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Most shocking moment on 'American Idol'?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, April 8, 2011

Posted at : Friday, April 08, 2011

Idolator wants you to vote for the MOST SHOCKING moment on American Idol.....

CLICK HERE to vote for the obvious choice!


LP said...

I watched the video again, and relived the hurt and sorrow, that Adam didn't win. But what a great guy, he must have been so disapointed inside, but he never shows it.He has certainly over come the disapointment, and is now a SUPER STAR, that he deserves and has worked for, so he wins in the end :)

Anonymous said...
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LP said...


Anonymous said...

Rreediculous that Adam didn't win. Looking back ay ANY of his performances, he set the bar soooooooo high that his average (*if there was one) far surpassed everyone else's best.
Look up Youtube or anywhere his AI performance videos can be seen with comments. MOST of the comments reflect people's amazement and shock that he didn't win.

Frightened, angry homophobic middle America was never going to let a gay man win. Well, they voted for their cute, squeaky clean poster boy... who is a talented, decent singer and musician who is also by all counts--a great guy. Isn't it a shame for him that he will always have to deal with the stigma, shadow, and ever continuing conversation that ADAM LAMBERT should have won...
(Maybe he should thank all those voters who were so determined to make him win -- and didn't buy his album...)

Well, yes Adam SHOULD have won, but the truth is he didn't need to... He is SOO talented, such an amazing showman with such an incredible voice often being compared to the all time greats --Elvis, Fredie Mercury, MJ... He is well on his way to super stardom without the title...
but it WAS shocking that he didn't win it.

Still shocked, but more annoyed

Anonymous said...

@Cindy Great article, dear! Love read your comments.
Adam is best AI ever known. Only AI I like to listen except Adam it is David Cook.
Pia got support from many celebrities. Here is the link for the article

Anonymous said...

Just noticed on the calendar that is was exactly a year ago that I saw Adam in concert in Vancouver, Canada. Tickets sold out in 3 minutes so they added a second show which also sold out in 3 minutes. The dancers weren't even a part of it yet. What a year it has been for him!

Anonymous said...

Adam's a Winner from day one on AI !!!
when we first heard & saw him perform, Yeah! he's the ONE!
So happy for Adam that today he's a SUPERSTAR!!!, he's the
So talented & the big Voice!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see Pia go. Stefano or Paul would have been my choict to go first. She's polished and can sing. Think she needs to up her stage presence a bit, but she has the looks and talent. She may be better off, not being locked into RCA/Sony 19 restrictive contracts that really tie their hands long term and they control them, rather than working for the artists. The voting scenario is seriously flawed. Look what happened to Adam, but his talent projected him and he got the exposure, which really is what he wanted. Adam will also have longevity because of his extraordinary skills and experience. I like Kris,and he does have a fine voice, but unfortunately he doesn't have the stage presence and uniqueness to go the distance IMO. He looked dumbfounded at the results and really thought like so many that Adam deserved to win. It really doesn't matter at this point. I think several of this season's contestants will be just fine. Scotty will have a place in Nashville. I'd like to hear him do a Bill Medley, Rightious Bros. song.I don't see him winning, however. James Durbin will be fine too, finding his way eventually fronting a metal band. I like Laura Alaina. She's young, but has a Carrie Underwood quality. Haley isn't my type of music, but she has a voice. Think we,ve really been spoiled by Adam. I try not to compare, but going back , looking at his performances, there just was no contest. funbunn40

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:53
I was at the River Rock show in Vancouver as well (close to home..)..what a great time that was! He was so sweet, cute, and seemed just a little amazed that we were all there to see him, even then. That was also the concert that I learned about Stub Hub, because as you said, the tickets sold out immediately. Hard to believe it was a year ago!

glitzylady said...

I just have to say that my sweet Adam fan-boy hubby was shocked, disgusted, and just plain mad that Pia was voted off last night. She was his favorite of all the contestants this year and could not believe she didn't go further. He said he has sworn off Idol forever (sound familiar??) but we'll see.... He is a BIG fan of Adam, but I have to say I think Pia is his "Adam Lambert", and I think he has a little crush on her (imagine that...), which I think is cute and amusing. Now we're even! Planning to take him to the Idol tour this summer so he can see her up close and personal.. because I know what a thrill that is. His turn.....

Anonymous said...

I can't watch the end of Idol 8, because my heart was crushed. After watching Adam all season, he was by far the best all around entertainer and singer. My hubby said he would lose after those kissing pics came out. I argued with him because I didn't see what his personal life had to do with singing. Hubby said " it shouldn't, but it will". Than the AT&T voting scam came out and it all just pissed me off so bad, it has taken me a long time to get over being so upset by the farce. Adam was such a sweetheart through this ordeal, that made me appreciate him as a person. I think that is when he got my heart, and has had it every since. I love who he is in his soul.


Anonymous said...

When Adam didn't win AI8, I blamed everyone but my cat. No, Adam didn't need to win, but for us fans, I think it was truly hard at that moment because we worked so hard for Adam to win. But now, I see things more clearer because along with Adam, we are being rewarded...with Adam's bright star and his music he is able to share with all of us. Adam is our superstar!!

HK fan said...

I just voted for Adam, but if I'm truthful it wasn't shocking as I'd predicted to my family that Kris would win (at the beginning of the top 12) and that adam would come 2nd. Kris was much more what the voting demographic of Idol goes for and when Danny went all his votes would have gone to Kris. Maybe if Alison had been 3rd things would have been different. Its still hard to watch though, Adam so deserved it and should have been getting all the glory at that moment.

Anonymous said...

The result is written all over Simon's face

he didn't even stand up!

And I love the way Adam handled it...Class act...

Anonymous said...

You know, the concept of Reality TV is to create drama out of nothing. To get more viewers and voters, because that's how the producers get more money. It's not all their fault that people are so stupid.

Anonymous said...

@ Delilah ;) Thanks, glad you enjoy... I like David Cook too and was HAPILLY surprised when he won.

@ P.A.S. Very touching last few sentences, Yup! (bummer that your husband tourned out to be right) but I agree with your feelings as it was similar for me.
HOW Adam handles the worst disapointment, or a firestorm of controversy shows the person he is which REALLY impressed me, and took my heart along with yours... (and I'm pretty sure most of his devoted followers.) He's absolutely feirce and an inspritation, even when it isn't soemthing to be proud of. He owns it and moves on.

Last note, at the risk of being attacked... big sigggh... ahem...
SORRY folks.... just not feelin' Pia... never did. She certainly is beautiful, great legs & figure, great hair... nice voice... yes nice, not wow. Loveley to look at but not exciting. No commanding stage presence that reached me beyond her obvious good looks.

Sorry, but after the magnificence, excitement and perfection of Adam... they gotta go a long way to fill those shoes. In fact they need a ladder to even get close...


Krista said...

I really like Kris Allen too, so back then I was happy that he won. And you can see that Adam didn't have to win because, however, he's now so successful. :)

Anonymous said...

As we have seen, you do not have to win to be successful. Just look at Daughtry, Jennifer Hudson, and, of course, Adam Lambert. However,for me, Adam set the bar so high during season 8, that it is difficult not to make comparisons to him with last season and this season's group of contestants. You really don't hear much about either Lee Dewyze or Crystal from season 9 because they basically were bland and uninteresting as contestants. Pia will go on to have a record deal and probably will do fairly well in her career. Will any of this season's performers go onto stardom? I don't really think so. Scotty will do well in Nashville and he is still a kid. As for the others, time will tell if they can amass a fan base to sell records. Besides talent, you must have stage presence, personality, and connect to the audience...all qualities that Adam Lambert has and have made him such a success. It seems everyone wants to be a singer/performer nowadays(as seen by all the new shows dealing with selecting the best voice), but I think that person needs something special, different to compete in the music industry today to make it to the top.

Anonymous said...

I will never forget that MOMENT when beautiful Adam lost. I felt I wanted to put a curse on AI! Well, two seasons past, AI seems to be running into bad luck!

Anonymous said...

Right, 6:03, Pia just lacks some quality of warmth. Such a beautiful girl with such a great voice. She didn't seem comfortable moving around and connecting. She just liked to stand there even though she tried. Kinda of chilly. I can't imagine her as the winner. Other qualities are lacking.

Anonymous said...

After Adam lost...then came the Adam F--King Lambert American Idol Tour...LOL....Damn he was so HOT on tour.....

HK fan said...

You won't be attacked, I'm the Same, found Pia very Bland. And yes shes pretty, but I find Hayley more attractive, maybe its because she has a much bigger personality, it just makes her stand out more. Just watched the elimination again, really feel for Stefano, he was so shocked it wasn't him...

Anonymous said...

American Idol will not be the same as popular during Adams season that's all folks. I really don't care what is going on there anymore just my opinion. I don't want to upset anyone of you.

I'm just gonna focus on Adams career and love him forever ha!ha!ha!

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...


"Adam was such a sweetheart through this ordeal, that made me appreciate him as a person. I think that is when he got my heart, and has had it every since. I love who he is in his soul."

I couldn't have said it better, it is exactly how I felt. To be honest, I was and wasn't shocked that Adam didn't win, I figured that most of Danny's votes would be given to Kris, but at the same time was devastated that Adam didn't win. I also like Kris and think he is talented and has a nice quality to his voice but the true winner was and is Adam, he was heads and shoulders above the rest. I still have a hard time watching the final results, it still hurts.

I also agree about Pia, good singer, beautiful girl actually stunning but lacks stage presence. Adam was and is the whole package, he has spoiled AI for me, really can't get invested in anyone because they just don't come near to what Adam brought to the show.


Anonymous said...


glitzylady said...

I too was not shocked that Adam did not win, and was in fact prepared for it, based on some things I had read, some "inner feelings", and thinking that there would be the "vote against" vote, but was still very sad, frustrated, and angry, to be honest..I wanted to throw something at the TV, but it was brand new, so didn't! The air in the room was also a bit "blue", shall we say! I did feel that there was no contest as to who should have won and like so many others, had picked Adam as the winner literally 2 seconds after I saw him for the first time: he was (and is..) just that special. And while it is so true that he is the winner anyway in reality, it still rubs me the wrong way that he "lost" to Kris, who is a great guy, great singer, but not in the same league as Adam, IMHO. Seeing Simon sitting there like a stone, no smile, no applause and no standing ovation for Kris said it all for me..Simon "said" what I was feeling at home. I felt a little sorry for Kris actually because I knew he was stunned and possibly a little embarrassed to have "won" over Adam, when, as he said "Adam should have won..", only to be sort of silenced by Ryan Seacrest, who was probably also rather amazed that it went that way..and was making the best of it.. Water under the bridge, etc., etc.., but still wrong in my book. Adam is happy to have had the opportunity to get his record deal and the worldwide exposure, something he probably would never have had without Idol, and in the whole scheme of things, that is what matters most..Otherwise, we would not be here today talking about it, and Adam would probably still be singing in musicals, which is fine, but not what he was happy its all good in the long run..Win/win..We're happy, Adam's happy..cause for celebration!

Anonymous said...

I know it didn't matter to Adam's eventual career that he didn't win but it mattered to ME. I felt robbed of the victory feeling and celebration I should have had on that evening when the announcement was made.

Anonymous said...

Pia has picked up a record deal, so all is not lost. I am happy for her.

Anonymous said...

Memories eh????? I remembered when I was watching this, I have my finger cross and breathing so fast indeed....

My WWS is born and I'm very happy about the outcome.....

Too much respect and class for this young man ADAM

Mom from Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

I don't think that anybody has to complain about AI. Nobody could understand what happend with votes two years ago and nobody can understand why Pia was eliminated.
But Pia got contract in the same day or day after all
I am sure, she will do very well. Same as Adam if he woudn't get AMA

Anonymous said...

America got it wrong AGAIN!! :( First Adam, an absolute tragedy that he didn't win and now Pia!! :( Well, it seems Pia has a contract already - my, that was quick and rightly so. I wish her all the very best as I do Adam, every day. :)

Anonymous said...

Wasn't following Adam or the AI8 two years ago. Just remember seeing on the news after the final vote that some "big injustice happened " and a pic of Adam. Looked at him and wondered how different he was with his black outfit and "something" that could not give a name to. Now I know what that SOMETHING is for sure!! Sanni

Anonymous said...

Thank God Adam didn't 'win' because he would have been stuck with all the cornball stuff that goes along with the title.

Anonymous said...

Adam WON! He got to keep freedom of expression
and be in control of what he loves best. Plus, AI was just a foundation for exposure and ADAM did it well, because just look at him now!
He was so far out the water on that show,infact he blew it off the planet! Even the judges couldn't stand close to the talent of Adam. He totally ruled! Adam is an international Superstar who is of legend status!

Anonymous said...

Why is it the US are so obsessed with 'winners and losers'? Why is it the US are so homophobic?
Love and appreciate this man.

Anonymous said...

Often the fans take the loss more heavily than the contestants. Same thing with the Big Brother reality.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, you go girl "...His Turn." What a great guy you have there!! :)


Anonymous said...

When are these shows gonna get it that to be fair, there only should be one vote per phone. I would think for sure that there would be no more shockers if they just fix this broken voting system.


Anonymous said...

I think Kris Allen would say that winning was his most shocking moment because I'm sure he was sure the winner would be Adam. That put him in an uncomfortable position, Adam so far "outshone" him and he knew then and now that people felt that way. Adam was then and now gracious about Kris winning the title. He has class! This battle should be over and done with.
I hope Kris will have the career he wants and I know Adam will.

After saying all the above I will admit that for days after the final show my "heart" hurt that Adam wasn't acknowledged for his exceptional talent. I WAS HOOKED!!!!!!!!!JAK

p.s. It's nice to be back

HK fan said...

I know why pia was eliminated.....she didn't get enough votes!
Yes she had a good voice, but no personality, stage presence, boring song choices, no charisma. She just didn't inspire people to vote for her. And if you believe what Nigel Lythgoe says, she was never a front runner anyway.