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Short Clip of Adam Lambert's Interview at the 2011 ASCAP Pop Music Awards

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 28, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, April 28, 2011

A short clip of Adam Lambert discussing Rod Stewart at the 2011 ASCAP Pop Music Awards.


Anonymous said...

Those on the spot interviews have so much background noise they are hard to hear or my computor is hard of hearing. I presume he was saying something nice about Rod of my yesterday crushes, always go for scruffy looking guys!.......JAK

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry, I can't understand anything there's so much noise (and my english is so-so).
Is it possible anybody transcript what they say? please!!
Thank you in advance.

Anonymous said...

cool always poised Adam..I love to hear him talk and I love his look..he looks fabulous

The Dark Side said...

Couldn't figure out why he asked Adam to say his name and whatever else he said. Noise level bad.

Anonymous said...

It's difficult to hear, but he said Rod Stewart is an inspiration, He likes his song, "If You think I'm Sexy,"said it may sound disco, but he likes it anyway.I missed next sentence. Think he may have asked Adam if he's a member of ASCAP and think Adam said, "Think so." Then reporter asked if Adam would close, saying,"I'm Adam Lambert and create music.," which Adam did.Couldn't get very first sentence, but this is the gist of it. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Adam looks extremely the glamorous movie stars of days gone by.....

Anonymous said...

Couldn't hear much either, but he said he likes disco and mentioned Rod Stewart's Do Ya Think I'm Sexy. You know the Disco Demolition riot that ended the disco era in the US. Goes beyond comprehension that one moron organized that and whole America obeyed. In Europe we never stopped dancing, but the music is called euro disco. To me it's strange that people just sit in the clubs and not dancing.

Anonymous said...

Disco was HOT or maybe I should say COOL! My daughter's dates would pick them up in tight tailored jersey like shirts unbuttoned to the waist and I regret to say Adam's current hair style (Saturday Night Fever influence). My girls would clomp out on HIGH wooden platform shoes and off they'd go for 4 hours of non stop dancing. I worried about possible broken ankles
needlessly. Somehow they never fell off of their shoes!!!!!JAK

Anonymous said...

OT...I had a peach, tailored disco,pants suit and high, wooden platform shoes and daughters had similiar outfits. My husband had his leisure suit and we would all go out and disco! The pics are hilarious and don't know what we were thinking! Everyone else looked just as ridiculous, but we thought we were so rad! I still don't get why the hate for disco. Loved Donna Summer and the Bee Gees. Unfortunately there will always be some music snobs that dictate what they think is authentic. I heard one say that Adam "acts the part of a rocker," but isn't one! It made me laugh at the absurbity of it. Adam's Purple Haze, WLL,etc sound better to me than the originals. If they heard Adam perform it for the first time, without preconceived notions, just listening, think they would have a different opinion. Maybe I'm being biased and unfair myself, but think Adam really is a master at whatever he chooses to sing and I don't know of any artist out there today that has that unique ability. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Good times. At school in the middle of nowhere in Finland our gym teacher would teach us the silly dance moves from Saturday Night Fever. And Saturday's we went to disco, usually with live rock bands playing, but dance music was played between the sets. I even saw some US disco band and Barbi Benton. It was the time she had the hit Ain't that just the way. I think Sauli is a disco boy and likes to dance.

Adamluv said...

@funbunn40 - thanks for the translation. Couldnt hear much of it. Loved Rod Stewart back in the day. Sorry but I am one of those that hate disco. Good we all dont like the same thing or life would be sooooo boring. .... Adamluv

glitzylady said...

Yes, Adam can pretty much do anything and make it genre "correct" and then some..Speaking of that, I just downloaded the video from Lambosessed, the Amsterdam "Purple Haze-Whole Lotta Love Improved Version" which is really something O_O ..and although some were a little put off with a couple of things..ahem..he did during that performance, it really shows off his rocker skills..

Off Topic: For those who aren't aware of Lambosessed's You Tube Channel, this is the link to the Amsterdam vid. She has several "improved versions" of performances, which include the best of the best of different videographers vids, including WLL Fantasy Springs (still my favorite..ever..performance). Some can be downloaded to computer and/or iPod.. both MP3 and MP4 versions...(MP3 goes directly to your music player in your computer (mine is iTunes..) The MP4 is downloaded onto the computer only.)

Amsterdam performance:

Lambosessed"s You Tube Channel link: (currently featuring Sleepwalker from LA Music Box, Improved Version, but others are there as well..)

Anonymous said...


Every concert last year I would hope and hope that his encore song which he did change from time to time.....would be Guns n Roses "Sweet Child of Mine". I had heard him say he would like to sing it. Alas, the day never came.

You know what I'm tour his performance time may be longer, do you think there's a chance that some of the under or never played songs from FYE might be mixed in with the new ones?.........JAK

Anonymous said...

Shame, I couldn't hear a much of what was said.
Why even try to interview with so much noise.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I am Adam Lambert, I am not crazy about disco music and I am sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is hilarious, Glamladies!

Anonymous said...

Sure, 1052PM, I'm Marilyn Monroe, didn't die, am living with Prince,love Country & Western music, and JFK lives in the basement!lol funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Glitzylady, WWL Fantasy Springs is also my fave version. No one will ever touch the raw sexiness of it.The Amsterdam version of Purple Haze is epic. No one will ever convince me that Adam isn't a legitimate rocker! You did all of us a great service, posting the lambossesed site! She put so much time and effort into it and it is one of the best for Adam's magic! Thanks for all the links you post!...@ JAK, I'm also waiting for Adam to do a cover of Sweet Child of Mine. Wish hw would do it for this next album. I doubt he will do any songs from FYE, as he seems to go forward to the new, and each song will have to have the potential to be a great single and have a place in the thread of the new tour. If anything, he might do "Can't Let You Go, as it wasn't on the original FYE album, just on one of the foreign ones. I would guess as an encore. He's moved on from Idol and I think from FYE. I love Pick U Up, Broken Open and some of the lesser played ones from the album, but think he's excited about creating everything new for this one. He has good instincts and I think it will surprise everyone! funbunn40