Ryan Tedder Talks About Working with Adam Lambert (In New Interview)
Filed Under (interview,Others ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, April 06, 2011

THR: You recently worked with several Idol alums including Adam Lambert, with whom you’ve written two songs. In terms of the progress of his new album, where do you think he’s at musically?
Tedder: I think he's a rocker. He can definitely pull off a dance song, but after working with him, I really think he’s a rock dude and one of the greatest male vocalists around, for sure. The first album was trying every musical style under the sun, but I believe his naturally proclivity is rock and I think that's the direction he's going to go. No matter what, I think Adam’s a star.
THR: Adam has described the album as slightly more serious, did you get that sense in the studio?
Tedder: He’s still super funny and goofy as hell. We just have fun in the studio. He doesn't take himself seriously at all. It's still cheeky and sarcastic, but he definitely knows what he wants. As for me, the only stuff I've ever had success with is when I'm trying to be completely original and not thinking about mirroring what else is out there. So basically – and selfishly -- all I really do is, I write or produce the kind of Adam Lambert song that I would want to hear.
Source: Hollywoodreporter
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Love it when other people talk about Adam being funny and goofy...not taking himself so seriously. Shines a light on the "whole of Adam".
Ryan Tedder: Keep on being selfish. I want to hear what you want to hear Adam sing.
Yeah... this kind of «selfishly» is GOOD. It means NEW, it means SURPRISE, it means HOT AS HELL, it means «another gem» in this international treasure called sweet Adam Mitchel Lambert.
I agree that rock is the way Adam should go.
I love NR and RT. Such talent.
You've got to admit , it doesn't matter who or what, anything Adam sings is fantastic! I'm still trying to figure out which song I love the most and which one the least. But I'll still say, Adam's FS WLL, and tourside of PH/WLL should've been his Grammy nom "song" ok, and fosho on the GNT DVD/cd.
Yea it's great to hear what other artists say about Adam since we don't hear many of them talking about our DiamondBoy! MWAH!! K
Super funny and goofy.....I just love this man....
What? Ryan said in the article that he got tired of Sleepwalker a year and half ago. Maybe he got tired of his own version. But I love Adam's version of Sleepwalker. I replay the GNL cd of it. Can't wait to hear what he cooked up for Adam on album #2.
Ryan Tedder is my hero, he's a true song writer, I respect his opinions and his songs...Come Home gives me goose bumps. When we heard Adam had gone to see Ryan I was so excited and hopeful for the new album.
Thank You Ryan for "getting" Adam.....JAK :)
Ryan Tedder is so talented and he says no matter what "Adam is a Star"! Yep, couldn't agree more! I hope Adam will do more rock 'cause I love it. It's so hard to decide though, his sweet, pure, angelic voice is in a class by itself too. I really don't think there are many male voices out there currently who can come close to Adam's talent. Looks like we're in for some exciting original music!
Rock on guys!! This 2nd album will rock the world again and more power indeed.
Can't wait to rock with Adam again ha!ha!ha!
My gosh I don't wanna go to bed yet!!!! I just came home forgot sake!!!!! I want to spend few more minutes with you guys.... It's counting the minute oh ! no!!!!!
I'm so happy for Adam and thanks for the good vibes Ryan Tedder....
That's exactly what Randy and Kara told Adam on AI - to do rock music! Love hearing all the positive stuff about Adam. . . . Adamluv
I love Adam Lambert and tried really, really hard to get into his dance music (but failed miserably) If he was to throw just a little bit more rock out there with the next album, it would make a lot of us fans sublimely happy!
So excited to hear this news!
Love Ryan Tedder. I just rewatched Adam singing WLL from AI rock week. He killed it and all the judges said he was a rock star. Love his ballads also. There will probably be both on his next Album. Really hope so, it is going to be an epic one.
Rock is absolutely thee road adam should take! Still want to hear his veersion of sweet child of mine! He would kill it!!
I have said in other comments that Adam Lambert is the best vocal talent in the music business today and I was so happy to see a similar comment from Tedder. Adam is in a league of his own. He is a diamond in a sea of "cubic zirconia". We have seen him rock out and even though we love his ballads and the acoustic sounds, he is destined for stardom in the world of rock music. Adam seems to be collaborating with some terrific people and I know we can't wait for this second album this fall.
Very positive article about Adam and his voice, talent etc..
OK folks, of COURSE Ryan spoke highly of Adam!! But how about some love for Ryan himself peeps?
Ryan is an AWESOME song writer, can you imagine Adam without Sleep Walker?? Heaven forbid!! :-X
But also Ryan is a phenomenal performer in his own right. Ever heard him sing, he will knock you out! Also great pianist, plays guitar, hey a mean tambourine even! Oh yes, did I mention he is very easy on the eyes???
Also if you haven't checked out One Republic yet, do yourself a favor and do it! I traveled from Houston to San Antonio and back in the same night to see their show, almost 400 miles round trip, alone! Crazy you say-- not a chance. One of the best shows I've ever seen---hands down. And Ryan was unbelievably good, vocals superb, energetic and very crowd friendly. What a show...
So the fact that Ryan speaks so well of others does not surprise me... Glamberts, he is #OneOfTheGoodGuys. Yes, there is more than one...
Peace Out.
rock hard Mr. Lambert! long live Rock n Roll!
Agree Dinah-mite. I haven't seen One Republic perform live, but really luv their music. Ryan is so super talented. Glad he seems to also like Adam.
As @Fan4Fun said Adam is an INTERNATIONAL TREASURE! I´m so happy for Adam!!
There is Sia and now this Ryan guy. Adam surely works with the best musicians who see his value and appreciate his unic voice. Very few can sing acoustic nowadays. But Adam surely can!!!! Rock man rock!!!!
I love Ryan Tedder and One Republic. Big fans of theirs before I discovered Adam. Bought all of their albums. They are outrageous. Tried to get tickets for their concert. It was really expensive. Tedder is genius singer/songwriter/producer. Too bad radios don't play their music as much and we have to listen to Kesha, Perry, Gaga songs every 10 minutes. I haven't bought any single track of their songs and I know all their songs by heart cause it's played every ten minutes on the radio.
I read the whole article. Ryan Tedder was very impressed with Stefano's voice.
Adam Lambert - Worldwide Song God. :)
You have probably seen this, but since it´s recording time again, I think it is fun to see how he works and interacts with producers and song writers. Ryan Tedder in the beginning:
Ryan + Adam = stellar music!! You betcha Ryan --Adam is a true STAR and a ROCKER!! Ryan has worked with alot of people - and he knows true talent when he sees it. Thank-you Ryan!!
Adam said before that he has a few tricks up his sleeve and KNOWS WHAT HE WANTS!! Sooo happy too that Adam is still GOOFY and FUNNY - those are precious traits to have.
The music busy can be ruthless. Adam had gained respect from many world reknowned producers like Ryan and he will ROCK OUT and CRUSH the competition with his new album!!
This is soo hard to wait until the fall for the release - but it will be soooo worth it!!
Thanks Ryan Tedder. It is so nice to hear all the positive things from everyone who has worked with Adam. It must be so rewarding for him to hear his peers praise his vocals and actually he is one of the greatest male vocalists around, WOW, what a compliment. I remember Brian May saying much the same thing. It is also nice to hear that they like him personally and this comes from so many people. I just love being a fan of Adam because I too think he is the greatest male vocalist in the music industry today. KLM
Love One Rebublic and Ryan Tedder, so happy Adam is working with him, it is a love/love relationship.
So looking forward to this album that Adam says is going to be more Leather than Glam. Cool, Cool, Cool.
I also love his sweet soft tones,probably even more, I am sure there will be some of both, rock and "Soaked" like vocals.
Jadam. NZ.
Ryan wrote Sleepwalker, so little has to be said how he knocked that out of the park. I'm up for anything he writes and Adam sings.
So encouraging! Adam's vocals are going to soar and wail in a beautiful Tedder melody. Hopefully it's a song that inspires writhing on the floor at the end...
Ryan Tedder has a gift for seeing the gifts of each person. Thank goodness for his insite.
...and they did it all in DENVER....just gives me chills!!!
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