Adam Lambert Presenting at the NewNowNext Awards!
Filed Under (news,tv appearances ) by Admin on Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, April 05, 2011

From Adam Lambert Fan Club:
Adam will be presenting at Logo network's, NewNowNext Awards! Tune in next Monday, April 11th at 10/9c.
Source: AdamLambertfans
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yeah ...great news he performing also? got my fingers crossed
he is suitable for modeling!
more photos pls~
I love this picture! Gorgeous Man!
Give me a minute to drift away, back to the 50's when every boy in high school dressed like this.
Okay, that's long enough, I'm thrilled with the news we will see Adam N.N.B. on the tv screen, I have pinned a big note to the curtain by my chair
in TV room. No way I can miss it. :) JAK :)
Adam could do almost anything, movie, fashion.. He is so multitalented. His face is timeless. @JAK I love to hear your time shifts!! Sanni
Thank god there are NO fine ass handsome sexy men in my neighborhood, otherwise I wouldn't have worked.
I've lived thru 7 1/2 decades, that's a lot of history and my memories go back clear as day to when I was four and swinging in a cherry tree.
I can visit anywhere I want during that period, it's kind of cool! Growing old is a new adventure! ..........JAK
Adam need to make at least one movie, a sexy one and then I can watch for the rest of my life. LOL
Good Lord! What are you trying to do to us? Now you have another gorgeous sexy hot handsome freaking unbelievable picture up for the second day in a row. Give a fan a break, would ya?
My DVR can't wait to get more Adam in it.
I don't think this one made it into Details, did it? Thanks Thanks Thanks for posting it.
A James Dean look like movies back in the fifties.
Too young but watched reruns. Jak I love how you find aging an adventure. You are an inspiration on this site. You will be forever young in heart and mind! Sure Adam helps keep you young too.
I just love it when Adam is at home! All the opportunities for appearances!! Sightings!! Parties!! Ok, calming down now. Gotta go set the DVR.
How many guys you can name, living right now, that look gorgeous and have a stellar singing voice? I know of two: Adam Lambert and JT. To me Eminem is cute, also, but he can't sing.
Nope. Timberlake and Eminem look like little boys. The only other gorgeous, articulate, generous, sexy and talented singer out there, who can also dance, is Ricky Martin.
I don't suppose I would have any luck at all suggesting my scruffy U.K. crush James Blunt?
You're Beautiful-Same Mistake-One of the Brightest Stars-Carry You Home-Cry-1973-Goodbye My Lover........he's not "pretty" but he's "my type" and has an unusual voice.
I alternate between his music and Adams....JAK
got my DVR set
Agreed! Adam needs to make a movie...but he's so tall, and most movie stars are SHORT!!! Sorry to say it, but more than most are really, really short, and Adam would be towering over most of them, even on Glee. Probably why he's not invited. Being tall dark and gorgeous has its drawbacks when mostly what you get are short average and blah. Clint Eastwood, who is also very tall, did many character driven roles that emphasized his height--think Dirty Harry. Well we are ready for another Dirty Harry type, so get with the program Hollywood. That is if you want to sell tickets.
JAK I've read that you are 75. How is it that you've only lived in 7 and one half decades. I've lived in 8 decades and I'm 62. 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's, 10's. You might want to check your math.
Love this pic of Adam from the Details shoot. It has always made me think they should remake A Streetcar Named Desire with Adam as Stanley Kowalsksi. It seems to me he is looking for STELLA! You younger ones won't understand this but JAK will.
@2:36 - Adam is way shorter than the dude who plays Finn, about the same as Puck, little taller than Sue and shorter than coach Beist (sp).
Love this photo, and my first thought was 'james dean' too.
Hk fan
2:56 p.m.
I have never claimed to be good at math--in fact it terrifies me to this day. I went to buy chemicals for the pool recently and counter guy said "just figure how many you need by the depth, length and width of the pool".
I turned pale and gasped "that's Algebra!" he did it for me!.......JAK
3:05 p.m.
Hmmmmmmmmmm Adam in torn sweaty undershirt screaming STELLA with hands holding his head in anger and despair.......Yep! I remember that movie! .......oh yes!........JAK
can someone plese tell me What station this is on? Logo tv network- never heard of it and I have cable. is that 10:00 p.m. easterntime U.S. @ Glitzylady your good at this stuff? Help!
Your algebra comment...
Honestly, you're too funny sometimes :D
@ JAK,
You are hilarious indeed ha!ha!ha! Algebra no way !!!!!!! I always skip that subject ha!ha!ha!
So excited to see Adam being a presenter again...
Can't wait....
Ok, so this is driving me crazy and I had to jump in...
If someone is 75:
0-10 = decade 1
11-20 = decade 2
21-30 = decade 3
31-40 = decade 4
41-50 = decade 5
51-60 = decade 6
61-70 = decade 7 plus 5 more years = 7 1/2 decades. So, JAK, your math is fine!
I believe Anon was talking about living IN a decade including being part of the decade.
I hate math, too.
Ok, this is ridiculous, but what the hell...
If a person is 75 in 2011 that means he/she was born in 1936. I'm right, yes?
Soooo... That means they lived in the
JAK, I congratulate you for having wittnessed 9 decades :)
JAK I want to reach your age and still rock Ha!ha!ha!... It is really a delightful to read your comments here and everyone are sharing their thoughts about you indeed ha!ha!ha!
Way to go guys and goodnight for now... Need to go to bed and work again tomorrow ( shoot)
5:12 p.m........and 6:08
Math was the only school subject that ever completely baffled me and most of my girlfriends except for ONE! She was a super brain, ended up with a doctorate and head of the school of Nursing at our state off!
But could she quote Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven?
Did she know the backgrounds of all of Henry the VIII's wives? Did she read the Adventures of Marco Polo? Could she recite The Jaberwocky?
No...................I could! We all are given special skills or interests and one of the nice things about getting older is you forgive yourself the things you don't do well and celebrate the things you do!.........JAK
Born Dec.1935
He is hot!
\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ obviously sooooo excited to see ADAM in a show no matter what he does! If i could only pull the hands of time :( And oh another great photo, thanks 24/7.
@ANON, April 5 at 12:58PM - In the Details Mag there is a half body shot similar to this only both his arms are down. It is a lot better that this one because his face is clearer.
@JAK i find so much pleasure in reading your posts specially those with accounts from your good old days. I want to thank you for joining our small 24/7 glamily. And just like Adam, you also inspire me :) Thanks for sharing bits and pieces of your colorful life with us.
This picture made my day!!!
@The Dark Side I thought that Adam will be next Jamed Bond:D Isn't he? Actually, Sean Connery is very tall man:)
@JAK You are hilarious! Love your math. Hope I will have sence of humour like you.
There's so much to share I have to sit on my hands sometimes to keep from sharing Dublin,London,Paris,Amsterdam,Monaco,Lucerne,
I've collected adventures like some people collect stamps or Tupperware!.........JAK
@Anon 3:49 ... I live in Bflo, NY ... I have Time Warner Cable & LOGO is a TV network mostly for the GAY community ... RuPaul's Drag Race is on that channel. NewNowNext Award show will be televised after RuPaul's show on April 11th @ 10PM EST ... and I have lived only 7 decades + 4 more yrs. ... born March 1937 .... Hope this helps ... must get back to my VOTING everywhere ... BTW ... ADAM "WON" the poll @ ... ADAM 95% ... Train 5% ... needs help at
PLEASE everyone TRY to VOTE at these polls if you can ... THANX!! Light 'n Love
One more thing if I may ... this pic reminds me more of a young Tony Curtis or John Derek instead of James Dean ... Jimmy was more of a dirty blonde rather than brunette ... JMO
When I think of all the decades you've lived in, my mind boggles. Not because I think you're old, but because I suddenly realize all the different musical revolutions you've witnessed and all the wonderful artists you've been lucky enough to co-exist with.
Starting from the 30s, and from one of my all-time favorites; Billie Holiday. God Bless the Child is the most fantastic jazz vocal ever! But I guess you'd have been in your nappies when Lady Day was at the top of her game, so I guess the 40s would be a better starting point for my 'Envy Chronicles' :)
1940s: Sinatra. Need I say more?
50s is tricky. That decade was like a goldmine, as far as my musical taste goes. It's hard to pick just a few artists, but if I absolutely have to choose, I'd go with these four; Edith Piaf, Ella Fitzgerald, Johny Coltrane and Elvis. (Btw, doesn't Adam ooze the same kind of charisma and stage presence as the King of Rock and Roll himself did?)
60s. This is the decade to which I wish to travel back in time as soon as the first time machine is built. Well. A girl can dream, can't she? Bob Dylan, The Doors, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Jefferson Airplane... *gazes longingly at a stack of old vinyls sitting on the desk next to a broken turntable* I WILL get that fixed, for the 60s music is best served a tad scratchy, not digitally remastered.
70s – Queen. Glamrock at its finest. Adam, you have chosen a fine path to follow.
I'd list the remaining decades as well, but seeing as I was born in the 80s, I can't really claim to envy not being there to see the 80s music scene. My parents are both obsessed with music, all kinds of it really, and I've been forced (privileged) to listen to music pretty much 24/7 since I was born.
What was your favorite time in life, music wise? And don't say the time after 2009 American Idol ;) Any unforgettable gigs that you've gone to in the past that you could tell us about?
Anon 3:49 pm
I found Logo by starting at 1 on remote and just kept going till it showed up just before I thought my thumb would fall's not listed in our paper's tv guide, but there it was!
Good Luck..............JAK
Yes, Tony Curtis......and however many decades I've lived I feel them all tonight, it's past midnight AGAIN ...JAK
Elli dear girl
Do you need a Grandma, we have so much in common!
I'm happy to be old....I take great comfort in the fact that I'm too old to die young! (I wish I could claim that but I don't know who said it first).
My mother was a singer so I'm sure I heard all the great 30s music....but I remember the 40s songs, swing,boogie woogie and lovely heartbreaking dad and men away at war.So many standard classics from those years.
Of course the 50s were MY MUSIC, lots of pretty ballads till 1955-----WHOOOOOOOOOOOO-----then it began, Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, saw all three of them and Elvis Elvis Elvis. Pandemonium (like for Sinatra in 40s and then the Beatles in 60s).
Yes, Elvis was magic on stage, but our Adam has him beat in poise,humor and easy comfort in talking. He was only 20 when I talked with him and was not impressed at all. He was high school boy silly. Of course he was 9 yrs.younger than Adam is now!
During the 60s I rocked my babies to The Doors and a lot of British Invaders, Beatles of course and lots of mellow folk hippie tunes.Hair Bands came in the 70s, early rock-a-billy faded out and loud hard rock took over up thru the 80s. My interest dwindled with heavy metal. I do not like most of today's music POP is mostly fluff to me and rap is annoying. I still like ballads and rock. Would mortgage my house if Adam would put out a cover of 40s and 50s standards!
Best music....40s and 50s those songs will LAST.
Best musical moment was about 10 years ago at a Johnny Mathis concert. In the dark theater a sea of senior citizens cuddled while he sang Chances Are and Misty and The Twelfth of Never.
.......The End........Good Night all...JAK
I wanna join the JAK love-fest!!
JAK, I love a fiesty mind, even trapped in a body that is only albe to dance in bed anymore. Kudos to you. I wanna grow up to be you.
The only way I got through Algebra was to start dating a cute guy in the class and have him "help me with my homework". Oh yeah, we were "workin' it"...that's for sure!
- Adam Fix
I could always use one extra Grandma :)
Your mother was a singer, huh? That must have been quite something, growing up as a daughter of a singer. And you talked with Elvis? I'm...speechless. But what is this talk of him not being impressive. Am I to take it that all the documentaries and all that fabulous music don't give the right impression of him? Argh, you're messing with hard programmed information in my brain! 25 years worth of careful brainwashing à la Daddy Dearest down the toilet.
I love it that you used the Doors' songs as lullabies for your babies. The Doors is always the right choice of music, no matter what the occasion :)
It seems to be true what you said about us having a lot in common. I don't like heavy metal, either, and rap...well, why are we even discussing rap here, because as far as I'm concerned, rap does dot fall under the category of singing/music. 99% of pop music today lacks originality and talent. Autotune and all that...
So yes, ballads and rock are the best. And 40s and 50s big band music. Oh, and jazz and soul too, naturally.
Aw, the Johnny Mathis concert sounds cute. Chances Are is a great song.
Nite, JAK. Or good morning, as it probably will be when you read this.
Love whoever said Adam looks like Tony Curtis. I thought he was so gorgeous. Even remember him playing an Arabian prince bringing his beloved across the Arabian desert to introduce her to his father. As they crested a sand dune he turned to her and lovingly said, "Yonda lies the palace of my fodda." He had not lost his New York accent and had no dialogue coach at the time.
Thank you @JAK and @Elli so much!! I love to read your dialogues (or multilogues as we all can enjoy them as well).
Aw, Sanni, you're sweet. Hyviä unia, Adamin kuvia :)
@Elli! Sanni=D
OT...@ 12:14 AM, haha I remember those Tony Curtis lines!...My first husband was a dead ringer for James Dean and a rebel without a cause that I couldn't fix. He had the same blonde hair, Paul Newman blue eyes,golden tan and the whitest teeth I had ever seen, but had a troubled soul. He did give me three beautiful children and I became a strong, independant survivor, learning much about life....I've lived seven decades, seeing so many changes, important historical events and wouldn't miss a second of it. My father knew Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and several Hollywood stars. My uncle used to play golf with Glen Ford. Lee Marvin was a personal friend and loved magic tricks. My mother was on a weekly medical program on Chicago tv and my sister would cry because when she waved at the tv my mother didn't wave back. So many great stories heard eavesdropping when dad regaled my mom with his encounters. Milton Berle's warm up comedian, Manny Opper was our neighbor and he used to give me nickles to play the juke box at the neighborhood tavern and tweek my long blonde pigtails. He and my dad, just returning from LA. Taverns in those days were on every corner in Chicago and dads would stop for a drink and chat with the other men in the neighborhood. Kids would dance to the jukebox and play the bowling machine. It was like a local social club and was respectable, kids being welcome with their parents. It was the best of times, growing up. All of the mothers looked out for each other's kids. If you were caught rollerskating in the street, any one of them would "put the word on you." Radio and movies were the main entertainment and a trip to Wrigley Field to see the Cubs play was an extra good treat. Movies were nine cents, a triple feature with Movietone news,cartoon and a short subject! No tv yet. We used our imaginations, were physically fit[playing outside and gym in school everyday for 45 minutes.] They really were "good old days!" funbunn40
@funbunn40, dont know if you'll come back to this thread but really enjoyed reading your memories of the pAST. tHANK YOU! . . . Adamluv
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