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Country Singer Jennifer Nettles Talks About Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 14, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, April 14, 2011

This is from country singer Jennifer Nettles' new interview, where she mentions Adam Lambert.

Question: Many country stars have actually addressed gay issues in the press, including Martina McBride, Rascal Flatts and Dolly Parton. And yet we still don’t have a major country artist who’s out. Why do you think that is?

Jennifer Nettles: I don’t know why that is. Let’s discuss here for a moment, because clearly there are gay country fans. I can’t even speak as to why. Why do you think? Maybe we might come up with something here.

My guess is that they’re putting their career on the line; it’s scary for a country artist to come out in such a conservative arena, as you said.

But isn’t it scary for any artist to come out? Even in mainstream pop it is. I mean, thank god – and I’ve said this before – for Adam Lambert. Thank god for eyeliner. I have needed a sexy man to wear eyeliner since The Cure. Since Robert Smith no one has really been able to do it for me in that way.

We need a country artist who’d wear eyeliner.

Source: southfloridagaynews


Anonymous said...

Sorry, can't comment trying to breathe after laffing so hard. Adam: "Frozen sloshing." Adam, U R so funny U make my day.

Anonymous said...

Jennifer has a glambert crush.

Anonymous said...

The Daily Show about the Gender Confusion:


Anonymous said...

Jennifer is one of us with the glambert crush.

The Dark Side said...

Having been raised with the Country Western crowd, I can tell you it will not happen anytime soon. These CW artists fear risking their career. Yes, a few female singers have come out and it hasn't hurt them, but for any male CW singer who wants to keep his fan base, which is heavy with the far right, red neck, and many other caraeer ending ideas. Too bad, I am sure some of these artists suffer keeping their secret.

Adamluv said...

@Eva, that link is the best. Peeps, go to the link about The Daily Show - it's hysterical and really makes those who have a problem with the pink nail polish, look f***ing idiotic! Love humor like this! Very sad about country western artists. Think that rap/hip hop artists are just as much or more so of being in danger of losing their careers if they came out of the closet. . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

I LOVE this interview!!!!!When I first saw Sugarland I was at HOME. My Mother had 5 sisters and they all sang and since they were raised in Missouri, Tennessee and Kentucky they all sounded and even looked more than a bit like Jennifer.

Every relative I visited as a child had a big wrap around porch where they sat and played guitars, banjos and fiddles....pure Americana since they arrived in 1740. They walked or rode in wagons from Virginia to mountain tops or down in the "hollows" of Tenn. and Kentucky.

They were and are wonderful people but would drop to their knees and pray if they met a homosexual......sad fact......but a couple hundred years of brainwashing won't be easy to overcome.

I doubt I'll live long enough to see that prejudice turn to enlightenment. Equal civil rights would be a step but you can't legislate away prejudice......another sad fact.

Sorry, I've been on my soapbox again. I had a nice nap and woke up rarin to go!....JAK

Anonymous said...

I don´t know if you watch So You Think You Can Dance (my fav show). In one audition a cowboy in full western outfit, hat and all, danced a silly jeehaaa dance. Alan Shankman that very nice gay man was one of the judges. They asked the cowboy "have you seen Brokeback Mountain?" "no, sir I certainly have not and I sure ain´t gonna" he answered, like this was the most ridiculous question he´s ever heard. He got laughs and applaudes and I cringed, feeling bad for mr Shankman. Of course he smiled too but the cowboy did not get any further in the competition.


Anonymous said...

Re: The Daily Show Link

I NEVER NEVER EVER miss The Daily's my favorite.....not so fake news show.

I always think of Shakespeare's "What fools these mortals be" when I watch Jon Stewart skewer politicians and other sometime fools.

That show should be required viewing!....JAK

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link, Eva. It was hilarious,speaking of the absurdity. It's not hilarious for those in real life that have to live with the ridiculous judgements. There was a female CW performer that came out shortly before Ricky Martin on Oprah. Maybe you know her name,@The Dark Side. It was Shelli West[?]or something. She was in a relationship earlier with Brad Paisley. I don't follow C&W that closely, but she looked scared to death and was worried how it would affect her career. She did lose some professional relationships, but there were also those that altho' couldn't condone her sexuality, at least did not shun her. I've seen so much illogical predjudice in my lifetime. I think it's the lack of common sense or basic scientific knowledge that amazes me in this day and age. I also am incredulous at how vitriolic, hate spewing, judgemental and unrealistic some segments of organized religions are and their selective interpretations of conflicting passages of the Bible. I have seen more violence in the name of religion than I care to remember. Lynchings,abuse, women without rights, etc. These are the extremists. I in no way mean any disrespect or erroneous implication to the many segments that are non judgemental of their fellow beings and leave that to a higher power that does not have our human flaws. I just see all of us as equals, struggling to be the best that we can be. How can anyone ever believe that Adam is a lesser person than any one of us because of his genetic makeup. In my mind some of us are blue eyed blondes, olive skinned brown eyed brunettes, red heads,etc. Is any one less than the other? To me it's no different in importance than being gay or straight. It seems like simple logic to me and it's humans that complicate what should be obvious. Again, I have great respect for others beliefs and in no way mean to generalize or demean any religion that strives to make the world a better place. funbunn40

Anonymous said...


I do watch So You Think You Can Dance I love dancing of all types. I am still clinging to my library of VHS tapes.....only own 4 DVD's.

3 Mikhail Baryshnikov ballets and Adam's GNT!!!
How's that for contrast.....though actually they are both quite sensual!

The young man who auditioned is a perfect example of the inbred prejudice. Most people believe what they have been taught..........
but sometimes a beam of light breaks thru.

Do you remember the very nice brawny young man who was on Idol with Adam...Michael Sarver? He gave a very nice interview praising Adam and mentioning that Adam had opened his eyes!!!!!!!

Hope is alive!..........................JAK

Anonymous said...


My brain and heart love your brain and heart!!!!

Are we related?....I did have a few relatives that strayed as far north as Chicago!....JAK

Anonymous said...


P.S. Are you watching The Borgias mini- series?


Anonymous said...

OT...@ JAK, My husband's family lives in Tennesse and his stepfather frequently used the "N" word that has always been very offensive. While my husband was having brain surgery he told a joke in the waiting room, absolutely mortifying me, totally oblivious of others that would be offended. My mother in law, being more educated, aware of my midwestern sensibilities, enlightened him. He was in his seventies and had never left his small rural town. It always was astonishing to me that people didn't think to question things. As a child, "why" was my fave word and I always got a reasonable, logical answer. I sure got on a roll!I didn't have a nap, but probably should have! Guess I'm afraid I'll miss something! haha funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Yes I remember Michael Sarver. He is one of a few of Adams fellow competitors that tweets him on his birtday and on his Grammy nom. Adam changed his views completely and he wasn´t afraid to say so. A nice man who got many Glamberts on his side. Hope is really alive:-)


Anonymous said...

OT...@ JAK, I'm taping the Borgias! I love historical dramas! Did you watch The Tudors? I also watched Mildred Pierce on HBO, the remake of the Joan Crawford movie. I've always loved the movies of the 40,50,s. On my local station PBS "Masterpiece Classic", the've brought back the 1970 British series, "Upstairs, Downstairs", which took place in the late 1800-1900s detailing the downstairs British servants and upstairs elite family, entertwining their daily lives with comedy and drama. It premiered last Sun. April 10th, picking up in 1935 and it is continuing every Sunday. I think you would get a kick out of it. I'm taping that too, as my 24/7 lurking is taking away from constructive real living and my days and nights are mixed up. Time flies when you're on this site and watching all the great links being posted by our dedicated peeps. All of this entertainment is curtailing my health, as I'm not moving as much as I should!Spring is here and I should be playing outside, planting flowers and pruning bushes. Didn't need to do that much when I lived in tropical Fl! I see you're turning into a night owl too! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@Eva Thanks for giving me the best laugh of the day via your link to The Early Show. Just love the way they show how ridiculous people can be.

@funbunn40 I love the way you think and I enjoy all your postings, you express yourself so beautifully, thank you.

@JAK I also remember that interview with Michael Sarver and I was very impressed with it. If I can find the link I will post it. It really is worth watching again.


Anonymous said...

I found the interview with Michael Sarver, it really is worth watching.


Anonymous said...

@ JAK, We could be related somewhere back in time. My dad's side was Eng. Irish and Scot. His mother's name Richardson, dad's Power. His grandfather raised Arabian horses in Paris and another owned slaves in the south. My cousin has our geneology and someday I'll catch up with it. Probably a few horse thieves somewhere too! funbunn40

Anonymous said...


I feel like that too, like I'll miss something. Having my computer gone 3 days was torture. I am also taping The Borgias and have all of The Tudors taped (I've read dozens of books about Henry VIII--even before I got my genealogy chart)
That's my favorite period of history. I think I mentioned on one of these pages that my paternal grandfather's English family was decended from Henry's 6th wife....a very smart lady who managed to outlive him! I saw her castle on one of my trips.

I'm watching Mildred Pierce and Upstairs Downstairs!!!!!!!We're sisters I think!

I've developed dark circles from staying up so late....naps don't help. Plus I neglect my husband shamefully...that's why he swoops in and plants sneak attack kisses during commercials. I've told him he's a pest and I'm talking to "my peeps"......and that I'd told everyone about his attacks and love notes...he said "well tell them I don't give autographs or do full frontal nudity!"

Does anybody want a 74 year old nincompoop? He's amusing and self sufficient...........JAK

Anonymous said...

Did I tell you that I adore you? Well, now I have. I think I adore the nincompoop too.


Anonymous said...

Don't even mention country music! Ahhhhh!
If you can't sing then try country!

Anonymous said...

Could it be Jennifer Nettles (whoever she is)
has discovered a real man, not to be confused with one of those country guys, who reckon their all man! NOT!

Anonymous said...

I think Jennifer appreciates a brave man..JAK

Anonymous said...

OT...@ JAK, Your hubby is definitely a keeper! My hubby was too, while alive. He would wind me up, let me go and take pleasure in my happiness with him. We are indeed blessed! I'm also a liberal politically and thrilled that Glenn Beck won't be as visible crying at the blackboard! I think it's a real step forward that Jennifer Nettles feels free to speak her mind in support of Adam and the gay, lesbian comunity in country. I think it is getting better. On HTN Dr Drew Pearson had an interesting discussion on praying gay away. There's more mainstream attention lately. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Praying Gay away triggered a memory from a
l-o-n-g time ago.When I graduated from college I went to work in a bank as the president's secretary. One of the tellers was getting married that first week. Two days after the wedding while they were supposed to be on their honeymoon they showed up to see my boss. They were both crying.

He was a sweet Santa of a man and all us girls loved him. My desk was right by his door and I could hear was heartbreaking. The boy got married thinking that his "feelings" for men was a sin and he thought if he got married and prayed real hard he could love the girl and the feelings would go away.

My boss came out and asked me to get the bank's attorney.....he arranged an annulment for them.
She was stunned and the boy was in despair and afraid to tell his parents.....I guess it's pretty certain that you can't pray it away!JAK

Anonymous said...

P.S. funbunn40.....I am more and more sure we are secret sisters!..........RAKKAUS, JAK

Anonymous said...


Forgot to say that over the years I have taped the dancers that were my favorites on SYTYCD and frequently watch the tape. Way back to Benjie and his cousin Heidi and then his sister Lacey.
Dimitri and Jacob and many many others, I was stunned the year Jacob didn't win. He was Broadway ready right that moment....he had Bob Fosse moves, a joy to watch. I'm anxious for new season...I will watch remote in hand. JAK
P.S. What the heck is gullegutt?

Anonymous said...

@ JAK, Agree! We must be related! That poor couple is just another example of the painful consequences of having to deny what shouldn't be considered a crime or abomination. Society shouldn't have the power to dictate individuals feelings or course of life. I hope someday a lightbulb will go off and all will be treated as first class citizens without moral judgement. Wishful thinking, but maybe someday..funbunn40

Anonymous said...


Unfortunately we won't be around to see that day.

My wishful thinking is that everyone of every religion would leave the sorting out of who is and isn't a sinner to's not our job or expertise.

By the way I'm a Florida girl year round! JAK