TV Squad: 'American Idol' Top 10 Freshest Performances
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Monday, April 11, 2011
Posted at : Monday, April 11, 2011
TV Squad's picks for 'American Idol''s top 10 freshest performances inlucded Adam Lambert's "Mad World". The performance was one of those that changed the 'Idol' game. TV Squad's description below:

Adam Lambert
Season: 8
Song: 'Mad World' by Tears for Fears (Michael Andrews/ Gary Jules version)
Fresh Factor: Bathed in a blue glow, Adam Lambert was the first and only 'Idol' contestant to bring Simon Cowell to his feet. Like many of Adam's 'Idol' moments, his artistic choices for this dialed-down yet dramatic performance set a new standard for original interpretation and style on a show that's often accused of being a karaoke competition.

Adam Lambert
Season: 8
Song: 'Mad World' by Tears for Fears (Michael Andrews/ Gary Jules version)
Fresh Factor: Bathed in a blue glow, Adam Lambert was the first and only 'Idol' contestant to bring Simon Cowell to his feet. Like many of Adam's 'Idol' moments, his artistic choices for this dialed-down yet dramatic performance set a new standard for original interpretation and style on a show that's often accused of being a karaoke competition.
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Yes indeed.......
Adam was the only contestant in the history of AI to bring Simon to his feet. Simon was right when he said that we found the WWS indeed.
Much love for you Adam.....
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Yes...Yes...and Yes Again! One of many star moments for Adam Lambert
Here is the whole thang:
Here is Raja and his gang getting out of a PINK limo in San Fran a few days ago:
Sueños a la luz de las estrellas, con la sinceridad, magia y encanto de ADAM LAMBER, anunciando que un cambio a llegado.
It was a lovely performance. I had never heard the song before and the simple presentation was so perfect. It was one of his best vocally and he was using with great effect his "sweet boy" look.
The Charity:Water photo came today, it is NOT the "sweet boy"'s more the HOT DAMN ! look....................JAK
Ok JAK I like the HD!!!!!! look ha!ha!
Do I need to drink cold water ha???????? Yes for sure indeed.....
Just being silly folks.....
Mom from Toronto, Canada
AMEN!!! I loved that moment........and i was so proud of Adam and thrilled that Simon gave him a standing ovation!!!
Adam was amazing every week. But I will never forget Adam's face when Simon stood up, and rightfully so. It was a beautiful performance that still gives me chills when I go back and watch it.
Adam is the most innovative since the show began.No one can touch him. He's brilliant! @ Daydreamin, Again you liven up 24/7 with your link detective work! funbunn40
@daydreamin, thanks for the link to Sutan's video. Did you or anyone else notice the first woman out of the limo? She was at the GNT in San Diego walking around with a strange little hat on her head. I saw her at another GNT venue too plus she appeared in some videos! Who is she ??? Once you see her you wont forget her!!!. . Adamluv
Mad World was not my favorite Adam AI performance. i don't particularly like the song. My favorite performance on AI is a toss up between the iconic Ring of Fire and the amazing A Change Is Gonna Come.
Did I forget to day how very weird it was to see her with Sutan??? . . . Adamluv
Adam played the part so well that when he sang the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I ever had, I just wanted to hug him and tell him it would be ok!! He always sells it!!!
very pleased with myself...have finally worked out how to copy and paste the links people put on here......(thanks HH, enjoyed that CIGC again).
but that still doesn't explain why some links don;t work...
on topic, loved Madworld, (but prefer the setting and look of Madworld top 2).
That was my fav. version of "Mad World".I like it better than the faster version that he sometimes sang on tour...Hey,everybody,guess what?Casey Abrams is now in 5th place for Idol of the Month on the faxo tweeter poll..DON'T let him catch up to Adam,who is still # 1.It's just that Casey has come a long way very fast,so KEEP VOTING for Adam,ok?Thanks.
I will never forget Simon face when Adam sung "Mad World"! So happy for Adam.
Changing the subject. Adam got one more nomination of O Music Award as "must follow artist twitter" Just 6 days left till results of this Award will announced. Lets vote for Adam.
It seems that they don't count Adam votes correctly and sent them e-mail about this:)
Adam is deff "Must Follow Artist"
I had never heard MAD WORLD either until Adam sang it that night on IDOL. It made me an even bigger fan after that performance even though he had me at the first note he sang at the audition. Adam Lambert set the bar so high during Season 8 of AI that no one since then has come close to his sheer vocal talent, confidence, and stage presence. He is in a league of his own and I just can't seem to get invested in any one of the contestants since then the way I did for Adam. He has the IT factor, that something special that makes him a spectacular performer both musically and visually.
Los ángeles se congregaron, el Mundo también, todos estaban en éxtasis de amor y emoción, porque se corrió,la gran noticia de que el Angel de la Música, salio de los predios de los Dioses de la armonía celestial y del canto divino y habitaría en el mundo terrenal, llevando por nombre ADAM, obsequiándonos por siempre sus excelsos dones musicales, impregnados de amor, teatro, belleza sublime, gran carisma y humanidad, siendo ya un hecho, que a este Angel, ahora terreno, nadie en la tierra lo podría olvidar.
Did any of you go to SOURCE and read it? They have a vote for "Who's naturally the Best". BUT
you can only vote for David Cook, Chris Daughty, Clay Aiken, Andrew Garcia or Blake Lewis. HUH! Why just these 5? Did I miss something?
ADAM is the best singer AI has ever had. There will never be another Adam Lambert, no matter who tries to copy him. There were good singer, just that they can't compare what Adam can do with his voice. My opinion.
I was just watching Clay Aiken singing "Solitaire". He doesn't have the stage presence of Adam, but his voice is great, and might be a touch better than Adam's. Of course Adam is prettier, thats why they say he has the whole package.Also Clay has been succesful since Idol 3. Of course Adam is my favorite super star :)
I saw clay sing solitere live and it literally took my breath away, but then adam came along and I've never looked back and I never will!
The commenters at the source site said Clay got a S.O. for his performance too. I don't remember either way but I never remember anyone talking about it. Does anyone know for sure?
Thank you funnbunn40 and Adamluv!
HH gracias! Muy bien!
HK you should have asked! I or plenty here are always here to help you figure things out. Some reasons you might not be able to see some video's is because it may be blocked in another country, I/we could have made a mistake when posting the link etc.
Anon 9:18, I just watched Clay's video and NO, he did NOT get a SO for Solitaire. Here's the link to that and then below is a link to an amazing Kelly Clarkson performance:
Anon .... April 11, 2011 7:42 PM
Voting! And keeping my eye on the opposition!
^We can vote every 20 minutes.
Thanks for the links daydreamin.
Not a fan of Clay Aiken but that performance of Kelly's ...Whoah! No wonder she won! WOO! HOO! ADAM and Kelly.
Haha! The hairdos that were fashionable back in Season 1 including Ryan and Simon's but Kelly's hair looked great!
Adam's version of "Mad World" on AI was absolutely sublime. :)
Thanks Daydreamin
I must say everythings so much quicker with the copy and paste!
Just voted again (Please vote!!) and after that watched "Mad World"... It makes me cry, sooo beautiful!! Our Diamond-Golden-Chrystal boy melts my heart totally.
HK fan. I am very glad of their achievement with the links, thanks to the excellent explanation of Daydreamin.
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