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New Pictures of Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen (Photos by Lee Cherry)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Thanks to _ninni!


Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli are so cute! Sanni

LP said...

No beard! This must have been taken before Sauli went to NY. Adam still has that "Iam in love" look, luv them both :)

Anonymous said...

No, he still has a beard. It's standing right next to him.

LP said...

Has anyone thought about the idea that Sauli has followed Adams career for quite a while. Just as we have. He prolly new a lot about Adam before he ever met him. Like the rest of us he could have been in love with Adam already, just like all of us. We know Sauli went to some of Adams GNT, and prolly watched him on A I in Finland, they had the last 5 shows on their TVs. Whatever Sauli has made our boy happy, maybe this is the one Adam has talked of, that he wants to grow old with someone, and he was afraid it wouldn't happen.

Anonymous said...

LP - hold on! They've only been dating a couple of months! As much as I want Adam to be happy and in love all the time, I would not be so quick to say "he's the one". Only time will tell. It is amazing though how manly Adam looks compared to him, isn't it? These photos made my heart thud, dadumpdump...He's miraculously believable.
ps.Bought the GNT live DVD couple of days ago and AM LOVING IT! 20th century boy rocks my socks off. Too bad they didn't include WLL, especially the one from Milwaukee;)
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...


Yes, I've often thought that Sauli followed Adam's career and grew to love him long before they actually met. I've also wondered if it was pure coincidence that they met that night at a club in Helsinki when Adam was leaving and noticed Sauli. Wow! Talk about "fate".

No matter what photo Adam takes with anyone, he is always the standout in the picture....such a handsome, gorgeous man.


Anonymous said...

These pictures are too beautiful to look at. I am so moved to the 2nd one, they look stunning together as you can almost feel their love.

Anonymous said...

Are these pictures from The labor of love listening Party--I think he was wearing this jacket while holding baby Riff-- It would make sense to me since scarlett is in the photo???

Anonymous said...

Sauli has beautiful eyes! Adam looks handsome as always:)

Anonymous said...

Just Wondering - how does Adam get a black

beard & mustache - He's a Ginger!!!

I mean his carpet can't match his drapes either !!

Guess for Sauli it would be " surprise " !!

Anonymous said...

Yes, pictures are from the labor of love listening party. More photos here:
Also some new photos of Adam and little Riff.

I just love to look photos of Adam & Sauli together. They are so hot together! And still kind of cute :) And in my opinion totally perfect for each other <3

Anonymous said...

Why we wondering here how and when and why they met. They just met. Let´s be happy because they are happy. We can never know what life brings, is just this moment.
I love those pictures and is that Danielle? She is so beautiful.
I love you all :)
Girl from Finland

Anonymous said...

Wow, we skandinavians look beutiful!! :P

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you anon 11:58 ;)

Anonymous said...

Adam needs to shave, it just looks gross. Oh look it's Twu wuv forever! Can't wait to pop popcorn and watch the tearful meltdowns on this site whenever their breakup happens.

Anonymous said...

@anon 11:37am
Thank you for the link to all the photos of the Listening Party....they are great! I just loved looking at Adam holding baby Riff! Too adorable for words! Adam looks so happy..also the pics of Adam and Sauli...beautiful together!

Anonymous said...

I also believe that Sauli knew a lot about Adam before they met . In fact I think Sauli knew that Adam was at that club and planned the meeting for his own reasons whatever those are . I wonder if he is sincere or just looking for recognition . Celebrities have been used that way before . Adam sure is smitten so its working ,for now anyway .

LP said...

You should be so lucky if it happen s to you,

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:13 PM You can go and kiss your ass. It was Adam who noticed Sauli. Sauli was at Jenny Woo because it was Saturday night and Jenny Woo is his favorite place where he meets his friends and have fun at weekends.

Anonymous said...

12:13 Everyone has a right to their opinion and this was yours. Fortunately, I know Saul and I know that he does not seek publicity through Adam. What are the benefits he would have it? He can not sing or act (at least very good). If he are with Adam only for money or publicity we would have already read their story from the gossip magazines and that we have not seen. Also I don´t think Adam is stupid like some thinks in here. I soome he has seen liars. I rest my case and wish you all sweet dreams here from Finland.
Girl from Finland

Anonymous said...

Danille and Adam have the most beautiful eyes. she sticks by him! so sweet!

Anonymous said...

12:13 PM; What I have heard the club where they met (the 6th of November 2010) was Sauli's favorite place in Helsinki (gay friendly club) and Adam was the one who approached him. I know Sauli a lot and I don't think he has planned anything on purpose; he's not like that. He has never talked about Adam in any interview. Sauli is very warm-hearted, playful, sunny and funny guy (still pics don't tell everything) and I'm sure he is in love. I don't know how Adam feels about him. If they break up, I know there will be many happy people who clap there hands: "I knew it!". I will be sad cause I love them both and wish them all the happiness life can offer. I can't understand why you are so sceptic (I'm not sure if that's written right; my English is rusty). Adam is adult, nearly 30 years old man and I have a feeling that he has quite a good sense for people. So, don't be afraid the big guy can handle this, for sure.

Anonymous said...

Sorry my bad language but I get mad when someone who don't no anything say mean things like anon 12:13 PM.

Anonymous said...

Well, some people are mean by nature and think bad thoughts about everything and everybody. Sauli, if Adam treats you badly and doesn't love you as some people think he doesn't (not enough smile of love and happiness on his face in these pictures; read somewhere), so come home! You'll find a guy who respects and loves you the way you deserve. Our sunshine, don't let anyone hurt you there!

Anonymous said...

Look closely at Adam face. I think this is when he was starting his beard, cause you can see the outline of facial growth. Can you guys see it?
Love the pictures. Adam lets us see what he wants us to see, at least pic's he has control over. I agree with those who think Adam and Sauli look great together. From all reports that we have on Sauli, he is a very nice person.
If there was "dirt" on Sauli, I am sure someone would have reported it. That's how the press is, just as PH does,(or they would have made something up like PH did.
We love Adams' music and talk about it, but he puts his life out for us also. If he didn't want us to know of his personal life, he would not give us pictures of his holding hands, arm around, or the "glow" look, along with "his heart is full".
Don't forget folks, we have alot of Finnish people here and they get upset when facts get twisted about Sauli.

@12:48 PM : It's okay to get upset, I have in the past. A couple of threads back I was accused of being "snarky" because I did not like someone calling us "nuts" because we said maybe Adam went to NY to be with Sauli.


Anonymous said...

Relax and enjoy these beautiful pictures and listen to IIHY! What a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Adam's face looks a little like he has a beard
burn... I remember he said he didn't like beard burns. Only smooth faces... :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry but Sauli was at the door as Adam was leaving the club ,they struck up a conversation , Adam invited him back to his hotel(clearly a hookup) . BUT Sauli must have really impressed Adam somehow and there it is. Sure has given S some great publicity for his roadshow -just sayin

Anonymous said...

A and S must have common interests, because that's important in a relationship. I'm a finn and I know S only from publicity. I think Sauli is an average looking guy with empathic nature and a good sense of humour, just like Adam. Maybe Adam doesn't want the best looking guy he could get. He's not shallow or maybe he doesn't want to be jealous ;)

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:21 PM You are funny. Sauli looks yummy.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks absolutely fabulous in these pictures. We can speculate all we want about whether they are suited for each other, in love, etc., but no one really knows. None of us is there in their private lives and really know what is happening between the two of them. Of course, we want Adam to be happy and these pics seem to indicate that. Time alone will tell if this is a true relationship. One issue I can see is the distance between them. Is Sauli ready to move to California to be with Adam? Does Adam want that now? What will he do as a job or career? It's just too early to tell anything. And I am sure that Adam would not intentionally treat anyone badly as was suggested in a previous comment in regard to Sauli. With Adam's celeb status now, it is going to be difficult to have a relationship when you are constantly in the public eye. That unfortunately is the price one pays for success although there are many celebs in the entertainment business(who are gay) and manage to have a partner and then children too.

Anonymous said...

I think someone should mention that Scarlett and Danielle look cute too.

And Danielle is not Adam's "beard" you only need a beard if you are trying to pass as straight!

Why are there people who always want to "rain" on someone's parade? Most of us are enjoying Adam's romance............................JAK

Anonymous said...


I love you. What they were referring to is that Sauli has the beard, and he was next to Adam. I don't think it was about that term of "beard", but you made me chuckle, as you are getting (like me) some of these terms down pat.


Anonymous said...

Adam's happy - I'm happy. 'Nuff said!

Anonymous said...

@pas actually I meant Sauli IS the beard. Beards aren't just for gays in the closet.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:48:

Thanks soo much for your insightful words coming from YOUR heart since you know Sauli soo well.

IMHO - Sauli is a GEM of a guy and respects Adam's privacy - no hidden agenda at all!! He is NOT in it for himself and publicity etc.

You cannot "fake" the kind of joy you see with Adam and Sauli when they are together. Let these 2 boys have fun and let us all enjoy watching what the future brings for them.

Both are intelligent, sincere, and very loving. Now that's what life should all be about.

Not negativity!!!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the Finnish glamberts will probably turn on Adam like dogs if he ever dumps Sauli. He is a perfect angel made of sunshine who walks on water.

Anonymous said...

Well hell yeah - Adam is also a perfect angel (somtimes devil) made of sunshine who walks on water -- -- soo Adam and Sauli are a perfect match!!

Anonymous said...

No Finnish glambert has said anything bad about Adam. I wish Sauli would be treated the same way. We love both Adam and Sauli.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Peeps, just ignore the negativity, don't feed them!

Anonymous said...

Just grow up people and get a life of your own!

How can it be so difficult for some of you to accept that Adam is living his life in a way he wants to??? - he is not here to fulfill your fantasies. If he is happy with Sauli so be it. I´m so tired of reading all that crap about Sauli, especially in twitter.

We already know that Sauli was not in his gig in Helsinki, they randomly met in the club (there are not so many gay clubs in Helsinki and it´s Sauli´s favourite place), it was not Sauli who approached Adam but vice versa and Sauli has not talked about Adam before they met. Adam was in Finland in May or June 2010 and Katri (Sauli´s co-host) met him back then because of her work. She was excited about it and mentioned that in their Tutka-show, but Sauli was more like amused about Katri´s behaviour. So why speculate about it over and over again??

And it´s not like we Finnish glamberts think that Sauli is perfect, but he sure is a very special, reliable, funny and genuine person who does not deserve any of that bullshit. So also Adam is the lucky one here.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe the post that said Sauli was an average looking guy. I think he is extremely cute, very good looking! Beautiful sky blue eyes and a radiant smile as well.

Anonymous said...

As long as my dear Adam is happy and respected, I don't give any crap about any speculations indeed.

Life is too short and Adam is enjoying every inch of it!!!!!!!!!



Fan4fun said...

I have 3 pictures of them both together (sweet Adam and Sauli) in my wallet. I know, I know... it's dangerous to carr yet. such a big treasure in a wallet, but Azores is not a dangerous place to live. And I am blessed... so are they.
Enjoy yourselves, pretty kids!

Fan4fun said...

Oooops! Typo mistake: ... «it's dangerous to carry such a big treasure...»
Guess everybody understood, anyway.

Anonymous said...

Some people get way too over-invested in the personal lives of strangers (or the lives they IMAGINE those strangers lead), which always tells me that their own personal lives are lacking.

I wish for Adam (and Sauli and Danielle etc ) what I wish for everyone --that we are healthy emotionally as well as physically; that we have or find people in our lives who help make us happy, who treat us with love and respect, who support us on our journey through life.

Anonymous said...

Wow those pictures are amazing of Suli and Adam. Scarlet is gorgeous too. Riff is so lucky to be surrounded by love. Love the Pittmans adorable as well. Adam eyes are killer.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Now I am confused on what a Beard is. All these years I thought it was facial hair, until I heard it used on a site. @JAK sorry I guess you were correct. I should have known, you are a smart lady.
I am beginning to think SAD.AL has expanded on there.
Happy days and sweet dreams.


Anonymous said...


I've always resented snarky comments about Adam "using" Danielle to appear straight. Some newspaper idiot wrote about it early in the days even before Adam made his statement in Rolling Stone and made clear his orientation.

I guess friendship between a man and woman is somehow suspect.They have been friends for so long, I hope she has a romance of her own happening!...............................JAK

Anonymous said...


A beard was an escort of opposite sex to hide a person's sexual preference. The term was used a lot in old Hollywood days to protect the in the deep dark closet stars. The practice still protects some famous people who are afraid to be "found out". Sad isn't it?..........JAK

Anonymous said...

To 5:59, you are right - my own personal life is very lacking at the moment and not much I can do about it. I'm happy to find some change from the routine and some community on this site. No harm done.

Anonymous said...

3:37PM; No we are not gonna do that to Adam. We love Adam's music. That's what matters. But of course we are interested in Sauli cause we know him here in Finland. If Adam dumps him (or vice versa), we accept that for sure (what else can we do? it's their life). But like someone said, Sauli doesn't deserve all the bullshit and wrong information that some people are sharing.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting seeing Fergy there...she seems to be around Adam more and more these days!

Anonymous said...

Adam is the reason I am here. Not Sauli. Let us be happy just at the moment for them!! This very moment NOW is the most important moment.

Anonymous said...


Help me get this straight. Adam has said he is gay and is with Sauli, who is gay. But someone on this thread thinks Sauli is being used by Adam, who is really straight and wants to be with his friend for years, Danielle. Is that what they are saying? This situation would make Sauli the beard?

I know Rock Hudson married to hide that he was gay. I can understand if a gay person did this, but why would a straight person say they were gay if they weren't? I don't get it.


Anonymous said...

"Anon April 20, 2011 4:35 PM ""And it´s not like we Finnish glamberts think that Sauli is perfect, but he sure is a very special, reliable, funny and genuine person who does not deserve any of that bullshit. So also Adam is the lucky one here."

I agree with you! Sauli is not perfect and Adam is not perfect but they are both very special.

Anonymous said...

Peace and love to this site!

Adam is a gay man and Sauli is too.
They have many female friends.
Adam is a human and Sauli is too.

They are no saints but grown up men.
Nobody uses anybody here!
P.A.S., JAK and daydreamin too, I love youuu.

(That sounds a song to me, heheeee.)


You were in my dream last night. We were discussing about Adam (who else) on a bench in a park. You had something green and purple cloth on.

Anonymous said...


That is not Fergie, though they do look very alike. That is Danielle Stori (also a singer in clubs in L.A) she and Adam have been best friends since their school days. She is a regular in the Adam, Alisan, Scarlett and Lee group of friends. You can Google her and hear some of her songs should you wish......JAK

Anonymous said...


I don't see any way that Sauli could be a beard for anyone.......someone is just "messing" around, making cryptic remarks. In the top photo Sauli is gay...Scarlett is straight...Adam is gay and I have no idea what Danielle's orientation is and it's none of my business.

The best way to get unconfused is to GOOGLE......
"What does the term "beard" mean?" It explains it all.........We have a troll in our midst I believe. Why else would these accusation be made anonymously? Just come out and explain what you want to say!!!!!

Love and Peace to you P.A.S..............JAK

Anonymous said...


How nice to meet you if even only in a dream....
kind of spooky though. I DO wear a green and purple and gold African batik jacket quite often!!!!!!!!! Strange...................JAK

Anonymous said...


I haven't seen any comments from Elli lately. Have I just missed them or has she been strangely silent? Maybe on a vacation trip.I hope to see (hear) her back soon.....<3....JAK

Anonymous said...

@JAK! I miss Elli too. Hope she on a vacation and comes back soon. She a treasure here! As you are too! Sanni

Anonymous said...


If old age in people made them more valuable like it does in antiques I still have 25 years to go before I can be considered an antique!!!!

I don't even want to reach that goal! There comes a time you need to move on to the next and last great adventure............... :) ...JAK

Anonymous said...

@JAK! You will never be old. You are too funny, playful, creative, curious, excited to be old. It was quite odd to see you in my dream by the way. You had a charming smile! Sanni

Anonymous said...

You are sweet. I like your song.

JAK: Thank you for your help. Sometimes I feel out of the loop. Agree with you about troll. I think some are starting trouble. Have you noticed it always the same bloggers that leave a tag.


Anonymous said...

I think Adam and Sauli make a beautiful couple and compliment each other. I also think it's so unfair to make such unflattering judgements about Sauli when nothing but good things are known of him by Finnish fans that are a much more credible source than idle speculation. I think he's very good looking and I can see why Adam is attracted and lucky to have Sauli in his life. I'm glad that these two special, really nice men have found hapiness with each other and I hope it will continue as long as they both wish. Don't understand why some people get such pleasure in tearing them down unless their own lives are unhappy. I'm glad when others find love and happiness and especially Adam and Sauli. They deserve to love and be loved like anyone else. Guess I was a "beard" for my friend's gay brother. We went to a lot of college functions, she with her brother's partner and I with him. It was in the late 1950s and it was an honor to be so trusted. I never told a soul until mentioning it on this site, many years later when it no longer matters and his privacy is still protected. Glad Adam can openly live his life and does it so well. Another reason to admire and respect him. funbunn40