Adam Lambert Spotted at New Now Next Awards 2011!
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Thursday, April 7, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, April 07, 2011
Thanks to Pinkforgirls for the pictures!

Kristen Benson:
"@adamlambert literally just sprinted into the theater! Totally skipped carpet. :( "

Picture Credits: @pinkforgirls

Kristen Benson:
"@adamlambert literally just sprinted into the theater! Totally skipped carpet. :( "

Picture Credits: @pinkforgirls
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what's inside the small sack hanging on his neck? nice leather! :)
Hey cutie (:
Wow, look at that head of hair!! And love, love the black leather jacket. Adam always looks good in anything he wears but especially leather.
Is that Paula? she's looks thrilled to see BB. OFF TOPIC: WTF happened on idol tonight? Reminded me when america got it all terribly wrong on adam's season. Pia was by far the best. Hope she moves on and becomes another jennifer hudson . Shocker tonight!
What's that big thing in adam's left ear?
Too beautiful for words!!!
Good GOD!!!
And I love Paula for the fact that she saw Adam's genius "told him so during his audition" from the moment he walked in that door. So happy to see them together!
Paula's hair is GORGEOUS!!!
Adam's too!
Oh, be still my heart! Adam looks absolutely stunning! Great to see Paula too. . . Adamluv
Paula looking very good and so is Adam.
I also want to know what is in that leather thing around his neck.....he wears it all the time now.
I love these pics! Thank you for posting them! I love Paula and love the fact she is a huge fan of Adams, and knew more than anyone that he was going to be a huge star. Adam looks absolutely as handsome as can be. Yummy!
wow, what a shocker tonight pia going home!! Adam really loved her voice too. I thought for sure it was going to be Haley and then at the end I thought for sure it would be Stefano.The entertainment on Idol was a riot tonight though.
I mean COME ON....can you imagine walking up to that fifth photo? I am having an Adamgasm just looking at the space between those long legs.
Really, it just shows how long those legs are not to mention that gorgeous face, the EYES, the hair, the clothes.
People must just get really nervous and sweaty around Adam. He's just too much for the mortal man or woman (ME!).
Hey anon 7:41...thanks for blowing the show. I havn't seen it yet. How about saving it for the next day. Damn!
Shocking though. Pia's great but boring as all get out.
In the last photo, the guy in front of Adam with the long blond hair. Is that Adam's manager? He's been with him since the Idol tour often, when there is an engagement. Maybe an assistant from the record company who tells him, gotta talk to these guys, gotta get your photo taken, keeps the crazed fans away "hey girls, back off, at least ten feet away from Adam".
Paula getting her coze on with Glam God. she shows up alot when Adam is around.
this is a good phot of adam and paula. paula supports adam all the way.
pia's elimination was a shock, don't know how AI 10 will handle this.
I think Adam crushes on her. I think she wanted some dinner time with Glam one.
Needed a "Spoiler Alert" on 7.41 comment we dont get to see AI til to night either.
Pretty, both Adam and Paula. Is Paula that tiny? These pics make Adams hands look huge.
PLEASE KEEP FROM MENTIONING ANY INFO TILL THE DAY AFTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great to see Paula and Adam so cozy, they are lovely together, she always has Adams back.
I think that Adam and Paula just truly adore and respect one another. Adam can ALWAYS trust Paula!
Always, like a big sister!
They must be so happy to finally spend some time together and she must be so thrilled for the success that she knew he would have.
So beautiful that friendship!
his eyes are so tantalizing.
Geez @8:02- O.K. don't just yell at @7:41, I said something even before she/he did. We will remember next time that some of you haven't seen it yet.
Adam! He is so beautiful! So glad to see him out spreading glitter and leather and getting cozy with Paula. As for Pia, she had a gorgeous voice but zero personality. Kind of an ice queen. Not surprised she's gone. It takes more than just singin' purty.
Adam is looking amazing!!! I think Paula lost some weight:) She looks very skinny. I read Paula's tweetes to Adam before Grammys. She sent him Good Luck wishes few times!
I didn't watch AI yesterday and today. It seems I am not gonna watch it again. Because, Jacob on bottom three!!Pia is going home! They saved Casey two weeks ago! What is going on? I think JD gonna be next American Idol!
@7:00 PM Vodoo magic:)
Still hope that Adam will not continue to change size of his gauges.
I saw Adam's photo with this strange looking big earring few weeks ago. Forgot the name of designer. Don't remember how they call these strange things:) but I read that they use only silver or gold to make this earrings. May be Adam has very special custom made bluetooth:)
Adorables y reales imágenes de nuestra estrella con la dulce compañía de Paula, en dialogo impregnado de amor y de mutua fascinación.
Adam Presenting...and Sauli watching ...
So good to see Paula and Adam together, but of course they have to sit for photos, she is only about 5' tall, very tiny. Perez Hilton was also a presenter, wonder if Adam spoke to him. Knowing Adam he probably did, but prolly waited for PH to speak first. Adam would never be rude, especially to a rag reporter.It was a taping of the show to be seen later.Didn't see Sauli, he may have been working, this was prolly taped this afternoon, before Sauli gets home. Or maybe Adam tried to spare Sauli from the papps.
Forgot to credit the pic of Adam and Sauli at 9:11 PM to @AZGlamFan ..she is there and in the balcony directly above Adam's seat....lucky lady..
I wonder what is going through the mind of Sauli when all these beautiful women get around Adam and want his undivided attention? There is alot of straight women that want to date Adam.
thanks glitzlady 9:11 for the cute link. Does that Sauli ever stop smiling? haha
8:02 THIS IS 7:41 thanks for sticking up for me. boo hoo. sorry guys.
OOPS, didn't see that Sauli was there, all smiles. No pic of them kissing? or did I miss that too, lol
glitzylady: the addy you put up didn't work for me.
I don't think Sauli is threatened at all by the women around Adam as they don't stand a chance and he is with Adam. He probably finds it flattering as Adam does.
I was also going to post a comment about Idol tonight without realizing that people might not have seen it. Will try to think more next time.
If I was dating Adam, I wouldn't stop smiling either!
Cam is there also, Sauli gave her a kiss on cheek. Sauli has big smile watching Adam presenting. Sauli must have met Paula, since he was sitting next to Adam. All reports saying Adam had big smile, which he seems to have, when he is with mate. They were dancing and kissing, but nobody takes a pic of the kiss, why is that? Giving them privacy, which is good. I answered by own question.
Adam looks sexy sexy. More pics on Adam, Jared, or go to google and they are all listed. Someone said on twitter, Adam F--ks you with his eyes, this is so true, yes ladies?
It is fun to lurk, you find out things while they are happening.
@Glitzlady: I am not talented enough to bring things to this site, to share with 24/7 peeps. I will leave that to you and other more talented people.
Perez and Paula presented award to GaGa. Don't know if GaGa was there or not. But all the tweets I read said people were coming over to Adam's booth.
Going back to Google for more lurking, the night is young for these young people.
Note: Sauli and Katri were at AI have a show ready for Finland. They said US AI so much better than Finland. Anybody with a twitter they are @Is-Tuka.
Well, I just arrived in LA from CT. My first trip out here. So people, where do I go to get the Adam Lambert feel for this town! I am so excited to be here and walk where Adam walks and lives!
Wow, it's been quite a crazy night....
My son's band "gigged" tonight and rocked the f**ing house down.
Left the venue only to find a message that my workers grandpa is being taken off life support tomorrow.
Then I come home and find Pia was kicked off AI...WTF?
All I can say is Thank God I opened this up to AMAZING pictures of AFL, the gorgeous man that he is. His insane good looks have "reeled" me back into a good frame of mind.
Thanks Adam, you're a life-saver.
Sorry to those of you who may feel I've "over-shared".
Paula wants to be the Cougar and Adam her prey.
Paula wants Adam. I will always believe that.
I can't believe people still tune in to watch Idol LOL... Season 8 was a deal-breaker for me.
Anyways, Adam looked delicious tonight. Twitter is going nutts over him and Sauli and some kisses *hint hint*
He is eyeing her down in that last pic. She looks beautiful but scary thin. Paula needs to take care of herself. I think she will be 48 years young in June. Carrying the age well!
He's eyesexing everyone in the room.
a condom in the small sack around his neck. maybe?
Love the photos. Hope some of the show gets put on here on monday after it airs for those of us overseas.
Don't care that the Idol result was let slip. I will admit that I can naver wait till we get it anyway and always check on MJ's...Not surprised that Pias gone (although did think she'd last a couple more weeks), thought Jacob would go tonight. She has a great voice, but zero charisma, personality or stage presence.
HK fan - I felt for sure it would be Pia tonight. And agree with your last sentence totally. She also has no sense of humor. If you watch the show, KP's hubby (can't think of his name) was joking with all the idoletts and she was the only one not laughing.
a ring in the small sack around his neck, maybe?
Adam looks so sexy and he tweeted about Paula. I agree that Pia has great voice but at this time she doesn't have the IT factor. Maybe she will learn to loosen up during the tour. If I was going to vote, I would vote for Scotty. Reminds me of the old great western singers. But Adam has my heart.
A great pic of Adam and Paula. Glad they had a chance to reconnect. You can see the warmth in his eyes in the closeup of them. She was the first to fight for him at the auditions and always had his back. It also warmed my heart that many were coming over to talk to Adam. Saw a pic of Perez on twitter with a gaga like black veil-like hat covering his face. A veil of shame can't hide his ugly, vile, mean spirited soul. Hope Adam didn't have to be anywhere near him. Wonder how many celebs sought him out. I'm being ugly myself now and am not proud, but have to be real. He disgusts me and the best to happen would be for him to be totally ignored. Sauli's smile is so infectious and is as radiant as Adam's. So glad they have found each other and seem so happy. Adam, looking sexy as h*ll in black leather, such a good look for him. Maybe there's a lock of Sauli's hair in that black pouch, but as stated above, a condom would be more The big ear piece jewelry doesn't do anything for me, but love the clip at the top of his other ear. He has such cute ears.The new one looks too much like a blue ray or misplaced hearing aid to me. Geez, Perez really brings out negativity. Can't wait to see show on Monday! funbunn40
What a beautiful sexy man!! I could not and still cannot get enough of this man. Those eyes and that gorgeous hair!
Adam looks the outfit..he can wear anything and look gorgeous
@Anon 7:46 PM
I think the name of the blond man seen here in the Red Carpet picture with Adam is Roger Widynowsky, a rep for 19 Entertainment who accompanies Adam to various events.
@LP 9:35 PM
Are you referring to the @AZGlamFan part?? That's her twitter name. Sorry if that was confusing!
Nice to see Paula with our Adam!!!! She is a truly a fan and she knew the first time she saw him that he'll go all the way on the top and it happened. Adam is on the top of his game and focus on the prize all the time indeed. Thank you Madonna and Paula for the good advice you have given to our Adam.
Love your outfit Adam!!!!!!
Mom from Toronto, Canada
American Idol has lost all credibility. It's supposed to be a singing competition not a karaoke contest each week with judges who praise everyone to the max.
I agree with Adam ...Pia's voice is 'nuts'. If a guy wins this year, I hope it's Scotty because he's the only one left with any originality.
Nobody, but nobody, could pull of an outfit like that except Adam lambert. How sexy can he get? Wow. As for Idol, I won't miss Pia. Nice voice, but not much ellse there. Too sterile, very little warmth. I can see how voters did not connect with her.
beautiful and Paula looks amazing too
What a day with these Adam pics!! I have been strolling over and over again between these two threads. I read what you say and in the next second forget it. Then back to Adam pics. Then I try to read again the same stories but Adam´s eyes tease me and don´t understand a word... This is horribly terribly wonderful! Am I losing my sanity?!?
I just hope the show is put here on monday whereas don't get the logo channel. Someone please post it.
For those of you who have to wait to see AI, how do you avoid the news when it's all over the TV and the internet?
Just asking..
If you are interested in knowing what is inside that sack hang in sweet Adam's necklace, see my comment to @ daydreamin in the newer post. It's a PATUÁ!!!
«Adorable and real images of our star in the sweet company of Paula, during dialogue impregnated of love and mutual fascination. HH»
Translated by Fan4fun
Paula is burning up, the sweetheart.
Lizard Eyes
Adam crushed on Paula when he was young and attended her concert as a young boy. To have her in his life now is surreal for him and he glows when she is around. I think there is alot of communication between them that people don't know about and I think he reaches out to her in many ways.
Superglam does love to decorate his ears and fingers. All part of the Glam and oh, so breathtaking. As long as he can still put headphones on those beautiful ears and "let it drop" in the recording studio, he can pierce, tatoo or clip any part of that 6'2" chassis he wants!! It's all .......... Adam!!!
@coloforadam 8:37AM - Love your POV and share it totally!!!
Thinking about his CHASSIS (my new favorite word!) makes me weak in my knees...LOL.
GGD Gal, undecorated
I think Paula has the Godfather under her spell.
I want Paul and his gorgeous set of teeth to win American idol this year! is he single?
How about putting Paula and Paul (AmIdol S10) together - both a bit goofy and both have beautiful smiles & teeth, LOL!
(don't get me wrong, I love Paula for supporting Adam!)
And let Adam and Sauli share their time together in peace...
If Adam will share sweetie honey peace with Sauli he will forget how to sing or perform. May be this is the end of his singing carrier, but he will be nice family man. Hopefully, Adam can find some job and doesn't need to file unemployment.
@anon 4:15 PM Are you an idiot? We talk about Paula Abdul!
Who is Paul with gorgeous set of theeth and what are you doing here in this blog?
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