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Adam Lambert, Sauli Koskinen etc at the Cove in New York

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 21, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, April 21, 2011



Anonymous said...

I know this Sleepwalker has been posted in another thread but if you missed it take a look. It is so beautifully done by Lambosessed.


Fan4fun said...

Oh, sweeeeeet! Just loooooove that framed smile!

Anonymous said...

Good to see Adam smiling in the pic with Sauli.
I didn't like the stern one.
Now we just need one with his arm around him...
Oh, I wish I was in love- it's been a L O N G time

Adamluv said...

@Fan4fun, please go back to the thread from April 18th and read my comment back to you! There is no reason for Icon to be afraid! Oh, the thread on Adam talking about new album,etc. ....... Adamluv

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

glad he brought the glam bulge to NYC!!!!

Anonymous said...

Second picture...if attacked he has the brass knuckles to deliver a punch.

I wonder if Sauli enjoys the "night life" as much as Adam does?

I hunted up my sketch book and charcoal pencils that face is begging to be captured.......JAK

Anonymous said...

Reunited with Sauli= Happiness!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

There's a Dave Navarro look happening here!

Anonymous said...

Oh my Adam Lambert you are so ..I love this look also,,you can do no wrong...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Long hair, short hair. Beard, no beard, Make-up, no make-up. I don't care. He's is always stunning and oh-so-manly, sexy.....

Anonymous said...

Sauli is so gorgeous himself and seems like such a great guy. He is really famous in his country but probably only the Glamberts know who he is in the U.S.
He just looks so sweet and kind and Adam always looks so happy to be with him.
Adam is off the charts freakin' gorgeous all the time! Good god almighty!

Anonymous said...

Adams says anyone can go suck it if they don't like the goatee.:-) who's in line?

Anonymous said...

Adam is a social butterfly. one man on the left and one on the right. He is always at a party.

Anonymous said...

by Michelle Collins---she says Adam has Alaskan Huskey eyes. Good article.

I wonder if Adam feels as comfortable in NYC, as he does in LA. I know he had to add a second show in NY, and they loved the GNT show. He got great reviews there.
Anyone read or hear how Sauli liked NY?


Anonymous said...

7:04 PM

I saw Adams tweet about the goatee and "suck it" comment. Boy has he opened the door for some remarks. I read a few replies he has gotten already, some nice, some naughty. I had some pleasant naughty thoughts of my own, with visual effects in the mind.


Anonymous said...

the naughty comments are always nice.

glitzylady said...

@P.A. S.
You saw some nice remarks? Most of the ones on my Twitter feed were rather naughty...but nice! LOL!! Adam just brings out the naughty thoughts and boy, has he been on a roll lately!!!

And his specific Tweet.. Yep...naughty, but guess he's a little tired of all the debate over his goatee..(He obviously likes it..) And Adam always says what he here it is..:and with his sweet smile at the end! Gotta love him!

@adamlambert Adam Lambert
Goatee. Don't like it? Suck it! :)

Anonymous said...

would sucking it make all the color run? hehehe

glitzylady said...

Just showed picture #2 to my husband (also a fan..) and asked him what he thought of the goatee..He said "Hey, that's a really good look for Adam, makes him look suave and handsome..and since he's good looking anyway, he'd have a hard time NOT looking handsome". So there you go: an "unbiased" (sort of) opinion from someone who can be objective,unlike myself! I personally like it, but then I like pretty much everything he's ever done, so that probably doesn't count!

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Sauli likes the goatee or not- we'll know if he shaves it off haha

Anonymous said...

With or Without this young man is a killer!!!!!

I hope mostly of your fans Adam has an insurance when they get a heart attack.......

You take our breath away indeed my dear!!!!!!


Anonymous said...


Remember you told me to look up the topic we discussed a few threads back, well I did a few minutes ago. You are quoted there, it is on pg 2 and put A & S as the headliner. It list that whole thread of this site. All comments from all of us are there. I think it comes from using that Web name.


Anonymous said...

I think Adam is strategically pushing his Twitter followers to 1 million mark. He's smart and knows how to play it. I love that boy!

Anonymous said...

Sauli's face looks like so cute, like he is amused by Adam's new look getting such attention.

LP said...

I am hoping that Sauli is enjoying USA, Adam and crew are full of funny dirty jokes, I wonder if Sauli understands them all, being prolly not exposed to some of our slang. Must be quite a learning experience. Two absolutely beautiful men.

Anonymous said...


I go to the top of this site and hit Adam's twitter and it gives his twitter. There is a little arrow on side, hit that and it gives the responses from people who have sent a tweet.

That million mark is getting close. If he keeps on connecting with the fans, it may be real soon for a party.


Anonymous said...

To LP - as I remember, the first words most young people learn in any language are the dirty ones (if I can remember that far back lol)

Anonymous said...

Good morning everyone (good night). Jippiii my computer works here in Lappland and I´m middle of nowwhere. Here is beautiful morning and soon I go to hills and have good time.
OMG those eyes in pic 2. This is good way to start morning looking just those eyes. Sauli looks cute and maybe little bit tired hmmm...
Finnish in America: I didn't catch a reindeer but I try again and give a kiss behalf of you.
Sanni: Pidän hauskaa ja olet itsekin ihana.
Everyone have a nice day and enjoy your lifes.
Girl from Finland

Anonymous said...

Here's another pic of Adam and Sauli at the party

Adam seems to be closer to the other guy in the body language, with Sauli looking down. i know it's late and I'm probably just in my tired, worry mode. Everytime I used to think my love interests were going well, they actually were not, so I'm projecting my worry for no reason..
Adam is a strong personality - I hope Sauli doesn't get hurt or get too far into the background of Adam's life. I'm not really sure why I care about 2 people I don't even know - but it would be great to see a picture of a hug or hand holding in NYork

glitzylady said...

I was just kidding about the tweets, although maybe the people on my twitter feed are just naughtier than most! LOL!! Everyone I saw was supportive of Adam..which is always nice ; )

Anonymous said...

anonymous 10:12 I looked at the other pic also and to me it looks like Adam is closer to the other guy because he has shifted to face Sauli better. Notice he is actually in front of the guy somewhat. As far as Sauli, he is smiling in the pic above. He may be tired or he may be having trouble keeping up with the conversation of a bunch of drunk Americans! When he and Adam get to be alone, I bet he smiles a lot!

Anonymous said...

@Eva Thank you for the link to Sleepwalker at the Music Box. I was there that night and I was mesmerized completely. I couldn't even use my camera to film it because I didn't want to take my eyes off of him. His vocals were incredible and he was so gorgeous. WOW!

Anonymous said...

I clearly remember Adam saying he did't care for guys with facial hair. Wonder how Sauli feels about that?

Anonymous said...

Adam always outshines EVERYONE... wherever he goes. He is TOTALLY STUNNING! Everyone around him fades and becomes invisible. How darn commanding is that!!!

Anonymous said...

Katri said in her blog that they have not had much time to sleep in NYC. So, I think Sauli is just tired. He is usually really social and has so much energy, but here he looks like he is desperately trying to stay awake.

Anonymous said...

I saw the other picture of Adam and Sauli also.
Adam has kind of crowded that guy next to him, and Sauli has all that room. I will keep my thoughts to myself.

Anonymous said...

This is very funny. First we wonder are they together and when they are sitting and there is some air between them, we wonder is everything ok with them. So I must also say my opinion from this pic, they just sitting and talking and having fun. And I agree with anon 10.36.
Girl from Finland

Anonymous said...

Adam has turned his back to that guy next to him and he is sitting towards Sauli and in the same time he is taking part in a conversation but Sauli seems to be in his own thoughts. I think he is simply tired, he has been doing long days in NY with his co-worker Katri.

Anonymous said...

@Girl from Finland/ Lapland! Nice to hear from you! There is a Police-song: "Every move you make, every breathe you take, I'll be watching you". The feeling is a bit same now here on the site. In southern Finland we have blue hepaticas "sinivuokkoja" already growing. Just keep on slaloming on the still existing snow up there north. Wish Adam would go there sometimes too... Sanni

Anonymous said...


*heavy sigh* The pic shows a moment in time, a fraction of a second. Do you think Sauli is sitting in that position all evening? He just looked down when the pic was taken. My God, all the stories that are made up here. "Sauli didn´t want to go on the red carpet and Adam was ANGRY at him because of it. Cultural diffrencis that they MUST discuss" Geeeeez!
Well you are all having fun, that´s the important thing.


Cheril said...

Adam is probably finding it hilarious how the media goes "gaga" over a beard. I'm just happy he is happy. He worked his butt off thru the GlamNation tour and now making a new cd so enjoy, enjoy, enjoy the town that never sleeps.

Anonymous said...

Adam knows how to get everyone going to take
that twitter well over the million mark.
Adam is one smart guy!

Anonymous said...

Eva, why do you expect these comments to make sense now? This is Adam twilight zone or should I say, "The University of Adam". Very little makes sense. Most of the people here are working on their Phd in Adamology. Knowledge and documentation of every fraction of a moment regarding Adam is mandatory degree requirement!

Anonymous said...


Hi...I went to page 2 on "beard" site, didn't see
any quotes.....what does A & S headliner mean....
don't know about headliner????????? JAK

Anonymous said...

I don´t expect comments to make sense. I just get tired sometimes.
I work on my Phd in Adamology too. I guess I will fail the exam regarding the fractions and moments in time. I don´t pay attention enough. Sauli blinked. I should have known that he had fallen asleep, because he was bored to death in Adams company and now wanted a divorce.
It´s all fun :-)


Anonymous said...

There is something about this look that reminds me of FYE.......naughty, sexy, black leather, chains.....I better stop....lucky Sauli..

Anonymous said...

I fell in love with Adam on AI, of course. He ruined that show for me, cause ain't anyone as good as him! Then he found Sauli and I fell for both of them and their romance. Can't get enough of their cute photos and stories.
Sure I need a life of my own, but in the meantime...I live vicariously through theirs. Going to Finland in June-maybe I will find a man...possibly try some
Finnish Girl from Vancouver

The Dark Side said...

To Anon 3:52, did you think he left it a home? LOL!!! Looks like Adam enjoying himself in NY, and WTH not? This is what happiness looks like. btw we have all felt the same at different times in our lives--unfortunately most of us couldn't take it national and international. Happy for Adam, that he can.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:44 here again. Funny, Eva. That's ok. I'm working on my degree in Adamology too, and I make a B every now tnd then.

Anonymous said...

THanks for the link to the Michelle Colins article - that woman makes me laugh out loud - love her!

Look at this hilarious comment someone posted to her article: "Oh my gosh! As soon as i saw this it made me think of 'Shavin Fun Ken'! You know?! The Ken doll that had that perfect facial hair until you used the little sponge razor? No? No one else thought that? Just me? Fine." That made me laugh, too. :)

- Adam Fix