& Adam's singing or talking, is so SEXY!! MWAH! K
Lolo, lol, thaks for the new & improved AI! now that had a lil bit of entertainment.
Listening to Adam in Paris with WLL, my GOD! Adam just blows my mind!! Paris was one of my favs cuz he was "inspired" lol!!! MWAH! K
The band is really intrusive, surely someone in authority will correct that. I Hope. I'm missing Ricky Minor since he moved on to Leno's show. JM
Yes, yes! Adam's voice has a natural depth and warm richness to it that is unmatched. Durbin tries hard, but his voice is thin and strained in comparison. Also, Adam's sex appeal is beyond belief! Don't feel it at all with JD.
love Pink she is too cute
Because we all love Adam so so much it is hard to be objective. But I will say this in my heart there is no one this season that has the whole package, of the guys anyway. Have to listen to the girls tonight. Not one guy has the vocal versatility, performance capability ( wow two ity words), charisma, sexiness, gorgeousness, sweetness, sense of humor, confidence mixed with humbleness,personality, kindness, and could keep going but won't. Adam is a once in a lifetime gift.
Christina was looking for a bad boy and got one.
To be honest that remark above about them wanting to find a non gay Adam, bought fear to my heart. I will be so pissed off if that is the case and they push JD to the fame that Adam deserves.
I agree JD doesnt have Adams heart, emotion or finesse. Though he does the Rck sound well. lets wait for a ballad and see how he does.
Relaxx 1:11 aaaiiint happpenin
That would be a real sad case if it's even a possibility, but what a feather in Adam's cap to have his name and memory a constant presence. =)
JD certainly has a nice voice...and a sad story... But he can't compare to Adam's richness, talent and vocal control.
NO ONE, and I mean NO ONE can reach, soar, bend and finish those notes like Adam... NO ONE.
This guy MIGHT reach a note, but it's strained, screamed and NOT finished. and a lot of the time F L A T ---
One of the most amazing things about Adam's talent is not only the BEAUTY of his voice and range, but HOW he controls it... He reaches the note perfectly, then goes on from there! Swells it, bends it, riffs it... runs it... brings it back down, and finishes it beautifully, PERFECTLY. The fact that he's drop dead gorgeous with a perfect smile doesn't hurt either.
PINK!!! Freakin' hilarious comment...
Gotta love her.
After Adam I don't watch anymore of AI. I don't have anything to say about it but good luck who ever wins.....
Can't wait for Adams new ALBUM!!!! YUP !!!!!!
More exciting right????????????????
Mom from Toronto, Canada
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