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New Old Picture! (?)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 14, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, April 14, 2011

(May not be newly discovered but it may be new to some people!)

Credit: SusieFierce

Thanks Eva for the tip!


Anonymous said...

Funny pic. They are like marionettes. Adam looks good as always. Do not recognize the other two. Sanni

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when this was taken? Year?

Anonymous said...

Well, it was not this pic I linked to. It was the article below it. But it´s a good pic.


Anonymous said...

Cute! and Funny!

Adamluv said...

New to me. Cute!

Anonymous said...

Synchronized jumping! Lol. I love it!


Anonymous said...

I love all those wonderful performances Adam did at the Upright....with just piano....shhhhhhhhhh
.......don't tell the anti-acoustic fans.

Come Home and I Can't Make You Love Me make little cracks in my heart everytime he sings them............BIG SIGH..............JAK

Anonymous said...

Courtney posted this comparison between Elvis, Adam and Robert Pattinson. I won´t reveal who won.


Adamluv said...

@Eva - The Queen of Fab. Links! I wont reveal the win either! Love both Adam and Elvis!!. . Adamluv

Anonymous said...


Thanks again, you post the best links ever. This was great, also clicked on the link to the interview Martini Minute with Michelle Collins, that one always cracks me up. I read somewhere, someone said that Adam and Michelle should do an interview once a month, I would love that.


Anonymous said...

@Eva, du harepus (honeybunny)!!! (3.01 PM)

Adam is my man of those three!! From every corner he is perfect.

Ronnie (member of Adam´s Back&Butt fan-club)

Anonymous said...

Eva, thanks for another great link! Elvis was the sexiest man before Adam [IMHO]and that's saying alot! I've seen live interviews [Ellen,etc] and Twilight with R. Pattinson and I've tried hard to see what the fuss is about, He looks ill to me, very pasty,sallow skin, dull hair and beady, flat eyes that seldom make eye contact. He's tall and has a nice build, but totally lacks any spark or personality, mumbles and seems to lack confidence. His character in Twilight was much more appealing, but lackluster is what comes to mind. I obviously am missing something, as he has many fans that are tuned in to something and I'm most likely am in the minority. I'm not trying to offend, just don't see the attraction. Adam is so alive and drop dead handsome, but even when he looks like a dork[blue shorts and grandpa hat] he's so lovable and appealing. He is the first to laugh at himself and is such a caring, sweet guy. I find that and his quick mind incredibly sexy. He looks at everyone to whom he is speaking like they are the only ones in the room. Elvis also had a great one on one connection. This was a fun blog! I do wish R. Pattinson well and respect his fans admiration of him. His acting was fine in Twilight, but Adam has it all and is one of a kind! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

@ Sanni, Think the guy on the left is Cassidy Hailey, another entertainer friend of Adam, Don't know who the guy on the right is,but this is most likely before Idol. funbunn40