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American Idol Runners-Up Rise: Five Who Made It Big!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, April 17, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, April 17, 2011


Anonymous said...

Very nice.........thank heaven no gay reference and no AMA kiss shot. Do you think SOMEDAY SOON that can be left behind for good?

I'd love to see Adam replace Constantine when his contract is up.....even just in a limited engagement. I just might stir my aching bones for the flight from Fla. to N.Y. for that!JAK

Anonymous said...

Well that just goes to show ya, we are on the 10th season now and america got it wrong 5 out of 10- especially fantasia (sorry fantasia lovers) Jak- is constatine in fla?- I loved him and would see him here in fla. To bad they didn't use scenes from adams GNT- must be old footage?

Anonymous said...

Very nice, but they could have done more Adam or is this just me being a fan?

Anonymous said...

It just goes to show that you do not have to win American Idol to be a success in the music industry. Several of the winners had short lived careers at the top of the music charts and then seem to have disappered. Kris Allen and Lee Dewyze are both talented singers, but not much personality wise or with a dynamic stage presence. Then there is Adam:talented, charistmatic, edgy, and self-confident. In my opinion he set the bar so high on season 8 of AI that no one since then can even compare to him. I have no vested interest in any of the contestants this season. Would I buy a CD from any of them in the future? I really don't think so. Adam Lambert just spoiled it for me and whatever AI performers come on each new season. I think the show has had its run and the judges don't really add anything new with their repetitious praise and limited criticism.

Anonymous said...

@anon 9:19am

I totally agree...def more on Adam, and yes we are die hard fans!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:07 AM

As far as I know Rock of Ages is still playing in NYC......I'm in Fla. (Gaga's playing here!)
No thanks, wouldn't travel downtown to see her.

I'm sure this is old film, thats why they only used AMA clip and WWFM. But it's always a treat to see his sweet boyish faced audition!........
I wanted to hug him then, who knew that urge would turn into this (let's call it what it is)

glitzylady said...

Re "Rock of Ages" and Constantin Maroulis: It is no longer on Broadway and has been touring, with much of the Broadway cast, including Constantin for a while.. I recently saw it in Seattle, and it was fabulous! I know it was also recently in LA, among many other places. So JAK, if it comes to Florida, I'd definitely go! And easier than traveling to NY. It's one of the musicals that I had planned to see if I found myself in NY, but it came to me instead.. Very convenient! LOL! I don't know if there are any plans to take it back to Broadway at this time..By the way, I thought Constantin was really great in Rock of Ages but wasn't as impressed with his appearance on Idol.. I have heard that what the audience there hears and what we hear at home is quite different and why we often wonder why the judges rave about some of the performances. A friend of mine was recently there and she said that is very true..

glitzylady said...

Okay, I take that back about Rock of Ages not still being on Broadway..It is there, but not with Constantin Maroulis, who originated the part...sorry to give out wrong info...The Tour is currently in Indianapolis, at Clowes Hall, the same theater as Adam's GNT Live performance now on CD/DVD coincidentally! And it wraps up in Washington D.C. July 24th. The closest show to @JAK is in Atlanta, by the way! Here is the link to the tour schedule, if anyone is interested..

Adamluv said...

Saw Constantine recently here at the Pantages in LA in Rock of Ages and he was great! Very strong powerful voice. See it if you can! Just heard that there's a movie being made from this show, and I was so excited about it until hearing that the "expert on womens post-partum depression", Tom Cruise, will be starring in it. WTF?????? BTW, Fantasia was only 3 of Idols winners that I voted for. Wonderful voice. . .Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Adam has said several times, that at this time he does not want to do Broadway. Maybe in the future.
Not enough Adam on video, and they didn't say he was nominated for a Grammy either. But video could have been made prior to grammy's.

Did you see the pic of GaGa back cover? It looks just like Adams FYE back cover of what looks like a tire outfit.


The Dark Side said...

Can't imagine that Adam wants to do Broadway any time soon. He is busy carving out his music career. Can't speak for others, but I'm in it for the long haul!

Anonymous said...

TOM CRUISE???????????? Does insanity rule the world?


Thank you for info.....but I was only interested in seeing it if Adam were in it. I didn't know cast had changed, I was kind of hoping Adam could be squeezed in for a short run early summer maybe. Even though that's not his present goal a girl can dream.

I never saw or heard Constantine sing. Only started watching Season 7-8-9. 9 was a real disappointment, if it hadn't been for Crystal I would have given up on that year like I have on this one. There was something about her voice that tugged at my heart, she's so real.

I'm afraid I'll never be able to hear Adam in person, my mobility problems are too complicated.
Maybe a box seat in a theater with an elevator?
Yeah right, dream on girl!............JAK

Anonymous said...

Did they mention the Grammy Nomination for Adam?

glitzylady said...

@Adamluv 1:44 PM
I heard something about Tom Cruise too...What????? I cannot imagine he would be starring in it tho..perhaps one of the other parts, but not the starring role! For instance, he is a tad bit too old..perhaps the part of the developer????? Sheesh! What are they thinking????? It will be interesting to see who does the lead roles...some very good opportunities for singers there...hmmmmm......For Lambert!!! His comedy skills would be put to good use, for sure! But not holding my breath..Maybe Constanin will get the part, since he originated it...and would be great for him..Guess we'll see! Lots of great music too from the 80's...right up Adam's alley...Okay, so who do we talk to?? LOL!!!!

Adamluv said...

@Glitzlady, dont know what part Cruise is suppose to play but did read it involves singing and dancing. His "Stepford Wife" said he was good at both!! Constantine was not offered the part since they felt he was too old. They hired a new young 20 year old singer for the part of Drew. Think I read that Julianne Hough of DWTS/Ryan Seacrest girlfriend fame is going to be in it. ....... Adamluv

glitzylady said...

First of all, never give up on seeing Adam live! I know it seems like a remote possibility, but not out of the question. If I were you, the next time around I would look for a venue that has seating for wheelchair access, and grab one of those tickets..Then, take earplugs, as I remember you have said all of the screaming is too much..I do have to say that you sort of don't notice it in the venue, because you are watching Adam and focused on his vocals (and him) completely..Another possibility for you, and I am serious here, is to buy a front row seat from Stub Hub, cost be damned, and just go for it! Once in a lifetime and all that...Then you can sit down, have a REALLY good view, and just enjoy Adam in the way he was meant to be enjoyed (at least in the way most of us can enjoy him, if you get my drift...wink, wink...). I so hope that you will be able to do this the next time around. You will be so glad you did, and you'll have the time of your life, and I know you've had a pretty interesting life! You are such a big and supportive fan and you must do this for yourself if you can! I remember the story of an 86 year old great grandma (you are just a spring chicken by comparison you know!) who was just beyond thrilled to go to Adam's first actual headlining concert at Fantasy Springs. She traveled all the way from Minnesota and ended up in the first row, compliments of the Casino.. She was just as giddy to meet him as I will be..someday!

I agree about Crystal Bowersox. I have her CD (its great IMO) and I thought she should have won..but we know how that works..

And re Tom Cruise, etc..yes I do believe insanity does rule the world a good percentage of the time!

Anonymous said...

RE: Adam's reply to Goldfrapp's tweet...

Happened to be STARING AT THE GORGEOUS FULL MOON approx. at the same time with the GORGEOUS AFL...Should I howl???

GGD Gal, moonstruck...

Anonymous said...

@Finnish People

On Twitter Adadmquotedaily wants to ask Finnish people a question.

You really have some polital problems going on don't you. Vote.


Anonymous said...


I do owe it to myself...I like me! I will set my
concert expert daughter on the case to arrange it
if a year from now he comes to Tampa Bay area.
This is the one who paid $400 each for she and her husband to go to last Aerosmith concert! Price is no object to her....I'll just deduct ticket money from her inheritance!

The last concert I went to was Michael Bolton when he still had THE HAIR! Daughters and I were front row center.....the gigantic speakers were aimed right at me!!!!one of my girls went to ladies room and brought me a yard of toliet paper. I stuffed it as far into my ears as possible and let the rest flop in the a/c breeze!
Everytime he was working center stage he smiled at me and blew me a kiss. I was a spectacle and still developed an arena size migraine, but it was fun watching my girls dance and Michael sweat! What are those shirts made of that become completely transparent when they are wet?
It was quite a show...the music was good too!

I vow I shall go see and hear Adam if I have to go on a gurney!!!!!!!!!!JAK

Anonymous said...

JAK, how do you think I could sleep now? The picture of you with toilet paper sticking out of your ears is forever burnt into my brain. I can´t stop laughing. Damn you woman! :-))))


Anonymous said...

WHY can't the US EVER mention Adam's GRAMMY AWARD nomination? Why can't he be recognized for his immense talent in his own country? They did not mention either that he won several awards internationally, including a MUCH MUSIC AWARD and awards in Germany and elsewhere. They said so for all other artists...sigh.... I am SO looking forward to him receiving proper acknowledgement in the US.

Anonymous said...


Age....seems so unfair to lose a part you've done so well...but youth wins especially on the big screen.

Sometimes on the little screen you remember an interview Adam did when he was still on Idol I believe...when he said he auditioned for Glee and was called back a couple times, then told he wouldn't get the part he looked too old??????Did you see that interview?

I thought well he wouldn't look too old to be the teacher, it must have been the part of Finn.
Actually I agree he even then couldn't have been a convincing high school age.....but oh, we could have seen him every week! The actor who plays Finn is young looking but he's not far from Adam's age.

He's on his way now and I'm so happy for him. :)

Anonymous said...

Nice enough - just glad he's mentioned as a star, but what about all his other appearances, his True Hollywood Story, his Grammy nomination, his worldwide tour????

Anonymous said...

How about his Young Hollywood Artist Award?

HK fan said...

love the look on Daughtry's face when he gets eliminated, he was so sure that it wasn't going to be him...

Anonymous said...

HUH!! Adam was hardly given any footage in this clip!! :-( Furthermore, runner-up is 2nd place not further back which means those they should've concentrated on in order of seasons - Clay Aiken, Katharine McPhee (she wasn't featured at all!) and Adam. Sure, the others mentioned have done really well but Adam has done so much since AI8. It can't be the gay card because Clay is gay too. Perhaps it's because he's been "controversial" since then. IDK but it certainly sucks big time!! :-(

Anonymous said...

That emotion>>> JAK almost cried of his determination to see ADAM, I congratulate you now, this wish will come true!


glitzylady said...

I am so glad to hear you say you will try to see Adam next time around! One of the MANY things I have learned in the past two years of being an Adam fan is the fine art of getting good seats..."Sold out" means nothing of the sort, and front row seats, or other good seats, can be had for a price, and sometimes far less than you might think..And Stub Hub, the ticket arm of E-Bay, is my slightly evil but necessary and trusted friend on occasion. My Idol Tour 2009 and Fantasy Springs Indio concert seats were not good, but I didn't know of any other way to get tickets so settled for Row 23 on the floor at Indio..terrible for little petite me..Even with 4 inch heels I couldn't see much (and never wore those very nice, sexy, but painful by the end of the evening shoes again!).

The next concert I went to was River Rock in Vancouver, and very close to home for me. Sold out immediately (within 3 minutes) for both pre-sale and general sale..Was very disappointed. Then, by chance, learned about Stub Hub, was a little leery, but desperation is the mother of invention (slight change in the old saying here!) and I bought two tickets for two decent seats. The rest is history. I have used them on three other occasions and it has worked out very well every time. The last time I used it was in Hawaii for GNT concert #2 there..I had seats but they weren't the best, and the morning of the concert I checked on Stub Hub, kept watch on the tickets as they kept dropping in price every half hour or so, and bought two 4th row center seats for less than face value, and which would have been much more than that up to the day of. Instant download, print, and off you go! I actually gave my other two tickets to a young guy who worked at my hotel who was thrilled to get them (he loved Adam and his show), and my husband and I were really happy to have such good seats. We were in the balcony, far away from the stage the night before (yep, hard core, went to two in a row, but we were there anyway, so what the heck!) and were so much happier to be really close and down with the other "enthusiastic" fans, such as ourselves, not to mention, Adam was right there!

The other tip I can give you is to check Stub Hub IMMEDIATELY after the pre-sale or the general sale starts, as there are so many re-sellers who buy tickets and then immediately list them elsewhere. I was able to get two front row seats for the Puyallup Fair concert at a really reasonable cost that way, because I don't think the seller had any idea of what other resellers would be charging..Pure (and very happy) luck...Other front row seats were selling for two or three times what I paid soon after that.. And that front row seat was priceless, for sure! Only time ever, but so worth it.

One more thing I should add: Stub Hub or other sites often have tickets at face value, and even below that, especially just before the event, for those who just want a ticket period. Say for instance, General Admission, which generally means first come first served: ...Just get the cheapest one you can, as it will be as good as the most expensive in that case! I know you wouldn't do that JAK because you will want a reserved SEAT, but just a thought for anyone else contemplating all of this concert info. Must prepare for next time! So good luck, and as you say, have your daughter help you with it..or you might even be so good at your computer skills by then you can just do it all yourself!

Anonymous said...


I don't know if I'll be around for Adam's next tour, but if I am, we can have wheelchairs next to each other. Since you said you would go as far as NY, and I will be leaving Vegas soon to go back to Upstate NY. But I have to get some medical test done to see if the ticker will let me fly or ride. I also have C O P D so I would have to bring breathing machine, cause I know Adam will take my breath away. What a way to go.


Anonymous said...

I also used Stubhub and paid 425.00 apiece for 2nd row center seats. My concience bothered me big time at the lunacy of it, but my kids said, "Go for it mom, you only live once and you don't have to account to anyone! I then thought , "why not?". I'm 70 and can do whatever I want! It was worth every penny, just to see his beautiful, expressive face and oh, how he could move! I had to get that close at least once, as I knew that later, if he were in huge arenas, I'd be watching him on a giant monitor. All tickets face value was 35.00 and it was a giant rip off, but I don't regret it, as I'm not careless with money and really don't live extravagantly. I would never pay gen. adm. for standing room on the main floor. If you're not in the first row, you can just see the top of his head. Even with reserved seats, everyone stands. I had reserved seats at the Hard Rock 17th row and couldn't see the dancers at all as no one sits. If they did, like at a theatrical production, everyone would be able to see and enjoy it, but that won't ever happen, as people want to dance and get caught up in the moment. It's great fun just meeting other fans. One man had a pic of me on his cell phone from the Charlotte concert and a few others recognized me as well, because of a sign I had. It's great fun being in the middle of it all and so uplifting. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ P.A.S. I hope you will be well and able to see Adam in NY.I think breathing Machines should be required at all of Adam's concerts. because when he first enters the stage, he is so stunning you forget to breathe. He literally takes your breath away, he's so electric and handsome. His voice is astounding live. I'm very prone to heat stroke and my first GNT was gen. adm. in 90 degree heat and since I'm very prone to heat stroke and have high b/p, I paid someone to get in line @ 8AM for a 8PM concert. Sometimes you have to be creative. She didn't go to the concert, so no line cutting, as that's not right. You have to get creative sometimes. funbunn40

Adamluv said...

So enjoy reading other fans experiences with seeing Adam! I do agree about buying expensive seats to be up close since it is soooooo worth it! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I'm sold girls.....price will be no object...just health.

funbunn40....My parents passed down their family motto to my husband and me and our girls.........
"Look poor and be secure" we added that to our own motto which I found on a cocktail napkin....
"It doesn't cost any more to go first class, you just can't stay as long!"

Applying those two we have had a really good life. We live modestly and vacation extravagantly!...........................JAK

Anonymous said...

I just saw Constantine in Rock of Ages in San Francisco (had just left Pantages in L.A.)just a few weeks ago (previously posted). Adam would be great in it. It was a great show and I especially loved the 80's music.

If anyone gets a chance to see it, you should.

I too was dissapointed in the coverage (or lack of) for Adam, but I am very pleased he was mentioned in the top 5. Excuse me, GRAMMY nominee, Adam Lambert. He also has been on Oprah, Johnny, Jay, Ellen (more than once ahem!) Must be old footage?

@JAK and @PAS, I concur with the others that you must find a way to see Adam live. They are absolutely correct in that his opening number when he is standing on the top of those stairs and looking so magnificent with that tall hat and being so tall anyway, then this booming amazing voice that you have been waiting so long to hear, you just can't control the emotions that follow! I was completely and utterly awestruck. I only hope his next concerts are in air conditioning! I was at Thunder Valley Casino (near Sacramento Calif, in 100 degree heat)

I also ended up using stub hub since I could not get tickets to San Francisco and so I sold my just ok tickets on stubhub for a much higher price so I could get 5th row seats for $300 each. Believe me, I felt guilty, but at least felt much better when my other tickets sold.

Thanks Glitzylady for those tips for stubhub. I will def use those next time.
