Casey Abrams picks Adam Lambert as the best 'Idol' contestant ever
Filed Under (American Idol ) by Admin on Sunday, April 10, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, April 10, 2011

Entertainment Weekly asked the current American Idol contestants who they think is the BEST contestant on the show, ever. Casey Abrams picked Adam as the best.
Head over to here to watch the video!
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I dont' watch Idol but I will vote for him just because he said this.
Thanks for supporting our boy, Casey.
Don't be so naive, 10:35.
@anon 10:37AM What are you talking about?
10:55 That maybe Casey wants the "Glambert" vote! Im hope that's not the case.
10:37 here. Ok, maybe Casey likes Adam for real, but do you like his singing?
I was surprised at some of the choices and that more people didn't pick Adam.
Casey's look just reminds me of a young Santa Claus and I mean that in a good way.
Everyone keeps talking about the Cougar vote on Idol blogs. I don't get it. There isn't any cougar bait on the show this year as far as I'm concerned.
Good for Casey that he respects Adam. Especially for ROF.
I'm not voting for Casey just because he respects Adam. That's ridiculous.
Nice try, Casey, but you do not have the talent, looks, style, or strategic savvy to inherit the Glambert fandom. Gotta build your own fanbasem boy thats is what its all about
Casey is the one that has gut to perform different in his style this year and he is into more new music type than the others. I think he appreciate the excitment Adam has brought and contestants not necessary need to follow the so called "rules" on the show. I like his performance particular with all his growls the week he got vote off. Once again US not ready for this type of performer and he has to tone down in this couple week with lots of smile to maintain on the show. US are very Carrie Underwooded but not Adamized even they know Adam has the best vocal of all.
I don't feel guilty about this eh!!!!
I don't watch AI anymore.... I asked my daughter about this guy Casey and she said he is ok??????
Well I'm just gonna leave the critic to judge for this guy Casey?????
Mom from Toronto, Canada
It seems the Idol contestants can't win either way can they. If they say they think Adam is the best ever a lot of you all jump on them and say they are trying to get Adam's fans to vote for them. Totally ridiculous, if none of them had picked Adam a lot of you would be jumping up and down and saying they don't have any taste. LMAO. Casey is an awesome talent and musician, I love it that he is so different. He may not be as talented as Adam and that is okay too, I would not want anyone to be better than Adam, he is one of a kind.
Dianne, New Zealand
So nice of him to say Adam.
I'm surprised more people chose Carrie instead of Kelly. Carrie is overrated.
@Dianne, thanks for your comments about Casey. All the other contestants gave "safe" answers - Carrie - Kelli - Jordan. No one is going to stop voting for the contestants who gave those answers but to name "Adam", you run the risk of all the Adam haters now not voting for you! Ridiculous but true. And for a man to choose Adam, takes much more courage! I admire Casey for his honesty. . . . Adamluv
As the old saying goes, "Different strokes for different folks". Everyone's entitled to their opinion including the Season 10 contestants. Casey, obviously, appreciates Adam's creativity and ability to change things up each and every week! Not an easy many other contestants were able to do that successfully EVERY week? Can't think of any other than Adam. Season 8 should have been called "The Adam Lambert Show" because of the excitement and anticipation to see what Adam was going to do with his song choices each week. His performances were so superior to all other contestants (just my opinion). Casey is a talented musician and does show some creativity too. To say Casey wants the Glambert votes by naming Adam as his fav Idol?...He simply respects and admires's as simple as that. BTW, Adam likes Casey too!
Adam Lambert was the best on American Idol and Jennifer Hudson follows. Paul would be my Cougar bate this season.
Carrie Underwood always reminded me of a pageant singer. I saw her live once and I wasn't impressed. a brother dragged me to her show and I was bored. I have always loved Adam, Jennifer, Allison, Bo Bice, and Justin Guarini from Season 1. I like Paul this season.
Went over the the post, and as usual it brought out a lot of Adam support, but also the same old, same old Adam vs Kris thing. This issue is dead and buried, or should be. I am a total Adam fan, but I prefer looking forward, not back and appreciate Casey's support of Adam.
I think the top 5 will be Casey, Jacob, Paul, Lauren and Scotty. Jacob has amazing vocals and Paul is so unique and nothing like him on radio.
Gosh, I don't get the responses here saying that Casey said that because he "wants the Glambert vote"...Sorry, but that's pretty ridiculous in my opinion! He likes Adam for the same reasons we do (mostly...) ..Adam is an amazing, brave and innovative performer and Casey obviously appreciates that as well. Smart man and good for him!
I liked Casey from the start. Appreciate his support of Adam. I remember when Adam came back for Elvis week, and Lee Dewyze said that Adam helped him a lot when he mentored. So, I loved Lee after that. I don't think it is naive or think it is calculated when someone says they like Adam to get Glambert support. I think that is being jaded and nontrusting. Anyway, Carrie Underwood was a beotch on the show and still has a terrible personality. Her voice isn't very good. Kelly Clarkson is my 2nd fav idol. But Adam was the only one with the whole package of talent, showmanship, personality and looks. Adam is it.
I love Casey and now I love him even more! I do hope he'll reach the final.
I must say that Casey was following Adam on twitter also in his original account long time before he got to American Idol. In fact, he was the only contestant who followed Adam back then.
I too am concerned about JAK. Maybe someone has her E Mail or a way to get in touch with her?
Hmmmm...yes, JAK has been absent for too long..hope she is okay. Or maybe her computer suffered from "Adam overload" and hasn't recovered yet..hope that's all it is. I have two friends who both just had to buy new ones and they are convinced its Adam's fault...But seriously, hope to hear from JAK soon...
Is that THE Dianne on here from NZ?!The one who loves Adam's Tongue.......either way I am with on Casey. Damned if you do and damned if you don't...
Lizard Eyes
I hope to hear from you adopted mother JAK!!!!!
It's been a while eh???
I hope it's only the computer?????
We miss you here!!!!!
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Casey is a great musician and seems to be a very nice guy. I actually would expect him to chose Adam as his favorite. To presume that he said that to get votes from Adam's fans is ridiculous. I am surprised he was the only one who did. But then again, I have a feeling many people are intimidated by Adam's talent.
Casey is creative and Adam's ROF was AI ground breaking. It was like WTH is he doing, can you believe he just did that on AI?
Besides, haters gonna hate, Casey simply stated his favorite, no hidden vote agenda there...#conspiracytheory
Does anyone else think that in that picture, Caseys sweet facial expression looks exactly like the kid on Modern Family? I think his name is Luke, he's Phil and Clairs son. . . . Adamluv
I also remember reading somewhere that Casey had followed Adam on twitter for quite some time. From what we know of Adam, and what we're learning of Casey, seems pretty logical to me that Casey would admire Adam for all the right reasons.
I appreciate the honesty that Casey has shown. I personally do not think there is a hidden agenda. He doesn't seem like a devious person. I wish him well because he IS entertaining. The two best singers IMO are gone (Thea and Pia). James Durbin is defintely talented - and for all the crap he has had to take in his life being bullied - I do hope that he makes it to the end. I don't vote since Adam (and I loved and voted for Bo Bice too). The show is definitely better this year. Steve Tyler has been funny. I wish that he had been more gracious on tv towards Adam though. Kinda took the wind out of my sails for Steven.
It's nice to hear of Casey's admiration for Adam. He set the bar so high during season 8 that it is difficult for anyone to come near his outstanding and amazing performances each week. I think all the contestants could learn something from Adam Lambert during his time on IDOL. It's not just about talent, but to be successful in the music industry, you have to have stage presence, confidence, charisma and a connection with the audience. Adam has all these qualities and more. I am not at all invested in any of this season's contestants to tell you the truth. Most will do well after the tour and get some kind of record deal. Scotty will find success in Nashville I am sure. Durbin will probably wind up fronting a rock band. Does it matter who wins? Not necessarily if you look at Daughtry, Jennifer Hudson and, of course, Adam Lambert.
@ Grandma JAK
Please, grandma, talk to me, the whole Paradise is worried about you! Where are you, grandma? Have you been kidnapped too, like PingPong? Do you want me to call our group again and go to rescue you? I told mommy I guess the problem is your laptop: instead of waking up on your chest it «didn't wake up» under your ass. Meaw-ha, meaw-haha!
12:10 "Paul would be my Cougar bate this season." A blind cougar and a seeing cougar in the dark could always find him. All he'd have to do is smile. Not a cute dude at all imo.
BTW it would be bait, cougar bait.
Knew there was some reason I liked Casey. He and Paul are my favorites. Unique with their own style, not copying anyone--just doing their thing. Refreshing.
When you click on the interview there are 9 pages of comments under it. Can't stand how this creates fan wars. People are just talking crap about Adam and us glamberts. I know everyone has their opinion and as there are other idols I enjoy Adam is in a league of his own. I would never write smut about others, but others slam Adam so much. It makes me sad and I guess I want everyone to know what we know. Not reality because so many people are closed minded.
I don't get Carrie Underwood either, but I love Kelly Clarkson.
Why would James say David Cook was the best when he copies every move that Adam made. James is talented, but he needs to be his own person. It is almost comical how he tries to do Adam.
I also like David Cook, but nobody--nobody captured our hearts, souls, minds like our Mr. Lambert!!!
Diane, you said it beautifully.
I admire Casey for giving his opinion of Adam being the best Idol. I don.t think he did it for an ulterior reason. Casey is a true Glambert. I am going to vote for him and I hope a lot of other Glamberts do too.
Guys can you help a NZ DJ spread the word on Twitter.He is trying to Get Adam on his show and he had a 3hrs Adam Lambert special on his show yesterday. If we can get Adam on his show, he promised to ask Adam questions from fans.
RT @LiamMcEwan @SonyMusicNZ @adamlambert An NZ radio stations plea!!! :)
Follow him on Twitter @LiamMcEwan Please.
@Anon 2:42 PM
About James Durbin's David Cook remark: two thoughts.
He may have been trying to distance himself from the "Adam Lambert" comparisons, and from those who said he copies Adam.
Adam himself said David Cook was his personal inspiration on Idol and felt he helped clear the way for him because he also dared to be a little different , so James may feel the same way...who knows..
@JAK: Yes mom where are you? Maybe what happened here happened to you. I was off site for awhile, because computer caught a virus. The lady I live with has friends and it was fixed within 4 days. Nobody missed me, so see how much you are loved. Somebody have a laptop they can let you use, so we know you are ok?
I hear the singing from my room, the owner watches Idol. I caught some of the voted off shows. I only have a comment on Durbin, he is a good singer. Everyone talks about what he has to overcome and bullying, have you all forgot that Adam is still trying to overcome the hate against him? I think James will be treated better by the public (because they will feel sorry for him) than Adam has been. Just my opinion (nothing against James). James was "born that way" and so was Adam. My heart is with Adam, cause his road is the harder one to drive, in this country.
Wow, people don't like Casey because he likes Adam? How twisted is that? This could be one reason other celebs fans pick on Glamberts. We don't make sense sometimes.
I have been watching AI this year, and my favorite is Scotty. James is ok, but because of Adam, it almost feels like he's trying to ride coat-tails without having half of the talent. Casey is ok, too, but I think he would go the way of Taylor Hicks if he won. Now that Pia is gone, Jacob L. probably has the best voice going, but we all know that makes no difference at all. Just like Adam said in his tweet. We'll just have to see.
@JAK...I miss you, too! Come back!
@ aunt P.A.S.
Of course we love you, aunt! But there are so many aunts here going away and coming back and going away again, and my mommy is always cooking to feed the island and I don't have thumbs to open her laptop myself and she doesn't have much time to realize who is missing or just «out for a while»... can you please forgive us, aunt? If I get the virus that attacked your computer I'll bite its nose off.
I think Adam is the greatest #1 idol EVER, with Kelly Clarkson #2, Jennifer Hudson #3 then I guess Carrie, but this is just my opinion (obviously). I don't get at all the Casey thing. To be honest, I am not sure how he ever got on idol. Obviously a lot of people like or love him, so I guess I need to have my ears cleaned. Even when he slowed it down, there was no voice. Other than that to me, he just shouts. Sorry, but I just don't get the fascination with him. America (in my opinion) did have it right a couple of weeks ago when they voted him off. I guess he's just not my cuppa tea. Don't hate on me, just voicing my op.
Icon....and all you other "cool cats"
Tis I......JAK......still alive and kicking. SO GLAD to be back. My DELL-A "locked up" and has been with my superior son in law getting unlocked. He just hurried her over to me knowing that I must be suffering greatly. I was.
Couldn't bear the thought I was missing some great piece of NEWS. I've been listening to music, reading a book a day and looking lost and forlorn......even my husband is glad DELL-A is back where she belongs. I may be forced to buy a spare just for such occurences!
I'M HOME...................JAK
MOM from Toronto
I too have stopped watching Idol, don't care who wins, but I wish them all well.....JAK
anon 2:32 that's your damn opinion and i have mine. Bait! Bait! Bait! Bait! Bait! Bait! Paul is cute. get over it!
Casey is very talented. Watch his auditions.
He's quite the musician.
Casey is amazing musician. I voted for him and Pia after every show.
I wasn't suprise that Casey like Adam. Both of them different from other contestants.
And this is the reason that Casey like Adam' Version:):)ROF.
I wish Casey the best.
I allready knew Casey was a Adam-fan. It was written that he's been following him before his own Idol journey. Casey is also a talentic musician. It's no wonder that he likes Adam. They both like taking risks with their performances ang song choices. ROF might have been for many musicians like Casey one of those most brilliant performances of Adam, where he truly showed how he is not afraid to mix things up and do a totally new and different version about an old beloved song.
Personally, I don't care who is the favorite Idol contestant of any of the Season 10 contestants. IMO Season 10 is a snooze fest yet again. The judges aren't judging and the contestants aren't moving me, except to hit the mute button at times. I haven't voted since the Season 8 finale and don't plan on ever voting again.
Yes Lizard Eyes, it is that Dianne from Christchurch, New Zealand who absolutely adores Adam's tongue - and everything else about Adam as well. You have me at a disadvantage though, tell me who you are please.
Dianne, Christchurch, New Zealand
WOW! An American Idol contestant was brave enough to say he likes Adam! Bravo Casey! (thumbs up!) You have EXCELLENT taste, and you're twitter following the BEST American Idol contestant of all time! :D
Who do I want to win? Unfortunately, it's in the hands of the not so clever American voters. Better not be the Adam wannabe and he twitter follows Adam too.
Onya Casey! Showing the Lambert love. :=)
Some nasty comments happening on that website. :=(
Glad Kelly Clarkson was mentioned too. She set the bar high in AI1 and Adam shifted it even HIGHER in AI8!!! :=)
Not surprised at all that Casey chose Adam. Casey may not be the best vocalist of AIS10 but he is definitely a great musician. It is people like him who would be a very reliable judge when it comes to genuine talent. Adam and Casey are both about musicality and artistry that is why they get each other. They are both unique and do have a strong sense of who they really are an artists. Just like Adam, he is an acquired taste and is not everyone's cup of tea. I don't expect him to win because his kind of music isn't for the audience of AI. But even with his weak vocals, i find him truly entertaining because he has something new to offer who also sings jazz and is quite good at it.
I'm so glad that Casey was not afraid to give his honest answer to that question. Makes me admire him more. The best of luck to you Casey.
I can't imagine myself following anyone else since Adam came into my life because he is my first and certainly my last. I adore him just like the way that i do with my two boys. The mere thought of him enjoying his career now and his new partner thrills me to no end. There mere thought of his beautiful face, his voice and his swagger brings me so much joy and i'm smitten over and over again. And i don't know why i love him to pieces. Maybe i'm nuts but i just do.
I was writing in my bedroom two hours ago when i heard Adam singing FEVER. I dropped what i was doing and rushed downstairs to check it out and found hubby watching RIPPER at FOX TV. He said that Adam's songs have always been used by FOX but to hear FEVER was amaaaaaazing. Even Emily rushed to the sala and dropped whatever she was doing in the kitchen LOL when she heard Adam too.
I guess our world stops when it comes to Adam Mitchel Lambert teehee :D
@PAS i've been absent for quite a while now but i've been meaning to tell you that i do enjoy reading your posts too. I love my 24/7 glamily and that includes you my dear :D
Welcome back @Jack. So glad that DELL-A is fine now because you've been dearly missed :)
Hi Dianne, we both used to post on the now basically defunct the Unofficial Official AL Website with Kimberly. I always posted there under my real name Irena. I also posted on Lisa's website several times but it has been a while...Good to see you on here!
Lizard Eyes
The same here, I was worried also. Nice to have you back!!
Hi Irena, I remember you, good to see you here too. Gosh that seems like a long, long time ago now, we used to have such fun on that site didn't we. Lisa's Glambworld is still going though because of the earthquakes we have had over here it may not be quite as up to date as it usually is. Come back and visit some time we would love to see you.
Dianne, New Zealand
Oooops sorry, don't want to confuse anyone and i should have said that FOX TV has been using Adam's songs in their merchandising. Not in the show RIPPER.
hey glamberts, please support casey, he is so talented, a total musician and great personality
Dianne, IKR!
I tell ya, there are some WEIRD fans out there, swimming in their own little thought pool....
Glad Casey has good taste!
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