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Adam Lambert at LAX 4 Apr 2011

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Thanks to Adam Pictures and Danilo85!


Anonymous said...

I would have recognized him That boy can really change it up!

Anonymous said...

One bag only. bb is traweling light :)

Anonymous said...

Does he really think we wouldn't know him? Ha. Don't like facial hair--on anyone. But if anyone can make it work, it's our boy. Safe travels angel and happy Sauli day.

Anonymous said...

When were this pics taken? The title at the top says 4 April? Didn't he just grow the facial hair in the last few days? When he went to collaborate with Nikka Costa, just a few days ago there was no facial hair. I'm confused.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so handsome. Like a movie star. So different. Confusing. They checked him from top to toe. Our boy! Sanni

Anonymous said...

I would like to be the checker...Hmmmmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

Did he think that we would not find him......Have fun BB.......stay out of trouble

Anonymous said...


Is that a gun Adam's carrying in his jeans or

is he just glad to go see Sauli?????


Anonymous said...

Love him wearing gray and his signature black but the BROWN outfit he wore once on Ellen show was off the charts HOT! How does he do it? He can ROCK anything!! Love the well-groomed facial hair on him as twist. If Adam thinks he is going incognito/undercover -- it ain't working!!

His fans can spot him anywhere - even when he t was Dusty Madrid!! ha ha !!

Anonymous said...

Traveling he can know he
LOVES that!!!

Anonymous said...

I want to do the pat down!!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

If I ever saw him in the airport I would faint. When I came to I'd have to help him remove any clothing before he went through the scanner. I bet he travels super early or late so less people are in the airport. Nothing can disguise that beautiful face.

LP said...

He has his carry on with him, other luggage was prolly checked in already. Maybe he will spend some time in NY with Sauli.
Adam had business to take care of in LA, and Sauli should have finished his roadshow in NY, by now. Adam loves New York, could be he has some business there too and tied it all together with Sauli. Of course I am assuming a heck of a lot LOL, but don't we all.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the checker in pic #5 is not fooled.

Anonymous said...

The pic “Adam Lambert and Wendy Robinson” at NYC airport is dated 2011/19/4 21:54. So, it means that he was at LAX around 3 PM.

(It means also that he has already spent one night with Sauli.)

Anonymous said...

Off - topic. Does anybody know what that pendant represents that he is wearing sooo very often now? Does it represent some protective or spiritual thing?? Seems to be his fav lately!

If discussed b/4 on 24/7 - I missed it. Can anybody enlighten me on this?


Urethra_Franklin said...

If I may be cray for just one moment...some lucky TSA saw his uncensored 4D glambulge. That is the only thought in my head right now. Where are those hackers when we need them?

I now return to sanebert status.

Anonymous said...

need some help with voting...Q102 "the ultimate idol bracket" can't believe R. Studdard is getting alot of votes today...check it out! on the home page wait for the idol advertisment to appear.. click...thanks

Anonymous said...

OT - there are only 10 more hours to vote for these 2 categories on MTV's O Music Awards:
The Examiner says there will be an actuall award ceremony in Vegas.

Anonymous said...

What a Rocker! Man! Check his rising arm, see any tattoo? I like his jacket, need to get one for myself.

Anonymous said...

If I worked for TSA that boy would always be tagged for extra security! The silver lining to pat downs.

LP said...

On AdamOfficial, they were all saying that he arrived in NY. They were also hoping he might have some time with Max Martin, cuz he has a studio there. But the obvious reason for Adam to go to NY was to see Sauli

Anonymous said...

"They were also hoping he might have some time with Max Martin, cuz he has a studio there."

Why aren't they hoping that Adam has just a lovely vacation in NYC. Don't they think that he is entitled to it?

Anonymous said...

He went through the scanner with all his rings, bracelets and sun glasses on! HAHAHAAAA! WANTED to be patted down!

The Dark Side said...

Love all the wild speculations! If this was Adam's idea of going incognito, total fail. A little face hair can't tone down the glam. Hope he enjoys trip, etc. Personally, love all the change ups.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but he does not look to happy to be recognized!!! Dont worry bb I am sure sauli will make you feel better soon. ha ha

choons said...

There is a new show on at the Met in NYC on Alexander McQueen - bet he'll check that out.
He looks pretty (and) dudely these days.

Anonymous said...

This is hysterical- the cleaning lady at the elevator looked in shock. The security women was smiling hugely as BB went through security (she must be a glambert)Personally, I love this look on adam, it's makes him look alittle older but sexy as hell if that's even possible. his look will be all changed again in time so we don't have to look to deep, BB definetly keeps it interesting.


Anonymous said...

ooh its a payback time.. Sauli has refused to shave his so now its his turn to have red burns ;)

Anonymous said...

Love this man!!! Don't like the beard though...Just saying,......

Fan4fun said...

@ HeartAdam4Ever

Hi fellow, as I have already said several days ago, that neclace simbolizes a spiritual protection (kind of white magic coming from African beliefs mixed with Christianism). In Brazil we call it a «PATUÁ». The small sac is made of leather or special fabric and keeps together little peaces of things like leaves, roots, bone, fur, metal, seeds... sometimes a little prayer written in paper. It doesn't mean any evil. On the contrary, it's to avoid the evil, and it really works for who believes (not my case). I myself prefer to ask God to bless my sweet Adam at least 3 times a day. I truly believe it works better.

Anonymous said...

He does catch the eyes of females and males alike. Check out those people watching him take it off. Should imagine they are celebrity immune, but doesn't look like it to me.

Fan4fun said...

Pic. # 3
What is my sweet Adam doing? Taking off his shoe? Why? Is the phone ringing? (suddenly reminds me Agent 86 Maxwell Smart in «Get Smart»)LOL

Anonymous said...

Adam probably went To NYC to see Sauli, but maybe he also went to a Broadway musical or two. I could recommend PRISCILLA QUEEN OF THE DESERT since his friend Will Swenson (from HAIR) is in the show as one of the leads. There are also the clubs, the night life and maybe some recording to be done. Too bad the weather is not, rainy, some fog in the morning. Whatever he does, hope he has fun and enjoys his time there.

Anonymous said...

You have reached true celebrity status when hundreds???? of people are so happy just viewing photos of you walking thru an airport. I have watched it 3 times now!

Should I have said thousands?????.........JAK

Anonymous said...

Love the Pic's. I have a question: Does Adam own Adam Pictures.Com? I didn't see any other pap's around, so does he have his own photo guy?

I was on computer this AM approx. 1:43, when the tweet 420 come. There are 3 hours ahead in New York, from LA. It takes about 6 hours to get from Vegas to NY non stop. So I think that is the time he arrived in NY.

Maybe I am wrong, but is our boy looking a little thinner? I do worry him, all us mothers do. New home, new music, bf, writing, etc, I hope he remembers to eat. I know, I know, he can take care of himself. Still.............

I like his hair, not crazy about it being sky high. He looks great, whata hunk.


Anonymous said...

Should be " They are 3 hours"


Anonymous said...

I do worry about him. not I do worry him.
Man he can get to us, can't remember my english.


Anonymous said...

Okay, ladies (and any guys who are interested), go back and check out pic #3 where he's taking off his boot. His pants are so low on his beautiful butt, that I'm surprised they stayed up!

Oh yeah! and pic #5 with the lady with the huge smile while BB is in that scanner-thingy. I bet she got a good glimpse of the Glambulge!

Anonymous said...

D@#n, he's looking good! I think I'll never get enough of our boy!

Anonymous said...

WOW! HE really looks like a rock star!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh!!!! My Dear Adam!!!!!!

You are not an ordinary celebrity indeed.....

You can do what ever you want my dear and still you look like a King of personalities.......

You can change anything you like my dear and I'm a fan forever.

Have fun and be safe!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

i'm sorry adam i love you but oh gosh my eyes squinted (not for good reasons) looking at your beard. but i still love you :)

Magiclady said...

Damn he looks hot in these pictures. But love the picture of him taking off boots!

Anonymous said...

Did they search a bomb or a gun in his pants or what?!

Anonymous said...

What did they expect to find in his boots?


Anonymous said...


They just wanted to strip him and pat him all over. I could pat him all over too and search for the gun...


Anonymous said...

@Sanni :-)

Yeah, of course! So stupid of me. I wonder if they found the cannon.


Anonymous said...

@Eva ;D Sanni

coloforadam said...

Female security persons ...... smiling ...... lots!! Only time in my life I have wished to have that job. Just think of the "contacts" they make at LAX - George C., Brad P., Adam L., Adam L., Adam L.