Adam Lambert's "Glam Nation Live" DVD #2 in Second Week!
Filed Under (DVD news ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Info from Usatoday:
After debuting atop SoundScan's Music Video chart last week, Adam Lambert sells an addition 4,000 copies of his Glam Nation Live DVD this week. That's enough to keep him at No. 2, behind a Les Miserables: 25th Anniversary in Concert release that features Nick Jonas. The total sales so far is around 21,000 copies!
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Good news and congratulations to all the fans who bought the DVD........Many thanks
Keep supporting Adam !!!!!!
Mom from Toronto, Canada
That's f'king amazing. I bought mine in the first week.
Great news. I love mine and bought one for someone's birthday. I have been telling so many people to buy it. Adam is the most amazing singer and performer in this world! Everyone please buy an extra one as a gift.
I will be getting mine on Saturday, so no one will be seeing me til Monday.
I bought five - one for me and 4 for gifts.
Tonight on Idol - Scotty Rocked Elvis back into the house. James finally won me over and Paul was very good as he once again blinded me with his teeth.
James and Scotty and Pia all rocked. good-bye Haley.
Holy GlamGorgeous .... what a fabulous gif!! :D
Not a fan of JD .... he's trying to be a carbon copy of Adam and not succeeding.
@ 9:22
I totally agree with you. He is no Adam Lambert, even with the suit. His high tone was good, but not the ballad part.
@ anons 9:22 and 9:38
Totally agree, JD is deff trying to do what Adam did so successfully but JD just doesn't have the specialness in his voice that Adam has. Granted it was good to see him sit on a stool and sing an emotional song instead of all the recent stage antics displayed the last 3 weeks. No one can beat Adam...sorry.
I'm buying more DVDs later this week. Absolutely the best. If you have not purchased and watched this DVD, you are missing a performance of a lifetime. It's cheap. You can get this terrific entertainment for less than $15.00, and you'll watch it over and over. The vocals are incredible.
my family loved James, Casey and Jacob.I picked Pia,James and Scotty. Can't imagine who will leave tomorrow.
I haven't voted since Adam was on the show and won't ever get so invested in a contestant again. Don't have to since we have our star now!! Did want to say I thought James copied Adam tonight but I thought he was good and I was proud of him. It's obvious that he admires Adam so why can't he copy what worked for him? I hope he continues to do well. This year has had the most good singers and it is difficult to pick who should go home. Having said all that, no one comes close to Adam -- he has it all!
Love the GNL cd/dvd. If you don't have it purchase it. It's must have. I play both of them cd in the car and dvd at home.
Watched AI tonight. Wasn't theme of the night Rock 'n' Roll? None of the contestants rocked the house tonight. Judges praised them all. Now I miss Simon to tell them something so they can improve themselves. This season is getting boring just like last season. I miss Adam's season so much. I wish we had him on t.v. every single week.
I don't understand why people compare James to Adam. I can't see any resemblance in looks, artists take of arranging songs, vocal ability, etc. Just because he shuts doesn't mean he's like Adam. Last season Sibhoun did the same thing and they compared her to Adam. Adam has range in his tone. He takes it up and brings it down. I haven't seen any of them being able to do what Adam does. Just listen to Soaked on GNL cd/dvd and play it few times. Concentrate on his vocal technique on this song. I haven't heard anybody being able to do what he does.
Two black and white pics of Adam with his long hair look. Stunning profile!
Oh PUHLEEZ! Since when has "While My Gently Weeps" been a rock song?!?! I'm a Beatle fan from way back and James's version of this song just didn't stack up.
The judges this year are WOEFUL! Have they been told to say 'beautiful' and 'you know I love you' and et al of the same ilk ad nauseam?! Simon is soooo missed on this show. At least they could give us judges on future shows who tell it like it REALLY is.
This gif is my favorite so far!! :D
Thrilled to hear GNT DVD/CD is still selling well. :D
Without Simon, American Idol is deadly dull and boring. Praising contestants incessantly only gives them false hope. Reality time American Idol.
@Eva dear!
You always find these beautiful pics of Adam for us!! Adam looks like a prince from a fairytale. A white horse and a sword are just missing.
Went back to listen to Adam on rock week do whole lotta love, now that was rock. He was amazing. No one is like Adam. James with his hair down and suit jacket seems to be copying Adam. I did not think his performance was very good, and all the tears. Last night thought he should have done like a heavy metal song and have done a ballad last week from Elton John. His scream is irritating. Adam's is musical.
It looks like Adam is the one to bring back Rock on TV in US, he is definitively a rocker if US are ready. I only find Haley and Paul kind of Rock, the rest can stay away from R&R theme. Have to say Scotty look too weird for holding the mic in that position and James just did OK, he doesn't have the rich vocal to kill the song.
I may go and buy another copy of GNL just in case it will get worn out.
Please download Billboard Aftermath Remix from iTunes, it is a very easy way to help keep BB's name a force on iTunes.
Yea for GN DVD!!! It's a great way to have a "scrapbook" of this amazing show. anon 4:21, that's a great idea - I may buy myself an extra copy since I might wear mine out too!
It's tough for me to enjoy AI very much since Adam was on. I wasn't overly interested BEFORE Adam, and I'm not overly interested AFTER Adam. Adam has a style and personality that not many are blessed with. Add to that his amazing voice and undeniable charisma, and you've got an artist that is in a league of his own.
I hear comparisons of James to Adam all the time. I think James is emulating many of Adam's performances, but it just doesn't do anything for me. I'm trying very hard not to dislike James for these comparisons - all power to him! He just hasn't captured my heart like Adam did. Of this season, the only two I'd pay to see perform are Casey and Paul. I think they both did very well last night, especially Paul.
I'm happy for him but surprised that the total sold is so little. One would think that the GNT concert goers would want a copy? I saw him several times last summer and I def. wanted this DVD. There was more than 21k that went to GNT!
I also believe the CD is So good...but few will know this info, if it doesn't get more/better advertisement.
Advertising and promotion is not RCA:s forte. They rely on the fans as usual. I guess many people just don´t know there is a DVD out there.
About AI: I have totally lost interest. I feel irritated watching it. I know they are talented this year and should give them a chanse but I just can´t build up any enthusiasm for the whole thing. Adam ruined it. Thank you Adam!
One more thing: you all say Adam is "talented". To me that is the wrong word. A talent is someone with a potential, still in a learning process, like the rest of the contestants. Adam is fully skilled, ready for the world stage. He shouldn´t have been on AI. It´s a shame he had to be there to be recognized and now he has to fight the stigma of being from a talent show. The ignorant music snobs have that "Idol-filter" over ears and eyes and have a hard time accepting him.
I really hope Adam 2 is going to kick in doors and he will have the fame he deserves so well.
James durbin ingin seperti adam.tapi dia tak berhasil memukau seperti adam.Im prediction dia cuma 3 besar.Adam very special.handsome,charismatic,amazing voice,outstanding.singer international now. jadi kecil sekali kemungkinan bisa sukses seperti adam.
@Anon 6:07
You said "I'm happy for him but surprised that the total sold is so little".
For concert DVD to go gold in US,UK and Germany (the biggest markets) requirement is 25,000 sold.
I guess GNT DVD selling 21,000 in first two weeks looks reallly good.!!
Feeling better now? :))))))
@EVA! I agree Adam shouldn't had to have used AI as a platform to show his gift to the world. But he did and I know we all just fell in love with that voice of his. Adam cannot be compared to, don't watch AI no more, I leave Adam to his private life, just got Aftermath remix on iTunes, GNT live on iTunes, two copies of GNT live DVD/cd, several copies of FYE, won't mention #, 3 copies of Details, 2 #6 black studs in my ears, and one beautiful copy of Adam's RS mag.
Love the remix of Aftermath! GNT live is fantastic!!! Of course extras were gifted .
Looking forward to some rock n roll from Adam! Mean!! K
WTF?!!!! Omg! You know I am not mean lmao !!!!
I meant Mwah!!!!!!!!!!! K
Watched Idol and loved Jacob, Scotty and Stefano. I thought a girl would definately win this year, but I don't think so now. Pia has a beautiful voice, but it's so sterile, no depth, even though she hits all the notes. I'm NOT a James Durbin fan AT ALL, but he did a nice job on "while my guitar gently weeps." No biggie, though. Hope he doesn't win the whole thing. BTW, that article that was linked about Sony/19 Entertainment management was really informative. Something tells me Adam will HAVE to get out of that management if he's going to sustain himself. That group just doesn't seem interested in his promotion or some other performers either. If Adam hets better management, there is NO STOPPING him! We fans can't do it ourselves. BTW, I watch Idol because I want to "stay in the loop" of it and not be clueless, but it's often like going to the dentist, now. My heart's just not in it. Adam stole my heart and soul and I'm helpless.
James has absolutely no sex appeal. Just a goofy, wanna-be kid.
I seem to be the only one here that loves haley.The last two weeks she has become my faviorite. I also loved James last night. Paul has got to go- he will get a toothpaste commericial I'm sure lol. Most poles are sayin stefano leaving tonight. I do believe this is the most talented group since adam's year however. very entertaining.
@anon 8:13am. JD can't have sex appeal. He has problem with his health and his face muscles out of control. JD deff has some potentials but he is still trying to copy Adam even after he completely denied it.
Bought 4 copies of GNL and one copy of Aftermath from AO and two copies from ITune store yesterday.
But one thing made me very sad yesterday. We had guests and Mom mentioned Adam's name. They are from San Diego. When they heard Adam's name they said that after they found that Adam is gay and a lot of them watched AMA, his name forbidden in their family and many jewish families in San Diego (our friends are Jewish). I was very sad when I heard it.
But my Mom said that we don't care about it. Adam is genious, his voice and performances are fantastic! And she doesn't care he is gay or not.As a matter of fact Mom reminded these guys that many very talented, gifted people are gays. And many geniouses in art history were gays>
I tried to stop her and change the subject.
Hope some things in people minds will change soon.
Just watched AI ... S8, Adam's ACIGC, at the Zodiac, and his last performance of ACIGC! That song has so much meaning for Adam. I cried just thinking what a life he had in the past and now ... Adam is a superstar!!! WOW! So happy for Adam! MWAH!! K
I have not wanted to, rreeaaalllyy not wanted to acuse J Durbin of copying Adam, but I just can't keep from going there any longer! I don't want to be one of those that thinks the world revolves around Adam Lambert, but I am sorry, Durbin is absolutely taking many various "things" from Lambert (and Lambert's run on AI). To me, just my opinion, it is simply undeniable at this point. Ultimately 'though, whatever!
Please download Billboard Aftermath Remix from iTunes if possible.
GNL DVD/CD is fantastic. I keep the CD in my car. I am so happy to see that it is selling so well. Great for Adam. I still have to buy 2 more copies as gifts. I hope it keeps selling. People who did not go to his concert do not know what they missed and the DVD will take them away on a magical musical trip. Love his vocals. He is the best singer in the industry, IMO. KLM
Why did you try to stop your mother and change the subject? These guests needed to hear the truth over and over again. Didn´t you tell them it´s 2011 and not 1950.
@Eva They were slightly overwelmed:) and I didn't want make them upset and nervous. It was their little girl birthday and I didn't want to make anybody mad.
I am sure that their oldest daughter doesn't care about her parents opinions.
I already had some conversation about different kind of sexual orientation last summer. And made them very mad!
Just wondering: Does Da Vinci's name forbidden in jewish communities?
Wish Adam could get on a show and sing soaked. I played it from my GNL CD for 2 people who said they didn't like Adam. They were blown away after hearing his voice. He should go on dancing with the stars and sing that to promote his GNLcd/dvd. but I'm not his management so it probably won't happen. Please purchase the Aftermath remix on ITunes.
Love that GIF. I can look at it all day. God he's so pretty. Yes, get the DVD so you can look at him all day moving, dancing, and singing. Listen to his CD in your car or at home doing you daily chores or exersice.
12:23 Just what ballroom dance would you have the contestants perform to Soaked? Samba? Two step? Oh I know, Jive! Oh no, better yet, the Viennese Waltz, because it's a slow dance and it fits the lyrics so well..."Soaked to the bone, sink like a stone, walk all alone." You put a thought into my head that has ruined my favorite song. Thanks alot!!! Sheesh!!
Pia is so pretty and has such a beautiful voice, it's such a shame she has the personality of a potato.
I'm 1:36 above. I forgot to add that I was glad to see her move around a little and she actually did sing faster.
Hello Glam-Happy Fans of AFL & 24/7 Paradise!
Just wanted to share this feeling with you, THE feeling most of you (most probably) can relate to:
Tonight FINALLY got the GNL DVD/CD in my hands, just opened the PACKAGE...have not watched it yet, have not listened to it yet...CAN'T DO IT YET (have people in my house), but cherish the thought of having a day off tomorrow and being on my own...postponing the inevitable!
GGD Gal, wondering how can I sleep 2night...
Came home today and turned the tv on. There HE was singing Whataya want from me! I went close to the tv and Adam. Listened and watched. His importance for me grows every day bigger and bigger. This is so strange. Adam touches deep in my soul. It is frightening and stunning. Sanni
Go Delilahs Mum. Yes it is so sad there are still ignorant people around, who think being Gay is a lifestyle choice.
Soaked is my go to video and song to show people Adams talent to.
I think the comparison of James and Adam could be a good thing maybe causing people to look up Adam and listen to him again and see his voice and technique is unparelled. In saying that I wish James luck. As Adam has said in the past "there is room for us all"I havent yet seen this weeks Idol as we dont get it till Friday, Saturday here in New Zealand.
Jadam NZ.
@1:33 Why so mean. I just used that song because it shows his vocal abilities the best. Let him sing anything from his GNL cd that can be danced to or not. Just telling you how if people who didn't think they liked Adam really listened to him they could change their minds. Being mean does not belong here.Sorry I ruined your song, but don't hurt peoples feelings.
OT - two adorable pics of Sauli and Katri advertising the tutka. Sauli looks great in a suit with Katri in the long gown
@anon 8.28
you're not alone, I really like Hayley too. I'm enjoying this season of AI, sooooo much better than last year, but don't care who wins, none of them have the 'it' factor.
They don´t dance to guest performers on DWTS, so Soaked would be just fine. Geeeeeeez!!
I think we all feel the same and I get a bit frightened sometimes, because I have never followed anyone like this and I can´t explain what he does to make me do it. He is a real kultakaritsainen.
don't know why you asked, but just to let you know that Da Vinci is not a problem in the jewish community.
Delilah, I don't even know where to start with your post from this morning.
Jewish people not liking Adam because he's gay?
Jewish people and Da Vinci?
Durbin's facial expressions/twitches? Has no sex appeal because of his health?
Just because a bunch of people who happen to be Jewish don't like Adam, or gay lifestyle, isn't based on religion. It's just who you happened to be in the same room with. Trust me, many people of many faiths don't like "gay."
I am Jewish, and have never even remotely heard of anything about Da Vinci? Where are you getting this from? Hunh?
James Durbin has both Tourette's and Asperger's which is a from of Autism. The Tourette's gives him tics/twitches. He talks openly about how when he sings they go away. The Asperger's causes him to have social and emotional difficulties. For instance, he interprets things very directly and has problems interpreting abstract information and with humor interpretation, and of sarcasm.
Should we vote for James because he has two disabilities to overcome. No. People should only vote for him if they like him.
No sex appeal because of his health? I don't even know where to go with that. Except this. GROW UP. He has a woman in his life, is not single, has a child. The woman is beautiful. Obviously she finds him sexy.
4:43 I love your comments! Wow something needed to be said for sure. Your thoughts on each of those remarks was spot on and I agree with them all. Why are people so judging with James. Doesn't he want what we all want to be happy etc. I will be so proud of America if they pick someone this year that is not cookie cutter of what we think "the American Idol should be" We are a melting pot of human differance and I embrace them all and their gifts.
@anon 4:43pm I didn't talk about all Jewish people. As a matter of fact my Mom is Jewish. Probably, I coudn't explain what I meant right way. I wrote about few families who don't want to mention Adam's name around there children because they are Jewish. They tould me about this and made me upset. I mention DaVinci name because he was gay. Does it mean that his name forbitten in these families also?
I know what give Durbin this twitches. Somebody said that he doesn't have sex appeal. I also don't like his haircut and fox tail he had few weeks ago! And this is my personal opinoin why James is not sexy for me. I am happy for James that he has wife and child.
We talked about JD many times, I always wish him good luck. But each of us have personal opinion about his performances.
I was raised in a Jewish neighborhood and never heard of any of my friends ever having any negative beliefs regarding gays. I don't know what the very conservative Hassidic Jews believe, as my friends came from more liberal views, although some of their parents that were Orthodox kept Kosher homes and were very strict, observing their customs. There are variations in the Christian religion also with some taking everything in the bible literally and to some,to extreme levels. So much is subject to interpretation and it's not always accurate to generalize... I think this season Idol has some real talent and it's so much better than last season. funbunn40
Thanks Eva for sticking up for me. Love you.
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