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Entertainment Weekly Poll: Which 'American Idol' duet was better?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, April 16, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, April 16, 2011

Entertainment Weekly has a poll up on their website that asks which duet was better between Adam Lambert and Allison Iraheta's 'Slow Ride' and Casey and Haley's 'Moanin''


Watch the performances below:


Anonymous said...

I am a diehard Adam fan and I adore everything he does. But I must say Haley really did an awesome job!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Haley was amazing. I personally was never a fan of Allison, her voice just wasn't my thing.

Anonymous said...

Well, Haley and Casey did do a great job but I loved Adam and Allison's duet a little bit better.

Anonymous said...

I love both performances but of course I voted for Adam.

Anonymous said...

Haley and Casey are my least favourite Idol singers. Why do they have to growl so much.

Anonymous said...

I loved Haley & Casey's duet I like that bluesy growling singing, but I think Adam and Allison's duet was better, they also killed in on the AI tour, each time they performed it better and betterer.


Anonymous said...

It isn't conceivably possible that any decision regarding the two performances will be objective. This is an Adam blog, most people will blindly choose whichever duet Adam sang in.

They were both good, but both had weak links. It's tough for me to pick one or the other. Haley killed it, Casey ruined it. His style is getting old and creepy fast. Adam slayed it, Allison karaoked her way though. I'm calling tie on this one.

Anonymous said...

As much as I LOVE Adam and Allison, Casey-Haley's duet was the BEST on idol stage ever.

LP said...

I am not a fan of Allison either, this is the only time I can say something bad about Adam. His hand on her sholder looks like a tarantula sitting there. The duets were both very good.It's hard to judge, and I agree it was a tie, although Adam has the higher number in the poll.

Anonymous said...

Casey and Haley were good. I like Haley more than Casey. But have to go with Adam and Allison. To me anything Adam does is beyond compare and the hug at the end. So adorable how much they love each other like brother and sister.

Anonymous said...

It's funny eh!!!! You have to choose which duet is the best?????

Different categories, different style, no comparison at all... If they did both rock then we judge but it's not sorry......


Anonymous said...

Right MOM.........

Anonymous said...

Glam B ????

Anonymous said...

On other sites, people are saying that Casey & Haley are romantically involved, which explains their special "chemistry." But Adam and Allison couldn't possibly have "chemistry" for "obvious reasons".

Sorry, but the chemistry and energy between Adam and Allison (and the deep affection they have for each other) charged their entire performance. They have a very real connection.

Although Casey & Haley are both very talented, their "chemistry" kind of gave me the creeps.

Anonymous said...

I did think that Haley and Casey's duet was very well done but to compare their performance to Adam and Allison ....well there is no comparison because the two styles of music are completely different. It's like comparing apples and oranges. If you like jazz "scatting" then I'm sure a person would vote for Haley and Casey. Personally, (and this is an Adam fan site afterall), I thought Adam and Allison were electrifying and mesmerizing. You can't take your eyes off them (especially Adam!). They do have a very close relationship and I think Adam brought out the best in Allison's vocals. Simon implied it in his comments. Obviously, I voted for Adam and Allison! You can't compare Casey and Haley's growling techniques to Adam's incredible, other-worldly vocals.

Anonymous said...

Mom from toronto That's what I was thinking. Very very different styles and types of songs. Really don't like these polls, they just tend to start trouble. Of course I will always feel Adam is the most talented singer ever.

Anonymous said...

I think that Adam and Allison had the better duet. Their close relationship, their style, their voices just seemed to work better together. Of course, the two couples are very different in their vocal abilities and their song styles. However, I will always choose Adam because there really is no comparison in his vocal talent to anyone else's. He just makes any duet or group number better as seen on Season 8 of AI.

Anonymous said...

These kind of comparisons are futile....Let both couples sing the same song and decide who did the better job....that's the only way you can really compare.

Main differences I saw was Haley and Casey sang NEXT to each other.....Adam and Allison sang TO each my eyes and ears they win!

I like Haley and Casey but don't see them as recording artists I see them as lounge singers.
Pleasant music in a cool dark club while you are having drinks with friends...............JAK

Anonymous said...

I think it was apples and oranges too. I can't compare the duets, so completely different. I loved the guys doing S&G the best.My sister said Paul was great on Leno last night.

Kathy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I also agree with Toronto Mom and others about not comparing them. I loved both duets..a lot!

Anonymous said...

Of course I voted for adam (actually saw them perform that on the idol tour.) I know things are slow lately, but somehow I wish we could get adam OUT of this idol bubble he just can't seem to get out of. But then again, I need something everyday so this will do lol. As far as casey and haley- I thought they were fantastic (haley's my faviorite right now) Totally different styles so imposssible to judge, but this really shouldn't be on the internet anymore because adam has moved far away from idol. Just sayin'

Anonymous said...

This poll is full of nones sense and rubbish!!!! Just my opinion..

Peace and Love to all!!!!


Adamluv said...

I have a question - that post removed by the author? How do you do that? Does that mean if I write something and then want to deleite it, I can? Thought only the blog admin. could deleite? Appreciate if someone could answer me! My vote goes to Adam/Alison! Big surprise I know! LOL! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Sorry for my spelling.... My laptop is giving me some trouble bec. I'm being moody today. Oh! no is it the sign Oh! no, not yet????????????

I'm still rockin!!!!


Anonymous said...

two completely different duets - my preference is Adam/Allison - Haley is trying too hard and Casey is just strange - for me, just the same old, same old. Whatever. Every year should be different

Anonymous said...

What this poll is about? If they would sing same song, like Kris and Adam were singing "Boundary"
may be we could compare them. But stil, there are different artists, each of them very special and unique. I love Adam and I like Casey. They are very special
However, Adam is genious, Casey is very talented boy:) Nobody can compete with Adam!
Never was big fan of Allison, same as Haley. But if we would compare the girls, Haley deff better than Alison in this duet

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know what this tweet mean? Adam posted it earlier today: Arg mercury is heavy duty retrograde

I'm assuming it's related to astrology (remember Adam loves astrology) but otherwise I'm at a loss.

Anonymous said...

Figure skating and Time for Miracles. You can hear that the girl with camera is more about the music than the skating.


Anonymous said...

and Adam and their voices and stage presence are a joy for me to watch. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Oops,something went wrong and my post was lost! No time to redo, but Allison and Adam was my choice. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I think Mercury being in heavy duty retrograde means it's in an ominous position and doesn't bode well for whomever sign it affects. I have a friend that takes it seriously and does astrological charts very precisely funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Agree with 2:05. Just can't compare jazz and rock. I liked both of them, but vocals and energy from Adam/Allison combo were best.

Anonymous said...

Allison was so good on Idol, but her concert performances with Adam were terrible. I can speak to that because I saw 5 of them. Something wrong with sound system. Just sounded like she was trying to scream over the band. Why didn't someone go in the audience and check it out--someone with normal hearing. So disappointed as she had all the potential in the world, and Adam gave her every chance in the world. Hopefully, she'll climb back up again as she is still very young.

Anonymous said...

I've always loved the magic of Adam Lambert and Allison Iraheta. So much chemistry when put together in a room. a blues duet would be great!

Anonymous said...

@ Eva, Thanks for the link. I'm a big figure skating fan, but not familiar with these two. Do you know where this exhibition took place? The photographer was singing along to Adam. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

It was at the Skaterscare benefit show for Japan. Tiffany Vise and Don Baldwin.

More positive things about Adam. I don´t know if I remeber it right, but this Liam McEwan is only 15 years old:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Since the songs are not comparable I vote for the most genuine hug between Adam and Allison. They adore each other and it so much fun to watch.
And I think Adam would have loved to have a real sister.
Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

I like Adam duet with Haley on the Jazz will be epic!!LoL

Anonymous said...

there's a real chemistry with Adam and Allison. can't explain it, but they will be in each others lives for a very long time. I love the more mature Allison and I think she will make amazing music and hope that she and Adam will make more magic in the studio.

Anonymous said...

My take is that this year a producer helps them with their stage performances. Season 8 the people did their own thing. Adam being the artist he is, has a mind full of how to change things up. I think most of Slow Ride was put together by Adam, therefore, I voted for Adam and Allison.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Our beloved mentor!!


Adamluv said...

@Anon poster - I was at 4 GNT concerts where Allison was the opening act and I thought she was wonderful!!!!! Would go see her anytime in concert, and hopefully, that will be soon. She's a big talent!!!!! Love her new shorter hair too. Also loved Orianthi snd some fans complained about her too! ????????? Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Sirpentina - why don't you troll away.

Anonymous said...

Si, funbunn40 según la Astrología en Mercurio Retrógrado se afecta las situaciones en forma adversa, retardan ciertos proyectos, pueden alterar planes o interrumpir las comunicaciones, y por eso se recomienda ser muy prudente con las palabras, las acciones, y tomar medidas apropiadas si se va a viajar para no dejarlo todo a última hora ya que pueden surgir inconvenientes.
Mercurio retrógrado comprende entre 30de Marzo al 31 de Abril.

Anonymous said...

I saw Allison at 3 GNT shows, she got better and betterer each time. In Peoria she was just smoking, I saw her ( and Adam) front and center. She was weeping during one song. Such a strong stage presence, wonderful vocals. Love her.

That being said, their duet was a "moment" for me on Season 8. Loved loved loved it. It was also a highlight on the tour for me.

Now, what Casey and Haley did the other night, to me, was the best performance of the season. The first "moment" of season 10 so far for me. Well done, kudos. Hope they both do well.


Anonymous said...

I was amazed by Allison on Idol....but of course she had her choice of solid hit songs. I worry now that material she is given won't help push her career along,,,I think she is very talented.

I made a cd of all her songs from Idol and enjoy it often....her Someone To Watch Over Me is so

Anonymous said...

It's the 1st time I've heard/seen Adam and Allison singing Slow Ride and man, they were fabulous!! :D Their voices blended perfectly!! And Adam gave me goosies all over from his 1st note onwards.

Haley and Casey - good performance which I watched live, and especially from Haley - great scatting - but the chemistry wasn't there and it was there in abundance with Adam and Allison. Casey pulls some strange faces. I agree if they wanted to compare duets, they should've been singing in the same genre but I'm as certain as I can be that Adam and Allison would still be the better duet.

Anonymous said...

Allison and Adam need to spend more time together and let the juices flow off of each other. So much creativity could happen and great music could be made.

coloforadam said...

The true comparison - what will stand the test of time? Do you think two years from now, there will be any remark or memory of Casey and Haley .... "who?? and what did they sing?" quoth the Simon - "you won the show tonight.." They went on and made that duet a part of the Summer tour and audiences screamed for it and loved it. Allison and Adam both love rock music AND that song, to the core. You could feel it from their first step on the stage in how they dressed, walked and Killlllllled that song!!

HK fan said...

I voted for Adam and Alison...obviously. Although I enjoyed Hayley and Casey's duet the other night, definitely one of the best performances of the season so far. Hayley has been my favourite for a few weeks, didn't get all the Pia love. I find Hayley far prettier, with a personality, and she really tries to change things up and put on a show. Saying that, so far none of them come close to the charisma of Adam, and there's nobody who's album I would go and buy.
The chemistry between Adam and Alison seems much more real 9even though Casey and Hayley are supposed to be dating), their interaction was better, the energy was higher, and you couldn't take your eyes off them, well Adam mainly. Casey needs to stop doing that grunting/coughing noise in the middle of the songs. But hope they both stay around a bit longer. Actually would quite like to see Hayley win.

Anonymous said...

re: 12:19
It's a shame that "pretty" is so important in a singing contest. It's a miracle that Barbra Streisand ever got as far as she did. But maybe people were just less shallow in those days.
Fortunately, Adam is both gorgeous and talented. And, by the way, Pia is gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this a bit old hat! Moving on...............

HK fan said...

its a fact of life that looks help when trying to make it as a performer, just the way it. And there was nothing wrong with Barbra Streisand looks wise, she was a very striking women (should say is), not conventionally pretty, but certainly not unattractive. Amd people are attracted to/like different kind of people, I didn't say Pia was unattractive, I just personally find Hayley more so, probably because she seems to have a much nicer personality, and it adds something.

Anonymous said...

What if a song contest happened without faces? Only voices would be heard... Ronnie;D

Anonymous said...


You clever boy (everybody under 50 is a boy to me) that would be a truly fair competition but I doubt it would draw much of an audience.

Not today anyway. Maybe back in the 40's when families gathered around the radio and just listened......

I've been meaning to add my welcome to the site. I enjoy your comments, especially when you and Eva and Elli and Sanni get a topic going. Though I'm still waiting to find out what gullegutt means!........................JAK

Anonymous said...

re: Barbra Striesand

I took my daughters to see Funny Girl when it came out in 1968....they sat in total silence they loved musicals. At the intermission (long movie) my 6 year old turned to me and said "Mommy, is that lady pretty?" I said "What do you think?" She thought for quite awhile then said "Sometimes."

I thought that was a pretty good answer...JAK

HH (above Ap.16, 6:46PM) translation said...

@ funbunn40

«Yes funbunn40, according to the Astrology Mercury Retrograde affects situations in adverse (unfavorable) way: it delays some projects, may alter some plans or interrupts communication: and that's why it's reccommended to be prudent about the words and actions and to take appropriate steps, if one is going to travel [should] not to leave everything to the last moment to avoid the appearance of some incoveniences. Mercury Retrograde is set from March 30 up to April 31. HH»

Translated by Fan4fun

Anonymous said...

Gullegutt= a cute norwegian boy. Gutt= boy in norwegian. Gulle (gullig) is cute, sweet in swedish.


Adamluv said...

I tried listening to this duet from S10 - it was so awful I stopped about 1 min. into the performance. Was it better on tv? I can only hope so.

HK fan said...

isn't that what that new show The voice is supposed to be?
Don't think it would work with Idol. I've never thought of AI as just a 'singing' contest. Its about finding an 'Idol', so while voice is important, they have to have everything else as well, looks, stage presence, charisma, personality, 'it' etc.Which is why although I'm watching this season and quite enjoying it, I don't care who wins as there's nobody that has all that for me. Unless somebody does something amazing in the next few weeks...

glitzylady said...

Sort of missed out on this thread, and I'm afraid I'm just too prejudiced in favor of Adam and Allison that it really makes no sense for me to vote (but I did anyway). I do think Casey and Haley's duet was pretty good, especially Haley (watched it...on TV...), but because I am not really vested in either of them, I will still vote here too for Adam and Allison...and probably always will. Just the way it is! The feeling that I experienced watching Adam and Allison and their duet was hard to beat, both on Idol, and on the tour. Such great chemistry and blending of voices, and just the joy they exuded each and every time..Still the best, IMO.

Anonymous said...

Tack Eva

I like Gullegutt...cute boy, I'll remember that!


Anonymous said...

Two entirely different styles of performance. Haley & Casey were good, especially Haley, and jazz is okay, but Adam and Allison were smokin' hot and fun fun fun.

Anonymous said...

@JAK and HH fan!!

Right, an Idol is a whole package from top to toe, from inside out. Voice and looks. Adam is #1 because of his VOICE only and what it comes to his LOOKS, he rises above everyone!!! He is not just a pretty boy, he is BEAUTIFUL inside out. And that´s something rare.


Anonymous said...

Thanks again Fan4fun for translating HH for me! Is Everything alright with you? @HH Thanks for the astrological info. I got the gist of it, trying to pick out key words but always love to hear your words,and appreciate the details. Fan4fun alwayscomes to my rescue! I just remembered that Mercury in retrograde wasn't good and you had to be extra careful. It probably would be a good idea to hide under the bed untilit leaves! I'm glad to know when it ends. I know Adam is paying attention! funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I hope Allison will open for Adam again and they will sing together again. Love their chemistry, especially the hugs! Allison is young, has the voice, just needs a little seasoning. funbunn40