New Pictures!
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Saturday, April 9, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, April 09, 2011

Jonathan D. Lovitz:
New Now Next Awards was the best night EVER! @AdamLambert is the man!

Jessica Wild:
@adamlambert , @morganmcmichael ,@carmen_carrera and me! I loveeee u guys

@LogoTV Tabatha with Adam Lambert

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wow all that pretty
@ 6: 47 PM
Just hold your horses and take your pills!!!!
Ha!Ha!Ha! You are really obsessed with our Adam.
He is really an interesting Superstar eh.
You are always welcome here we don't bite!!!!
By the way above was my comment!!!!!!!
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Looking gorgeous as always. and LOL @ the James Drubin trolls.
Wow, everyone wants to be seen with Adam and have their picture taken. Can you blame them? He is looking happy and exceptionally gorgeous..
Fans can take any opinions or comments here but not below the belt and inhumane.
Thank you blog administrator.....
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Are James Durbin so-called "fans" spamming this site? Just wondered as I've seen comments removed and then follow-up about James.
@ 7:50 PM
There,s no mention of Durbins name but instead the anon 6:47 said something bad about our Adam that's all...
No worries we can handle those trolls....
They are just jealous of Adams success within a short time of period....
Nobody can top that in the idol history...
That,s the fact and we will continue to support him indeed.
Mom from Toronto, Canada
sorry for those mistakes I was in a hurry eh!!!
Mom from Toronto, Canada
we have been getting quite a few comments about Adam, and some not so nice. Also James Durban is mentioned, that he will win AI. I don't know what their problem is, cuz Adam has nothing to do with James.. If they keep booting off the good singers, maybe James will win.By the way Pia has a record contract already.
it was mentioned that Adam didn't win anything at the awards show. He doesn't do drag, he was their for his make-up guy,Sutan, and also he was a presenter.
Glad Pia has a music contract already. Her voice was the best and she'll acquire more stage presence. It is not always so easy to have both like Adam. He is such a sweetheart that everyone who meets him just melts.
the trolls lately are probably a fan to no one, they like to cause trouble for Adam and James.
Don't be concerned with the trolls. As they say,
Adams laughing (with a little black liner) all the way to the bank!!!!
Just got thru looking at 14,000 pictures of Adam at the NNN Awards. He reportedly will be in a skit on the show.
Watch the video Glamberts Obsession
Keep scrolling & you should get unreal closeups.
so glad to hear Pia has a record contract already.I think most of the contestants will do very good after Idol. I think this is a very talented group.
Still don't understand, what did your sweeeetie, honey sugar baby Adam did on NNN Awards?
@Anon 9:20 PM
Here's the link again for the Glambert's Obsession Fan Vid and to the "14,000" pictures! at
Direct link to the specific page is below: (shortened...) I had posted this on the previous thread for @LBS..its a popular one tonight! Again, the song "My Obsession" is by Cinema Bizarre, and is very, very is Adam...
Correction to my post above ^: at 11:00 PM:
Ooops! Sorry! : / The Adam Quote Daily home page link is this:(The link to the video, correct tho..)
glitzylady, Thanks for the great links.
@ SAD.AL (Ap.9,10:24PM)
Don't bore yourself trying to understand anything... we understand that you are too dumb for that. You can now go back to your darkness. You are dismissed. Go... go...
adamquotedaily is a great and positive site (no SAD.AL:s there). Also Adamtopia is fun with people chatting and having fun in a positive way. Perhaps it´s wrong to promote other sites, but when you have to remove comments because they are rude and obviously written by mentally challenged dudes, it´s just sad and ruins the fun and good feelings one might have had before coming here. I will always come to 24/7 bc of the nice people here and the Adam-news. The SAD.AL losers I can live without.
Here´s a bit of Adamtopia for you. NoAngel is a favourite and she writes about the difference between Jacob Lusk and Adam Lambert. It´s very good and something to think about. I welcome anyone trying to explain why Adam is so exceptional. This is one of trillion reasons.
Scroll down to "Looking at the man in the mirror":
I think this site is doing pretty well. I don't believe the trouble makers are fans of Kris Allen or James Durbin.
No, I don´t think they are fans of anyone, just obsessed with Adam. It´s no other reason for them to be here. This SAD.AL had trouble with Adams sexuality, that he was "an idiot telling he was gay". SAD.AL is telling us he´s an a**hole. He wouldn´t like it if we told him to keep that to himself and not showing it in our faces.
I agree, Eva.
Short article about Adam's tweet about Pia, followed by the Music Again Video:
Makes me happy that Adam tweeted Sutan and M. Molinari. They too are good guys in my book. :)
And Tommy is a good guy too. :)
What if we decide ignored SAD.AL´s comments? Sad to ignore someone but sometimes it´s the best thing to do.
Girl from Finland
It's really interesting when the trolls post something negative in Adams site because our Adam is unstoppable indeed. I'm really happy for him and the trolls can't stop the wheels anymore.
Adam earned all the success of his truthfulness and hardship to go all the way to the top....
Mom from Toronto, Canada
By the way where is our Matriach JAK?????????????
JAK where are you?????????????
We miss you dear??????
My adopted mom is missing????????????
I hope everything is okay with you and family????????
Mom from Toronto, Canada
Yes I do not think we need to worry about trolls because AL has enough support, love and above all TALENT to keep on going all the way to to the top.
Thanks so much for that link, I am in tears, NoAngel hit the nail on the head with her comparisons. Adams performance of Black or White was so passionate and when the judges were praising his performance you could see he was trying very hard not to break down. Its not easy being brave, Adam makes it look so easy.
So glad someone saw that link. I really loved that. NoAngel posts on Adamtopia frequently and its always good.
Eva's me.....JAK
Computer fixed and just in time...WHO IS BEING MEAN TO MY PRETEND ADOPTED GRANDSON??????
I see my fellow band of tigers have leaped to his defense. Good Work. Has Icon been allowed to bite or scratch anyone? Permission granted by Grandma JAK.....
Glad to be back, lots of catching up to do.
@Eva 4:57 AM (April 10)
Want to thank you for the link! Adam is so truthful, honest and brave man! I appreciate him so much for that! So very rare I´d say.
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