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Adam Lambert Thanks Fans for Charity: Water!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, April 11, 2011

Posted at : Monday, April 11, 2011


The Dark Side said...


Anonymous said...

I'm proud to say I donated. :)

Thank you Adam for starting that amazing charity. Such a sweetheart, you are.

Anonymous said...

Adam my dear we will support you in anyways bec. you are part of our lives....

Just concentrate what ever your doing right now and you don't have to worry. Your 2nd album will
ROCK your country and for sure next time we see you, a grammy award is in your hand........

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

that's means love and we love you

Anonymous said...

For those still waiting for autographed photo, take heart, mine arrived today. sizzzzzzzzle!

Anonymous said...

Congrats JAK, you lucky lady!


Anonymous said...

We Are Awesome!

Thanks for the info JAK. I'm anxiously waiting. You gonna tell about the pic? ^_^

Anonymous said...

Adam you will have my support as long as I am on this earth. Many people love you for sure.

I want all the news people out there to pick this up and give Adam some positive news. I know the Examiner will, and I thank them.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Adam for making us aware of this wonderful charity. It was my pleasure to donate and help those in need. I know Adam can feel all the love and support from his devoted fans. I am proud to be one.

Anonymous said...

congrats JAK!!!!!! and enjoy!!!!!!!

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

Thanks Adam for all you do for the charities. You're such an inspiration to the world. I donated to this worthwhile charity and I'm so proud to be a Glambert. You rock, Adam.

Fan4fun said...

This is an amazing award for your collection, sweet Adam. More than having us to support you, you've had us to support people who we don't even know. See it this way: this was a contest, you were a runner up, the judge was Mr. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and you got the «highest+» score. Enjoy it, Diamond Boy, you are a real winner, indeed!!!
Thank you to all of us who donate. Thank you to all the others who donate. Let's do it again when sweet Adam asks, right?

Anonymous said...

Adam, all you have to do is ask, and it is done! As someone said, this is unconditional love and support for you and you deserve it all. Your positivity, kindness, generosity, tolerance and acceptance towards others is truly an inspiration to me (and many, many of us I believe). Thank you, Adam, for making me aware of this extremely worthwhile charity. Please keep spreading the message of love and don't ever change who you are. Love you, Adam.


Anonymous said...

U get back what u give away, ryt? Ure oozing with awes0menesss!

Anonymous said...

Let me would I describe the photo of Adam?????? Hmmmmmmmmm No, that's a bit too earthy.
Ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm No, I don't use language like that.

Maybe like this....dark-brooding-pouty-naked-----from the armpits up, well,
one glove (fingerless of course)

Lets just say you'll like it!..........JAK

Anonymous said...

Hopefully this story will be out there in the media in print and on some of the entertainment shows. All of the love and support from Adam's fans for this charity is simply amazing. Yes, one person can make a difference. All Adam had to do was ask for a donation for his birthday to this organization and as you can see, it was done. I think Adam Lambert could ask for just about anything from his fans and they would come through for him.

Anonymous said...

I am happy to do what Adam asks, because his requests are selfless and come from a place of caring. What an astounding accomplishment this was!

- Adam Fix