Billboard's Remix of 'Aftermath' Wins O Award for Best Remix
Filed Under (Awards ) by Admin on Saturday, April 30, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, April 30, 2011

From O Music Awards:
If you’ve already got a hit song it shouldn’t take much to mix it up and pump out another good one. Or so you would think. Canadian producer Billboard (real name: Mathieu Jomphe) remixed Adam Lambert's Aftermath all the way to an O Music Award. Well done!
Source: O Music Awards
Note: The man in the picture with Adam is NOT Mathieu Jomphe (the producer). It's just a random picture.
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Congratulations Billboard, Congratulations Adam, great remix. I usually don't care for remixes but the Billboard remix of Aftermath is fantastic. It's hard to sit still while listening to I don't! Get up and dance, walk, exercise or whatever moves you! Love it.
Congrats everyone for a great remix. 24/7 Administrators are doing nothing to help Adam by showing pix like this. Simply fodder for trolls.
What's wrong with the picture? I love that look. Just because Adam is posing with a guy (not even sure if he's gay) doesn't make this photo scandalous.
24/7 - please post more of these pictures. I love it.
Someone tell me where this picture was taken? And when? I don't remember ever seeing Adam with that look.
Here is a picture that just showed up on twitter..very light blond Adam..and looking fairly young.
@11:41 PM
Well, he had this look up until two days possibly this past week, I suppose. No idea where tho: its new to me. Just has his hair combed back and flat..and his favorite tank top. He is really a good recycler of clothing!
He has the goatee, just not dyed. The man looks familiar, can't place him. Maybe someone else can. Can't worry about the trolls, or what they think. Adam is Adam, and most of us love him.
Congrat's Billboard on your remix of Adam's song.
I think Adam was at Stubb's tonight seeing the
Decemberist. I was kind of a hint on twitter, from one of the band members.
congratulations Mr.Billboard and Adam. This is preposterous Adam should have Lee Cheery follow him around 24/7 so only good pictures show up on this site. This is an outrage!!lol
Mean It not I was kind.........
@12:42 AM
Why is it an outrage? Maybe you should read.
and see how most of us feel about Adam.
This is 12:42am I think I better leave my sense of humor at the door when I come to this site.
Everybody,please vote for Adam on the tweeter faxo poll.He's tied for 1st place just now,& James Durbin was 3rd..Just change the last part of the URL to 05,since it's May now.I will post the whole link in a min.Congrats to Adam for the 0 Music Award.That pic with the bleached blonde hair may have been when Adam was working on the cruise ship a few yrs ago.He has described his hair as looking that way then.
For those who might be interested in Liam McEwan's Adam Lambert Hour broadcast on a New Zealand radio station for this weekend, I posted links to podcasts on the previous thread (The Idoloonies/Michael Slezak/Paul McDonald one..)..Probably should have posted them here since this is the most current thread, but oh well!
Here's the whole link for the faxo tweeter poll for idol of the month.Please bookmark it,if you don't already have it.Thanks.Adam is slightly ahead now..other idol contestants( & former ones are close though)
Just curious and totally not being snarky -- why does the faxo tweeter poll matter in any way?
For that matter, why does the manufactured "O" award matter either?:
Both are designed to generate fan interest and website clicks, but do they DO anything for Adam?
I'm not saying people shouldn't vote in these online contests if that's how they want to spend their time, but aside from voting as a hobby, do these votes do anything for Adam or his career?
No, the polls do nothing but generally upset people. They just generate hits for the poll-makers and do nothing for the stars. The best way to be an Adam fan is to buy the hell out of his new cd.
I have listened many times to Q102 to the 8 at 8 and Adam's Aftermath Remix is the BEST song that is played night after night. With more promotion it could have been a huge hit. Thanks MTV for recognizing it and giving it press because this is just the beginning. When the next cd drops - more hits, more videos, more guest appearances and the new tour!
Cannot wait. Adam has hinted that a song may drop in August. Yay!
Yikes! A new song in August! God, I hope so. I'm suffering from total withdrawal. Love the thought of seeing Adam on some shows again. SNL, wake up! You love controversy and edginess? Well, here's your man. Talk about ratings.
To each his own.If any of you don't want to vote ANYWHERE for Adam,DON'T.I don't even know all the places where to vote for more things( & I sure don't vote for many) but I do for the Idol of the mo.Adam's won every mo.this yr,& it shows that we think he's a great tweeter,which he IS.I've bought 2 FYE albums,joined the fan club,bought 2 of the Adam Live "CD's",& the CD/DVD Glamnation Tour package.I have also requested his music on radio,& I love all his music & videos.Some of these awards,like this last one for this O Award for the Aftermath Remix,etc, give him good publicity.
I wonder if the tank top photo above is from Adam's trip to New Orleans, circa 2009. I seem to remember him sporting a goatee at that time, as well as that tank top....
BTW @12:42, I get and appreciate your sense of humor!
I think voting for the aftermath remix at q102 max's 10 at 10 is important cause it gets Adam's music on the radio. With the O award for best remix I think it does give Adam good publicity. IMO This remix should be high on the charts on itunes if everyone would download it. It supports both Adam and the trevor project. Even though I downloaded from AO I did again on itunes. Hopefully even more GNL dvd's will be sold as the bluray version comes out.
@admin If this is not Billboard with Adam so,why did you put the picture on this blog? Sometimes I think that PH doesn't need to use any imgination to creat his dirty stories about Adam. He has to open this blog, to read some of these comments and to see some of these pictures!
@anon 11:32 PM About trolls! You are abosolutely correct!
I think Adam needs rehab! Drink carefully, Adam. Beacase, you know the rule. If you drunk don't tweet:)
Don't spell drunk!
the troll is the one who's drunk indeed!!!!
You have to be careful with your statement here!!!!
True loyal fans are just laughing at you Ha!ha!ha!
We are still generous to help yah!!!!!
@glitzylady - thanks for the Flea radio link. It was great!
I am starting to laugh at SAD.AL, strange as that may sound. It is satire, and he/she is making fun of us. So SAD.AL, keep it up, as I know at times I can use a good laugh. I love the correction on drunk, "Don"t spell drunk!"
I see your humor, I think because the lol is so close to the end, it looked like!!!!. The eyes can play tricks on peeps sometimes.
Here's an old pic I found of Adam. I think it was taken at Burning Man:
Here's another pic of Adam at Burning Man:
I have been voting heavy on most polls but will have to give that Faxo one a rest.Give someone else a turn on that one.Don't want us Glamberts to seem greedy.( we are not).
@9:44 PM
****O_O***** >--> -O ******
(OT, but the picture is published in this connection.)
As a Finn I`m deeply dissappointed and terrified in seeing that kind of picture of Adam. If this should be humor, than tastless humor. The same applies to some of Adams recent tweets. Sorry.
@12:19 PM!???
What is in the picture so terrified? Adam has a very good heart and he is beautiful in many way. I bet it is the big EGO in the hetero world that want to rule and define everything.
Aftermath is a great remix so glad that Adam won the award. Love him!
This is not a remix of the original Aftermath on Adam's 1st album. Does anyone know where Adam sang this? Maybe on the tour?
to SAD.AL, you still here! your getting kinda boring now! have you finished your school yet!
Adam's aftermath billboard remix is already number one on the "top 5 @ 5" countdown on magic 89.9, one of the top 2 radio stations in the philippines. Glamberts here are so happy to hear the song on heavy rotation :)
More good news, Adam's sleepwalker live on the other hand rules the countdown top 7 this week on rx 93.1, the biggest rival of magic 89.9 as the number one station in the philippines. Sleepwalker live is also on heavy rotation in this station.
So Adam is hitting it big on the top 2 stations in the philippines with 2 different songs at that. Congratulations!!!
Thank you Philippines for your awesome support of Adam!
Phillippines, You rock. Thanks for loving and supporting Adam!
What is happening to this site? Every time I visit I get kind of verklempt. We get told to "ignore the trolls". How come this site is flooded with trolls? It used to be fun and friendly here, now I just get pissed and want to leave.
@12:19PM "As a Finn I`m deeply dissappointed and terrified in seeing that kind of picture of Adam." ????
AS A FINN?? What does that mean? Are Finns more sensitive and ready to clutch their pearls than the rest of us. Is a picture of Adam posing with another man too much for Finns to handle?
Of course this is another post I should ignore. It´s just too stupid to be taken seriously, but soon there will be no posts left to comment on.
What seems to "worry" these trolls more than anything, is that pics like this will hurt Adams career. What can be damaging is stupid, ignorant, trolling nonsens like 12:19PM (prob. SAD.AL) and many like it.
Seems very quiet in Adam land for a few days. No pics no twitter. He must be off on another secret "time out", with Sauli.Sauli was supposed to be on vacation, but where Sauli is Adam is not far behind, LOL
Right about what is happening here. Use to be nice. SAD.AL gets us going. I thought for a long time he/she was saying nasty things to pit us against each other. I think he/she can write very normal with some strange remarks. I don't comment like I use to.
Sauli came back to LA with Adam and Katri, they are on vacation. Adam is quiet and who could blame him with what went on in twitter.
Picture taken in New Orleans when he was visiting Drake and friends so I guess it would be some time in 2009, after AI tour and just before break up(?) See, the goatee comes and goes as he pleases!! It's ALL good!!
7:02 - pic is from NO in 2009. Hey, I see colorofadam just posted this too, so I will just say I hate that tank top! JK. I don't hate anything about Adam, but it's not my favorite.
Stop the "as a Finn bla bla bla.." thing!!
It is RIDICULOUS!! We are all ONE GlamNation here!! No countries, if the opinion does not need it, please!!
Leena from F-land too
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