Adam Lambert at the Sister Act Red Carpet 4/20/11
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Adam Lambert shows off his facial hair while hitting the red carpet at the opening night performance of the Broadway musical Sister Act on Wednesday (April 20) at the Broadway Theatre in New York City.

Photo credits: JustJared,
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Photo credits: JustJared,
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Read that Barbara Walters was also there. Maybe she'll invite him back to The View - WOULDNT THAT BE GOOD! Really like how he looks, especially the shots on the street by the car! Handsome man! ...... Adamluv
Oh my, thud! Good night and I will dream of sexy pirates or at least one named Adam Lambert!!!!!
So glad he got to hook up with Sauli. I hope they enjoyed the show. A new look again for Adam, his smile shines thu on the last picture. Oh to be young again.
Adam looks serious and come out the car like a 70's movie star in charge. But he looks damn sexy and happy on the red carpet. Never a dull moment.
Just how gorgeous is this man going to get? Just when I think it can't get any better.....
Oh My Holy Lord - it never ends with this stunning, handsome, rock-god, gorgeous man. Everyday is like cupcakes and cocktails!! Every look he comes up with, I wanna say, DON'T change a thing and then he does and drops me to the freakin' floor!! The LAX pictures haven't shown up here yet but they are on Adamquote and are just devotedly devastating!! Thank you, Adam dear, for all our delicious moments!!
He just looks dreamy. He looks great, and so happy to see Sauli with him. Adam is handsome no matter what. Frankly, he is perfection. Thx for the pics. From CA to NY. Probably working as well. Adam has wonderful fashion sense. I am in love.
OOPs I goofed - the LAX pictures are here - just misdated. They are wonderful. He just dominates every scene!
Looooooooking Goooooooood! Very tasty.
Among other things I like the bronze necklace.
Note to KW ....... the pirate is back!.....JAK
Wonder who the lady is with the pink purse. Whatever she is talking about is really getting Adam and Sauli's undivided attention. They are really focused on what she has to say. Anyone know?
Adam looks amazing as usual. I could look at pictures of him forever. It just gets better!!
He SHAVED IT OFF!! He said it will be coming back.
Join Twitter. More Pictures. More Tweets. He's so
close to a million!!!
@coloforadam No, darling, you can't say Holy Lord:)
I would agree it you say, Adam, you are evil! And I will not sleep tonight and night after and night....... after I saw this photos!
I didn't like Adam's facial hair when he had long hair. But now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Adam. darling, I have to go to sleep! I have to go at work tomorrow!
But I want to see these pictures again and again and..................
Do you know what I have to do, ladies? I don't think any sleep pills can help!
I think the girl with the pink purse is saying to Adam that the lead singer for the musicalhas a sore throat and they want him to fill in. Adam is wondering if that would be ok with Sauli... haha
I like how they coordinate their outfits
LOL! Adam looks totally pissed off at Sauli in that one picture. Now someone will say that's 'the look of love'. Hahaha!
No,definitely not a look of love....wonder what happened?!
Looks like to me Adam just found out that they expect him on the red carpet, and he wants to get Sauli seated first. They might be at the wrong entrance for red carpet. I didn't expect him on the red carpet either, thought he was part of the audience. I guess Sauli will have to get used to being with a super star, not easy.
Looks like the lady screwed up something for Adam. You know he hates anyone saying "NO" to him. I am sure he is not mad at Sauli.But they were quite serious talking to the lady. Hope it all worked out in the end.
Good morning everyone (or good night). Here in Finland we have nice and beautiful morning.
9:13 I don't think that's pissed off look. Adam just listening what Sauli says. Anyway we don't know because we wasn't there and I don't care. Pics are very niceeeeee. I even like Adam's beard, ADORABLE. Now I must go gold shower. Have a nice day or night.
Girl from Finland
I think Adam dressed fairly casual and wasn't expecting to be on the red carpet
Wish the troll would take a hike...
And Sweetie from Finland I hope you didn't give yourself a gold shower! You are adorable yourself.
Lizard Eyes
The ugly duckling turned into a beautiful
black swan, and boy is he making the most
of it, best time of his life !
Deserves it too.
Kelowna Fan XXX
Obviously a guess but maybe adam wanted to walk in with sauli and was told he had to walk the red carpet and meet up inside!! Either way he does not look happy as he is getting out of the car hopefully sauli was able to cheer him up-- By the way I love this look on him he looks even sexier as if that was possible.
Fainted again !!.....I Looooove this look . ADAM you are killing all of us : cannot sleep tonight !!
Sauli is very stylish too ! I think Sauli and ADdam both have same taste when comes to fashion eventhough Sauli usually dressed simpler...(may be because he does not make as much money as ADam yet...) We shall wait for a year or two....when they both will be more successful....I am glad that ADAM is happy now, he often has Sauli with him wherever he goes...
I think the lady looked at him and said get the heck out of here we are waiting for Adam Lambert, move your limo now so he can get in here. What? Your Adam Lambert.
Wow - I must say, Adam looks so debonaire!! My god. However, I think this neat little goatie also makes him look more "gay" - jump on me if you'd like. I know that sounds like a stereoptypical comment, but he just looks a little too...what's the word..."neat and tidy". He usually has a very masculine edge to me, but not with this overly-coifed facial hair. Not saying he doesn't look smokin' hot and extrememly handsome....just sayin'!
Love - Adam Fix
poor Adam ,too gay not gay enough.All he has to be is himself, as far as I am concerned.I hope I never look too straight.
Lizard Eyes, you are too adoroble and YIF I took a very very gold shower, but it didn't help much because I open computer and watch those pictures again, hmmmmmm. Troll comes ands goes just dont't ignore them. Now I must go to work and then I pack things and I go on a week vacation in Lapland. And quess what I'm going to do???? I go to slaloming in Lappland :)
Good day for everyone and please be kind to each other.
Girl from Finland
@Adam Fix Actually, I think Adam looks more straight than gay with this facial hair:)
And Sauli looks like Adam's young brother who did something wrong:)
Adamm looks so serious, I even would say agressive on some of these pictures, isn't he?
There are more pic's on Just Jared. Pink purse lady was near Adam on the Red (Blue) carpet. You can see part of her hair and coat. Looks like something got mixed up by the pointing going on between her and Adam.
Adam tweeted "Met Patti Labelle. Gagging. I live." (You see this by his twitter at top of page.
I saw on twitter pic of Adam/Sauli in a crowd.
don't know if it was intermission or after show.
Glitzlady will prop. get it for here.
he met Patti Labelle but I don't understand the gagging part?
@ Girl from Finland:
I wish I could get one of those Gold showers. Hope you have a happy and safe vacation.
Know how you feel about the pics, I have looked and looked at them. I think he looks so hand-some and mature.
Good thing nobody here reads my posts because Adam was messing around & tweeted an old tweet that said he shaved it off, but it will be back.
It was from Jan.,the last time he had a beard. Maybe he is planning on shaving....who knows with
When he is looking seriously at Sauli....he is saying It's Me Sauli, don't you recognize me?Haha
Yea that lady seems to be giving them some disturbing news.
They said the picture P.A.S was after the show, but it does look like intermission.
Maybe cause Patti Labelle is a great singer, she took his breath away. That's why he said "I live". I wonder if his dad has her music, he may have heard her when he was young.
Just opened the site and that man just kills me!!! How can a man be so so gorgeous!! I can hardly breath or drink my mornin´ coffee. Geez!!
This is illegal!
The lady looks more like a fan than anyone connected to Adam, or affiliated with the theatre, but who knows? Adam looks annoyed, but doubt it has anything to do with Sauli, he's always so good natured. Adam always commands attention, no matter the look! He's stunning and looks theatrical to me with the beard and very black eyebrows. His eyes look very intense, reminding me of Othello. Adam definitely makes a statement and is a heartstopper! funbunn40
Adam's gorgeousness is too much for words! Can you just imagine what it would be like to stand close to him and look into that perfect, handsome face? Thud.
It is 2:30 am and I have been going thru my favorites...just heard Adam sing Starlight on the Idol tour (probably for the 100th time). I know this is OTT but I hope every day that I hear Adam is working on a new song with Matt Bellamy (Muse), Starlight is so beautiful and Matt gave him Soaked which gives me goosebumps.I know it's not going to happen but it would be a dream team.
Now to the matter at hand....Adam is stunning and Sauli is adorable I hope they had a great time. I sort of liked seeing Adam's stern look, very sexy! I'm old and should be in bed. Good Night and Good Morning wherever you are..JAK
9:13 PM and 9:29 PM; Are you serious? What if that look means: "What the heck, I have to go to the red/blue carpet. Damn! Try to get in and find me inside." It's nice to think the meaning of the look; just one camera shot and millions (well quite many) of questions.
@Girl from Finland
Hauskaa lomaa Lapissa sinulle!
Olet ihana!!!!
Adam you are a Rock Star and you wear it well.
Adam tonight at the Warrior Single Release Party at Industry Bar, New York City with Mila Jam:
Thanks for the link!!
Very nice pics above here by the way.
That man really surprises us every day!!
Thanks! and yes, Adam is NEVER boring!
Here's a really BIG version of one of the Adam and Sauli ones : )
And one more BIG picture of Adam..very close up! Every whisker, every chest hair....LOL!! Oh yes...and those eyes!
Geez. He is freaking me out with that "mask" even though I do like facial hair.
But I cannot believe I missed him on Broadway by two weeks. I wonder whether Sisiter Act is the same crap as Mamma Mia was... That was also an option for me to see.
GEEZ!! I almost dropped off the chair!!! Wow what a closeup with every hair in it´s place. And the one with Sauli is just great. Hey thanks a lot dear!!!
One last link to a picture..someone mentioned it earlier..This is the best I could do for a link to the probable (?) intermission picture..or before...or after..Sister Act..Its a little blurry...but its Adam! Not sure who took the original picture...
@ Glitzlady:
I knew you would get the pics. I have faith in you. I lurk in twitter, but don't know how to get pic's to this site. Thank you.
I got into a link from someone on twitter that had 125 pics of Adam in GNT and other shows, and boy of boy, saw many GB's. I got lost there for a long time. It is almost 2 AM, time to hit the sheets.
Fun video of Adam!
Maybe the woman is giving some new directions to Adam? She's right there as soon as Adam comes from the car and he looks surprised when listenig to her. Maybe she says that Adam and Sauli have to use different entrances and that's why they are all whaaaat? Adam through the red carpet and Sauli through the normal route like someone allready suggested above...
I don't know what has happen that one picture where Adam looks angry but Sauli seems to be as relax as usual so no worries.
Photo 3 is my favourite, and thanks for the link to that MASSIVE photo. :D The same photo came up on every link.
Maybe it's Adam's beard that makes him appear angry. To me, he just looks serious, not angry.
I personally think that the pics of Adam looking serious are just capturing a moment in time..Maybe just listening to something, or trying to hear through all the noise around them..Who knows! We all have our weird pictures that someone caught us in an awkward pose, or making a strange face....and why I'm so glad someone invented digital cameras with a "delete" button!
@2:12 AM
"The same photo came up on every link"? Should definitely be different ones. Wonder why, because when I pull them up there are two different (giant!) pictures.. And the link addresses are slightly different too. Seems like they worked for @Ronnie... Try again?? (Worth it!!)
Left you a post on Adam/Sauli by Lee Cherry thread.
A moment in time! That´s right! Pics are always a moment in time. It amazes me that so many need to guess and speculate about every picture. "Adam is pissed, angry at Sauli, upset, aggressive..."
If you just saw a still photo of Adam listening to Smokey Robinson´s explanation about "Tracks Of My Tears", you would think he was pissed at him and ready to slap his face, when he in fact was listening to him very carefully, taking everything in.
Isn´t Adams expression on that 6:th photo similar?
@daydreaming 1:55 AM
Naughty Puppy!
@glitzy dear 2:22!!
Yeah worked with me!! Saw different pics ok.
@Eva 2:31 AM agree!!!!
Funny how folks think someone is angry when he/she is not smiling all the time. Adam is just concentrating on something what Sauli is saying. We are so used to those smiling pics of Adam that a serious one is alarming right away!
@glitzy dear!
I saw a tiny SPIKE on Adam´s right ear. Is it a stand for the massive silver ear-jewellery-thing-what-ever?! Take a look!
He is scrummylicious!! I can see no angry man just one who is serious for a brief moment in time and I think this look makes him look more serious anyway.
My morning to start with Damn, Damn, Damn, Adam.....
You are such a ROCK GOD INDEED MY DEAR.....
You are one of a heck genius and a handsome man...
Wow, everything you it makes us crazy.........
Gorgeous man, and very stylist..... Just wow....
Those eyes are such a killer........
@Mom from Toronto, Canada!!!
Ditto Damn Damn Adam is killing us!!!!
Oh my god Oh my god
Sauli is soooo C-U-T-E ! I'm falling in love with him too.
perhaps the serious look was 'cos Adam didn't like the idea they'll have different entrances and Sauli, by his calm expression, probably was just telling Adam "it's alright, I'll be okay".
We start to look like CSI investigator. LoL Adam look very sexy and cute.
For sleepwalker lover, very nicely done improved version
Yes, I too saw the little spike in the super close up! not sure what that is, but interesting!
Just curious...Do we actually know they had separate entrances..why wouldn't they both walk the red carpet? Sauli is Adam's date, they are a he would most likely stay with him don't you think?? We just don't see Sauli in the pictures from the red carpet..From my vast experience involving red carpets,(which is none..but I know people who have done it..the VIP thing and all...) etc., it seems if people come together, they stay together...Sauli would just perhaps be standing out of camera range. Just guessing..not that it really matters! I still think Adam's serious expressions are just a moment in time captured by the paparazzi. And serious or smiling for the cameras, he looks quite handsome.
One more before I head off to work (Real Life again..), here is the latest page from Adam Quote Daily.. "Adam the Pirate Returns!"..check out the Adam as Pirate picture at the top of the page! So dashing..(photoshopped but still so cute!)
It really is so much fun reading all the explanations of why Adam is not smiling/giddliy happy/making heart eyes to Sauli etc I personally dont see why Adam doesnt have Sauli on the red carpet with him and introduce him . Other couples do , its just a matter of respecting your date
I think he looks intense because he is making sure Sauli is Ok and to him that is serious business. New York City with the crazy paps who wouldn't be serious right. I think the look is striking myself. It shows his strong side which I find ultra sexy. Those eyes,etc are just mesmorizing to say the least. I was suppose to be in New York this week to visit my son however work was having a sale and couldn't get time off. Bummer!
6:05 Must we know think that Adam doesn´t respecting Sauli? Not good behaviour. If the reason why Sauli is not on the red carpet is that he does´t want to go to there. He let Adam shine in spot lights. There are so many opinion as here are writers. This is so hilarious to read everybody make the explanations and after all we don´t know anything their life and thats good.
I know Sauli and I know for sure that he wouldn't like to go to the red carpet in USA. He doesn't want that kind of publicity.
This is New York and life is hectic. It is probably up to the organization who would be on the red carpet. Everything is well planned, organized before show time.
Did you notice from these pictures that Sauli has the same ring in his right hand finger, which he has (all the time) a neck chain in Finland after Bora Bora trip, hmmmmmm.... Just joking. Don't be angry for me. I have only noticed that Sauli has started using rings in his hands.
Girl from Finland have you already leave vacation? Have a nice time in Lappland.
Twitter update with "I will follow him" from Sister Act as background music:
I think also that Sauli doesn't want to go to the red carpet because of the publicity but I don't have any idea what Adam want's and what is the custom in USA.
DAMN..Adam is rocking hot and sexy!!!!!
Well, all I can say is "Does he ever look bad"?
A great set of pics to start my day.
I like the facial hair, he looks very good with it.
Big smile! That video with "I will follow him" is so touching. Love it! Thank you Anon 7:05AM
the first pic makes me think of a vampire.
Sauli should have been on that red carpet.
Tired of double standards!
Adam looking bloody amazing! He is a mastermind of wonderment. I just love the fact even though he always plays a part, he is still so darn real! Love him!
Sauli wasn't the star here. Adam was. I don't think this whole thing is that deep. Sauli knows the ropes, and he knows that the photogs were there to take pix of Adam. I can't imagine him standing there on the red carpet with Adam. I'm so glad Adam was there with the New York crowd. He was born to be in the spotlight. He fits right in the the New York scene so effortlessly.
That lady is probably directing Adam to walk the red carpet WITHOUT Sauli and because it's a date, Adam is most likely not happy about it.
Adam looks gorgeous and Sauli has a cute shaped head and always smiles. Two beautiful souls!
Seventh photo down, shows the inside of Adam's jacket is leopard. Would love to get inside that jacket.
It's my favorite and it's his birthday jacket.
He always looks so hot and mixes everything up so beautifully.
Wonder what those coins are. I'd love to get into his jewelry too.
So interesting!
Isn't Sauli just the cutest thing you have ever seen? (other than Adam of course, and my own children, lol)
Sauli's lips just seem always poised to start a smile. He seems to have a calmness about him that will be good for Adam.
ADAM has found his Viking just like he said he would in an interview long ago. That's when he said his dad is a Norseman by ancestry ... can't remember which one ... there are soooo many ... I'll have to look it up. Now ... for my opinion about the above pic ... ADAM & Sauli arrive at the theater knowing full well that ADAM will be on the Red Carpet ... are greeted by a rep who is instructing ADAM about the proceedure ... or perhaps telling them to sim[ly follow her 'this way' ... not so much paparazzi to deal with to which ADAM is listening intently so as not to make a mistake being the perfectionist that he is ... maybe ADAM doesn't want Sauli to have to deal with them ... therefore the UNsmiling look on his face & Sauli is reassuring ADAM that it won't be a problem ... how do you like my version?
tess4ADAM:I think your version might be close to the truth.Your version is my version also.
It´s funny how much people read into these seconds of snapshots anyway.
Can't mind read, so have no idea why Adam not smiling. However, Sauli seems to always be smiling. No notion who gal is, but she's having a bad hair day and WTF is with the pink purse? I guess I am not Hollywood enough!
Sauli is not always smiling but he is definitely more in a good mood than in a bad mood. I wonder how long Adam will keep his facial hair...
It just amazes me how much discussion and comments Adam's facial hair and his expresssions brings out from the bloggers. Adam just becomes the center of attention whether or not he wants to be. He can't blend into a crowd no matter how he looks. He always seems to be very gracious before the cameras and during a red carpet interview. Hope he had a good time at Sister Act; it received relatively positive reviews from the local papers. We don't know anything about Adam's thoughts or expressions that night; all we can do is speculate and that can be fun.
I love Sauli just the way he is - but I betcha he could mix up his hair styles too. Would love to see Sauli with a full head of hair. He also looks good in darker hair too from other pics posted on utube.
Adam really is soo protective of Sauli. I think his serious look is one of concern for Sauli. That place must have been soo chaotic when they arrived - you could see in other pics Adam looking the scene over a bit more.
Sauli is always pleasant and takes things in stride - I love the fact that he jokes he did not have to bring a camera when he came to the states because "people were everywhere taking your picture".
His humor and good nature are sooo good for Adam! Sauli strives to keep things on an even keel and keeps things positive!
Have fun boys!!
Girl from Finland
Have a wonderful time slaloming in Lappland. Please kiss a reindeer for me.
Finnish in America
My interpretation of Adam's stern expression is that Sauli chose not to go on the red carpet. Being a Finn, I understand him. He is not the star, Adam is. And Adam is mad at Sauli about that. Cultural differences they should really discuss.
HOT!!! SEXY!!!
Pirate like!
These guys wear their pants so damn low and with that belt just above.....! SO hot!!!
Una mirada al adorable Adam Lambert, siempre sabe qué usar en cada ocación, disfruta y es feliz, a la hora de elegir su guardarropa, como lo hizo cuando era niño, al jugar con disfraces, es también comedido y puede repetir accesorios o piezas, utilizadas en otros eventos demostrando que no es necesario, utilizar todo nuevo (ostentación ) el sabe que combinar, tiene su maravilloso "GLAMOUR.
Ahora Adán, tiene una gran autoestima por su imagen Corporal, esto es algo fabuloso, ya que es parte de su felicidad en la vida personal y en su arte. Es un hombre muy guapo, un espectáculo a la vista. Bellas imágenes!!!!!
glitzylady gracias por el Espectacular enlace!!!
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