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Raja Talks about Adam Lambert at Drag Race premiere Jan 18, 2011

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Raja Talks about Adam Lambert at Drag Race premiere Jan 18, 2011 from devenlane on Vimeo.

Thanks to Devenlane!


Anonymous said...

good luck, Raja!! I am your fan.

Anonymous said...

So great of Sutan/Raja to publicly acknowledge Adam for his help and support. Adam is so generous sharing what he's learned in this business and that's what good friends do. I've been following the contest and I believe he'll win. He has created some amazing looks and is quite an accomplished seamstress. Drag is a very creative art form is and so visually interesting as well as entertaining. The claws really come out and the queens can take bitchyness to a new level! lol funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I fell in love with Sutan the first time he was on ANTM, and now look at him....his "Raja" is bloody fantastic. I sure hope he wins the Drag Race!

The Dark Side said...

Watching each episode this season because of Raja. I know they have already picked a winner, but this is a well kept secret. Good on them. I hope Raja wins, she deserves it. But there are a couple of very talented drag queens competing also. This week's episode shows how much pressure is put on those remaining. Raja has put an entire new spin on drag queen, and deserves to win it all.

Anonymous said...

Raja/Sutan is a beautiful drag queen. I was reading comments about the show last night. I went to LogoTV to watch the show, but it only showed some of it and the video quit on me, so I read about it. According to what I read it is not a secret who wins, but like all comments it could be just talk. Many Glambert rooting for Raja, including me.

Anonymous said...

Haven't watched any of the shows but I am always touched when I am reminded what a good friend Adam wonder he has so much support from them........"do unto others"..........JAK

Adamluv said...

Love hearing the masculine voice coming out of that beautiful face! You go, Raja!! . . Adamluv

HK fan said...

The awful blogger who shall not be named...announced the winner on hi site a few weeks ago (if you can believe anything he says is true..), he received a lot of flack from his readers.

Anonymous said...

Love Raja - she's classy and beautiful...not so campy! Nice job, Sutan!

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

Adam has such interesting friends. Lol. It's 'cause he's such a friendly and social person that he makes friends all over the world and from all walks of life. I've never seen a drag queen in my life, so being Adam's fan and getting to know some of the people he knows and hangs out with has definitely been an eye-opener.