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Ringling Brothers Circus plays Adam Lambert's "For Your Entertainment" in its music mix

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, April 18, 2011

Posted at : Monday, April 18, 2011

- Video Removed!-

Thanks Adamluv for letting us know about the controversy regarding The Ringling Brothers Circus! We have decided to not give them any attention so the video is removed.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nice! :D

Anonymous said...

Skate dance, circus... Adams music suits everywhere! Ronnie

Adamluv said...

I love hearing Adams songs used for promos but not for circus' that use animals. The cruelity and abuse these magnificent animals suffer (behind the scenes and hidden from view) is horrendous. Please dont patronize circus' that use animals for entertainment purposes. It might be entertaining for us but it certainly is not for them. Ringling Bros. has a long recorded history of animal neglect and abuse. Sorry for the rant but this is a subject that makes me angry.. . Adamluv

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with 12:22 and 12:27. Just reading the headline gave me a sick feeling in my stomach. Nothing entertaining or amusing about torturing animals.

Anonymous said...

Adamluv - This organization abuse their animals?!! As an animal lover, that sucks to hear! :(

Anonymous said...

I agree.....let me share a happy use of Adam's music. I have never seen an album for sale or heard his music on the radio......BUT.....I was sitting on my porch yesterday watching squirrels fighting or perhaps mating ? in my trees and all of a sudden I heard a familar beat.

It was coming from the direction of a nearby high school.....clear as could be the marching band was playing STRUT....then FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT. It made me so utterly happy.

A sunny day, amorous squirrels in the golden rain trees and Adam's music floating from the distance. Peace and Joy in my kingdom!...JAK

Anonymous said...

This is bad to hear about ringling brothers. Adam's music should only be played where their is love and tolerance,not just of people but for animals as well.

lieveschatt said...

I hope Adam Lambert and the Glamberts don't want to be associated with circusses that use animals. how can people still be this ignorant about these issues. I would hope this gets removed.

Anonymous said...

Oh my ummm I take the kids to the circus and the school organize trips to the circus and the zoo! Oh well.... and I eat meat to and listen to FYE!

Anonymous said...

Thousands attend the circus and enjoy every moment of it so I hope a bunch of PETA lovers get over themselves.

Anonymous said...

The tradition of the circus has been around for a very long time. This Greatest Show on Earth is exactly that. Not sure how badly animals treated, but like everything, I am sure it is exaggerated. Many of these animals in their native habitat are going extinct. All that said, it is an amazing show.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely against cruelty towards animals. Ronnie

Anonymous said...

Good news! Adam might be getting a new tattoo sometime this week! he just posted this on Twitter:

"@TommyJoeRatliff whens tattoo time?!"

So excited! What kind of tattoo do you think Tommy and Adam will get?

lieveschatt said...

So mistreating animals is okay if it's entertaining people? I would think the 'love and peace' vibe surrounding Adam and the glamberts would also mean respect for animal's wellfare.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE, 24/7 -- Could you remove this post. I too do not like to see Adam's music used by organizations that are not nice to animals. Adam Lambert is all about love, respect and understanding (and not only of human beings but of all living creatures!).

Anonymous said...

Elephants and other species are endagered BECAUSE they are hunted and amongst other things, used in entertainment. They should be left in their original habitat. Only zoos that have breeding programs and educate should be supported. How can you be a liberal thinker supporting equal rights of all kinds. But be ignorant to animal wellfare. Circusses are not of this century.

Anonymous said...

Tattoos are cruelty to the human animal!

Anonymous said...

Adam, pleeeeeez no more tattoos!

Anonymous said...

I'll sit this 1 out! I have been upset for weeks now after the shocking video came out about the 57 year old annie elephant (on you tube) can't even watch it all the way. I am on a mission now to boycott any circus that has wild animals, I've signed petitions to President Obama and everything else I can do. This circus particularly is one of the worst. They abuse all elephants to break thier spirit. Don't feel good about the new movie water for elephants either. That elephant Tia has been abused also as a baby-not now, but the damage has been done. In a way I'm glad this came up because I've wanted to shout from the roof tops to make everyone aware. All live animals should not be used for our entertainment in this day and age. So cruel. Sorry for ranting and ravin, but I feel really strong about this and I won't watch that video even if its our beloved adam's song.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday we get pictures of Neil riding on an elephant. Today we get news that Ringling Bros is using Adam's music at the circus. What's going on in this crazy world?

Anonymous said...

I just wrote the comment above and forgot to put my name on it 2:18

Anonymous said...

Elephants are very social animals, they need to live with their own kind in the wild, it make them unhappy even keep at the zoo.

Anonymous said...

@1:28- Thank god we have people like PETA and the humane society- do you have any idea what they really do to these poor innocent animals. That's the problem, people love these circuses because they are ignorant to what is really going on. educate yourself please.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea the circus business was this cruel. I attend a circus every summer and I feel like I don't want to anymore.

Anonymous said...

I also heard about annie the elephant here the link

Anonymous said...

@24/7 although I thank-you for removing the video- I think it should stay up if we can just reach one person about circuses. This should not be ignored so maybe it's a good thing to keep it up and make people aware. that's been the problem, people are not aware.

URANUS said...

I'm also one of the people who didn't know about this.

But for those that watched the video. What was it like? Was it in a circus? The video was deleted before I got to see it. (Not that i want to)

Anonymous said...

@2:56 this particular video showed NO abuse, it's this circus that is cruel and abusive to animals behind the scenes and I'm really proud that so many people here are aware of it. Go to the link at 2:41 and find out what its all about.

Anonymous said...

I didn't see the video about the circus & FYE.I hope you DON'T GET ANY MORE TATS,ADAM!!PLEASE,NO!!The 2 you have are ok,but you have beautiful arms the way they are..& beautiful skin also.I love your freckles,too!!Tommy,if you want them,ok,but BB doesn't need them.There are many celebrities that are sorry now that they got so many tats & are removing,or trying,to get them removed now.Cher is one of them.She had so many on her arms & I don't think she could get them all removed,so she always wears long sleeve tops.I haven't see her wear short sleeve blouses in years.Adam,Please DON'T,OK??Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Before you ban all circuses, it probably requires some proof that they ALL mistreat animals. It's so strange that those accessorizing with leather belts and leather purses while they're sitting in leather chairs are against circuses while cheering on Adam getting more tattoos. Would you be against elephants getting tattoos or would that be considered animal abuse, too? ;D

Anonymous said...

Yup, I don't want anymore tats also, but I never like them on anyone so my opinion doesn't really count. I have freckles so to me I have enough marks lol


Ashlee said...

Thank you for removing the video. Ringling Bros are terrible people. They do not need any support.

Anonymous said...

Adam please. Don 't conform to what everybody else is doing. Why do all the guys in the band have to look the same? Are you all going to wear the same uniforms, too? At some point it becomes an obsession. Luv you, always

Lieveschatt said...

No animal should be 'used' for entertainment. Animals true nature and needs should be respected. it doens't have to be as extreme as violent abuse for it to be harmful for the animal. baby chimps in dresses, threated like babies might seem cute & harmless to many, but is obviously bad for the animal. not to mention how the 'owner' got this animal (killing the mother). Let animals be where they belong. Harmless entertainment enough in the world, right Glamberts?! :-)

Anonymous said...

Adam's music is played on the radio. On the radio there is news at the top of each hour. On these news casts, sometimes they mention child abuse. On these news casts, sometimes they mention rape and murder. Therefore, I am not going to listen to the radio anymore and I will NEVER request that an Adam song be played on the radio. This accomplishes two things. 1. I have cut my nose off to spite my face.
2. I have actively helped to curtail Adam's career.
How stupid am I?

For god's sake. Worry about the things you can control, the rest just let go.

Anonymous said...

4:22pm lol. and what is the biggy about Adam getting another tatoo. If he hates it ten years from now, so what!!

Adamluv said...

Thank you Glamberts for showing your compassion towards all Gods creatures - be it human or animal! And to the person who said - Worry about things you can control - we as consumers control a lot more than we think. If people stopped supporting circus' with animal acts and greyhound racing just to name 2, they'd stop using animals !!!!!!!! The bottom line is money! . . . Adamluv

Anonymous said...

1:28. PETA is a horrible organization. They do not believe in the concept of animal ownership. So dogs, domesticated for thousands of years, are killed by PETA, and PETA claims to have rescued them. PLEASE, please do your research before supporting and contributing to this organization. If you truly want to help, check your local non-kill shelters and help them with caring for and placing their animals in loving homes.

I have been actively involved with dogs (not as a breeder) for almost 30 years, and I can tell you that among "dog people" it is common knowledge that PETA is a deplorable organization. They have let dogs out of crates at large dog shows and don't care that they get lost,injured or killed. They have personally euthanized thousands of dogs in the name of rescue. Remember that they don't believe that people should have animals including dogs, cats and birds.

Make your own judgement. I just encourage you to research the full scope of this organization's activity.

Anonymous said...

This was in the newspaper and on TV re: Ringling Bro abuse of the elephants. There is a lot of animal and children abuse out there today. There was a law passed to protect animals, if you call police, you don't have to give name. I think any abuser should go to jail, be it animal, child or spousal, (man or women).

Anonymous said...

I personally hate tats, but so many young people have them. It almost seems necessary to be an entertainer. I'm sure anything Adam does will be tasteful. I also hear they are addicting, and it's difficult to quit. You always find something else you want to add after the first one?

You can tell the younger fans are excited, and we older fans don't want him to cover any part of his perfection. Tats to most older people are ugly, and they harken back to the reality many years ago that tats were a result of prison time or a soldier on leave who had too much to drink. There was (and still is in some quarters) a stigma attached to tats. When applying for a job, they needed to be covered. However, in the entertainment industry, they seem to be a requirement.

I love Adam for his music and for the type of person he represents. He would never presume to tell anyone what to do, and I wouldn't either.

Bing said...

@Adamluv - i couldn't agree with you more and thanks so much to you and the rest for supporting the fight against cruelty to animals. Ditto, this is one thing that can be controlled if respectable and legitimate organized groups will be determined to work on it. If there is more information making people aware of what these animals are subjected to, then it would open minds and stop people from patronizing such shows. Political will and conviction are needed to end the atrocity to animals. With social networking it is easier now to intensify campaigns and undertakings with issues like this. I am not aware but do hope that they are giving this more attention now. Thanks again @Adamluv :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's an interesting swing of the pendulum that tattoos...once considered crass and low-brow...and now very in vogue.

As many of you have heard me say before, I live in Seattle and the majority of the population has tattoos here, so it's quite the "norm", and there are some very beautiful, interesting and clever ones out's not the old days where tattoos were smudgy black blobs depicting eagles or hula girls. They are quite the art form, now, and are used to express people's individuality. I personally would love to see Adam get a sleeve...I think it would be so sexy and make him more of a "bad boy", but then, I have 5 tattoos myself (in discrete places, so people see them if I want them to) so I have an appreciation for the art form.

- Adam Fix

Anonymous said...

To each his own,but a tat sleeve for Adam?Please,no!!!I would like him to be"different" & NOT have all the tats that many rock singers think they need.Another small one,or two may not be too bad on his left arm,about where those other two are on his rt. arm,but NONE are the best for Adam,I think.

Anonymous said...

"An eye for an eye" - that's the way to deal with people who are cruel to animals.

A tat sleeve - why tamper with perfection Adam - and I believe they're very difficult to remove - but to each his/her own.

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for the information about the abuse. I didn´t even see the video while putting my first comment from my mobile.. And thank you all others who right away noticed the fault of this circus subject. You have so much love in your hearts!!!


Anonymous said...

Please consider supporting the elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee rather than attending a circus. This is were some of the elephants that were abused can spent their remaining years in wonderful suroundings with caring people

tess4ADAM said...

Re: ADAM's tattoo ... ADAM has a mind of his own & if he chooses to get more tattoos ... nothing we say or anyone else for that matter is going to make any difference ... hence all the tattoed bodies walking around in this world against the advice of others ... old & young alike ... my hubby WISHES he never got them ... the older you get .. the more the skin sags & the UGLIER the tattos look. The alternative (removal) is quite PAINFUL I am told as well as expensive. So I hope ADAM doesn't go too OTT if he decides to get one but then of course it is HIS decision to make & OURS to deal with if we DISagree ... JMO


Anonymous said...

@8:51 Your absolutely right, tenn in the best elephant santuary. Update on annie the U.K. elephant horrible abused for 57 years , the outpouring of anger around the world including simon cowell (gave 1 million dollars to get annie freed ) she is now living in longfleat U>K. and everyone there is giving her love and support for the few years she has left.

Anonymous said...

I'm against abuse of any living thing, especially defenseless animals. I've been a supporter Greenpeace for many years as well as the Cousteau Society protecting marine life. There is terrible abuse of circus animals and wish animals would no longer be a part of it. I can do without this video. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

Re: Adam getting more tattoos, hope he doesn't. It's fine for Tommy. He's a rock musician, but Adam is much more than that and I think it will limit his opportunities. Movies, theatre are a possibilty that could be compromised by large sleeves. They don't photograph well and fade with time, sometimes looking like a dirty arm in a photo. I like his eye of Horus and infinity symbol. It has meaning and is visible, but can be covered if need be. A sleeve on the stage will look like a blob of color, objects all running together, losing the impact of the ones he already has. Maybe another small one with meaning, but hate to see him detract from his beautiful face and sexy body. "More is more" in my opinion isn't always the most beneficial way to go. When you reach 60 and skin begins to sag, I don't think it's very attractive, but JMO. I prefer my art on the walls. Eber isn't thrilled with them either. Trends change and tatts are permanent. Adam will do whatever he wants to do and it's his body, but hate to see him mar that beautiful body. I know it's an expression of art, but tastes change and tatts are there forever. He also has fair thin skin that wouldn't fare well if he wanted to remove them later. I really wouldn't care if it were someone else, but it's really his choice. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

I know we all do Off topic comments and it's so cool because we all understand how and when to do it. Unwritten law with this website- but this is really the first time I noticed we are on 2 totally different topics. Animal abuse of circus animals and adam's tats. IMO I think we should talk about this ringling torture circus whereas it will never come again ,sadly but adams tats will always.