Adam Lambert Talks New Album With Hit Fix
Filed Under (album news,interview ) by Admin on Thursday, April 28, 2011
Posted at : Thursday, April 28, 2011

On how the new album is coming: I feel really creative right now. I feel good. I feel like everything’s going to come together and it’s going to be a great project.
On the sound: I don’t really know yet and I kind of don’t want to jinx it or give anything away. I think the most important thing for me to keep in mind as a songwriter and as a vocalist now is that my fans want to here my voice, first and foremost. And I think kind of our general rule in songwriting is that it has to come from the heart; it has to be real.
On producers: I have a bunch of producers lined up. It’s kind of a... we’re doing it that way. I’m working with a handful of different people, creating as much music as possible, and then when it comes to pick tracks for the album, we’ll narrow it down. Unfortunately, we’ll have to narrow it down.
On some of the specific people you’re working with: I’m not going to say. i’m keeping my eggs in my basket. There’s been a couple of producers who may have mentioned it on Twitter here and there, which is great, but I kind of want to keep it a surprise for everybody, it’s going to be really great.
On his favorite “American Idol” this season: Haley [Reinhart] is definitely my favorite Idol right now. I love the sound of her voice. The texture of it, musically her choices are incredible. I don’t even think people are realizing the things that she’s doing vocally and I think it’s because she’s so effortless about it. She isn’t trying too hard. She’s just there. She’s just embodying it. She’s so comfortable and to me that’s what a real star is.
On hitting 1 million Tweeter followers: That’s crazy, that’s so crazy. It’s weird to know that I can just pick up my cell phone and on a whim, write something and a million people are going to read it. It’s kind of dangerous.
On his favorite song right now: That Adele, “Someone like You” song, it cuts me right to the core. It’s so vulnerable and that’s the type of stuff that’s really inspiring right now. You know I love modern, electronic pop rock production, but at the heart of it I think the song needs to hit you in the heart.
On if he’d change anything on his first album: No, no. I think the first album is amazing. I’m really proud of it. That was my first time out. We did it really fast. It had a ton of momentum behind it and I got to explore my glam rock, you know, my glam rock self, my T-Rex/Bowie/Gary Glitter/Boy George self and this album is going to be an evolution.
Source: Hit Fix
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I'm glad he has gotten glam out of his system,
everyone evolves and I think he learned alot about what plays and what stays. Good Luck Adam!
Forgot to sign the's distracted, Aretha was rocking the joint on The View. She made a good recovery from recent
illness. She's still got "IT".
I know many of you will mourn glitter and glam but we really don't want him to be another Gaga no matter how successful she's been.
This is a very nice interview. Its good he talk about Haley, she is my favorite too and Adam is a super vocal musician and he sure understand what is a good voice and how to achieve to the best form. I love Adele too. Here is the link at the Brit Award live for "someone like you", she almost cry at the end
Adam has very good taste to music.
Speaking of city had a fire yesterday that had a lot of people ALL SHOOK UP! The fire dept. rushed to put it out quickly...Historical site was in danger. Fortunately booth 3 and the wall plaque were saved at the diner! This city has it's priorities straight....Elvis sat at that booth after a performance for a lot of airmen at local armory in 1956. One of those guys stomping their jump boots was my sweetie at that time and still is.
@ JAK, Loved the Glam, but we know it will always be in there and it's time to move on and for Adam to show another magnificent side of himself. He has a treasure trove of talent to keep us tantalized indefinitely and it's exciting to see the metamorphosis! I also watched Aretha today and used to clean my house in no time to "Respect!" It really got me moving!I still have the cassette tape. Glad Elvis' booth and plaque were saved! Loved Elvis too and went to Graceland. My husband told me to pack a bag and wouldn't tell me where we were going. When we checked in, he said we were going to see BB King on Beale St. in Memphis. It didn't occur to me then that we were actually going to Graceland, which was the surprise! We also went thru' his private airplane, the "Lisa Marie. My husband was a true romantic, full of wonderful, creative surprises! I miss him so much, but will always be grateful for the quality time that we shared. Glad you have yours to continue making memories! We have been truly blessed! funbunn40
OT... Hope all of you in the south hit by the devastating tornados are safe. My stepson and daughter-in-law in Huntsville, AL. were spared. They live on top of a mountain, lost power and just had minor damage. My other son, wife and family in Chattanooga, TN on the border of Ringold,Ga. also lost power and narrowly missed losing everything.My thoughts and prayers are with those that are still missing and the many that lost their homes. So much devastation all over the world and so many still suffering, needing aid. It reminds us to appreciate each day.. funbunn40
Sorry for all the bad things happening. Watched CNN and the devastation the tornadoes did. On the other topic, Adam, I truly hope he never lets the Glam go. Adam is glam, and he does it so well. It doesn't have to be OTT, but it has to be.
Good to hear Adam talking about music again. Glamberts are evolving to Rockberts? In any form of art the beginning is mostly excessive and glamorous. Evolving reduces the piece of art, brings the essential to us. Waiting patiently. Ronnie
Saw news of the tornados and a US map on tv. They mentioned Alabama.. Many lost their lives. I'm so sorry and will pray for their love ones. Ronnie
Love FYE...Love the GLAM.....Love that last year was so much FUNNNNNNNNNNNN
Would not change a thing
About last year.....
The next album will blow us all the pieces, he knows what he is doing. This Man is riding the waves, he has been to to Dark Side Of The Moon and back.
Most of us will go collectively crazy in the most fantastic way!
Lizard Eyes
oooooooooooooo Ronnie I love your brain.......
You are very wise and I am waiting (somewhat impatiently) right along with you.........JAK
You spent your years with your guy in storing up
memories of shared adventures.....that's the best of life......and I am so lucky......though
today when the lettercarrier rang the doorbell we looked at each other, both reeking of Bengay,
and said "your turn", "No, your turn" I lost!
I had to fight spiders for the's spider season in comes hurricane season...truly Paradise!...................JAK
Every spring I worry about my family who live in 3 different states in Tornado Alley. I moved from there to Florida....I'd much rather face our hurricanes.......JAK
Lizard Eyes
I am so eager to hear Adam's new music, since he has said so many times "the voice will be heard"
that relieves my mind on over produced sound. I do think he's wise to what fans prefer. NOSY
Very pleased that he said he wouldnt have changed anything on his first album! I agree 100% - it was great! And I also dont want him to lose the "glam". ....... Adamluv
Oh yes, the fans wanted to sit in the concerts. I remember that from last year.
Prayers out to all in the world of disastrous events. So sad to hear of lost lives in our own country, but all from earthquakes to small children being kidnapped & harmed. What a mess.
I am really grateful my family is here with me safe & so loved. To all of you here , very happy to see that you are here to keep me entertained, hehehe. And so glad the man who possesses the most beautifully gifted voice is safe for all to hear! Mwah!! K
I thought this was an awards show for songwriters not a hair competition.
Adam looks good no matter what just remember the cameras can do funny things like exaggerating any feature that stands out on a person so Adams hair may not be as bad as we think. Mwah!! K
@ Adamluv, I don't think Adam will ever lose the glam, just modify it from time to time to let his other creative parts of out. I want him to never lose any part of himself! funbunn40
YOU STILL HAVE CASSETTE TAPES!!!!!Now I don't feel so alone. I go from boombox to computor to cd player to dvd player to my gigantic collection of cassettes. My grandson keeps wanting to buy me an ipod, I say "Why?" Then he wants to take me shopping for an upgrade cell phone......I use it once a month......"Why"
I am fighting to hold on to status quo....JAK
And my walkman!
so glad he's not giving anything about the new album.... can't wait to be pleasantly surprised!!!!
Adam does listen to the Glamberts. He said "My fans want to hear my voice." He is so right. He knows exactly how we feel.
Ii saw a good reply on one of the articles about Adam amd Kesha at the ASCAP awards, saying that Kesha had outglammed Adam. Somebody wrote that the writer had mistaken Glam for Glitter, and that yes Kesha was more glittery but not more Glam. That Glam was more an attitude, the way you wear the clothes, your poise, your presence etc and that Adam has and will always have that......or something like that!
Adam its taboo to say gary glitter (oops sorry)these days gary glitter(sorry again) is a peadophile!!!
just so you know
Glambrit IOW UK
If he decides to go more leather my new name since I have spent too many years in the sun is going to be Leatherface2000 or maybe Saddlebag2 for the 15 pounds I have added lately.No more anon for me. Don't be stealing my new names either!!
Glam can take many forms!! The great thing about Adam is that he can embrace glamberts, rockbert and other berts. How many artists can do this? You only have to look at diversity of audience on GN dvd to see the teenagers, the middle age the older etc etc. What a mix. Quite amazing. I personally this is his strenght to show all sides of this diversity.
Anyone can throw on some glitter, but Adam is and always will be glam in my book.
@9:04pm Try to find 35,000 fans that Adam lost because his new nice old look and all of these tweets during last two days!
Good luck
Those 35,000 must be "fan-fans" who don´t love Adam from their hearts. Just checked his twitter and the number of followers is now 1,012,550!! Rising every day. So I´m not worried at all.
Don´t bother with this nut case. He´s on every thread spreading numbers. Sounds kind of desperate.
Love Adam for acknowledging other artists. He's so kind and honest. I totally agree with Adam about Adele's, Someone Like You, song. It does cut you to the core. Imagine Adam singing it! I hope he includes the heartfelt songs in his new album - he knows we want to hear his fabulous voice with all his emotion and passion. I just can't wait to hear what's next.
Adam is so classy. When he enters a room, there is a real presence that it seems other can really feel. He is so confident. I simply cannot wait for his new album. I want to feel the frenzy worldwide!
Adam will always be glam and outshine anyone in his presence! The mere mention of his name makes me smile! @ JAK..Glad I'm not the only dinasaur with cassette tapes! I even still have a Mario Lanza record album! I was crazy about him as a teenager, along with my rock and roll icons! My music tastes have always gone from one extreme to the other! Whatever got the adrenaline going or stirred my soul. Loved Motown and Simon and Garfunkle too. Have to say, now Adam covers it all. He's the best of the best and wish he'd have the time to record or sing every type of music, as I'd love it all. He's magic.. funbunn40
Haley sounds the same every week --- boring grunt and growl. No stage presence. More of last year.
I have no Mario Lanza but how bout Vic Damone?
Sam Cook? Doris Day? Peggy Lee? The Four Aces?
It is my contention that Glam is what was once referred to as IT! Adam def. has IT! Elvis had IT!.......even the long gone Sinatra.......JAK
looks like the wind blew Kesha and her hair all to one side. she was walking funny and her hair was all over her head. was she having a few drinks before the ceremony?
Adam has a great taste of music and i'm sure whatever he wrote on his new album will be great album...cann't wait of his new album...:)
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