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More Pictures from The Listening Party! (Photos by Lee Cherry)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Head over to Lee Cherry's website for more pictureS!


Anonymous said...

I know who Scarlett is, but does anyone know the identities of the others?

Fan4fun said...

Pic. # 1
How sweet is that?
My so sweet big baby is holding so sweetly such a sweet little baby!
Good night you all! If I don't wake up tomorrow I'm taking a good view of life with me, indeed!

Anonymous said...

That second pic is breathtaking!

And the pic with the sweet is that? And the baby's expression is priceless with the headset on. ha.

Anonymous said...

Adam is sooo gorgeous! It is in the middle of the night in a quiet house. I just had to wake up to see his beautiful face again. The baby is so tiny and cute! Sanni

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Adam has made Riff a lullaby cd?

I need one to go to sleep too! JM

Anonymous said...

The second picture is Adam with Leo Monteczuma (sp?). He is a really good dancer in LA and was one of Pink's dancers on her tour. He and Adam have been friends for years.

Anonymous said...

he's already growing that facial hair in these pictures

Anonymous said...

Ginger beard! Looks like Leila smiling off to the right in pic#1. Would love to hear Adam sing little Riff a lulabye and watch his reaction.So cute with the headphones and Adam looks so natural with a little one. Riff is a clone of his daddy Lee. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos. :)

Adam's beard is great but I really prefer his yummy naked face. :)

Anonymous said...

Many more super cute photos from the Listening Party. Riff is a really funny looking baby.:-)
Just scroll down to the pics. There is also a link to even more photos on that event.


Anonymous said...

This adorable baby is already famous. I love seeing adam with this baby, just put's a smile on my face. I hope I'm still here to see what become of rif- I have no children so I'm interested in the outcome 10,20,30, years from now- not that I'll be here but some of you youngr glamberts will. Just a thought- btw I think tooo much.

Anonymous said...

If you go to the listening party site with all of the pics, there's one of Eber with a full grown beard, same style as Adam's. Adam must have been inspired by dad. funbunn40